Difference between Monad and Applicative in Haskell - haskell

I just read the following from typeclassopedia about the difference between Monad and Applicative. I can understand that there is no join in Applicative. But the following description looks vague to me and I couldn't figure out what exactly is meant by "the result" of a monadic computation/action. So, if I put a value into Maybe, which makes a monad, what is the result of this "computation"?
Let’s look more closely at the type of (>>=). The basic intuition is
that it combines two computations into one larger computation. The
first argument, m a, is the first computation. However, it would be
boring if the second argument were just an m b; then there would be no
way for the computations to interact with one another (actually, this
is exactly the situation with Applicative). So, the second argument to
(>>=) has type a -> m b: a function of this type, given a result of
the first computation, can produce a second computation to be run.
... Intuitively, it is this ability to use the output from previous
computations to decide what computations to run next that makes Monad
more powerful than Applicative. The structure of an Applicative
computation is fixed, whereas the structure of a Monad computation can
change based on intermediate results.
Is there a concrete example illustrating "ability to use the output from previous computations to decide what computations to run next", which Applicative does not have?

My favorite example is the "purely applicative Either". We'll start by analyzing the base Monad instance for Either
instance Monad (Either e) where
return = Right
Left e >>= _ = Left e
Right a >>= f = f a
This instance embeds a very natural short-circuiting notion: we proceed from left to right and once a single computation "fails" into the Left then all the rest do as well. There's also the natural Applicative instance that any Monad has
instance Applicative (Either e) where
pure = return
(<*>) = ap
where ap is nothing more than left-to-right sequencing before a return:
ap :: Monad m => m (a -> b) -> m a -> m b
ap mf ma = do
f <- mf
a <- ma
return (f a)
Now the trouble with this Either instance comes to light when you'd like to collect error messages which occur anywhere in a computation and somehow produce a summary of errors. This flies in the face of short-circuiting. It also flies in the face of the type of (>>=)
(>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
If we think of m a as "the past" and m b as "the future" then (>>=) produces the future from the past so long as it can run the "stepper" (a -> m b). This "stepper" demands that the value of a really exists in the future... and this is impossible for Either. Therefore (>>=) demands short-circuiting.
So instead we'll implement an Applicative instance which cannot have a corresponding Monad.
instance Monoid e => Applicative (Either e) where
pure = Right
Now the implementation of (<*>) is the special part worth considering carefully. It performs some amount of "short-circuiting" in its first 3 cases, but does something interesting in the fourth.
Right f <*> Right a = Right (f a) -- neutral
Left e <*> Right _ = Left e -- short-circuit
Right _ <*> Left e = Left e -- short-circuit
Left e1 <*> Left e2 = Left (e1 <> e2) -- combine!
Notice again that if we think of the left argument as "the past" and the right argument as "the future" then (<*>) is special compared to (>>=) as it's allowed to "open up" the future and the past in parallel instead of necessarily needing results from "the past" in order to compute "the future".
This means, directly, that we can use our purely Applicative Either to collect errors, ignoring Rights if any Lefts exist in the chain
> Right (+1) <*> Left [1] <*> Left [2]
> Left [1,2]
So let's flip this intuition on its head. What can we not do with a purely applicative Either? Well, since its operation depends upon examining the future prior to running the past, we must be able to determine the structure of the future without depending upon values in the past. In other words, we cannot write
ifA :: Applicative f => f Bool -> f a -> f a -> f a
which satisfies the following equations
ifA (pure True) t e == t
ifA (pure False) t e == e
while we can write ifM
ifM :: Monad m => m Bool -> m a -> m a -> m a
ifM mbool th el = do
bool <- mbool
if bool then th else el
such that
ifM (return True) t e == t
ifM (return False) t e == e
This impossibility arises because ifA embodies exactly the idea of the result computation depending upon the values embedded in the argument computations.

Just 1 describes a "computation", whose "result" is 1. Nothing describes a computation which produces no results.
The difference between a Monad and an Applicative is that in the Monad there's a choice. The key distinction of Monads is the ability to choose between different paths in computation (not just break out early). Depending on a value produced by a previous step in computation, the rest of computation structure can change.
Here's what this means. In the monadic chain
return 42 >>= (\x ->
if x == 1
return (x+1)
return (x-1) >>= (\y ->
return (1/y) ))
the if chooses what computation to construct.
In case of Applicative, in
pure (1/) <*> ( pure (+(-1)) <*> pure 1 )
all the functions work "inside" computations, there's no chance to break up a chain. Each function just transforms a value it's fed. The "shape" of the computation structure is entirely "on the outside" from the functions' point of view.
A function could return a special value to indicate failure, but it can't cause next steps in the computation to be skipped. They all will have to process the special value in a special way too. The shape of the computation can not be changed according to received value.
With monads, the functions themselves construct computations to their choosing.

Here is my take on #J. Abrahamson's example as to why ifA cannot use the value inside e.g. (pure True). In essence, it still boils down to the absence of the join function from Monad in Applicative, which unifies the two different perspectives given in typeclassopedia to explain the difference between Monad and Applicative.
So using #J. Abrahamson's example of purely applicative Either:
instance Monoid e => Applicative (Either e) where
pure = Right
Right f <*> Right a = Right (f a) -- neutral
Left e <*> Right _ = Left e -- short-circuit
Right _ <*> Left e = Left e -- short-circuit
Left e1 <*> Left e2 = Left (e1 <> e2) -- combine!
(which has similar short-circuiting effect to the Either Monad), and the ifA function
ifA :: Applicative f => f Bool -> f a -> f a -> f a
What if we try to achieve the mentioned equations:
ifA (pure True) t e == t
ifA (pure False) t e == e
Well, as already pointed out, ultimately, the content of (pure True), cannot be used by a later computation. But technically speaking, this isn't right. We can use the content of (pure True) since a Monad is also a Functor with fmap. We can do:
ifA' b t e = fmap (\x -> if x then t else e) b
The problem is with the return type of ifA', which is f (f a). In Applicative, there is no way of collapsing two nested ApplicativeS into one. But this collapsing function is precisely what join in Monad performs. So,
ifA = join . ifA'
will satisfy the equations for ifA, if we can implement join appropriately. What Applicative is missing here is exactly the join function. In other words, we can somehow use the result from the previous result in Applicative. But doing so in an Applicative framework will involve augmenting the type of the return value to a nested applicative value, which we have no means to bring back to a single-level applicative value. This will be a serious problem because, e.g., we cannot compose functions using ApplicativeS appropriately. Using join fixes the issue, but the very introduction of join promotes the Applicative to a Monad.

The key of the difference can be observed in the type of ap vs type of =<<.
ap :: m (a -> b) -> (m a -> m b)
=<< :: (a -> m b) -> (m a -> m b)
In both cases there is m a, but only in the second case m a can decide whether the function (a -> m b) gets applied. In its turn, the function (a -> m b) can "decide" whether the function bound next gets applied - by producing such m b that does not "contain" b (like [], Nothing or Left).
In Applicative there is no way for functions "inside" m (a -> b) to make such "decisions" - they always produce a value of type b.
f 1 = Nothing -- here f "decides" to produce Nothing
f x = Just x
Just 1 >>= f >>= g -- g doesn't get applied, because f decided so.
In Applicative this is not possible, so can't show a example. The closest is:
f 1 = 0
f x = x
g <$> f <$> Just 1 -- oh well, this will produce Just 0, but can't stop g
-- from getting applied

But the following description looks vague to me and I couldn't figure out what exactly is meant by "the result" of a monadic computation/action.
Well, that vagueness is somewhat deliberate, because what "the result" is of a monadic computation is something that depends on each type. The best answer is a bit tautological: the "result" (or results, since there can be more than one) is whatever value(s) the instance's implementation of (>>=) :: Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b invokes the function argument with.
So, if I put a value into Maybe, which makes a monad, what is the result of this "computation"?
The Maybe monad looks like this:
instance Monad Maybe where
return = Just
Nothing >>= _ = Nothing
Just a >>= k = k a
The only thing in here that qualifies as a "result" is the a in the second equation for >>=, because it's the only thing that ever gets "fed" to the second argument of >>=.
Other answers have gone into depth about the ifA vs. ifM difference, so I thought I'd highlight another significant difference: applicatives compose, monads don't. With Monads, if you want to make a Monad that combines the effects of two existing ones, you have to rewrite one of them as a monad transformer. In contrast, if you have two Applicatives you can easily make a more complex one out of them, as shown below. (Code is copypasted from transformers.)
-- | The composition of two functors.
newtype Compose f g a = Compose { getCompose :: f (g a) }
-- | The composition of two functors is also a functor.
instance (Functor f, Functor g) => Functor (Compose f g) where
fmap f (Compose x) = Compose (fmap (fmap f) x)
-- | The composition of two applicatives is also an applicative.
instance (Applicative f, Applicative g) => Applicative (Compose f g) where
pure x = Compose (pure (pure x))
Compose f <*> Compose x = Compose ((<*>) <$> f <*> x)
-- | The product of two functors.
data Product f g a = Pair (f a) (g a)
-- | The product of two functors is also a functor.
instance (Functor f, Functor g) => Functor (Product f g) where
fmap f (Pair x y) = Pair (fmap f x) (fmap f y)
-- | The product of two applicatives is also an applicative.
instance (Applicative f, Applicative g) => Applicative (Product f g) where
pure x = Pair (pure x) (pure x)
Pair f g <*> Pair x y = Pair (f <*> x) (g <*> y)
-- | The sum of a functor #f# with the 'Identity' functor
data Lift f a = Pure a | Other (f a)
-- | The sum of two functors is always a functor.
instance (Functor f) => Functor (Lift f) where
fmap f (Pure x) = Pure (f x)
fmap f (Other y) = Other (fmap f y)
-- | The sum of any applicative with 'Identity' is also an applicative
instance (Applicative f) => Applicative (Lift f) where
pure = Pure
Pure f <*> Pure x = Pure (f x)
Pure f <*> Other y = Other (f <$> y)
Other f <*> Pure x = Other (($ x) <$> f)
Other f <*> Other y = Other (f <*> y)
Now, if we add in the Constant functor/applicative:
newtype Constant a b = Constant { getConstant :: a }
instance Functor (Constant a) where
fmap f (Constant x) = Constant x
instance (Monoid a) => Applicative (Constant a) where
pure _ = Constant mempty
Constant x <*> Constant y = Constant (x `mappend` y)
...we can assemble the "applicative Either" from the other responses out of Lift and Constant:
type Error e a = Lift (Constant e) a

As #Will Ness explains in his answer, the key difference is that with Monads there's a choice between different executions paths at every step. Let's make this potential choice syntactically visible by implementing a function for sequencing four times. First for applicative f, and then for monad m:
seq4A :: Applicative f => f a -> f [a]
seq4A f =
f <**> (
f <**> (
f <**> (
f <&> (\a1 a2 a3 a4 ->
[a1, a2, a3, a4]))))
seq4M :: Monad m => m a -> m [a]
seq4M m =
m >>= (\a1 ->
m >>= (\a2 ->
m >>= (\a3 ->
m >>= (\a4 ->
return [a1, a2, a3, a4]))))
The seq4M function has the values resulting from the monadic action available at every step and could thus make a choice at every step. On the other hand the seq4A function only has the values available at the very end.

I would like to share my view on this "iffy miffy" thing, as I understand this everything inside the context get applied, so for example:
iffy :: Applicative f => f Bool -> f a -> f a -> f a
iffy fb ft fe = cond <$> fb <*> ft <*> fe where
cond b t e = if b then t else e
case 1>> iffy (Just True) (Just “True”) Nothing ->> Nothing
upps should be Just "True" ... but
case 2>> iffy (Just False) (Just “True”) (Just "False") ->> Just "False"
(the "good" choice is made inside the context)
I explained this to myself this way, just before the end of the computation in case >>1 we get something like that in the "chain" :
Just (Cond True "True") <*> something [something being "accidentaly" Nothing]
which according by definition of Applicative is evaluated as:
fmap (Cond True "True") something
which when "something" is Nothing becomes a Nothing according to Functor constraint (fmap over Nothing gives Nothing). And it is not possible to define a Functor with "fmap f Nothing = something" end of story.


How to define apply in terms of bind?

In Haskell Applicatives are considered stronger than Functor that means we can define Functor using Applicative like
-- Functor
fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap f fa = pure f <*> fa
and Monads are considered stronger than Applicatives & Functors that means.
-- Functor
fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap f fa = fa >>= return . f
-- Applicative
pure :: a -> f a
pure = return
(<*>) :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
(<*>) = ??? -- Can we define this in terms return & bind? without using "ap"
I have read that Monads are for sequencing actions. But I feel like the only thing a Monad can do is Join or Flatten and the rest of its capabilities comes from Applicatives.
join :: m (m a) -> m a
-- & where is the sequencing in this part? I don't get it.
If Monad is really for sequencing actions then How come we can define Applicatives (which are not considered to strictly operate in sequence, some kind of parallel computing)?
As monads are Monoids in the Category of endofunctors. There are Commutative monoids as well, which necessarily need not work in order. That means the Monad instances for Commutative Monoids also need an ordering?
I found an excellent page
If Monad is really for sequencing actions then How come we can define Applicatives (which are not considered to strictly operate in sequence, some kind of parallel computing)?
Not quite. All monads are applicatives, but only some applicatives are monads. So given a monad you can always define an applicative instance in terms of bind and return, but if all you have is the applicative instance then you cannot define a monad without more information.
The applicative instance for a monad would look like this:
instance (Monad m) => Applicative m where
pure = return
f <*> v = do
f' <- f
v' <- v
return $ f' v'
Of course this evaluates f and v in sequence, because its a monad and that is what monads do. If this applicative does not do things in a sequence then it isn't a monad.
Modern Haskell, of course, defines this the other way around: the Applicative typeclass is a subset of Functor so if you have a Functor and you can define (<*>) then you can create an Applicative instance. Monad is in turn defined as a subset of Applicative, so if you have an Applicative instance and you can define (>>=) then you can create a Monad instance. But you can't define (>>=) in terms of (<*>).
See the Typeclassopedia for more details.
We can copy the definition of ap and desugar it:
ap f a = do
xf <- f
xa <- a
return (xf xa)
f <*> a = f >>= (\xf -> a >>= (\xa -> return (xf xa)))
(A few redundant parentheses added for clarity.)
(<*>) :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
(<*>) = ??? -- Can we define this in terms return & bind? without using "ap"
Recall that <*> has the type signature of f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b, and >>= has m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b. So how can we infer m (a -> b) -> m a -> m b from m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b?
To define f <*> x with >>=, the first parameter of >>= should be f obviously, so we can write the first transformation:
f <*> x = f >>= k -- k to be defined
where the function k takes as a parameter a function with the type of a -> b, and returns a result of m b such that the whole definition aligns with the type signature of bind >>=. For k, we can write:
k :: (a -> b) -> m b
k = \xf -> h x
Note that the function h should use x from f <*> x since x is related to the result of m b in some way like the function xf of a -> b.
For h x, it's easy to get:
h :: m a -> m b
h x = x >>= return . xf
Put the above three definations together, and we get:
f <*> x = f >>= \xf -> x >>= return . xf
So even though you don't know the defination of ap, you can still get the final result as shown by #chi according to the type signature.

Is the streaming package's Stream data type equivalent to FreeT?

The streaming package defines a Stream type that looks like the following:
data Stream f m r
= Step !(f (Stream f m r))
| Effect (m (Stream f m r))
| Return r
There is a comment on the Stream type that says the following:
The Stream data type is equivalent to FreeT and can represent any effectful succession of steps, where the form of the steps or 'commands' is specified by the first (functor) parameter.
I'm wondering how the Stream type is equivalent to FreeT?
Here is the definition of FreeT:
data FreeF f a b = Pure a | Free (f b)
newtype FreeT f m a = FreeT { runFreeT :: m (FreeF f a (FreeT f m a)) }
It looks like it is not possible to create an isomorphism between these two types.
To be specific, I don't see a way to write the following two functions that makes them an isomorphism:
freeTToStream :: FreeT f m a -> Stream f m a
streamToFreeT :: Stream f m a -> FreeT f m a
For instance, I'm not sure how to express a value like Return "hello" :: Stream f m String as a FreeT.
I guess it could be done like the following, but the Pure "hello" is necessarily going to be wrapped in an m, while in Return "hello" :: Stream f m String it is not:
FreeT $ pure $ Pure "hello" :: Applicative m => FreeT f m a
Can Stream be considered equivalent to FreeT even though it doesn't appear possible to create an isomorphism between them?
There are some small differences that make them not literally equivalent. In particular, FreeT enforces an alternation of f and m,
FreeT f m a = m (Either a (f (FreeT f m a) = m (Either a (f (m (...))))
-- m f m -- alternating
whereas Stream allows stuttering, e.g., we can construct the following with no Step between two Effect:
Effect (return (Effect (return (Return r))))
which should be equivalent in some sense to
Return r
Thus we shall take a quotient of Stream by the following equations that flatten the layers of Effect:
Effect (m >>= \a -> return (Effect (k a))) = Effect (m >>= k)
Effect (return x) = x
Under that quotient, the following are isomorphisms
freeT_stream :: (Functor f, Monad m) => FreeT f m a -> Stream f m a
freeT_stream (FreeT m) = Effect (m >>= \case
Pure r -> return (Return r)
Free f -> return (Step (fmap freeT_stream f))
stream_freeT :: (Functor f, Monad m) => Stream f m a -> FreeT f m a
stream_freeT = FreeT . go where
go = \case
Step f -> return (Free (fmap stream_freeT f))
Effect m -> m >>= go
Return r -> return (Pure r)
Note the go loop to flatten multiple Effect constructors.
Pseudoproof: (freeT_stream . stream_freeT) = id
We proceed by induction on a stream x. To be honest, I'm pulling the induction hypotheses out of thin air. There are certainly cases where induction is not applicable. It depends on what m and f are, and there might also be some nontrivial setup to ensure this approach makes sense for a quotient type. But there should still be many concrete m and f where this scheme is applicable. I hope there is some categorical interpretation that translates this pseudoproof to something meaningful.
(freeT_stream . stream_freeT) x
= freeT_stream (FreeT (go x))
= Effect (go x >>= \case
Pure r -> return (Return r)
Free f -> return (Step (fmap freeT_stream f)))
Case x = Step f, induction hypothesis (IH) fmap (freeT_stream . stream_freeT) f = f:
= Effect (return (Step (fmap freeT_stream (fmap stream_freeT f))))
= Effect (return (Step f)) -- by IH
= Step f -- by quotient
Case x = Return r
= Effect (return (Return r))
= Return r -- by quotient
Case x = Effect m, induction hypothesis m >>= (return . freeT_stream . stream_freeT)) = m
= Effect ((m >>= go) >>= \case ...)
= Effect (m >>= \x' -> go x' >>= \case ...) -- monad law
= Effect (m >>= \x' -> return (Effect (go x' >>= \case ...))) -- by quotient
= Effect (m >>= \x' -> (return . freeT_stream . stream_freeT) x') -- by the first two equations above in reverse
= Effect m -- by IH
Converse left as an exercise.
Both your example with Return and my example with nested Effect constructors cannot be represented by FreeT with the same parameters f and m. There are more counterexamples, too. The underlying difference in the data types can best be seen in a hand-wavey space where the data constructors are stripped out and infinite types are allowed.
Both Stream f m a and FreeT f m a are for nesting an a type inside a bunch of f and m type constructors. Stream allows arbitrary nesting of f and m, while FreeT is more rigid. It always has an outer m. That contains either an f and another m and repeats, or an a and terminates.
But that doesn't mean there isn't an equivalence of some sort between the types. You can show some equivalence by showing that each type can be embedded inside the other faithfully.
Embedding a Stream inside a FreeT can be done on the back of one observation: if you choose an f' and m' such that the f and m type constructors are optional at each level, you can model arbitrary nesting of f and m. One quick way to do that is use Data.Functor.Sum, then write a function:
streamToFreeT :: Stream f m a -> FreeT (Sum Identity f) (Sum Identity m) a
streamToFreeT = undefined -- don't have a compiler nearby, not going to even try
Note that the type won't have the necessary instances to function. That could be corrected by switching Sum Identity to a more direct type that actually has an appropriate Monad instance.
The transformation back the other direction doesn't need any type-changing trickery. The more restricted shape of FreeT is already directly embeddable inside Stream.
I'd say this makes the documentation correct, though possibly it should use a more precise term than "equivalent". Anything you can construct with one type, you can construct with the other - but there might be some extra interpretation of the embedding and a change of variables involved.

Observing isomorphism and then proving them as Monad

This question is related to this answer.
There is a type named Promise:
data Promise f a = PendingPromise f | ResolvedPromise a | BrokenPromise deriving (Show)
It is stated that:
Promise f a ≅ Maybe (Either f a)
Now I cannot understand the above expression. How are they sort of
equivalent and isomorphic (and from that how can you conclude that it
is a Monad) ?
Two types A and B are isomorphic if there's two functions a2b :: A -> B and b2a :: B -> A such that a2b . b2a ≡ id and b2a . a2b ≡ id. In the example this is easy to prove: the two functions have basically the same clauses with the sides of = turned around, e.g.
promise2Trafo (PendingPromise f) = ErrorT . Just $ Left f
trafo2Promise (ErrorT (Just (Left f))) = PendingPromise f
so composing the functions in either order gives you the identity function. The crucial thing about an isomorphism is that a2b x ≡ a2b y holds exactly iff x ≡ y.
Now, how does that help proving typeclass laws? Again taken from the example,
instance Applicative Promise where
pure = trafo2Promise . pure
fp <*> xp = trafo2Promise $ promise2Trafo fp <*> promise2Trafo xp
Now here we need to prove amongst other things
pure id <*> xp ≡ xp
Instead of doing this by hand, we exploit the fact that this law has already been proven for ErrorT f Maybe a, so we simply introduce some identities:
trafo2Promise $ promise2Trafo (trafo2Promise $ pure id) <*> promise2Trafo xp
≡ trafo2Promise $ pure id <*> promise2Trafo xp
which is ≡ promise2Trafo xp iff pure id <*> promise2Trafo xp ≡ promise2Trafo xp, which we know is true.
A value of type Promise f a can be three different things:
A value of type f, with constructor PendingPromise.
A value of type a, with constructor ResolvedPromis,
or no value, with constructor BrokenPromise.
Similarly, a value of Maybe (Either f a) can be three things:
A value of type f, with 'constructor' Just . Left.
A value of type a, with 'constructor' Just . Right.
No value, with constructor Nothing.
So in that sense the types are isomorphic. The reason that this is not quite true in Haskell has to do with undefined values (bottoms), but you can ignore those to make life easier.
Maybe (Either f a) can also be seen as EitherT f (Maybe a), which is an instance of Monad.
You can easily map a Promise f a to a Maybe (Either f a) as follows:
PendingPromise f -> Just (Left f)
ResolvedPromise a -> Just (Right a)
BrokenPromise -> Nothing
Given that both Maybe and Either are instances of Monad, it is possible for Promise to be expressed as a monad.
A possible implementation could be:
instance Monad (Promise f) where
return a = ResolvedPromise a
BrokenPromise >>= _ = BrokenPromise
PendingPromise a >>= _ = PendingPromise a
ResolvedPromise a >>= f = f a
Live demo
There are three possiblilities for Maybe (Either f a):
Just (Left f) | Just (Right a) | Nothing
this is isomorphic to to Promise f a.
This is also the same as
EitherT f (Maybe a)
which is also a monad.

How to show that a monad is a functor and an applicative functor?

Monads are known to be theoretically a subset of functors and specifically applicative functors, even though it's not indicated in Haskell's type system.
Knowing that, given a monad and basing on return and bind, how to:
derive fmap,
derive <*> ?
Well, fmap is just (a -> b) -> f a -> f b, i.e. we want to transform the monadic action's result with a pure function. That's easy to write with do notation:
fmap f m = do
a <- m
return (f a)
or, written "raw":
fmap f m = m >>= \a -> return (f a)
This is available as Control.Monad.liftM.
pure :: a -> f a is of course return. (<*>) :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b is a little trickier. We have an action returning a function, and an action returning its argument, and we want an action returning its result. In do notation again:
mf <*> mx = do
f <- mf
x <- mx
return (f x)
Or, desugared:
mf <*> mx =
mf >>= \f ->
mx >>= \x ->
return (f x)
Tada! This is available as Control.Monad.ap, so we can give a complete instance of Functor and Applicative for any monad M as follows:
instance Functor M where
fmap = liftM
instance Applicative M where
pure = return
(<*>) = ap
Ideally, we'd be able to specify these implementations directly in Monad, to relieve the burden of defining separate instances for every monad, such as with this proposal. If that happens, there'll be no real obstacle to making Applicative a superclass of Monad, as it'll ensure it doesn't break any existing code. On the other hand, this means that the boilerplate involved in defining Functor and Applicative instances for a given Monad is minimal, so it's easy to be a "good citizen" (and such instances should be defined for any monad).
fmap = liftM and (<*>) = ap. Here are links to the source code for liftM and ap. I presume you know how to desugar do notation.

Understanding how Either is an instance of Functor

In my free time I'm learning Haskell, so this is a beginner question.
In my readings I came across an example illustrating how Either a is made an instance of Functor:
instance Functor (Either a) where
fmap f (Right x) = Right (f x)
fmap f (Left x) = Left x
Now, I'm trying to understand why the implementation maps in the case of a Right value constructor, but doesn't in the case of a Left?
Here is my understanding:
First let me rewrite the above instance as
instance Functor (Either a) where
fmap g (Right x) = Right (g x)
fmap g (Left x) = Left x
I know that fmap :: (c -> d) -> f c -> f d
if we substitute f with Either a we get fmap :: (c -> d) -> Either a c -> Either a d
the type of Right (g x) is Either a (g x), and the type of g x is d, so we have that the type of Right (g x) is Either a d, which is what we expect from fmap (see 2. above)
now, if we look at Left (g x) we can use the same reasoning to say that its type is Either (g x) b, that is Either d b, which is not what we expect from fmap (see 2. above): the d should be the second parameter, not the first! So we can't map over Left.
Is my reasoning correct?
This is right. There is also another quite important reason for this behavior: You can think of Either a b as a computation, that may succeed and return b or fail with an error message a. (This is also, how the monad instance works). So it's only natural, that the functor instance won't touch the Left values, since you want to map over the computation, if it fails, there's nothing to manipulate.
Your account is right of course. Maybe the reason why we have a difficulty with instances like this is that we are really defining infinitely many functor instances at once -- one for each possible Left type. But a Functor instance is a systematic way of operating on the infinitely many types in the system. So we are defining infinitely many ways of systematically operating on the infinitely many types in the system. The instance involves generality in two ways.
If you take it by stages, though, maybe it's not so strange. The first of these types is a longwinded version of Maybe using the unit type () and its only legitimate value ():
data MightBe b = Nope () | Yep b
data UnlessError b = Bad String | Good b
data ElseInt b = Else Int | Value b
Here we might get tired and make an abstraction:
data Unless a b = Mere a | Genuine b
Now we make our Functor instances, unproblematically, the first looking a lot like the instance for Maybe:
instance Functor MightBe where
fmap f (Nope ()) = Nope () -- compare with Nothing
fmap f (Yep x) = Yep (f x) -- compare with Just (f x)
instance Functor UnlessError where
fmap f (Bad str) = Bad str -- a more informative Nothing
fmap f (Good x) = Good (f x)
instance Functor ElseInt where
fmap f (Else n) = Else n
fmap f (Value b) = Value (f b)
But, again, why bother, let's make the abstraction:
instance Functor (Unless a) where
fmap f (Mere a) = Mere a
fmap f (Genuine x) = Genuine (f x)
The Mere a terms aren't touched, as the (), String and Int values weren't touched.
As others mentioned, Either type is a functor in its both arguments. But in Haskell we are able to (directly) define only functors in a type's last arguments. In cases like this, we can get around the limitation by using newtypes:
newtype FlipEither b a = FlipEither { unFlipEither :: Either a b }
So we have constructor FlipEither :: Either a b -> FlipEither b a that wraps an Either into our newtype with swapped type arguments. And we have dectructor unFlipEither :: FlipEither b a -> Either a b that unwraps it back. Now we can define a functor instance in FlipEither's last argument, which is actually Either's first argument:
instance Functor (FlipEither b) where
fmap f (FlipEither (Left x)) = FlipEither (Left (f x))
fmap f (FlipEither (Right x)) = FlipEither (Right x)
Notice that if we forget FlipEither for a while we get just the definition of Functor for Either, just with Left/Right swapped. And now, whenever we need a Functor instance in Either's first type argument, we can wrap the value into FlipEither and unwrap it afterward. For example:
fmapE2 :: (a -> b) -> Either a c -> Either b c
fmapE2 f = unFlipEither . fmap f . FlipEither
Update: Have a look at Data.Bifunctor, of which Either and (,) are instances of. Each bifunctor has two arguments and is a functor in each of them. This is reflected in Bifunctor's methods first and second.
The definition of Bifunctor of Either is very symetric:
instance Bifunctor Either where
bimap f _ (Left a) = Left (f a)
bimap _ g (Right b) = Right (g b)
first f = bimap f id
second f = bimap id f
Now, I'm trying to understand why the
implementation maps in the case of a
Right value constructor, but doesn't
in the case of a Left?
Plug in here and it might make sense.
Assume a = String (an error message)
You apply Either a to an Float.
So you have an f: Float -> Integer say for example roundoff.
(Either String) (Float) = Either String Float.
now (fmap f):: Either String Float -> Either String Int
So what are you going to do with f? f doesn't have a clue what to do with strings so you can't do anything there. That is obviously the only thing you can act on are the right values while leaving the left values unchanged.
In other words Either a is a functor because there is such an obvious fmap given by:
for Right values apply f
for Left values do nothing
