How to upgrade datastax enterprise server 3.0.2 to 4.0? - cassandra

What is the correct procedure of upgrading Datastax enterprise server. We have the datastax 3.0.2 running and we need to upgrade it to 4.0.1.
Can it be done using the Opscenter UI? Or do I need to manually upgrade the package on each machine.

There are pretty good upgrade instructions in the docs:
You will need to manually upgrade each node, and it will take two upgrades, as you have to first upgrade to the latest DSE 3.2 release (3.2.6 right now), then upgrade to DSE 4.0 (and you should go to the latest which is 4.0.3 right now)


Can directly upgrade ScyllaDB 2.1.x to ScyllaDB 3.x.x?

As I have checked Scylla DB documentation and not found clearly where we can upgrade directly from Scylla version 2.1.x to 3.x.x directly.Is there any middle version upgrade required between 2.1.x to 3.x.x? Please help
The process is not documented, because it was not tested
You can follow the 2.1 to 2.2 instructions using 3.0, and everything should work, but the safest path will be 2.1 --> 2.2 --> 2.3 --> 3.0.2
(ScyllaDB Product Manager)

document to find bugs fixed in cassandra 3.11.1?

We have apache cassandra 3.11.0 installed i see new version 3.11.1 is installed can you guys point me to the document for the bugs fixed and if any new functionalities added in latest version
3.11.1 has been released on 2017.10.10. You can check the changes and the release notes.

cassandra migration from version 3.9 to 3.0.X

we have a cassandra node with 3.9 version.
Is it possible to migrate to last stable version (3.0.11)?
(we dont use any special feature of 3.9.)
Please read downgrade session of this guide:
The main part:
Downgrading is only guaranteed within minor releases and only to the previous bug-fix release
Theoretically you can try downgrading 3.9 -> 3.7 -> 3.5... etc, but there is no grantees that this will work and will not do problems in the future. Test in some dev environment if you have to do it, or stay with 3.9...

cassandra 2.1 -> 3.0 upgrade restrictions

I'm trying to understand restrictions of upgrade from/to different versions of cassandra.
On the one hand, Cassandra docs
are saying "Cassandra 3.0.x restrictions: Upgrade from Cassandra 2.1 versions greater or equal to 2.1.9...", and I understand that as 'you couldn't upgrade to 3.0 from 2.1.8 and prior 2.1.* versions'.
On the other hand, there are no any restrictions on upgrading from, say, 2.1.8 (version prior to 2.1.9) to 2.1.11 (version grater then 2.1.9), in particular, 2.1.8->2.1.11 upgrade don't require upgrade of sstables.
So, could someone explain, why it's possible to upgrade from 2.1.9 to 3.0 but not from 2.1.8 to 3.0?
The docs restrict you from upgrading from early 2.1 versions to 3.0 because there are bug fixes and stability improvements in the later 2.1 releases that affect upgrades.
The best practice is to go to the latest patch on your branch before upgrading a major release. I.E. go to the latest 2.1.x and then go to 3.0.
Note: 3.0.0 dropped last night and it is very early in its release cycle. Make sure you test thoroughly in a qa environment before upgrading your production instance and follow the upgrade docs carefully.

how to upgrade cassandra from 0.8 to 2.1.8

now we have an Cassandra database version 0.8, we want to upgrade this to 2.1.8, from the document looks like we need to upgrade 1.2.9 first, could anyone help us give us some suggestions how to do it?
Please consult the DataStax Upgrade Guide and make sure to read the upgrade sections of all versions starting with 0.8 in the NEWS.txt file.
