Having problems decompiling class files - decompiling

I have been working on a game for a while now and i tried to make this game as easy to understand as possible and easy to change as well by using one variable in a few places and not write the variables value in each place so that if i decide to change the value i wont have to change it every where, i will just have to change the value of the variable.
Two days ago i formatted my computer and saved in my external Hard Drive a .Jar file of the
game and the Eclipse(Coding environment) folder in where i THOUGHT the game source should be located at but it wasn't thus losing my source code.
I was very upset but then I remembered that you can decompile a jar file.
I searched for a decompiler and found the jd gui decompiler opened my jar file and i was happy
to see that its actually works but then... I noticed that the code is alliiiiitle bit different.
The compiler added tons of this. all the classes which doesn't matter to me.
Then i noticed that every where there was a double type number it added a .0 and a D
at the end of the number and even is some places where i had for example 0.7 i saw that there is 0.699999996 which again doesn't really matter, not a big deal.
But then i noticed that in all the places where i had a final variable it changed it to its value (Example : supposed to be : numRowsToDraw = Panel.WIDTH / tileHeight + 2;
what it is now : numRowsToDraw = 768 / tileHeight + 2;)
which ruined all the easy to change aspect of the program and i didn't want to change
the numbers back to the variable in all the places there should be a variable because it will take a lot of work.
So my question is : Is there a decompiler which doesn't change your code?
If there is can you tell me the name of it?
Oh and i forgot to mention that i tried afterwards the JAD decompiler which did the same thing...

No, there is not. Decompilation can never get back source level constructs like comments or the particular formatting of literals. But I'm sure there are automated source formatting tools out there that let you do stuff like remove Ds on double literals.


Need Help in a lot of things

In my company
I need to organized all files and folder from ALL servers into a Text, basally Inside the Platform Smartsheet.
I was writing all the names of the files and folder by hand, then, I realized that exist so many files, like crazy, will never end write them all!
So I tried to find an easy solution, and I find here a code in Windows that help a lot:
Code: Tree /f /a >file.txt (I try to convert txt to CSV online, but if I changed the code to this in the end: >file.csv also works xD don't need to convert)
Anyway, I need a solution to have in that code the SIZE of all files and folders, the boss wanna know the size of the all files too.
Then, other problem as, If I import to Smartsheet / Excel the tree effect (this is important the tree) don't works very well, and I'm crazy to figure out a way to do something like this: The tree effect while importing to smartsheet / excel need automatic have a hide / show lines (with symbol + and -). Like this photos:
with + : https://ibb.co/cLjQLpF
with - : https://ibb.co/g3Y2pps
To explain better: + means Folder and I want all folder (+) in a tree.
If exist a program that do this automatic much better, but I don't find no one.

Calling WriteRegMultiStr in NSIS properly

With version 3.02 of NSIS came the addition of the WriteRegMultiStr function. When the function is called in my script the script throws an error:
Usage: WriteRegMultiStr /REGEDIT5 rootkey subkey entry_name hex_string_like_660000000000
The call itself looks like this:
WriteRegMultiStr /REGEDIT5 HKLM "System\CurrentControlSet\Services\SomeService" "DependsOnService" "service1 service2"
Since there is no documentation on this specific function which was added later on, long after WriteRegStr and WriteRegDWORD were available, I have to wonder - how does one use it?
So far with respect to entering REG_MULTI_SZ values I only found the directive to use a registry-NSIS -plugin. Yet the function exists, so how can it be used?
Encoding the string to hex and passing it with ot without quotation marks yields no desirable result either.
I was actually able to find an answer after digging through the depths of the internet. Since I don't think this has been answered on StackOverflow I will leave a response here, in case anyone wants to use this function.
The structure of the command as described in the opening post is basically correct, but the value must be encoded precisely. My command looks like this:
WriteRegMultiStr /REGEDIT5 HKLM "System\CurrentControlSet\Services\SomeService" "DependsOnService" 54,00,63,00,70,00,69,00,70,00,00,00,41,00,66,00,64
For anyone intending to test this string, this is
encoded in hexadecimal regedit format. Precisely this is Regedit Version 5.0 format, as opposed to REGEDIT4 format. A conversion editor can be used to achieve this, I used OTConvertIt.
The script should then compile, assuming you run NSIS version 3.02 or higher.
As you found out, the value data must be in the exact same format as .reg files from Windows 2000+.
The reason this instruction works this way is because it is actually the same as WriteRegBin under the hood and very little code was added to support this new functionality.
In the future you might be able to drop the /REGEDIT5 switch and give it plain strings but support for that has not been added yet.
The Registry plug-in does allow you to write these strings in a sane manner.

How to get SMAC3 working for Python 3x on Windows

This is a great package for Bayesian optimization of hyperparameters (especially mixed integer/continuous/categorical...and has shown to be better than Spearmint in benchmarks). However, clearly it is meant for Linux. What do I do...?
First you need to download swig.exe (the whole package) and unzip it. Then drop it somewhere and add the folder to path so that the installer for SMAC3 can call swig.exe.
Next, the Resource module is going to cause issues because that is only meant for Linux. That is specifically used by Pynisher. You'll need to comment out import pynisher in the execute_func.py module. Then, set use_pynisher:bool=False in the def __init__(self...) in the same module. The default is true.
Then, go down to the middle of the module where an if self.use_pynisher....else statement exists. Obviously our code now enters the else part, but it is not setup correctly. Change result = self.ta(config, **obj_kwargs) to result = self.ta(list(config.get_dictionary().values())). This part may need to be adjusted yet depending on what kind of inputs your function handles, but essentially you can see that this will enable the basic example shown in the included branin_fmin.py module. If doing the random forest example, don't change at all...etc.

Windows mobile 6.5 - best way to read and write from and to a config file

I have a handheld device running WM6.5 and trying to put together an application that should prompt the user for some information (login, password) and save it to a file for later use.
Have tried app.config files but unfortunately it requires System::Configuration, I can add the DLL but can't get the code to run, it requires CRL or something like that which I can't configure this being a mobile app - the required option is missing from the project/solution configuration section.
I am using Visual Studio 2008 C++
What's the best way to make this happen? Precisely, 1) write a string somewhere and 2) read it back later on.
Later edit:
I have tried using a binary file, like this
// write to config file
std::string s="helloworldhelloworldhelloworld";
ofstream ofile("test.txt",ios::binary);
And then I have tried reading it back like this
// read config file
char read_str[60];
ifstream inf("test.txt",ios::binary);
LPCTSTR application_settings = CA2W(read_str);
What happens is it adds some garbage at the end of the string, if the string is longer less garbage, otherwise more.
Is there a way to sort out this conversion issue?
Turns out, project was using Unicode and had to use wifstream and wofstream to be able to properly read the strings, rather than attempt to convert them from ANSI to unicode.
This should be a reminder for me to stay away from strong typed languages in the future. Too bad there's no other significant choice for Windows Mobile. Spent a bunch of hours on this, I could have used that time for something else.

Getting echofunc.vim to work

I came across echofunc.vim today (from a link in SO). Since I'm rubbish at remembering the order of function parameters, it looked like a very useful tool for me.
But the documentation is a bit lean on installation! And I've not been able to find any supplementary resources on the internet.
I'm trying to get it running on a RHEL box. I've copied the script into ~/.vim/plugin/echofunc.vim however no prompt when I type in a function name followed by '('. I've tried adding
let g:EchoFuncLangsUsed = ["php","java","cpp"]
to my .vimrc - still no prompting.
I'm guessing it needs to read from a dictionary somewhere - although there is a file in /usr/share/vim/vim70/ftplugin/php.vim, this is the RH default and does not include an explicit function list.
I'm not too bothered about getting hints on the functions/methods I've defined - just trying to get hints for the built-in functions. I can see there is a dictionary file available here which appears to provide the resources required for echofunc.vim, I can't see how I set this up.
It expects a tags file, the last line of the description describes exactly how to generate it:
ctags -R --fields=+lS .
It works here with PHP but not with JS. Your mileage may vary.
I didn't know about this plugin, thanks for the info.
You should try phpcomplete.vim, it shows a prototype of the current function in a scratchpad. It is PHP only, though.
