Security about creating a server on client side on the fly - security

I have a security question about games and network.
Today most games (like Call of Duty) uses a 'on client side host' server system. So for some time, one client becomes the host of the game. I'm looking for some resources on how to do this properly (in a technical and safe way) because I'm working on a project like that.
But for now the only solution I found is to share the IP address of my host clients to other guest clients. And I'm not proud of this. So I am looking for a method or technology like IP masking or another stuff like that would protect my customers from other malicious customers that could retrieve IP of my customers and maybe hack them?
But what I'm asking is if there is any solution like services like on the fly subdomains redirections with parameters for connecting to specific clients or anything like that? I mean

If you want true peer-to-peer connections in your game there is no way around sharing the IP address. After all if they are to talk with one another then they need to know how to reach the others.
Alternatively you can route all their traffic through your server and each client connects to it independently. That way they do not have to know any information about each other except your in-game user id.


ReactJS access to two different subnets

I have a ReactJS web app that runs on a local network, but is also accessible via a DMZ'd address to a larger local network. The backend is a node server on that LAN, and I realized it will also have to be exposed so browsers on the broader network can get at it.
What is a good way of handling IP addresses depending on which network the user is on dynamically? Users in the LAN would have to have their browsers aimed at 192.168.x.x, say, while broader network users would have to point at 10.72.x.x, as an example, and I don't have a good idea of how to handle this on the fly.
EDIT: I can use something like ip to check my subnet and adjust accordingly, I suppose...not sure this is a best practice.
EDIT 2: I think that maybe I'm not being clear enough from the comments, so here's a little more info:
From the LAN perspective, I need the browser to hit the server at, say. And from the DMZ perspective, I need the browser to hit the server at its broader address,, for example. The two addresses are known, and static. What I need to be able to do in React is select the correct one of the two based on which subnet said browser is on.

Keeping client identity anonymous from the server

I have multiple clients sending data to a central server. Is there a way I can ensure that the server get the data but in no way it can associate sender with the data.
If the clients are identified using IP address, then spoofing is a way to make sure that they are not traceable. To spoof, you need to identify the packets the client is sending to the server. In Network layer, you shall find the IP bits, which you need to replace(or remove, if it works).
(Use wireshark tool, it might be helpful)
Although, it shall still be considered a malpractice in the society. I sincerely advice you to contact the server administration, to discuss and put in place other security measures instead of spoofing.

Regarding the conversion of hostnames to ip address

Can two or more domains be hosted on the same server? If yes what is the ip address we are going to get for the two domains?
as a user can i know how a server resolves the host name and assign unique id to different host names
After looking at my comment above and as you are a user, not an administrator, just look at the documentation of nslookup(1). It is a tool to make DNS queries to servers. It allow you to make dns resolution and to investigate the ways you are getting the answer (there are many ways to answer a query, believe me)
First you need to know how the asking is being done. Normally, clients make recursive queries (they want definitive answers to a query and want the server to do the heavy work) and servers do iterative ones (they approximate the answer by asking the servers in the chain to the final domain you are looking for) Servers and clients normally cache results for future questions and provide several ways of fault tolerance, so you cannot control normally how a query is solved. As this is probably the most requested service in internet, the protocol has been optimized to get quick answers even in the worst case.
Once you get an answer, it can be a partial one, it can be cached, it can be non-authoritative (meaning the server is serving a cached entry, not a locally administered one)
When you have several responses to a query (ok, this can happen) you receive them normally in order, depending where are you querying from. The server makes a best effort to order them on proximity to the client (the nearest address is served first) and/or randomly ordered, so you can make round robing to each of the addresses you receive. It depends on the client software, the server implementation, the administrator policy, etc.
Even you can receive a different response depending on who you are. Several corporate servers serve different views of the database depending on where the clients come from. If they come from the inside of the company, they serve addresses for servers not visible from the outside. For example, if you try to access the corporate web server, you can receive the private address to reach it, not the public address of the server accesible from the internet. This concept is called view, and many servers implement it, so the answer to your question is: it depends :)

Is it possible to register a public server, and protect the orgin of the actual processing server?

Tough question. It has to do mainly with security, but also computers. Probably not been done yet.
I was wondering, is it possible to host for example a web application, yet be able to hide *where* the actual server is, and, or who is the originator, making it very very hard ( practically impossible ) for some one to track the origin of the server, and who is behind it?
I was thinking that this might be possible through a third party server, preferably with an owner unrelated to the proxy sites. But the question then also becomes an issue of reliability *of* the third party.
Does the TOR network have support for registering for recieving incoming requests rather than outgoing ones? How secure would that be? Might it be possible that the TOR network has been infiltrated by for example a big goverment ( read USA ) ( dont get angry, please enlighten me as I do not know much of how the TOR network is hosted ).
How can one possibly create such a secure third party server, that preferably does not even know who the final recipient of the request is? Third party companies might be subjected *to* pressure from goverments, either directly from powerful *nations* such as USA, or by the USA applying pressure on the goverments of the country where the server is, applying pressure on the company behind it, and force you to enable a backdoor. ( Just my wild fantasy, think worst case scenario is my motto :) ).
I just came with the idea, that being that this is probably *impossible*, the best way would be to have a bunch of distributed servers, across several nations, make it as hard as possible to go through each and one of them to find the next bouncing server. This would have to be in a linked list, with one public server being registered on a DNS. If compromised, the public server needs to be replaced with another one.
request from user0 -> server1 -> server2 -> server3 -> final processing server -> response to user0 or through the incoming server chain.
When sending a response to someone, could it be done using UDP rather than TCP and hide who the sender was ( also in a web application ) ? So that a middle man listening on user0 computer incoming responses ( and outgoing requests ) do not figure *out who the final* processing server is, if we decide to respond directly to user0 from the final processing server?
The IP of server1 will be public and known to anyone, server1 will send the message to server2 and it is possibly to figure out by listening directly behind server1 traffic node, but perhaps it could hide its own origin if not being listened to directly, so that if big goverments have filters on big traffic nodes or routers, they wouldn't be able to track who it came from, and therefore what the message to server2 is intended for. It would blend in with all other requests.
Anyhow, if you have followed my thoughts this far I think you should know by now what I am thinking about.
Could this be possibly through a P2P network, with a central server behind it, and have the P2P network deliver it to the final server respond in some pattern? The idea is to have one processing server, and then have "minor", "cheaper" servers that acts as proxys?
Why I keep saying central server, is that I am thinking web. But any thoughts on the matter is interesting.
For those that wonders, why... I am looking into creating as secure as possible, and that could withstand goverment pressure ( read BlackBerry, Skype and others ).
This is also a theoretical question.
I would also be interested in knowing how one have a distributed SECURE database ( for keeping usernames, friendlists and passwords for example ) but this time, it is not neccessery for it to be on the web. A P2P software with a distributed secure database.
Yes, you're reinventing Tor. You should research Tor more fully before going further. In particular, see Hidden Service Protocol. Tor is not perfect, but you should understand it before you try to reinvent it.
If you want to find an ant's nest, follow the ants. If you want to find the original server, follow the ip packets. If you meet a proxy server not willing to provide their path, call the server administrator and have your men in black put a gun on his head. If he does not comply, eliminate the administrator and the server. Carry on following the ants in their new path. Repeat the operation until server is reached or server can't communicate anymore.
So no, you can't protect the origin and keep your server up and running when your men in black can reach any physical entity.

How to submit a web page with different IP?

i dont want to do something illegal with it(e.g. vote continuously, in fact, somebody is doing it), but i only feel curious about it. For i have learned TCP/IP, and i found there are many software such like "IP changer",using which you can submit a website with different IP. WOW it is really magic! so i analysed some possible mechanism about it. But every possible way was denied by me.
i thought that they might connect and disconnect the internet continuously. because each time they connect the Internet, the ISP will dispatch a new IP address, and the hacker can make use of the new IP to submit the website, and disconnected after submitting successfully, and then connect for the next time...But it is impossible to some extent, for if do like this, every submitting will last a long time, and it doesn't work in some areas.
Modify TCP/IP data packets.For some time i did think it might be all right. but then i denied it. Assuming that i would submit a website, and i changed the IP address of the data packet which i will submit to the web site. it seems that everything is OK, but the web server will send message to the fake IP, so i wont get any information from the website. but in some circumstances where we only needn't reply it should work. Right? netfilter and iptables in linux may realize it, but i am not sure because i dont know the tools very well.
Using proxy server. i also think it is impossible to some there any method to get lots of free proxy servers? and most free proxy servers is very unstabitily, for there is a possible circumstance that you cannot use the proxy server in one day.Of course, paid proxy server may be permanent. but with these money you can do something better.
IMO the three methods all have disadvantages. and the realization may be none of them. Can anybody tell me the real mechanism of the technique?
Use lots of proxy servers. That will do the trick and since they can be harvested quite easily that's not very hard. Proxy's can be installed on hacked websites for example.
The added question:
Using proxy server. i also think it is impossible to some there any method to get lots of free proxy servers?
By simply hacking lots of webservers, totally automated, this is possible. For example searching for bad Joomla installs could allow you to install software at each webserver. Also normal computers can be used off course. Like a botnet.
and most free proxy servers is very unstabitily, for there is a possible circumstance that you cannot use the proxy server in one day. Of course, paid proxy server may be permanent. but with these money you can do something better.
Stability is off course important but in this case not really actually. You just send out lots and lots and lots of requests. Don't care which one succeeds and which one doesn't. It doesn't matter for your target.
1. ISP reconnect
This will not work for some (most?) ISPs which will reassign the same IP on a reconnect (as my provider does). Even if it works, you are likely to get the same IP address after some reconnects.
2. IP spoofing
That's the term describing your second method. You change the src-address of the outgoing IP packet. There are two problems with that:
Most ISP's routers don't allow it. They detect that the src address can't come from inside their network, so they simply drop it.
If you have a machine that is allowed to do this (maybe a dedicated server), you can only fake exactly one IP frame. This allows you to, e.g. spoof a DNS request but as you said, you will never get the response. Especially you cannot establish a connection within a stateful protocol like TCP, because this requires a bidirectional handshake. So you can't, e.g., fake a HTTP request using this (even if you don't need the answer)
This is the only method that works. You have several options here:
Use open proxy servers (can be found using a search engine, although some will identify themselves as proxies and provide the original IP in the X-Forwarded-For HTTP header, which makes them basically useless for this use case)
Use hacked servers/desktop machines as proxies (maybe from a botnet)
Use free networks like JAP or TOR (the latter of which is probably your best bet, because you can change the exit nodes using some trickery)
If you are going to do something illegal, you might as well go all the way in. There ARE people who run "botnets" which are basically just armies of a few hundred to a few thousand indfected computers (that's what most viruses do). The people who run these armies, actually can charge people a certain amount of money for their "slaves" to visit a website for you (and rate/vote whatever) so you get a few hundred or a few thousand more ratings...
I can't exactly tell where or how much these services cost, since I haven't done it myself, but I know for sure that people over at "" will do it for you.
