Writing text files with node webkit - node.js

I'm trying to do something rather simple: write a text file with data entered in a text input field to a file...
var data = document.getElementById("fileContent").value;
fs.writeFileSync("test.txt", data);
For instance if I type in,
Write this to file 123 123
I end up with this in the file...
Write this to
If I hard code a string into the application, it writes correctly.
fs.writeFileSync("test.txt", "this is a hard coded string");
I tried using writeFileSync with and without the encoding parameter set. I've tried createWriteStream with and without encoding the parameter set. I've tried fileOpen, fs.writeSync, and fs.close. I even tried converting the date to a Buffer object and writing that. In every case, I got the exact same results.
The encoding is also strange. Notepad++ indicates that the encoding is "UCS2-LE w/o BOM" I'd expect it to be UTF-8, as I'v been setting the encoding parameter to that.
Any thoughts?

It's a bug with Node-Webkit-v0.9.*
It's OK if you use Node-Webkit-v.8.* or lower version.

After some more research and determining it was something with encoding, I stumbled on this post. Apparently, utf8 doesn't work...
I changed the encoding it to "utf16le", and this appears to write the text correctly for hard-coded text and text from a text box.


How to detect encoding errors in a Node.js Buffer

I'm reading a file in Node.js, into a Buffer object, and I'm decoding the UTF-8 content of the Buffer using Buffer.toString('utf8'). If there are encoding errors, I want to report a failure.
The toString() method handles decoding errors by substituting an xFFFD character, which I can detect by searching the result. But xFFFD is a legal character in the input file, and I don't want to report an error if the xFFFD was present and correctly encoded in the input.
Is there any way I can distinguish a Buffer that contains a legitimately-encoded xFFFD character from one that contains an encoding error?
The solution proposed by #eol in a comment on the question appears to meet the requirements.

Google Protocol Buffers (protobuf) in Python3 - trouble with ParseFromString (encoding?)

I've got Google Protocol buffers 80% working in Python3. My .proto file works, I'm encoding data, life is almost good.
The problem is that I can't ParseFromString the result of SerializeToString.
When I print SerializeToString it looks like what I'd expect, a fairly compact binary representation (preceded by b').
My guess is that perhaps this is a difference in the way Python2 and Python3 handle strings. The putput of SerializeToString is Bytes, not a string.
Printed output of SerializeToString (Python type is ):
result of ParseFromString(message):
No error is provided...
So - my best guess is that all I need to do is .decode() the bytes object generated, the problem is that I have no clue what the encoding is. I've tried UTF-8, -16, Latin-1, and a few others without success. My Google-Fu is strong but I haven't found anything on this.
Any help would be appreciated.
ParseFromString is a method -- it does not return anything, but rather fills in self with the parsed content. Use it like:
message = MyMessageType()

Node.js wrong UTF8 string representation, even though byte-codes seem correct

Having searched around for a while now, I believe my problem may not be directly related to what others had. I am using unicode chars in forms (using angularjs for client-side) and noticed that the UTF8 strings didn't display on the server logs properly. Thus I decided to base64.encode all strings on the client side before submitting to the server (nodejs/express4). The JSON data arrives properly to the server, but when I try to convert it from base64 to UTF8 using a buffer I'm getting different symbols. I tested the strings on http://www.base64decode.org/ and they decode fine. Can anyone suggest what I might be doing wrong?
Example char: σ, base64="z4M=".
On the server this line decodes all JSON values to UTF8:
Object.keys(req.body).forEach(function(key) { req.body[key] = new Buffer(req.body[key], 'base64').toString('utf8'); });
And the "σ" char becomes "Ο" on the server. Anyone can assist?
Thus I decided to base64.encode all strings on the client side before submitting to the server (nodejs/express4).
No need to, really. Probably the thing you were doing wrong with utf-8 json is also wrong now.
Try to debug that.
noticed that the UTF8 strings didn't display on the server logs properly.
What do they display?
And on what OS are you?
Did you look at the logs with a hex viewer?
To me this looks like a typical "I have an a problem X, thought my solution half the way, but I am stuck with a sub-problem Y". Go back to X and attack it the right way (no base64).

ABAP startRFC.exe UTF-8 diacritics text transfer

I have a function module (FM) in SAP and I call it externally using startRFC. The only output of FM is one internal table. This table has only 1 column of type char(100) and I need to get it to text file. StartRFC works well, but if there is diacritics (for example Czech language: ěščřžýáíé) instead of these characters only hashes # appear.
Have someone ever solved similar issue?
If I call the same algorithm manually and write strings on screen in SAP, everything is ok. But startRFC somehow destroys it. The problem may be in the data transfer between SAP and startRFC. But I don't know how this transfer works.
I found a solution but it is terribly slow. It converts string to hexadecimal string using "gcl_conv_to_x->write" and "gcl_conv_to_x->get_buffer" than calls "SCMS_XSTRING_TO_BINARY" and you need a binary table. But it takes 5minutes to do all this stuff. Without this conversion my algorithm takes 15 seconds.
So finally a solution...
You need to create XSTRING variable and fill it with your text. To convert STRING to XSTRING use FM: SCMS_STRING_TO_XSTRING.
Then you will need an internal table with row type BAPICONTEN. It already contains component (column) of type SDOK_SDATX (RAW 1022).
And you just append a new line to this table like this:
data: my_table_row LIKE LINE OF my_table.
my_table_row-line = my_xstring.
APPEND my_table_row INTO my_table.
This table (my_table) can be returned via RFC and will contain Cyrillic, German characters etc..
I am just a beginner, so do not ask me how to create the table, please :)

NodeJS Extended ASCII Support

I'm trying to read a file that contains extended ascii characters like 'á' or 'è', but NodeJS doesn't seem to recognize them.
I tried reading into:
Tried differente encoding types:
as referenced on http://nodejs.org/api/fs.html
Is there a way to make this work?
I use the binary type to read such files. For example
var fs = require('fs');
// this comment has I'm trying to read a file that contains extended ascii characters like 'á' or 'è',
fs.readFile("foo.js", "binary", function zz2(err, file) {
When I do save the above into foo.js, then the following is shown on the output:
var fs = require('fs');
// this comment has I'm trying to read a file that contains extended ascii characters like '⟡ 漀爀 ✀',
fs.readFile("foo.js", "binary", function zz2(err, file) {
The wierdness above is because I have run it in an emacs buffer.
The file I was trying to read was in ANSI encoding. When I tried to read it using the 'fs' module's functions, it couldn't perform the conversion of the extended ASCII characters.
I just figured out that nodepad++ is able to actually convert from some formats to UTF-8, instead of just flagging the file with UTF-8 encoding.
After converting it, I was able to read it just fine and apply all the operations I needed to the content.
Thank you for your answers!
I realize this is an old post, but I found it in my personal search for a solution to this particular problem.
I have written a module that provides Extended ASCII decoding and encoding support to/from Node Buffers. You can see the source code here. It is a part of my implementation of Buffer in the browser for an in-browser filesystem I've created called BrowserFS, but it can be used 100% independently of any of that within NodeJS (or Browserify) as it has no dependencies.
Just add bfs-buffer to your dependencies and do the following:
var ExtendedASCII = require('bfs-buffer/js/extended_ascii').default;
// Decodes the input buffer as an extended ASCII string.
// Encodes the input string as an extended ASCII string.
ExtendedASCII.str2byte("Some text");
Alternatively, just adapt the module into your project if you don't want to add an extra dependency to your project. It's MIT Licensed.
I hope this helps anyone in the future who finds this page in their searches like I did. :)
