Embedded Linux shell (BusyBox) check over list of files if they exist and run commands - linux

I'm trying to download a list of files (text file, one filename per line, no spaces or newlines in the filenames), and then check for each file if it exists and run commands accordingly. the first part seems to work just fine, the file from the web server is downloaded, and the first echo outputs the filenames. but the file existence check does not work.
wget -qO- http://web.server/x/files.txt | while read file
echo $file
if [ -f $file ]; then
echo $file exists
echo $file does not exist
output when executed in a directory where the second file (temp.txt) does exist:
does not exist
does not exist
does not exist
does not exist
The second file does exist, and the echo commands in the if statement apparently doesn't recognize the $file variable either.
Any help is appreciated, I tried cobbling this together with info found here. A problem might be that this is not a full linux system, but embedded Linux (OpenELEC) with BusyBox v1.22.1.
UPDATE: thanks to the commenters we figured out that the code as is basically works fine AS LONG as the files.txt from the web server only contains unix EOL -- it doesn't work with windows CRLF line endings.
Now how could the script be made to work regardless of the line endings in the file from the web server?

dos2unix is a utility which converts Windows line endings to Unix line endings. You can use it in your script like this:
wget -qO- http://web.server/x/files.txt | dos2unix | while read file
while read line; do
done < <(wget -qO- http://web.server/x/files.txt | dos2unix)


Bash loop to gunzip file and remove file extension and file prefixes

I have several .vcf.gz files:
I want to gunzip these file and rename them (remove subset_ and redudant .vcf extension in one go and get these files:
This is the script I have tried:
for i in $iFILES;
do gunzip -k $i > /get/in/this/dir/"${i##*/}"
Since you have to three operation at your output path name
1.remove the directory part
2.remove prefix subset_
3.remove redudant extension .vcf
It's hard to accomplish with only one command.
Following is a modification version. Be CAREFUL to try it. I didn't test it thorough in my computer.
for i in /file/path/*.gz;
# get the output file name
o=$(echo ${i##*/} | sed 's/.*_\(.*\)\(\.[a-z]\{3\}\)\{2\}.*/\1\2/g')
gunzip -k $i > /get/in/this/dir/$o

Script to open latest text file from a directory

I need a shell script to open latest text file from a given directory. it will be then copied to another directory. How can i achieve it?
I need a logic which will search and give the latest file from a directory (name of the text file can be anything (not fixed), so i need to find out latest text file)
Here you can do something like this
#Open file
#Copy file
echo "File copied successfully"
You can specify any application name in which you want to open that file like gedit, kate etc. Here I've used vim.
xdg-open - opens a file or URL in the user's preferred application
Not an expert in bash but you can try this logic:
First, grab the latest file using ls -t -t sorts by time head -1 gets the first file
F=`ls -t * | head -1`
Then open the file using and editor:
xdg-open $F
gedit $F
As suggested by # AJefferiss you can directly do :
xdg-open $(ls -t * | head -1)
gedit $(ls -t * | head -1)
For editing the latest modified / created,
vim $(ls -t | head -1)
For editing the latest in alphanumerical order,
vim $(ls -1 | tail -1)
In one line (if are you sure that there are only files):
vim `ls -t .|head -1`
it will be opened in vim (or use other txt editor)
if there are directories you should write script with loop and test every file (if it's not a dir):
if [ -f $FILE ];
or you can also use find, or use pipe for get latest file:
ls -lt .|sed -n 2p|grep -v '^d'
The existing answers are helpful, but fall short when it comes to dealing with filenames with embedded spaces or other shell metacharacters.[1]
# Get the most recently modified *.txt file.
# (On *assignment*, names with spaces, ... are not a concern.)
f=$(ls -t *.txt | head -n 1)
# *Use* the variable enclosed in *double-quotes* to ensure that it is passed
# to the target command unmodified.
xdg-open "$f" # could also use "$(ls -t *.txt | head -n 1)" directly
Additionally, some answer user all-uppercase shell variable names, which should be avoided so as to avoid conflicts with environment variables.
[1] Due to use of ls, filenames with embedded newlines won't be handled correctly, but that's rarely a real-world concern.

Regarding Carriage Returns

I have created an sh script in Unix and it basically compiles a program specified via argument, for example: sh shellFile cprogram.c, and feeds the compiled program a variety of input files.
These input files are created in Unix and i have tested it, I am happy with those results. I have even tested it out with input files, made in Unix, that even had an extra carriage return at the end and yet i get good results, lets name this test file 00ecr for reference. Is it possible that if i created a test file in windows and transferred it over to Unix, that this new test file, lets call it 00wind, will produce bad results in my shell program.
This is just a theoretical question overall. I am just wondering if it will muck things up even though I tested my shell script with files, made in Unix, that accounted for extra carriage returns?
How about in your script, you use Linux command file to identify if the file has Windows style line terminations:
$file test.txt
test.txt: ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators
So your script could have a converting function like this:
windows_file=`file $1 | grep CRLF`
if [[ -z "$windows_file" ]]; then
echo "File already in unix format"
# file need converting
dos2unix $1
echo "Converted a windows file"
So here we first use the file utility to output the file type, and grep CRLF string, to see if the file needs converting. The grep will return null if it's not in windows format, and we can test for null string with if [[ -z "$var" ]] statement.
And then just dos2unix utility to convert it:
$ dos2unix test.txt
dos2unix: converting file test.txt to Unix format ...
$ file test.txt
test.txt: ASCII text
This way you could ensure that your input is always "sanitized".

Open the lastest downloaded file with bash script

Below is my attempt at this problem. It's a functional script, but I have to specify the application to be used for each file type. Since this information regarding default application must be stored somewhere on Linux / Ubuntu already, how may I access them and incorporate into my script?
Also, can my script be more "elegant" in any way?
Thank you for helping a Bash script beginner! I appreciate any comment.
# Open the latest file in ~/Downloads
filename=$(ls -t ~/Downloads | head -1)
filetype=$(echo -n $filename | tail -c -3)
if [ $filetype == "txt" ]; then
leafpad ~/Downloads/$filename
elif [ $filetype == "pdf" ]; then
evince ~/Downloads/$filename
How do I open a file in its default program - Linux should help you with the first part of your question:
xdg-open ~/Downloads/$filename
As mentioned in other answers, it's best not to trust the output of ls in scripts, especially if you have unusual characters like newlines in your filenames. One way to robustly get a list of filenames in a script is with the find command, and null-delimiting them into a pipe.
So to answer your question with a one-liner:
find ~/Downloads -maxdepth 1 -type f -printf "%C# %p\0" | sort -zrn | { read -d '' ts file; xdg-open "$file"; }
Breaking it down:
The find command lists files in the ~/Download directory, but doesn't descend any deeper into subdirectories. The filenames are printed with the given printf format, which lists a numerical timestamp, followed by a space, followed by a null delimiter. Note the printf format specifiers for find are different to those for regular printf
The sort command numerically sorts (-n) the resulting null-delimited list (-z) by the first field (numerical timestamp). Sort order is reversed (-r) so that the latest entry is displayed first
The read command reads the timestamp and filename of the first file in the list into the ts and file variables. -d '' tells read to use null delimiters.
The file is opened using xdg-open.
Note the read and xdg-open commands are in a curly bracket inline group, so the file variable is in scope for both.
Welcome to bash programming. :-)
First off, I'll refer you to the Bash FAQ. Great resource, lots of tips, perspectives and warnings.
One of them is the classic Parsing LS problem that your script suffers from. The basic idea is that you don't want to trust the output of the ls command, because special characters like spaces and control characters may be represented in a way that doesn't allow you to refer to the file.
You're opening the "last" file, as determined by a sort that the ls command is doing. In order to detect the most recent file without ls, we'll need some extra code. For example:
for filename in ~/Downloads/*; do
when=$(stat -c '%Y' "$filename")
if [ $when -gt $last ]; then
xdg-open "$to_open"
The idea is that we'll walk through each file in your Downloads directory and fine the one with the largest timestamp using the stat command. Then open that file using xdg-open, which may already be installed on your system because it's part of a tool set that's a dependency for a number of other applications.
If you don't have xdg-open, you can probably install it from the xdg-utils package which using whatever package management system is around for your Linux distro.
Another possibility is gnome-open, which is part of the Gnome desktop (the libgnome package, to be precise). YMMV. We'd need to know more about your distro and your desktop environment to come up with better advice.
Note that if you do want to continue selecting your application by extension, you might want to consider using a switch instead of a series of ifs:
case "${filename##*.}" in
leafpad "$filename"
xdg-open "$filename"
echo "ERROR: can't open '$filename'" >&2
mimeopen might be useful? There's an explanation of Mime types here.
Also - are your filetype extensions always exactly two letters, as the tail -c -3 implies? If they're of variable length, you may want a regular expression instead.
As previously mentioned, xdg-open and mimeopen may be useful and more elegant; from their manpages:
xdg-open opens a file or URL in the user's preferred application. If a URL is provided the URL will be opened in the user's preferred web browser. If a file is provided the file will be opened in the preferred application for files of that type.
[mimeopen] tries to determine the mimetype of a file and open it with the default desktop application. If no default application is configured the user is prompted with an "open with" menu in the terminal.
For more elegance in the original script, replace
filetype=$(echo -n $filename | tail -c -3)
filetype=${filename: -3}
and instead of the five-lines if/elif/fi structure, consider using two lines as follows.
[ $filetype == "txt" ] && leafpad ~/Downloads/$filename
[ $filetype == "pdf" ] && evince ~/Downloads/$filename

Command line tool to search docx file under ms dos or cygwin

Is there a command line tool that is able to search docx file under ms dos or cygwin ?
I have tried grep, it's not working with docx while working fine with txt file.
I know I could always convert the docx to txt 1st then search using grep, but I am wondering
is there a command tool that I can search directly under command line?
i wrote a small bash script, which would help you:
export DOCKEY="$#"
function searchdoc(){
VK1=$(cat "$#" | grep -i "$DOCKEY" | wc -c)
VK2=$(unzip -c "$#" | grep -i "$DOCKEY" | wc -c)
let NUM=$VK1+$VK2
if [ "$NUM" -gt 0 ]; then
echo $NUM occurences in $#
echo opening file.
gnome-open "$#"
export -f searchdoc
echo searching for $DOCKEY ...
find . -exec bash -c 'searchdoc "{}" 2>/dev/null' \;
save it as docfind.sh and you can invoke
$#> docfind.sh searchterm
from any folder you want to scan.
After a trying out the stuff , I found the easiest way to do this is to use a linux utility to batch convert all docx files into txt files, then do grep with those txt files easily.
zgrep might work for you? It usually works in OpenOffice documents, and both are compressed archives containing XML:
zgrep "some string" *.xdoc
I have no .xdoc files to test this with, but in theory it should work...
You can use zipgrep, which calls grep on all files of a zip archive (which a docx file is).
You might be disappointed with the result, though, as it returns raw content of XML files containing both the text and XML tags.
save it as docfind.sh and you can invoke
Newbies like me might need to be told that for the .sh script to be executable from any directory, it needs to have the executable property set and be located in /usr/bin or elsewhere in your Path.
I was able to set up the nemo file manager in Linux Mint to open a terminal from any folder's context menu (information here).
