Do I purchase a domain name first? - azure

I am completely new to Microsoft Azure. I know very little about it. I have a MVC 5 app which I created that I'd like to possibly host on Azure. Do I purchase a domain name first and then move it over to Azure? If not, how does this work?

You can do it either way. If you create web site in Azure you get url for it, which you can then change to your domain when you purchase it.
Or you can purchase the domain name first and straight away change NS records to point over there once you move your site to Azure.
It's really flexible and there is no restrictions to it.
The process in more detail goes roughly like this:
When you try to set the domain name for your site, Azure gives you certain records you need to set in NS tables.
Where you have bought the domain name, make sure you have access to alter the NS records or contact support to do it for you.
Insert the 2 records Azure tells you to.
After the change has propagated, you will see green light in Azure as it accepts the new domain name.


Setup custom domain to Azure Document DB

I want to create a azure document DB under staging subscription, in future i'll be moving that DB to production subscription but i need to create that document DB with custom domain name .
say for example, by default the document DB URI will be, but i need the it is, Is that possible, if so how to do that?
You could set up your own proxy to accomplish this. Other than that, I do not know of a way to do that but in general this is not needed because DocumentDB is designed to be hit by your application server not the end user. Under these circumstances, it poses no issue for the url to be
If we understood why you wanted this, we might be able to help you accomplish that goal some other way.

Keeping Azure DNS Name when changing to new (Resource Manager) servers

So I have been running Azure VM's in the classic portal for a while now but I need to increase the performance on them and I am thinking of moving to the Premium VM's. The problem that I found during testing is that the DNS names have changed. So they aren't '' anymore, they are like, ''. I need to keep the DNS name the same with ''.
I have tried redirecting it through our third party DNS service but it isn't possible.
Is there a way to achieve this?
Thanks in advance
The DNS format for v2 (Resource Manager VMs) is <hostname>.<regionname> There is no way to change this.
If you need to keep, the only way you can do so is to remain on v1 virtual machines.
edited to address comment
I would imagine that at some point in future v1 VMs will be retired and you will need to figure out how to migrate these users away from the current configuration.
It would be prudent to begin that process now while there is no time pressure.
I would imagine the best way forward would to initially configure a DNS CNAME record to point to the existing database and start migrating users over to that. Once you have transferred everyone you can then switch over to v2 VMs and they'll never notice.
Customers are quite comfortable with the concept of updates, so as long as you make the process as painless as possible for them (i.e. just a single executable etc) then it is unlikely they'll mind. Especially if you can roll out some sort of free upgrade along with it.

Cannot set up azure website from gallery

Trying to create new website from Gallery using Orchard or Umbraco fails. It shows as set up then immediately fails, removes itself from the list with the error message - 'Cannot contact server to determine the state of web site'
If I retry, the chosen url is taken so it has registered it somewhere
These kind of things happen with most of the cloud platforms. In fact I kind of experienced this with Azure Traffic Manager. Give it some time and RETRY again and it will be fine. I am confirming that I was able to create Orchard Website right now in Azure.
if I retry, the chosen url is taken so it has registered it somewher
It might take some time for Azure to flush all DNS entries, usually 5 - 10 mins (in my experience). Once done, you should be able to use your chosen urls, unless they are already taken by some other persons.

The specified URL is already in use

I went to create a new WorkerRole. I used one of my URL's... I noticed I forgot to pick the Region and it defaulted to East Asia. I needed to change that but I didn't see that capability in the portal so I decided to delete the instance and start over. Now, I can't use the same URL. How and where can I purge this from the Portal / Azure?
Did you delete the entire service, or just the deployment? You need to delete the service to free up the DNS name. The DNS name should be freed immediately upon deletion and there is no need to do anything else to 'purge' it from the portal.

Liferay Help - One portal instance, multiple organizations, mapped to multiple domains

1) I need help in setting up the liferay portal instance with multiple domains.
I have one portal instance with multiple organizations ( for example: abc org, xyz org, etc)
I want to map these organizations to different domains (for example:,, etc)
I know that multiple portal instances with different company name (different companyId's) can be mapped through admin login in liferay,
need help with the above mentioned setup: one instance-multiple org-mapped to multiple domains
2) If I use multiple instances, will this make performance issue in liferay?
Considering if we go with 1000 organizations with their respective domains mapped.
1st question, checkout Virtual Hosting on Liferay's web site.
2nd question, from my points of view, running 1000 micro websites on a single portal instances will definitely hit performance.
We created a custom Liferay application that enables a company to sell products to customers. These customers also have access to whatever they bought via Liferay. A customer can have multiple users that access the portal through this customer account. So we tried adding an organization in Liferay for each customer, but this soon proved to be a very big performance hit. Liferay is able to handle 10's and maybe 100's of organizations, but 1000's and 10000's is too much. So I guess you'll possibly need multiple Liferay servers to handle 1000 mini-sites.
