Win32API/Win drivers: How to detect if file is accessed - security

I would like to create something like "file honeypot" on Windows OS.
The problem I would like to answer is this:
I need to detect that file is accessed (Malware wants to read file to send it over internet) so I can react to it. But I do not know how exacly tackle this thing.
I can periodically test file - Do not like this sollution. Would like some event driven without need to bother processor every few ms. But could work if file is huge enought so it cannot be read between checks.
I could exclusively open file myselve and somehow detect if file is accessed. But I have no idea how to do this thing.
Any idea about how to resolve this issue effectively? Maybe creating specialized driver could help but I have little experience in this.

Tracking (and possibly preventing) filesystem access on Windows is accomplished using filesystem filter drivers. But you must be aware that kernel-mode code (rootkits etc) can bypass the filter driver stack and send the request directly to the filesystem. In this case only the filesystem driver itself can log or intercept access.

I'm going to assume that what you're writing is a relatively simple honeypot. The integrity of the system on which you're running has not been compromised, there is no rootkit or filter driver installation by malware and there is no process running that can implement avoidance or anti-avoidance measures.
The most likely scenario I can think of is that a server process running on the computer is subject to some kind of external control which would allow files containing sensitive data to be read remotely. It could be a web server, a mail server, an FTP server or something else but I assume nothing else on the computer has been compromised. And the task at hand is to watch particular files and see if anything is reading them.
With these assumptions a file system watcher will not help. It can monitor parts of the system for the creation of new files or modification or deletion of existing ones, but as far as I know it cannot monitor for read only access.
The only event-driven mechanism I am aware of is a filter driver. This is a specialised piece of driver software that can be inserted into the driver chain and monitor access to files. With the constraints above, it is a reliable solution to the problem at the cost of being quite hard to write.
If a polling mechanism is sufficient then I can see two avenues. One is to try to lock the file exclusively, which will fail if it is open. This is easy, but slow.
The other is to monitor the open file handles. I know it can be done because I know programs that do it, but I can't tell you how without some research.
If my assumptions are wrong, please edit your question and provide additional information.


How to share files between two (desktop) applications in a secure way

The problem is that I need to share files between 2 programs, but I don't want that those files are accessible by the user of the computer and other programs than these 2. So the flow of the files are like this: Program A (which I will code myself) recieves a file from the internet and puts somewhere on the computer. Then Program A calls Program B (which I didn't code and can't change). Program B reads the downloaded file and does some things with it and produces another file which Program B puts also somewhere on the computer. Then Program A reads that file and uploads it to the internet.
What I have found
I thought that maybe Windows Sandbox was interesting, but the problem with Windows Sandbox is that it's only available to windows 10 pro and windows 11, and that it is virtualised, and performance is quite important for Program B... So any virtualised software is not very usable, unless it is close to native performance.
For Linux, I found FreeBSD jails. But this seems more focussed on keeping the applications in the jail prohibited to access files outside the jail than to prohibit the programs outside the jail from reading and writing to files in the jail. So actually I need the opposite...
Another interesting concept was to keep the files stored in RAM like mmap in Linux, but since I can't change Program B, I don't know how to implement that. Is there some kind of container application that encapsulates the IO of Program B and redirects it to a file in RAM?
Does anyone have some suggestions? Thanks!
You can't really prevent the user/owner of the computer from reading the file if you are storing it on their disk. You can try to make it more difficult to access the content (which is what DRM does) but ultimately you the user can always bypass your controls given sufficient motivation and resources. Even if you store the files purely in RAM, a user with administrative permissions can dump your program's memory, and extract the files from there.

File read(i.e. using vfs_read()) from LKM init_module()

I would like to read files from my LKM "initialization" function so that I can config the LKM from some configuration files.
I'm wondering if it is not a good practice to read files even from the initialization function of LKM; I heard that it is NOT recommended to read files from LKM after all kernel was initialized.
Please advice me.
Thank you.
Reading from/writing to files from the kernel is definitely not recommended.
The Kernel Newbies wiki page describes it quite nicely.
For several reasons:
Selecting where and in what format to read/write data is a policy and policy does not belong to kernel. A userland daemon is much
easier to replace with one that receives or sends the data over a
network, generates or converts them from/to different format etc.
Filesystem operations need a user context (i.e.: current != NULL). You can't be sure you're in user context so you can't write something
from (for example) an interrupt handler.
The kernel allows multiple filesystem namespaces for user processes. Which one should it use? How do you make sure it indeed
uses the one you want?
Kernel should not depend on particular layout of a filesystem nor on availability of writable filesystem. The location of the file is
a policy decision and policy decisions should be done in userspace.
Maybe you want to dump the kernel output in a remote MySQL server
tomorrow, that kind of policy is so much easier in userland.
Kernel code should be kept simple and stupid, because any bug in it is likely to have serious consequences. Working with files requires
being aware of various locking issues and would add unnecessary
If you want to configure the behaviour of the kernel module you're writing, you can pass module parameters that configure it on start up. Alternatively, your module can expose interfaces to sysfs that can be used to configure it at run time.

Hooking into Windows File System and Insert Virtual File System

I'm working on an application similar to a program called Mod Organizer. Essentially what the program does is let people download and install mods to the game, Skyrim. However, Mod Organizer does something interesting; rather than install the mods directly to the game's data directory (like other mod managers), MO installs each mod to its own directory in some other arbitrary location and then loads all the mods together once the game launches. This is important because it makes mod managing much less of a hassle.
My question is: how might I create this on the fly file system or make Windows "pretend" a directory full of mod files is somewhere else.
At first I thought of creating symlinks with my code, but This guide put me onto the trail of "hooking," and specifically recommended trying EasyHook. While I think can understand the underlying concept of hooking (essentially intercepting signals from the OS and redirecting them for whatever purpose), I don't really know how to make the hook actually redirect files.
If anyone knows a good resource for this kind of hooking or has better approach to my problem, I'd appreciate the help.
What you have described in done with a filesystem filter driver. This driver intercepts requests to the filesystem and inserts additional information, such as tells the system about the files and directories which don't really exist on the disk. If the files are preset somewhere on the disk, the request can be simply redirected to the existing file or directory.
Filesystem filter driver is a kernel-mode driver, not easy to implement. You can use a pre-created driver that lets you perform tasks in user mode API, eg. our CBFS Filter.

How does RPC transfer big binary data?

If I want to transfer data using RPC or component technology, but the size of data can be very big, how deal with this situation ?
for example, I want to transfer a file to remote as a parameter, but I don't want put the whole file into memory for transferring . How should I do?
I think you should consider the file transfer solution, smth like establishing FTP connection in the background and make operations supposed to perform on this file data to wait until file transferring completes. Also you should take care of correctness of transferred data, checksumming for instance. The other solution probably is mounting remote directory containing files as a local volume or even setting up a distributed file system if you have all files in one place and you are powered with Linux.
Let's me answer my question.
The answer is MTOM, make sure the framework you are using support it.

Does linux provide a infrastructure to notify an application before deleting a monitored file?

I wonder whether linux provide a low-level support for such a use case:
When a monitored file is to be deleted, the monitor application can be notified to do something before this file is deleted from the file system.
Before teh monitored file is deleted from the file system, I hope to get a chance to free its related resouces. And I can only locate the resources as long as the file is still on disk and no matter where it moves.
Many thanks!
There is no direct API for this, but there are a number of techniques you can use.
First, the inotify API can be used to be notified /after/ deletion. To get at the contents of the file, you could create a hard link to it in another directory - this way, when the file is 'deleted', it remains on disk (at a different path) until you're ready to finally delete it.
Alternately, you could interpose a filter using FUSE. This would let you intercept any filesystem operations you like. However, this comes at a performance hit, as all filesystem operations would be intercepted, not just deletions.
