Toastr is not displaying the way it should - requirejs

toastr is showing an odd behavior -- it's being displayed in a rather ugly way, and I am not overriding anything. No options are given on how to style, but still I am getting this ugly notification.
This is what it looks like:
I am pulling toastr through requireJS; I don't know if that even matters.
define(['durandal/system', 'toastr'], function (system, toastr) {
var logger = {
log: log,
logError: logError
return logger;
function log(message, data, source, showToast) {
logIt(message, data, source, showToast, 'info');
function logError(message, data, source, showToast) {
logIt(message, data, source, showToast, 'error');
function logIt(message, data, source, showToast, toastType) {
source = source ? '[' + source + '] ' : '';
if (data) {
system.log(source, message, data);
} else {
system.log(source, message);
if (showToast) {
if (toastType === 'error') {
} else {;
baseUrl: '../Scripts',
paths: {
'services': '../App/services',
'viewmodels': '../App/viewmodels',
'views': '../App/views',
'config': '../App/config',
'durandal': 'durandal',
'plugins': 'durandal/plugins',
'transitions': 'durandal/transitions',
'text': 'text',
'toastr': 'toastr'
define('jquery', function () { return jQuery; });
define('knockout', ko);
define('main', ['durandal/system', 'durandal/app', 'durandal/viewLocator', 'plugins/router', 'services/logger'], function (system, app, viewLocator, router, logger) {
//>>excludeStart("build", true);
app.title = 'Prepare to die';
router: true,
dialog: true,
widget: true
app.start().then(function () {
// Router will use conventions for modules
// assuming viewmodels/views folder structure
router.makeRelative({ moduleId: 'viewmodels' });
// Replace 'viewmodels' in the moduleId with 'views' to locate the view.
// look for partial views in a 'views' folder in the root.
// Show the app by setting the root view model for our application with a transition.
app.setRoot('viewmodels/shell', 'entrance');
// Override bad route behavior to write to
// console log and show error toast
router.handleInvalidRoute = function (route, params) {
logger.logError('No route found', route, 'main', true);
define(['durandal/system', 'services/logger', 'plugins/router', 'config'],
function (system, logger, router, config) {
var shell = {
activate: activate,
router: router
return shell;
function activate() {
logger.log('Application is Loaded!', null, system.getModuleId(shell), true);;
return router.activate();
<!-- ko compose: {view: 'navigation'} -->
<!-- /ko -->
<section id="content" class="main container-fluid">
<!-- ko compose: {model: router.activeItem, afterCompose: router.afterCompose} -->
<!-- /ko -->

Just as a sidebar, we use toastr under Durandal and I know from John Papa's writings that he feels that third-party frameworks should be loaded globally, while our own modules should be loaded modularly. Just food for thought. I can tell that switching to a global model for third-party frameworks eliminated a lot of esoteric issues.

A quick work-around fix is to do the following:
toastr.options.toastClass = 'toastr';


Can't get html element using js file in SPFX

I am trying to build dynamic content from a SharePoint list using SPFX. I'd like to use jQuery to build an accordion view of the data. The issue is that I can't even seem to get the element once the page is rendered.
In my code I am requiring a file called ota.js with the following code:
function otaExpand(){
console.log('otaExpand Function Called');
let spListContainer = document.getElementById('spListContainer');
window.addEventListener("load", otaExpand());
In my ts file this is my render method:
public render(): void {
this.domElement.innerHTML = `
<div id="spListContainer">TEST</div>
//($('.accordion', this.domElement) as any).accordion();
When I review the console, I get my messages, but the element itself comes back as null.
I am using SharePoint 2019 on premise with the following configuration.
+-- #microsoft/generator-sharepoint#1.10.0
+-- gulp-cli#2.3.0
`-- yo#2.0.6
node --version
I should also mention I am using TypeScript with no JavaScript framework.
Does anyone know why I can't access this element from my js file?
My overall goal is to call list data and apply an accordion style to it (, but I can't even get passed capturing the element to change it.
I've tried calling my code from a js file as well as trying to put the code directly in the html. Neither worked.
OK, I finally figured out what I was doing wrong. I was calling my jQuery in the render() method rather than in _renderList where this.domElement actually makes sense.
Here's my code in case anyone wants to avoid the pain I put myself through. This allows you to specify a list in the site and you just need to add the fields you want to display.
import { Version } from '#microsoft/sp-core-library';
import {
} from '#microsoft/sp-webpart-base';
import { escape } from '#microsoft/sp-lodash-subset';
import styles from './GetSpListItemsWebPart.module.scss';
import * as strings from 'GetSpListItemsWebPartStrings';
import {
} from '#microsoft/sp-http';
import * as jQuery from 'jquery';
import 'jqueryui';
import { SPComponentLoader } from '#microsoft/sp-loader';
import PropertyPane from '#microsoft/sp-webpart-base/lib/propertyPane/propertyPane/PropertyPane';
export interface IGetSpListItemsWebPartProps {
title: string;
description: string;
listField: string;
export interface ISPLists {
value: ISPList[];
export interface ISPList {
ID: string;
Title: string;
Website: {
Description : string,
Url : string
Description : string;
export default class GetSpListItemsWebPart extends BaseClientSideWebPart<IGetSpListItemsWebPartProps> {
private _getListData(): Promise<ISPLists> {
return this.context.spHttpClient.get(this.context.pageContext.web.absoluteUrl + "/_api/web/lists/GetByTitle('" + + "')/Items",SPHttpClient.configurations.v1)
.then((response: SPHttpClientResponse) => {
return response.json();
private _renderListAsync(): void {
.then((response) => {
.catch(() => {});
private _renderList(items: ISPList[]): void {
let listData = `
<div class="accordion">
items.forEach((item: ISPList) => {
let Description : string;
item.Description ? Description = item.Description : Description = "";
listData += `
<h3> ${item.Title}</h3>
<td>OTA URL</td>
listData += '</div>';
this.domElement.innerHTML = listData;
const accordionOptions: JQueryUI.AccordionOptions = {
animate: true,
collapsible: true,
icons: {
header: 'ui-icon-circle-arrow-e',
activeHeader: 'ui-icon-circle-arrow-s'
jQuery('.accordion', this.domElement).accordion(accordionOptions);
public render(): void {
protected getPropertyPaneConfiguration(): IPropertyPaneConfiguration {
return {
pages: [
header: {
description: strings.PropertyPaneDescription
groups: [
groupName: strings.BasicGroupName,
groupFields: [
label: strings.TitleFieldLabel
PropertyPaneTextField('description', {
label: strings.DescriptionFieldLabel
PropertyPaneTextField('listField', {
label: strings.ListFieldLabel
public constructor() {
Your code from the "ota.js" file is probably called before your HTML is initialized (i.e. before the "render()" function is executed). To make sure this is the case, you could add log to the "render()" function to see when it's called.
In other words, "window.load" event happens long before "render()" function is called. This is how web parts are loaded - dynamically after full load of the page. Or "window.load" does not happen at all - web parts may be loaded by the user when using the page designer, i.e. without page reload.
To fix the issue, you should get the element after it's created, i.e. after the "render()" function creates the element you are trying to get.

Setting iframe height to scrollHeight in ReactJS using IframeResizer

The typical solution to the problem doesn't work in in React due to its dynamically generated component structure and event model, as opposed to traditional static HTML. I tried with react-iframe-resizer-super but not found perfect solution.
My code:
import React, {PropTypes} from 'react';
import ReactIframeResizer from 'react-iframe-resizer-super';
class Frame extends React.Component {
constructor() {
componentDidUpdate() {
const iframeResizerOptions = {
// log: true,
// autoResize: true,
checkOrigin: false,
// resizeFrom: 'parent',
// heightCalculationMethod: 'max',
// initCallback: () => { console.log('ready!'); },
// resizedCallback: () => { console.log('resized!'); },
render() {
return (
<div style={{position: 'relative'}}>
<IframeResizer iframeResizerOptions={iframeResizerOptions}>
<iframe scrolling="no" src="" allowfullscreen
style={{width:'100%', height:'100%'}}
Then I got following error:
Uncaught ReferenceError: IframeResizer is not defined
Is there a way in React to set the height of an iframe to the height of its scrollable contents or is there any alternative way to archive this requirement?
I refer following link:
This question is long decease, but I thought I would add just in case anyone else looking for clarification on using react-iframe-resizer-super + iframe-resizer (JS)
The problem in the code above is a misspelling of the imported component.
import ReactIframeResizer from 'react-iframe-resizer-super';
Should be:
import IframeResizer from 'react-iframe-resizer-super';
As you've used it inside your Frame component.
For those looking for clarification on using the library, here is my dead simple working solution:
Install dependencies on React project containing iFrame yarn add react-iframe-resizer-super iframe-resizer
Include iframeResizer.contentWindow.min.js on the page that you are using as the source of your iFrame.
Usage in React:
import React from 'react';
import IframeResizer from 'react-iframe-resizer-super';
export const DynamicIFrame = props => {
const { src } = props;
const iframeResizerOptions = {
log: true,
// autoResize: true,
checkOrigin: false,
// resizeFrom: 'parent',
// heightCalculationMethod: 'max',
// initCallback: () => { console.log('ready!'); },
// resizedCallback: () => { console.log('resized!'); },
return (
<IframeResizer src={src} iframeResizerOptions={iframeResizerOptions} />

Make a hook to be executed only on "onClick" button

I have a Prestashop module, and I want to execute a hook (inserting a product) just when clicking on a button.
Here is what I'm doing right now :
In the module.php file I'm using this function :
public function hookActionProductAdd()
//code to create a product
In the module.tpl file I'm creating a button, its onClick execute the hook :
<button onclick="createProduct()">Create product</button>
And at the end of the tpl file I add the script code :
function createProduct() {
{hook h='ActionProductAdd'}
The problem is the hook is executed every page access/reload, and I want it to execute only when clicking on the button.
A hook is only executed at runtime, when Prestashop generates the template files. Here you want to create an ajax function in your module.
Your module files will look like this :
- mymodule.php
- ajax/
- my_module_ajax.php
- js/
- my_module.js
- views/
- templates/
- front/
- my_module_template.tpl
In file mymodule.php you've got:
if (!defined('_PS_VERSION_'))
class MyModule extends Module
public function __construct()
public function install()
if (!parent::install() || !$this->registerHook('header'))
return false;
return true;
public function hookHeader($params)
public function _ajax_create_product($params)
return $result;
In file my_module_ajax.php you've got:
$context = Context::getContext();
// Instance of module class
$module = new MyModule();
switch (Tools::getValue('action'))
case 'createProduct':
echo $module->_ajax_create_product(Tools::getValue('test'));
In file my_module.js you've got:
$(document).on('click', '#myButton', function(){
function createProduct(value) {
type: 'GET',
url: baseDir + 'modules/mymodule/ajax/my_module_ajax.php?rand=' + new Date().getTime(),
headers: { "cache-control": "no-cache" },
async: true,
cache: false,
data: 'action=createProduct&value=' + value+ '&other=' + 'test',
success: function(data)
console.log("product created");
In file my_module_template.tpl you've got:
<button id="myButton" name="myButton">Create product!</button>
This code is not tested and should be adapted to your needs but the overall concept is here.

can't test ember component that appends a div to the dom

I have a ember-cli-addon that adds a component which appends a div with a specific class to the consuming application. I'm trying to test this integration and having difficulty to setup the test.
I have tried to unit test the component as well but that doesn't work quite as expected. Here's what I've tried:
I've copied the component from my addon directory to tests/dummy/components/jquery-backstretch.js to make it available to the dummy test application:
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Component.extend({
tagName: 'jquery-backstretch',
image: null,
selector: 'body',
fade: 0,
duration: 5000,
centeredX: true,
centeredY: true,
setupJquerybackstretch: function() {
var image = this.get('image');
if (! Ember.isEmpty(image)) {
var options = {
fade: this.get('fade'),
centeredX: this.get('centeredX'),
centeredY: this.get('centeredY')
var jqbsImage;
if (Ember.typeOf(image) === 'string') {
jqbsImage = 'assets/' + image;
} else if (Ember.isArray(image)) {
options.duration = this.get('duration');
jqbsImage = {return 'assets/' + img;});
} else {
Ember.Logger.error('Ember JQuery-Backstretch: Unsupported "image" format.');
Ember.$(this.get('selector')).backstretch(jqbsImage, options);
} else {
Ember.Logger.error('Ember JQuery-Backstretch: image not supplied.');
teardownJquerybackstretch: function() {
this causes the component to append the img to the body of the test page and not to #ember-testing-container, changing the selector to #ember-testingn-container puts the img in the right place but the test can't find it:
import Ember from 'ember';
import {
} from 'qunit';
import startApp from '../../tests/helpers/start-app';
var application;
module('Acceptance: JqueryBackstretch', {
beforeEach: function() {
application = startApp();
afterEach: function() {
//, 'destroy');
test('backstretch added to body tag', function(assert) {
andThen(function() {
assert.equal(find('.backstretch > img').length, 1, 'Backstretch found');
<h2 id="title">Welcome to Ember.js</h2>
{{jquery-backstretch image="img/emberjs.png"}}
the test is not passing, it can't find the image, I also tried to test the component and append it to the DOM then test to see if it's in the DOM but that didn't yield better results.
How can I test this please?

Handlebars.js misses JSON data

I've got template file loaded by Require.js via this:
) {
"use strict";
return Backbone.View.extend({
initialize : function() {
render : function() {
var template = Handlebars.compile(MainTemplate);
var output = template(AppData);
console.log("appData:\n" + AppData);
console.log("MainTemplate:\n" + MainTemplate);
console.log("Output:\n" + output);
//smth extra
return this;
MainTemplate (main.html)
<li><b>Version:</b> {{version}}</li>
<li><b>Author:</b> {{author}}</li>
AppData (appdata.json)
{version: "0.0.1", author: "John Doe"}
And output:
While expected output:
<li><b>Version:</b> 0.0.1</li>
<li><b>Author:</b> John Doe</li>
Any ideas what am I doing wrong? Thank you!
Problem solved. Here is updated main-app.js:
) {
"use strict";
return Backbone.View.extend({
initialize : function() {
render : function() {
var template = Handlebars.compile(mainTemplate);
var output = template(eval("(" + appData + ")")); //Object is expected by template(), not JSON.
console.log("appData:\n" + appData);
console.log("template:\n" + mainTemplate);
console.log("Output:\n" + output);
//smth extra
return this;
The problem is AppData is a string of JSON, not an actual Object. Simply change from:
var output = template(AppData);
var output = template(JSON.parse(AppData));
You may need to include json2.js to add JSON support for older browsers (<=IE7).
Here is a jsFiddle repro of your template function, the template transformations seems working, the problem is probably located in the text! function in require.js code, try to debug the text! function.
Try also to add the !strip function when loading the template: 'text!templates/main.html!strip',
The documentation suggests it :For HTML/XML/SVG files, there is another option. You can pass !strip, which strips XML declarations so that external SVG and XML documents can be added to a document without worry.
