Serving file:// files to users - security

Currently I'm building a local serach engine for network drives that is going to be used in our company.
The search engine is build on top of Solr and Tika. I've build an indexer that indexes Samba-shares over the network which works great and indexes all the directories that are given in a configuration file. However that is not really relevant.
The current problem we have is that the web interface that connects to Solr and delivers the search results will try to serve local file:// files that are links to the files with a absolute or Samba path. But serving file://'s are of course disallowed by browsers like Google Chrome. The error that Chrome gives is:
Not allowed to load local resource: file:///name/to/file.pdf
Which is obvious and logical, however I want to work around that issue and serve 'local' files to our users. Or at least open an Explorer window with the given path.
I was wondering if this is even possible or if there is a workaround available? The server that is going to serve these files is running on Apache or Tomcat (doesn't matter).

Alhtough opening file://'s seems pretty much impossible without the use of browser-specific plugins, I created a workaround by specifying a custom URI-handler combined with a Windows specific application that will open explorer.exe with the given directory.
This is by far not the ideal answer to my question, but I think it is a decent workaround for an intranet search application.

Streaming the file from your application to the browser is a much better idea from a usability and security perspective.
By assigning a MIME type to the stream, the user's browser can decide how best to open and display the file to the user.
By streaming from you application, control of the data can be maintained. The location of the file on you server is not revealed and proper authentication, authorization and auditing are easily achieved.
Assuming Java based upon your use of Solr and Tika:


Reading and writing files in chrome extensions

I am trying to write a chrome extension that initialize some parameters from a config file.
I would like to allow the extension to change those parameters and save them to the file so that the next time the extension was loaded it uses the new configuration.
I have been reading the chrome.filesystem api but it needs the interaction of the user to choose the file. However in this case the process must be done automatically without any action of the user.
Since this configuration file will be only accessed by the extension it could be sand-boxed but It must be persistent even if chrome is closed.
I manage to read the file using an XMLHttpRequest but I could not find a way to modify the file.
Is it possible to do this from a chrome extension?
This is an old question but unfortunately the only response it got was wrong.
It's definitely possible to read and write files using HTML5 in Chrome, without the vague "security" issues mentioned. The HTML5 Filesystem creates a protected sandbox in which you write and read virtual files: you can think of it as files being written in file based database managed by Chrome and not accessible by either other Chrome apps & extensions or other OS based applications. The user won't be able to copy or move these files using his OS file explorer since they reside inside the web browser's file DB.
You can't read (or write) arbitrary files from (to) disk based on any given file path.
If you need a file from disk you can only let the user select it himself by using chrome.fileSystem.chooseEntry()
You can however read (and write) your own files from (to) the HTML5 Filesystem.
So to answer your question: no you don't need user interaction to write your config file to the browser's file system.
An alternative to files could be chrome storage, localstorage or even indexedDB to store your (persisted) config key-value pairs.
Here are a couple of useful links to start reading about it:
Toying with the HTML5 filesystem
HTML5 Rocks
HTML5 demos
I imagine allowing a chrome extension to write to config files without the user knowing could be a bit of a security problem. You're probably hitting up against a security feature. A potential work around is to build a desktop application that is always on, and your chrome application communicates with it. Heck, you might able to do what you need to (without knowing all the details) with something like autohotkey.

Localhost code editor in Google Chrome tab - like Notepad++?

I looked into very many Google Chrome extensions and apps in order to find one that matches the following requirements:
runs in a Google Chrome tab
editor for any code, PHP, CSS, HTML
can load and save files (on my computer) and create new ones
works with local files on my computer
Is there any? kodingen, cloud9, shiftedit does not seem to make it on the localhost.
Maybe SourceKit will do?
SourceKit is an extension to your Google Chrome browser which runs in a separate tab. The files are stored in your Dropbox account, so not only can you access the files from your computer - you can access them from anywhere! It uses syntax highlighting like Notepad++ for a limited number of languages (you said php, css, and html - they are all supported). It can load, save, and edit text files locally on your computer if you install the Dropbox Desktop Application. This will also synchronize the files with your online account and thereby make them accessible from anywhere in the world.
That sounded more like a salesman's advertisement than intended.
Both Dropbox and SourceKit are free.
There are four catches as far as I can see:
Dropbox "only" offers 2GB for free, however, you can upgrade at any time if you're willing to pay.
Dropbox Desktop will only synchronize one folder (and all of its contents), but that's really not any different from a web site.
SourceKit will not debug your code, but will it highlight wrong syntax(only for certain languages).
EDIT Does not work offline.
I've tried it out, and it works well.
Sympathy Editor
Sympathy uses the npapi-file-io plugin mentioned in an answer above to allow you to edit local files.
Allows you to edit local files
Full syntax highlighting
Bookmark local files for easy access
Uses npapi plugin to read files, which means it has access to all your data
Unavailable on Chrome Webstore
Still under development
Only works on linux/windows as of the moment (not in mac)
If you are interested, you can see the README, or Manual on github.
Disclosure: I'm the primary developer of the extension.
Don't any of these extensions you have mentioned work with the file:/// protocol? They will work for the http:// protocol only if you are going to edit files inside your local webserver.
Instead of writing http://localhost/(...) you write file:///(...), where (...) is the full path.
In UNIX systems it is file:///home/jens/file.txt. In Windows it should be file:///C:\(...).
#Berk Demirkir may be right.
Here are the resources I found that may be of use;
32 Google Chrome Extensions For Smart Designers
Chrome Web Developer Tools No. 7 on the above list
There's no extension for editing local files.
But you can write one!
Acesses to local filesystem cannot be done using Chrome's Extension API.
But you can use HTML5's File API (which is draft) or Local Storage. If none of these storage methods sufficient for you, you can build a NPAPI Plugin. Chrome supports NPAPI Plugins. There's also a project called npapi-file-io in Google Code which aims to access local files from Google Chrome Extension context.
Now, there's one usable editor, Symphaty. You can use Capt.Nemo's Symphaty editor.
Edit 2:
NPAPI plugins are phased out from Chrome since version 42. The only alternative would be to use a wrapper native app and communicate using Native Messaging API.
ShiftEdit can be used to work locally, you will need to have XAMPP or equivalent installed.

Ideas for launching an installed app from a webpage

I am thinking about having the following use-case:
User installs application on local machine.
User goes to our website, and are presented with many links (choices).
User clicks on a link.
Application starts, with some information contained within the link passed to the application.
Step 4 is obviously a security minefield. The end goal is that the user makes a choice, and if the application is installed, it starts with some information passed to it (ie command line parameters, or perhaps a temp file somewhere on the user's machine)
Can I/ Should I access the registry from javascript? Are there any ideas about how I might go about this? Do you have an alternative suggestion?
Assuming the applications the user installs are also developed by you.
Register a file extension for use by the specific application - then your web links can be links to a file that is downloaded and auto-run by your app. The file could contain details on the defaults for your app to use.
Sort of like how clicking on a .pdf file opens your pdf reader.
As an alternative to the file-extension solution you may want to know about Custom Application Protocol feature. Link is for Windows but there are nearly same techniques on other systems. I can't say if this approach works in every browser but you may want to try it out.
Accessing the registry from JavaScript inside a browser is nigh on impossible for the security implications. To access the registry from the web, I'd imagine you'd have to use a binary (C++ or others) program that can read the registry, but also has an HTTP module to communicate with your server.
Sounds like you might need the Click Once deployement feature for your app. I think once it's installed over http there should be a pretty easy way to launch an executable.

Launch local folder from XPSP2+ / IE8

We've got an intranet which normally serves all info/documents that appl to the whiole company (employee handbooks, minutes, etc...)
Most of these work by having the web server parse a folder and present the files to the user.
The problem in this case is that the latest folder is restricted to cerain users. As Kerberos is not currently an option, I was planning to side-step the issue and just insert a link which opens up a UNC path:
I've just found out that since XPSP2 this hasn't been possible with standard HTML/JS.
Does anyone know of a nother way this can be done? It's internal so I've got a lot of control over the webserver (but domain config changes will have to be justified)
I'm wondering if there's something like .Net or an ActiveX [shudder] solution or similar?
Thanks in advance for any help.
Seems the solution was to do it without Javascript and without the file://
The following works:

Browser based WebDAV client?

Is there any good browser based WebDAV client? If not, is it possible to make one?
Look at the AjaxFileBrowser from ITHit. Pretty slick, and has FireFox & Chrome PUT support for uploading. IE, drag-and-drop from your desktop to the browser. They have a fully functional demo site up at
There's a plugin for Firefox which handles WebDAV.
Webfolders is a firefox extension that gives you the ability to view the contents of WebDAV
servers in the browser and use the full functionality of the WebDAV protocol.
Depends on what you expect the client to do, and whether you're looking for a cross-browser "web application", or a browser extension.
The main issue with doing this in a "web application" (as opposed to a browser extension) is (1) the lack of binary data support in Javascript, and (2) the lack of access to the local file system (which of course is a security feature).
There is webdav-js which can be enabled as a bookmarklet or served by the WebDAV server itself as an HTML page.
It supports the regular listing of files and directories, file upload, directory creation, renaming, as well as in-page display of images and other media.
If by browser based you mean that it runs in html (ie you don't want your users to install a plugin) then the answer is partly yes and mostly no.
Partly yes, because I have built and used one. It uses the jquery jtree plugin to display folders, and selecting a folder node populates a file list in the right hand panel. Panels are done with another jquery plugin, and the file list is made dynamic with the jquery datatables plugin.
But I think for you the answer is probably "no". Thats because for the browser to use webdav is must user webdav "methods" like PROPFIND and MKCOL. These methods just arent supported in most browsers, so your javascript can't use them directly. I have a server-side mapping in my webdav server project which allows my javascript to use normal GET and POST methods, and these requests are transformed on the server to webdav methods.
I said "probably no" for you since this serve side mapping isnt standard, its a part of milton. But if you happen to use milton, or you can use milton, then its all good.
Try They turn any WebDav back-end into a personal cloud file solution. As well as a rich browser desktop and mobile client, there are clients for Mac,Windows, Linux and Mobile clients for Android, iOS, Windows Phone, and BlackBerry.
