In which thread methods should Synchronize be used? - multithreading

I know Synchronize must be used in the Execute procedure, but should it be used in Create and Destroy methods too, or is it safe to do whatever I want?

I know Synchronize must be used in the Execute procedure.
That is somewhat vague. You need to use Synchronize when you have code that must execute on the main thread. So the answer to whether or not you will need to use Synchronize depends crucially on what the code under consideration actually does. The question that you must ask yourself, and which is one that only you can answer, is do you have code that must run on the main thread?
As a general rule it would be considered prudent for you not to need to call Synchronize outside the Execute method. If you can find a way to avoid doing so then that would be wise. Remember that the ideal scenario with threads is that they never need to block with Synchronize if at all possible.
You might also wish to consider which thread executes the constructor and destructor.
The constructor Create runs in the thread that calls it. It does not run in the newly created thread. Therefore it is unlikely that you would need to use Synchronize there.
The destructor Destroy runs in the thread that calls it. Typically this is the thread that calls Free on the thread object. And usually that would be called from the same thread that originally created the thread. The common exception to that is a FreeOnTerminate thread which calls Free from the thread.

There is a need to use Synchronize() when the code is executing outside of the context of the main (GUI) thread of the application. Therefore the answer to your question depends on whether the constructor and destructor are called from that thread or not.
If you are unsure you can check that by comparing the result of the Windows API function GetCurrentThreadId() with the variable MainThreadID - if they equal the code executes in the context of the main thread.
Threads that have FreeOnTerminate set will have their destructor called from another thread context, so you would need to use Synchronize() or Queue(). Or you use the termination event the VCL already provides, I believe it is executed in the main thread, but check the documentation for details.

First of all, you don't want to call Synchronize() unnecessarily, because that simply defeats the purpose of using a thread. So the decision should be based on whether: (a) it's possible to encounter race conditions with shared data. (b) you'll be using VCL code which usually has to run on the main thread.
It's unlikely you would need to synchronise in the constructor because TThread instances are usually created from the main thread already. (The exception being if you're creating some TThread's from another child thread.)
NOTE: It won't cause any harm though because Synchronize() already checks if you're on the main thread and will call the synchronised method immediately if you are.
class procedure TThread.Synchronize(ASyncRec: PSynchronizeRecord; QueueEvent: Boolean = False);
SyncProc: TSyncProc;
SyncProcPtr: PSyncProc;
if GetCurrentThreadID = MainThreadID then
As for the destructor there are 3 usage patterns:
The TThread instances destroys itself.
Another thread (possibly the main thread) can WaitFor the instance to finish, then destroy it.
You can intercept the OnTerminate event. This is fired when the instance is finished, and you could then destroy it.
NOTE: The OnTerminate event will already be synchronised.
procedure TThread.DoTerminate;
if Assigned(FOnTerminate) then Synchronize(CallOnTerminate);
Given the above, the only time you might need to synchronise is if the thread self-destructs.
However, I'd advise that you rather avoid putting code into your destructor that might need to be synchronised. If you need some results of a calculation from your thread instance, OnTerminate is the more appropriate place to get this.

To add to what has been said in other answers...
You never need to use Synchronize at all. Synchronize may be useful, however, in the following circumstance:
In the context of your thread you need to execute code that touches objects that have affinity to the main thread.
You require your thread to block until that code has been executed.
Even in that case, there are other ways to achive the same goal, but Synchronize provides a convenient way to satisfy those two needs. If you need only one of those two items, there are better strategies available.
On topic #1, the obvious objects are user interface objects. These are objects that have thread affinity to the main thread simply by virtue of the fact that the main thread is continually reading and writing the properties of those objects (not the least because it needs to paint them to the screen, etc) and it does so at its own convenience. This means that your thread cannot safely access those components with a guarantee that the main thread will not also be accessing or modifying them at the same time. In order to prevent corruption, the thread has to pass the work to the main thread (since the main thread can only do one thing at a time and can't, obviously, interfere with itself). Synchronize simply places the work onto the main thread's queue and waits until the main thread gets around to completing it before returning.
This gets to point #2. Do you need to (or, equally, can you afford to) wait around until the main thread finishes the work? There are three cases and two options.
Yes, you can or must wait. (Synchronize is a good fit)
No, you cannot wait. (Synchronize is not a good fit)
Don't care. (Synchronize is easy, so it's a sensible option)
If you are simply updating a status display that will soon be overwritten anyway and your thread has more pressing issues, then it's probably sensible to just post a message to the main thread and carry on doing things, for example. If your thread is just waiting around doing nothing, mostly, and it's not worth the time to code anything more sophisticated, then Synchronize is just fine, and it can be replaced with something better if needs dictate so in the future.
As others have said, it really depends on what you are doing. The more important question, I think, at least conceptually, is to sort out when you need to worry about concurrency and when you don't. Any time you have more than one thread that requires access to a single resource you need to use some sort of mechanism to coordinate that access to avoid the threads crashing into each other. Synchronize is one of those methods, but it not the least nor the last of them.


Form.ShowModal not working on TThread [duplicate]

Everywhere is noticed that VCL is not thread-safe and we must synchronize access to it. So it's VCL faults that is not thread-safe.
How VCL itself can be thread-safe?
What, precisely, does "thread-safe" mean to you? What about someone else? Every time I see this brought up, it ends up boiling down to this: "I want VCL to be thread-safe so I don't have to think about threading and synchronization issues. I want to write my code as if it is still single-threaded."
No matter how much work went into making VCL so-called "thread-safe", there will always be situations where you can get into trouble. How would you go about making it thread-safe? I don't say this to be combative, rather I merely want to demonstrate that it is not a simple problem with a simple, "works-in-all-cases" solution. To highlight this, let's look at some potential "solutions."
The simplest and most direct approach I see is each component has some kind of "lock", say a mutex or critical section. Every method on the component grabs the lock on entry and then releases the lock just prior to exit. Let's continue down this path with a thought experiment. Consider how Windows processes messages:
Main thread obtains a message from the message queue and then dispatches it to the appropriate WndProc. This message is then routed to the appropriate TWinControl component. Since the component has a "lock", as the message is routed to the appropriate message handler on the component, the lock is acquired. So far so good.
Now take the proverbial button-click message processing. The OnClick message handler is now called which will most likely be a method on the owning TForm. Since the TForm descendant is also a TWinControl component, the TForm's lock is now acquired while the OnClick handler is processed. Now the button component is locked and the TForm component is also locked.
Continuing on this line of thinking, suppose the OnClick handler now wants add an item to a listbox, listview, or some other visual list or grid component. Now suppose some other thread (not the main UI thread) is already in the midst of accessing this same component. Once a method is called on the list from the UI thread it will attempt to acquire the lock, which it cannot since the other thread is currently holding it. As long as the non-UI thread doesn't hold that lock for very long, the UI thread will only block for a brief period.
So far so good, right? Now suppose, that while the non-UI thread is holding the list control's lock, a notification event is called. Since, it will most likely be a method on the owning TForm, upon entry to the event handler, the code will attempt to acquire the lock for the TForm.
Do you see the problem? Remember the button OnClick handler? It already has the TForm lock in the UI thread! It is now blocked waiting for the lock on the list control, which the non-UI thread owns. This is a classic dead-lock. Thread A holds lock A and attempts to acquire lock B which is held by thread B. Thread B is at the same time attempting to acquire lock A.
Clearly, if every control/component has a lock that is automatically acquired and released for every method isn't a solution. What if we left the locking up to the user? Do you see how that also doesn't solve the problem either? How can you be certain that all the code you have (including any third-party components) properly locks/unlocks the controls/components? How does this keep the above scenario from happening?
What about a single shared lock for the whole of VCL? In this scenario, for each message that is processed, the lock is acquired while the message is processed regardless of what component the message is routed to. Again, how does this solve a similar scenario I described above? What if the user's code added other locks for synchronization with other non-UI threads? Even the simple act of blocking until a non-UI thread terminates can cause a dead lock if it is done while the UI thread holds the VCL lock.
What about non-UI components? Database, serial, network, containers, etc...? How should they be handled?
As excellently explained by the other answers, Windows already does a pretty decent job of properly segregating UI message processing to only the thread on which each HWND is created. In fact, learning precisely how Windows works in this regard will go a long way to understanding how you can write your code to work with Windows and VCL in a manner that avoids most of the pitfalls I highlighted above. The bottom line is writing multi-threaded code is difficult, requires a rather drastic mental shift, and lots of practice. Read as much as you can on multi-threading from as many sources as possible. Learn and understand as many coding examples of "thread-safe" code as you can, in any language.
Hopefully this was informative.
The VCL is not thread safe. It is a wrapper around Win32. Win32 is thread safe but has threading rules that give meaning to that statement. Most specifically a window has affinity to the thread that created it.
The design of the Windows message queue means that it is almost always preferable to have all your GUI windows created by the main thread. The VCL designers decided that it was reasonable only to support that mode of operation. And so all VCL code must be executed from the main thread.
There's nothing that can be done to change this. This is by design. If you wish to execute VCL code, it must be done on the main thread. Use TThread.Synchronize or TThread.Queue to arrange that.
There are a lot of reasons why the VCL (especially UI controls) is not thread safe.
Race conditions on message input, especially in code that directly calls TControl.Perform()/TObject.Dispatch() instead of using PostMessage()/SendMessage(). The former does not perform any synchronizing of the control's message handlers, but the latter does. So it is not safe to perform non-HWND based messages from outside of the main thread.
An HWND has thread affinity. It receives and processes messages only on, and can be destroyed only on, the thread context that creates it. A TWinControl can destroy and recreate its HWND at any time, even multiple times, during its lifetime. The TWinControl.Handle property getter creates a new HWND if none exists yet. So if the control is in the process of recreating its HWND when another thread reads from the Handle property, the control can end up with a new HWND that was created in the wrong thread context, making the control no longer responsive to the main message loop (and can potentially leak a second HWND as well). So it is not safe to read from the TWinControl.Handle property from outside of the main thread.
The VCL has a MakeObjectInstance() function that creates a dynamic proxy to allow a TWndMethod class method to be used as a Win32 WNDPROC window callback procedure. All TWinControl controls, and some utility classes like TTimer, use this function. Internally, it maintains a global linked list of proxies, and that list is not protected from concurrent access across threads. So it is not safe to create/destroy HWND-based VCL controls from outside of the main thread.
I'm sure there are other reasons, but these are the big ones.

Ending a thread that might be joined or dereferenced

I'm having a problem deciding on what to do in this situation, I want to have a detached thread, but still be able to join it in case I want to abort it early, presumably before starting a new instance of it, to make sure I don't have the thread still accessing things when it shouldn't.
This means I shouldn't detach the thread right after calling it, so then I have a few options:
Self-detach the thread when it's reaching the end of its execution, but then wouldn't this cause problems if I try to join it from the main thread? This would be my prefered solution if the problem of trying to join it after it's self-detached could be solved. I could dereference the thread handle that the main thread has access to from the self-detaching thread before self-detaching it, however in case the main thread tries to join right before the handle is dereferenced and the thread self-detached this could cause problems, so I'd have to protect the dereferencing in the thread and however (I don't know how, I might need to create a variable to indicate this) I would check if I should join in the main thread with a mutex, which complicates things. Somehow I have a feeling that this isn't the right way to do it.
Leave the thread hanging until eventually I join it, which could take a long time to happen, depending on how I organise things it could be not before I get rid of what it made (e.g. joining the thread right before freeing an image that was loaded/processed by the thread when I don't need it anymore)
Have the main thread poll periodically to know when the thread has done its job, then join it (or detach it actually) and indicate not to try joining it again?
Or should I just call pthread_exit() from the thread, but then what if I try to join it?
If I sound a bit confused it's because I am. I'm writing in C99 using TinyCThread, a simple wrapper to pthread and Win32 API threading. I'm not even sure how to dereference my thread handles, on Windows the thread handle is HANDLE, and setting a handle to NULL seems to do it, I'm not sure that's the right way to do it with the pthread_t type.
Epilogue: Based on John Bollinger's answer I chose to go with detaching the thread, putting most of that thread's code in a mutex, this way if any other thread wants to block until the thread is practically done it can use that mutex.
The price of using an abstraction layer such as TinyCThreads is that you can rely only on the defined characteristics of the abstraction. Both Windows and POSIX provide features and details that are not necessarily reflected by TinyCThreads. On the other hand, this may force you to rely on a firmer foundation than you might otherwise hack together with the help of implementation-specific features.
Anyway, you say,
I want to have a detached thread, but still be able to join it in case I want to abort it early,
but that's inconsistent. Once you detach a thread, you cannot join it. I suspect you meant something more like, "I want a thread that I can join as long as it is running, but that I don't have to join when it terminates." That's at least consistent, but it focuses on mechanism.
What I think you actually want would be described better as a thread that you can cancel synchronously as long as it is running, but that you otherwise don't need to join when it terminates. I note, however, that the whole idea presupposes a way to make the thread terminate early, and it does not appear that TinyCThread provides any built-in facility for that. It will also require a mechanism to determine whether a given thread is still alive, and TinyCThread does not provide that, either.
First, then, you need some additional per-thread shared state that tracks thread status (running / abort requested / terminated). Because the state is shared, you'll need a mutex to protect it, and that will probably need to be per-thread, too. Furthermore, in order to enable one thread (e.g. the main one) to wait for that state to change when it cancels a thread, it will need a per-thread condition variable.
With that in place, the new thread can self-detach, but it must periodically check whether an abort has been requested. When the thread ends its work, whether because it discovers an abort has been requested or because it reaches the normal end of its work, it performs any needed cleanup, sets the status to "terminated", broadcasts to the CV, and exits.
Any thread that wants to cancel another locks the associated mutex, and checks whether the thread is already terminated. If not, it sets the thread status to "abort requested", and waits on the condition variable until the status becomes "terminated". If desired, you could use a timed wait to allow the cancellation request to time out. After successfully canceling the thread, it may be possible to clean up the mutex, cv, and shared variable.
I note that all of that hinges on my interpretation of your request, and in particular, on the prospect that what you're after is aborting / canceling threads. None of the alternatives you floated seem to address that; for the most part they abandon the unwanted thread, which does not serve your expressed interest in preventing it from making unwanted changes to shared state.
It's not clear to me what you want, but you can use a condition variable to implement basically arbitrary joining semantics for threads. The POSIX Rationale contains an example of this, showing how to implement pthread_join with a timeout (search for timed_thread).

What's wrong with using TThread.Resume? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Resuming suspended thread in Delphi 2010?
(2 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
Long ago, when I started working with threads in Delphi, I was making threads start themselves by calling TThread.Resume at the end of their constructor, and still do, like so:
constructor TMyThread.Create(const ASomeParam: String);
inherited Create(True);
FSomeParam:= ASomeParam;
//Initialize some stuff here...
Since then, Resume has been deprecated in favor to use Start instead. However, Start can only be called from outside the thread, and cannot be called from within the constructor.
I have continued to design my threads using Resume as shown above, although I know it's been deprecated - only because I do not want to have to call Start from outside the thread. I find it a bit messy to have to call:
FMyThread := TMyThread.Create(SomeParamValue);
Question: What's the reason why this change was made? I mean, what is so wrong about using Resume that they want us to use Start instead?
EDIT After Sedat's answer, I guess this really depends on when, within the constructor, does the thread actually begin executing.
The short and pithy answer is because the authors of the TThread class didn't trust developers to read or to understand the documentation. :)
Suspending and resuming a thread is a legitimate operation for only a very limited number of use cases. In fact, that limited number is essentially "one": Debuggers
The reason it is considered undesirable (to say the least) is that problems can arise if a thread is suspended while (for example) it owns a lock on some other synchronization object such as a mutex or sempahore etc.
These synchronization objects are specifically designed to ensure the safe operation of a thread with respect to other threads accessing shared resources, so interrupting and interfering with these mechanisms is likely to lead to problems.
A debugger needs a facility to directly suspend a thread irrespective of these mechanisms for surprisingly similar reasons.
Consider for example that a breakpoint involves an implicit (or you might even say explicit) "suspend" operation on a thread. If a debugger halts a thread when it reaches a break-point then it must also suspend all other threads in the process precisely because they will otherwise race ahead doing work that could interfere with many of the low level tasks that the debugger might be asked to then do.
The Strong Arm of the Debugger
A debugger cannot "inject" nice, polite synchronization objects and mechanisms to request that these other thread suspend themselves in a co-ordinated fashion with some other thread that has been unceremoniously halted (by a breakpoint). The debugger has no choice but to strong-arm the threads and this is precisely what the Suspend/Resume API's are for.
They are for situations where you need to stop a thread "Right now. Whatever you are doing I don't care, just stop!". And later, to then say "OK, you can carry on now with whatever it was you were doing before, whatever it was.".
Well Behaved Threads Behave Well Toward Each Other
It should be patently obvious that this is not how a well-behaved thread interacts with other threads in normal operation (if it wishes to maintain a state of "normal" operation and not create all sorts of problems). In those normal cases a thread very much does and should care what those other threads are doing and ensure that it doesn't interfere, using appropriate synchronization techniques to co-ordinate with those other threads.
In those cases, the legitimate use case for Resuming a thread is similarly reduced to just one, single mode. Which is, that you have created and initialised a thread that you do not wish to run immediately but to start execution at some later point in time under the control of some other thread.
But once that new thread has been started, subsequent synchronization with other threads must be achieved using those proper synchronization techniques, not the brute force of suspending it.
Start vs Suspend/Resume
Hence it was decided that Suspend/Resume had no real place on a general purpose thread class (people implementing debuggers could still call the Windows API's directly) and instead a more appropriate "Start" mechanism was provided.
Hopefully it should be apparent that even though this Start mechanism employs the exact same API that the deprecated Resume method previously employed, the purpose is quite different.

Delphi: Why VCL is not thread-safe? How can be?

Everywhere is noticed that VCL is not thread-safe and we must synchronize access to it. So it's VCL faults that is not thread-safe.
How VCL itself can be thread-safe?
What, precisely, does "thread-safe" mean to you? What about someone else? Every time I see this brought up, it ends up boiling down to this: "I want VCL to be thread-safe so I don't have to think about threading and synchronization issues. I want to write my code as if it is still single-threaded."
No matter how much work went into making VCL so-called "thread-safe", there will always be situations where you can get into trouble. How would you go about making it thread-safe? I don't say this to be combative, rather I merely want to demonstrate that it is not a simple problem with a simple, "works-in-all-cases" solution. To highlight this, let's look at some potential "solutions."
The simplest and most direct approach I see is each component has some kind of "lock", say a mutex or critical section. Every method on the component grabs the lock on entry and then releases the lock just prior to exit. Let's continue down this path with a thought experiment. Consider how Windows processes messages:
Main thread obtains a message from the message queue and then dispatches it to the appropriate WndProc. This message is then routed to the appropriate TWinControl component. Since the component has a "lock", as the message is routed to the appropriate message handler on the component, the lock is acquired. So far so good.
Now take the proverbial button-click message processing. The OnClick message handler is now called which will most likely be a method on the owning TForm. Since the TForm descendant is also a TWinControl component, the TForm's lock is now acquired while the OnClick handler is processed. Now the button component is locked and the TForm component is also locked.
Continuing on this line of thinking, suppose the OnClick handler now wants add an item to a listbox, listview, or some other visual list or grid component. Now suppose some other thread (not the main UI thread) is already in the midst of accessing this same component. Once a method is called on the list from the UI thread it will attempt to acquire the lock, which it cannot since the other thread is currently holding it. As long as the non-UI thread doesn't hold that lock for very long, the UI thread will only block for a brief period.
So far so good, right? Now suppose, that while the non-UI thread is holding the list control's lock, a notification event is called. Since, it will most likely be a method on the owning TForm, upon entry to the event handler, the code will attempt to acquire the lock for the TForm.
Do you see the problem? Remember the button OnClick handler? It already has the TForm lock in the UI thread! It is now blocked waiting for the lock on the list control, which the non-UI thread owns. This is a classic dead-lock. Thread A holds lock A and attempts to acquire lock B which is held by thread B. Thread B is at the same time attempting to acquire lock A.
Clearly, if every control/component has a lock that is automatically acquired and released for every method isn't a solution. What if we left the locking up to the user? Do you see how that also doesn't solve the problem either? How can you be certain that all the code you have (including any third-party components) properly locks/unlocks the controls/components? How does this keep the above scenario from happening?
What about a single shared lock for the whole of VCL? In this scenario, for each message that is processed, the lock is acquired while the message is processed regardless of what component the message is routed to. Again, how does this solve a similar scenario I described above? What if the user's code added other locks for synchronization with other non-UI threads? Even the simple act of blocking until a non-UI thread terminates can cause a dead lock if it is done while the UI thread holds the VCL lock.
What about non-UI components? Database, serial, network, containers, etc...? How should they be handled?
As excellently explained by the other answers, Windows already does a pretty decent job of properly segregating UI message processing to only the thread on which each HWND is created. In fact, learning precisely how Windows works in this regard will go a long way to understanding how you can write your code to work with Windows and VCL in a manner that avoids most of the pitfalls I highlighted above. The bottom line is writing multi-threaded code is difficult, requires a rather drastic mental shift, and lots of practice. Read as much as you can on multi-threading from as many sources as possible. Learn and understand as many coding examples of "thread-safe" code as you can, in any language.
Hopefully this was informative.
The VCL is not thread safe. It is a wrapper around Win32. Win32 is thread safe but has threading rules that give meaning to that statement. Most specifically a window has affinity to the thread that created it.
The design of the Windows message queue means that it is almost always preferable to have all your GUI windows created by the main thread. The VCL designers decided that it was reasonable only to support that mode of operation. And so all VCL code must be executed from the main thread.
There's nothing that can be done to change this. This is by design. If you wish to execute VCL code, it must be done on the main thread. Use TThread.Synchronize or TThread.Queue to arrange that.
There are a lot of reasons why the VCL (especially UI controls) is not thread safe.
Race conditions on message input, especially in code that directly calls TControl.Perform()/TObject.Dispatch() instead of using PostMessage()/SendMessage(). The former does not perform any synchronizing of the control's message handlers, but the latter does. So it is not safe to perform non-HWND based messages from outside of the main thread.
An HWND has thread affinity. It receives and processes messages only on, and can be destroyed only on, the thread context that creates it. A TWinControl can destroy and recreate its HWND at any time, even multiple times, during its lifetime. The TWinControl.Handle property getter creates a new HWND if none exists yet. So if the control is in the process of recreating its HWND when another thread reads from the Handle property, the control can end up with a new HWND that was created in the wrong thread context, making the control no longer responsive to the main message loop (and can potentially leak a second HWND as well). So it is not safe to read from the TWinControl.Handle property from outside of the main thread.
The VCL has a MakeObjectInstance() function that creates a dynamic proxy to allow a TWndMethod class method to be used as a Win32 WNDPROC window callback procedure. All TWinControl controls, and some utility classes like TTimer, use this function. Internally, it maintains a global linked list of proxies, and that list is not protected from concurrent access across threads. So it is not safe to create/destroy HWND-based VCL controls from outside of the main thread.
I'm sure there are other reasons, but these are the big ones.

Code Re-entrancy vs. Thread Safety

What is the difference between the concepts of "Code Re-entrancy" and "Thread Safety"? As per the link mentioned below, a piece of code can be either of them, both of them or neither of them.
Reentrant and Thread safe code
I was not able to understand the explaination clearly. Help would be appreciated.
Re-entrant code has no state in a single point. You can call the code while something is executing in the code. If the code uses global state, one call can conceivably overwrite the global state, breaking the computation in the other call.
Thread safe code is code with no race conditions or other concurrency issues. A race condition is where the order in which two threads do something affects the computation. A typical concurrency issue is where a change to a shared data structure can be partially completed and left in an inconsistent state. In order to avoid this, you have to use concurrency control mechanisms such as semaphores of mutexes to ensure that nothing else can access the data structure until the operation is completed.
For example, a piece of code can be non re-entrant but thread-safe if it is guarded externally by a mutex but still has a global data structure where the state must be consistent for the entire duration of the call. In this case, the same thread could initiate a call-back into the procedure while still protected by an external coarse-grained mutex. If the call-back occured from within the non re-entrant procedure the call could leave the data structure in a state that could break the computation from the caller's point of view.
A piece of code can be re-entrant but non thread-safe if it can make a non-atomic change to a shared (and sharable) data structure that could be interrupted in the middle of the update leaving the data structure in an incosistent state. In this case another thread accessing the data structure could be affected by the half-changed data structure and either crash or perform an operation that corrupts the data.
That article says:
"a function can be either reentrant, thread-safe, both, or neither."
It also says:
"Non-reentrant functions are thread-unsafe".
I can see how this may cause a muddle. They mean that standard functions documented as not required to be re-entrant are also not required to be thread-safe, which is true of the POSIX libraries iirc (and POSIX declares it to be true of the ANSI/ISO libraries too, ISO having no concept of threads and hence no concept of thread-safety). In other words, "if a function says it is non-reentrant, then it is saying it's thread-unsafe too". That's not a logical necessity, it's just a convention.
Here's some pseudo-code which is thread-safe (well, there's plenty of opportunity for callbacks to create deadlocks due to locking inversion, but let's assume the documentation contains sufficient information for users to avoid that) but not re-entrant. It is supposed to increment the global counter, and perform the callback:
int i = get_global_counter();
If the callback calls this routine again, resulting in another callback, then both levels of callback will get the same parameter (which might be OK, depending on the API), but the counter will only be incremented once (which is almost certainly not the API you want, so it would have to be banned).
That's assuming the lock is recursive, of course. If the lock is non-recursive, then of course the code is non-reentrant anyway, since taking the lock the second time won't work.
Here's some pseudo-code which is "weakly re-entrant" but not thread-safe:
int i = get_global_counter();
Now it's fine to call the function from the callback, but it's not safe to call the function concurrently from different threads. It's also not safe to call it from a signal handler, because re-entrancy from a signal handler could likewise break the count if the signal happened to occur at the right time. So the code is non-re-entrant by the proper definition.
Here's some code which arguably is fully re-entrant (except I think the standard distinguishes between reentrant and 'non-interruptible by signals', and I'm not sure where this falls), but still isn't thread-safe:
int i = get_global_counter();
disable_signals(); // and any other kind of interrupts on your system
On a single-threaded app, this is fine, assuming that the OS supports disabling everything that needs to be disabled. It prevents re-entrancy from occurring at the critical point. Depending how signals are disabled, it may be safe to call from a signal handler, although in this particular example there's still the issue of the parameter passed to the callback being the same for separate calls. It can still go wrong multi-threaded, though.
In practice, non-thread-safe often implies non-re-entrant, since (informally) anything that can go wrong due to the thread being interrupted by the scheduler, and the function called again from another thread, can also go wrong if the thread is interrupted by a signal, and the function is called again from the signal handler. But then the "fix" to prevent signals (disabling them) is different from the "fix" to prevent concurrency (locks, usually). This is at best a rule of thumb.
Note that I've implied globals here, but exactly the same considerations would apply if the function took as a parameter a pointer to the counter and the lock. It's just that the various cases would be thread-unsafe or non-re-entrant when called with the same parameter, rather than when called at all.
