Android NDK shared memory: how to use ashmem_create_region? - android-ndk

I've found some guides on using shared memory in Ansroid OS. I've learned that shm_open is not exist in Android amymore due to memory leaks caused by forced killing processes by OS or user.
ASHMEM functions are developed instead. But I cannot find in my NDK the declaration of ashmem_create_region() and other function. Where they are?

As with so many things in Android, the answer is to use JNI. The Java class java.nio.MappedByteBuffer wraps ashmem and provides read/write methods to access it.
Unfortunately, if you're using shared memory to boost performance, multiple round trips through JNI aren't an attractive proposition. Cedric Fung proposes using reflection to retrieve the ashmem handle by name, which will work but may break in future frameworks. (This does happen, BTW. All it takes is somebody deciding that "mFD" is too vague and "mFileDescriptor" would be a better name, or some such.) If you want to play with fire, I'd suggest retrieving the descriptor by type rather than by name, since the type is very unlikely to change.
Cedric also proposes implementing a Binder in C++, but this puts you back where you started because Binder is also not included in the NDK. Instead, you'd need to pass the handle via a binder service implemented in Java.
It's a lot of work for such a simple feature, I know. It's easier to just mmap a file and use that instead, which is too bad since a basic file mapping isn't nearly as mobile-friendly as ashmem. :-(

the header is inside system/core/include/cutils/ashmem.h of the aosp.
You must not use it for a regular application as ashmem functions aren't part of the NDK:!topic/android-ndk/eS9QK8EY968


Kotlin for game dev

I'm always searching for a language to replace Java for game development. Kotlin looks promising with a good IDE support and Java interop. But one of the FPS killers for a game (on Android especially) is GC usage. So, some libraries (like libgdx) are using pools of objects, custom collections and other tricks to avoid frequent GC run. For Java that can be done in a clear way. Some other JVM languages espesially with functional support using a lot of GC by it's nature, so it is hard to avoid.
Does Kotlin creates any invisible GC overhead in comparison to Java?
Which features of Kotlin is better to avoid to have less GC work?
You can write Kotlin Code for the JVM which causes the same allocations than the Java corresponding logic. In both cases you have to carefully check if a library call allocates new memory on the heap, or not. Using Kotlin in combination with LibGDX doesn't introduce any invisible GC overhead. It's an effective way and works well (especially with the ktx extension.
But there are Kotlin language features which may help you to write your code with fewer allocations.
Singletons are a language feature. (Object declarations, companion object )
You can create wrapper classes for primitive types which compile to primitives. But you get the power of type safety and rich domain models (Inline classes).
With the combination of Operator overloading and Inline Functions you can build nice APIs which modify objects without allocating new ones. (Example: Allocation-free Vectorial operations using custom operators)
If you use any kind of dependency injection mechanism or object pooling to connect your game logic and reuse objects, then Reified type parameters may help to use it in a very elegant an short way. You can skip a class as type parameter, if the compiler knows the actual type.
But there is also another option which indeed gives you a different behavior in memory management. Thanks to Kotlin Multiplatform, you can write your game logic as Kotlin common module and cross compile it to native code or to Javascript.
I did this in a sample Game project Candy Crush Clone. It works with Korge a Modern Multiplatform Game Engine for Kotlin. The game runs on the JVM, as HTML web app and as Native binary in Win, Linux, Mac, Android or IOS.
The native compiled code has its own simpler garbage collection and can run faster. So the speed-increase and the different memory management may give you the power reserve to bother even less with the GC.
In conclusion I can recommend Kotlin for Game dev, also for GC critical scenarios. In my projects I tend to create more classes and allocate more memory when I write Kotlin code. But this is a question of programming style, not a technical one.
As a rule of thumb, Kotlin generates bytecode as close as possible to the one generated by Java. So, for example, if you use a function as a value, an inner class will be created, like in Java, but no more. There are also some optimization tricks like IntArray and inline to perform even better.
And as #Peter-Lawrey said, it's always a better idea to measure the values for your specific case.
Technically, your questions comparing Kotlin to Java are moot, they will perform the same. But Kotlin will be a better development experience.
If Java is good for writing Games, then Kotlin would only better due to developer productivity.
Note: the gaming library LWJGL 3 uses Kotlin in part, with GitHub stats showing 67.3% of the code being Kotlin (template module looks to be mostly Kotlin). So asking people who work with LWJGL will give you the best answer to this question since they have a lot of experience in this area.

Is Swift resistant against hooking?

Cycript is a console based application that is a blend of Objective-C and JavaScript. Cycript is very useful for dynamic analysis of iOS applications.
If you write any methods or the complete ipa with Swift is it still possible to hook the application on a jailbroken device? Or is Swift safe like "native C" Code on iOS ?
I'm not really familiar with Cycript but I have a little understanding of the Swift compiler.
Swift code will be more resistant to hooking but it should not be completely impossible. NSObject subclasses and Swift classes that are declared #objc should be as accessible as Objective-C code. Pure Swift code, especially in optimised builds would be harder to inject code into because they are often statically dispatched and in many cases will actually be inlined into the calling code.
Where code hasn't been inlined it may may be possible to patch the functions in memory themselves to jump to an alternative function but it wouldn't be as easy as just modifying function tables.
Where key functions have been inlined it may be possible to find and modify each usage if common patterns of code that could be identified and if the function is long enough it may be posible to patch in a jump to an alternate version but this would get really quite tricky.

Convert object file to another architecture

I am trying to use a Wifi-Dongle with a Raspberry Pi. The vendor of the dongle provides a Linux driver that I can compile successfully on the ARM-architecture, however, one object file, that comes with the driver, was precompiled for a x86-architecture, which causes the linker to fail.
I know it would be much easier to compile that (quite big) file again, but I don't have access to the source code.
Is it possible to convert that object file from a x86-architecture to an ARM-architecture?
Thank you!
Um, no, it looks to me like a waste of time. Wi-Fi driver is complex, and you say this one troublesome object file is 'large'. Lots of pain to translate, and chance of successful debug slim to none. Also, any parameter passing between this one object file and the rest of the system would not translate directly between x86 and ARM.
In theory, yes. Doing it on a real kernel driver without access to source code will be difficult.
If you had high quality dis-assembly of the object file, and the code in the object file is "well behaved" (using standard calling conventions, no self modifying code) then you could automatically translate the X86 instructions into arm instructions. However, you probably don't have high quality dis-assembly. In particular, there can be portions of the object file that you will not be able to properly classify as code or data doing normal recursive descent dis-assembly. If you misinterpret data as code, it will be translated to ARM code, rather than copied as is, and so will have the wrong values. That will likely cause the code to not work correctly.
Even if you get lucky, and can properly classify all of the addresses in the object file, there are several issues that will trip you up:
The calling conventions on X86 are different than the calling conventions on ARM. This means you will have to identify patterns related to X86 calling conventions and change them to use ARM calling conventions. This is a non trivial rewrite.
The hardware interface on ARM is different than on X86. You will have to understand how the driver works in order to translate the code. That would require either a substantial X86 hardware comparability layer, or reverse engineering of how the driver works. If you can reverse engineer the driver, then you don't need to translate it. You could just write an arm version.
The internal kernel APIS are different between ARM and X86. You will have to understand those difference and how to translate between them. That's likely non trivial.
The Linux Kernel uses an "alternatives" mechanism, which will rewrite machine code dynamically when code is first loaded into the kernel. For example, on uni-processor machines, locks are often replaced with no-ops to improve perf. Instructions like "popcnt" are replaced with function calls on machines that don't support it, etc. It's use in the Kernel is extremely common. This means there's a good chance the code in the object is file is not "well behaved", according to the definition given above. You would have to either verify that the object file doesn't use that mechanism, or find a way to translate uses of it.
X86 uses a different memory model than ARM does. To "safely" translate X86 code to ARM (without introducing race conditions) you would have to introduce memory fences after every memory access. That would result in REALLY BAD performance on an ARM chip. Figuring out when you need to introduce memory fences (without doing it everywhere) is an EXTREMELY hard problem. The most successful attempts at that sort of analysis require custom type systems, which you won't have in the object file.
Your best bet (quickest route to success) would be to try and reverse engineer what the object file in question does, and then just replace it.
There is no reasonable way of doing this. Contact the manufacturer and ask if they can provide the relevant code in ARM code, as x86 is useless to you. If they are not able to do that, you'll have to find a different supplier of either the hardware [that has an ARM version, or fully open source, of all the components], or supplier of the software [assuming there is another source of that].
You could translate the x86 assembly manually by installing x86 GNU binutils and disassemble
the object file with objdump. Probably some addresses will differ but should be straight forward.
Yes, you could most definitely do a static binary translation. x86 disassembly is painful though, if this was compiled from high level then it isnt as bad as it could be.
Is it really worth the effort? Might try an instruction set simulator instead. Have you done an analysis of the number of instructions used? System calls required, etc?
How far have you gotten so far on the disassembly?
Maybe the file only contains a binary dump of the wifi firmware? If so you need no instruction translation and a conversion can be done using objcopy.
You can you use objdump -x file.o and look if any real executable code is inside the obj-file or if it's only data.
If you have access to IDA with Hex-Rays decompiler, you can (with some work) decompile the object file into C code and then try to recompile it for ARM.

Porting JVM to MINIX

As you may see from the title, for some reason I need to make running .class files on Minix possible (a compiler is not necessary). So could somebody point me in any direction, suggest some literature or give some advice? Generally, how would you do it?
Until now I found OpenJDK (but it's not exactly what I am looking for). I have also read Tanenbaum's "operating systems design and implementation". It gave me a lot of insight of minix internals.
If you just want to run .class files without much concern for performance, you could create a bytecode interpreter, which might be simpler than porting / creating a full compiler. You can find the format of these class files detailed here, and the behavior of the VM specified here.
You'll also need to pick a runtime -- OpenJDK and GNU Classpath are probably the best bets -- and port it to MINIX by implementing its native methods in C. native methods are usually concerned with platform-specific stuff, like calls to file I/O, and therefore cannot be implemented in the platform-independent Java language.
There are a number of other links and resources that you might find useful on this wiki page.
The Jainja JVM (I'm the author) can work on Minix 3.2 (not tested with 3.3). It's an interpreter (i.e. no JIT) with Java 5 standard library. There is limited support of AWT/Swing using a X11 backend.

Security of scala runtime

I'm developer of Robocode engine. We would like to make Robocode
multilingual and Scala seems to be good match. We have Scala plugin prototype here.
The problem:
Because users are creative programmers, they may try to win battle
different ways. As well robots are downloaded from online database
where anyone could upload one. So gap in security may lead to security
hole into users computer. Robots written in Java are running in
restricted sandbox. Almost everything is prohibited [network, GUI,
disk (limited), threads (limited), classloaders and reflection]. The
sandbox is similar to browser applet. We use SecurityManager, custom
ClassLoader per robot, etc ...
There are two ways how to host Scala runtime in Robocode:
1) load it together with robot inside of sandbox. Pretty safe for us,
preferred solution. But it will damage Scala runtime abilities because runtime uses reflection. Maybe generates classes at runtime ? Use threads to do some internal cleanup ? Access to JVM/internals ? (I would not like to limit abilities of language)
2) use Scala runtime as trusted code, outside the box, security on
same level as JDK. Visibility to (malicious)
robot. Are the Scala runtime APIs safe ? Do methods they have security
guards ? Is there any safe mode ? Is there any singleton in Scala runtime,
which could be abused to communicate between robots ? Any concurency/threadpool/messaging which could simulate threads ? (Is there any security audit for Scala runtime?)
3) Something in between, some classes of runtime in and some out. Which classes/packages must be visible to robot/which are just private implementation ? (this seems to be future solution)
The question:
Is it possible to enumerate and isolate the parts of runtime which must run in
trusted scope from the rest ? Specific packages and classes ? Or better idea ?
I'm looking for specific answer, which will lead to secure solution. Random thoughts welcome, but not awarded. There is ongoing discussion at scala email group. No specific answer yet.
I think #1 is your best bet and even that is a moving target. As brought up on the mailing list, structural types use reflection. I don't think structural types are common in the standard library, but I don't think anyone keeps track of where they are.
There's also always the possibility that there are other features using reflection behind the scenes. For example, for a while in the 2.8 branch some array functionality was using reflection. I think that's been changed after benchmarking, but there's always the possibility that there's some problem where someone said "Aha! I will use reflection to solve this."
The Scala standard library is filled with singletons. Most of them are immutable, but I know that the Scheduler object in the actors library could be abused for communication because it is essentially a proxy for an actual scheduler so you can plug your own custom scheduler into it.
At this time I don't think Scala requires using a custom class loader and all of its classes are produced at compile time instead of runtime, but then again that's probably a moving target. Scala generates a lot of class files, and there is always talk of making it generate some of them at runtime when they are needed instead of at compile time.
So, in short, I do not think it's possible (within reasonable constraints on effort) to enumerate and isolate the pieces of Scala that can (and should) be trusted.
As you mentioned other J* language implementations which all may make use of reflections, it would be a ban for all those languages as long as reflection is not part of the game.
I guess that would be JVM's problem not to have a way to partition the scope of reflection API, such that you could sort of "sandbox" the part of code that could be reflected within.
