how to connect to windows azure vm-hosted team foundation server? - visual-studio-2012

I installed TFS on windows azure VM, this VM has public ip: for example,i find it is with the port 63630 indeed when i remote this VM with using a downloaded .RDP file.
In visual studio on my local machine, i can not connect to this tfs via its public IP.
I think this maybe a port or firewall issue,but not exactly. because vm has the port 63630 and tfs defualt port is 8080, in addition:the inbound rule of port 8080 has the Profiles "private" and "public", ,
any help?

In Azure go to the VM and click on the endpoints and enable 8080 for your TFS.
Azure also has firewall rules as well as your local VM. The VM as you mentioned looks to have 8080 inbound open.
Regarding your local VM firewall, whether it is public or private depends on what type of network you assigned to your local VM network.
Then try to telnet from your local machine to your VM to confirm the port is open.
Then if that works you should be able to connect. If you can't after that point, it is a TFS or VS Configuration issue.
If you are having troubles, I normally find it good to disable ALL firewalls, get a good connection, then switch them on one by one until you find out which one is causing the issue.


Unable to connect to Azure VM through RDP but able to connect through Bastion

I was able to connect to Azure VM through RDP earlier but now suddenly I'm unable to connect to VM through RDP.
I tried to connect through Powersell.
Even powershell script was able to connect earlier but not working now. Myself didn't changed anything in Azure VM.
I'm getting below errors.
But I'm able to connect to VM through Bastion.
WinRM is already enabled in Azure VM.
I tried by creating new Azure VM and enabled RDP port 3389 but still getting same connection issue.
How to resolve issue.
When debugging RDP issues one tool I use to test connectivity from a windows client is:
telnet ip port
e.g telnet 3389
noting you may need to install the telnet client from windows features tool
Try this from multiple locations with different public addresses (including from the VM itself in some circumstances but clearly not for your issue).
Does it connect to the RDP Server listening port ?
If the answer is yes then you know the server is listening.
If the answer is no then the port is likely blocked, service is not available or a routing issue could be the cause.
Thinking out loud review the resources you have sitting in front of the VM:
window firewall (Disabling all firewall profiles is a more foolproof way of troubleshooting than setting the RDP-specific firewall rule, see REF)
local network outbound traffic blocks
firewall in front of the vm

Cannot access Neo4j browser on a Windows Server

I have a Windows Server 2012 virtual machine provisioned on Azure. I installed Neo4j server on this virtual machine and I'm accessing the Neo4j browser on localhost:7474.
However I cannot access the browser outside using my virtual machine's public IP e.g <machineIP:7474>
Here's what I have done so far:
In the Azure portal, I added inbound rules for the NSG to allow http and https ports 80 and 443 (I have done the same on a Linux virtual machine also hosted in Azure and I can access the browser just fine)
I also added an inbound rule in Windows Firewall to allow Port 80 and 443 as well
What possibly blocks me from accessing the virtual machine's IP from the outside?
You have to add TCP port 7474 to the firewall in the Azure portal:
change your
To remotely access Neo4j installed on a Windows VM in Azure, these are the changes you'll need to make:
In the Azure portal, add TCP port 7474 to the Endpoints of your Windows VM
On your Windows VM, in the Windows Firewall Advances Security, add a new Inbound Rule for port 7474
Change the conf/neo4j.conf and uncomment this line:
Note: In case you also want full access to Neo4j's browse interface including Bolt, then also add port 7687 both in the Azure Endpoints and the Windows Firewall.

SSRS and Azure VM

I have created a sql server instance on an Azure VM and uploaded my sql server backup and the various reports that were previously running on a local box. This has all gone well and I can connect to the database via management studio from my remote client.
I can also run all my reports locally on the Azure VM using RDP. They all work fine.
The problem comes when I try to connect to my report server using Internet Explorer from my remote client. All I get is Page is not found messages.
I have opened Port 80 on the Azure firewall and added an inbound rule in my Azure Portal to allow connection on Port 80.
I have tried using the Public DNS name I have created something like and also tried the IP address directly but neither work.
What am I missing?
Just got mine working!
Yes, you have to open port 80 on the windows firewall in your azure vm.
You also have to open the port in the network security section of your azure portal.
Finally the address to use is http://servername/reports/browse not reports/folder.aspx like you are used.

How to open ports on azure virtual machine?

I set a new port by Add EndPoints option but it does not open that specific port on azure virtual machine.... i checked using following link
can any one tell me how to resolve this issue?
TCPSockets endpoint is not open on my virtual machine
Add-AzureEndpoint opens a port at the Azure firewall not your at your VM's side. That means after opening the port in Azure, you have to open the port at your VM's individual firewall, too. Depending on your operating system that could be done differently. E.g. in Windows Server you would configure the Windows Firewall.
More precisely, Add-AzureEndpoint create a port forwarding rule from the specified public port to the private port you have specified for your VM.

SSRS Reports hosted in Azure Virtual Machine not available outside the VM

I have created an ssrs report inside an Azure Virtual Machine (SQL Server 2012 SP1 on Windows Server 2012). When I try to view the report from the Virtual machine it opens up in the browser with a proper url like
When I try to open the same url from my local machine, it says webpage is not available. I have completed the following settings too.
Created Inbound & Outbound rules in Virtual Machine Firewall for port numbers 80 and 443.
Created end points for the same port numbers in azure management portal.
You shall access the report server via the public DNS Name - this is sort of, and not http://mysamplevm/. You can get this when you navigate to the dashboard of your VM in the management portal - right hand links are named Quick glance, the second is DNS Name.
Because your computer has no idea how to find mysamplevm.
While astaykov is correct regarding the URL, there are two more steps you need to go through to make your report server accessible from outside your VM:
Open HTTP/HTTPS endpoint for your VM in Azure management portal
Open a firewall port:
Open Windows PowerShell on your Virtual Machine
Run the following (for port 80):
New-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName “Report Server (TCP on port 443)” -Direction Inbound –Protocol TCP –LocalPort 80
Now you can access your report server from remote computers through:
You have to log into the VM and open windows firewall advanced settings. In Inbound settings, allow port 80 to accept connections.
In addition to what DivineOps has mentioned. In Azure portal (new version), you have to go into NSG to configure firewall rules.
For me, I had to configure inbound rules, both on VM (via RDP) and via Azure portal for it to be accessible.
