Installing GLUT fails due to missing foreign library - ghc7.8 - haskell

I tried cabal install GLUT which gave the following:
Setup: Missing dependency on a foreign library:
* Missing C library: glut32
This problem can usually be solved by installing the system package that
provides this library (you may need the "-dev" version). If the library is
already installed but in a non-standard location then you can use the flags
--extra-include-dirs= and --extra-lib-dirs= to specify where it is.
So I thought, ok, lets get the sources and point cabal to the directories. I first tried freeglut and then the following
cabal install GLUT --extra-include-dirs="<path to freeglut>\include"
--extra-lib-dirs="<path to freeglut>\src"
Same thing, so I thought maybe it doesn't work with freeglut, and got glut:
cabal install GLUT --extra-include-dirs="<path to glut>\include"
--extra-lib-dirs="<path to glut>\lib"
When this doesn't work, I try to download the source and cabal install inside the directory, then runghc Setup configure. Then thinking that there is some parse error of the paths, I try every possible way of writing a file path known to man; quotes, no quotes, backslashes, double backslashes, forward slashes, and every combination of the above. I even placed all the files on my PATH in hopes it would find them. All other options exhausted, I proceeded to sacrifice a goat to satan, but still no dice.
The question is, what do I have to do to convince ghc to find this library? (this is windows 7)

You need to make the libglut32.a import library accessible to the compiler (see this answer for information about what import libraries are). Just copy it under $GHCDIR/mingw/lib. Alternatively, try the Haskell Platform installer, which ships with a pre-compiled version of the GLUT bindings.


Cabal install tidal ends with warning

I'm trying install tidal in command line this way:
cabal install tidal
but it ends with this message:
Warning: You asked to install executables, but there are no executables in
target: tidal. Perhaps you want to use --lib to install libraries instead.
Return of:
cabal install tidal --lib
Resolving dependencies...
Up to date
If I check ghk-pkg list, there is no package tidal
Have somebody similar problem or what I'm doing wrong?
My environment is:
Windows 10 Education
Haskell 8.4.3
Ghc 8.10.1
Thank you for help.
Like Stack for a longer time, Cabal-install does now (as of 3.2) not really install libraries anymore – in the sense of, change the computer's state so that GHC can access the library on it†. Both tools only install executables now. It used to do that for libraries too, but that was stopped with the now default Nix-style builds.
Now (and, really, also already before), the way to use a library is instead to just depend on it, and let Cabal figure out behind the scenes if it needs to be installed. I.e., you add a .cabal file to your .hs source file with build-depends: tidal in it. Then when you say cabal install ., it will first download and install the library before then using it for building your own executable.
†Of course both Stack and Cabal do technically speaking install libraries, just they don't globally register them. I.e., cabal knows where it has installed the library, but you're not really supposed to know about that. It's in the spirit of continuous integration: if your code builds now with the particular state of libraries you happen to have installed, that's not very reliable. If it builds with just those libraries that are explicitly listed in a project file, the chances are much better that future-you (or somebody else) will still be able to use your code on another computer without hours of figuring out what libraries to install first.
cabal install --lib tidal doesn't install the library binaries in a location managed by ghc-pkg. The binaries remain in the Cabal "store".
What it does is to create a plaintext GHC package environment file that is picked up by standalone invocations of ghc and ghci and tells them where to look for the extra libraries.
By default (as mentioned in the docs) this package environment file will be created at ~/.ghc/$ARCH-$OS-$GHCVER/environments/default and will be picked by ghc and ghci invocations made anywhere.
We can also supply an extra --package-env parameter to create the environment file in a local folder, which will only affect ghc and ghci invocations made in that folder. For example:
cabal install --lib --package-env . tidal
cabal projects themselves ignore environment files, as their package environments are constructed from the build-depends section of the cabal file for the sake of reproducibility. But environment files are useful for not having to create a cabal project in the first place, if you only need it for playing with the library in ghci, or if you are compiling simple programs using ghc only.

nix-shell as #! interpreter for runghc

I'm trying to use nix-shell as a #! wrapper for runghc, as suggested in the manpage. But it cannot find the libraries. Given the following example, cut-down from the manpage
#! /usr/bin/env nix-shell
#! nix-shell -i runghc -p haskellPackages.HTTP
import Network.HTTP
main = return ()
I get the following result:
[~:0]$ ./nixshelltest
nixshelltest:4:1: error:
Failed to load interface for ‘Network.HTTP’
Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
to my mind, that's exactly what nix-shell -p is to avoid.
Am I doing something wrong, missing the point, or is there a bug? This is both on a nixOS 17.03 host, and also a host running nix 17.09 on top of Ubuntu.
The environment that you're using to run the script is missing a step. It's got a GHC and a HTTP package, but the compiler doesn't know about the package.
The way GHC and library packages work in nix might be a little "inside out" from what you're expecting. You actually need to install a compiler that "depends on" all of the libraries you want, rather than simply installing the compiler and the library separately. The reason is that GHC is designed to have library packages added by modifying the file tree where GHC is installed. On a mutable file system with only a single system GHC install you would just modify GHC whenever a library was installed, but nix can't. Nix has to be able to install a frozen GHC that never changes, and potentially many of them.
So what happens instead is that you install a tiny wrapper which depends on the both the underlying "raw" GHC install and all of the libraries that you want to use. The wrapper then acts like an install of GHC that had those libraries registered, without actually needing to duplicate an entire GHC install. When you just install a library package on its own it just sits there inert, without any GHC being able to find it just by it existing.
In fact, the script you've shown here doesn't actually specify that it should have a compiler installed at all; it just asks for the HTTP library. When I tried your script I got command not found: runghc. The runghc is only working on your system because it happened to already be in your path when you ran this (perhaps because you have GHC installed in your profile?), and that GHC wasn't installed with the HTTP package and so can't see it. The nix-shell adding just the library to the environment doesn't help.
What you need to do instead is use this line:
#! nix-shell -i runghc -p "ghc.withPackages (ps: [ ps.HTTP ])"
You're not installing either ghc or HTTP directly; instead the ghc.withPackages function computes a nix package that installs a GHC wrapper that knows about the HTTP Haskell package. Under the hood this depends on a "raw" GHC with no additional libraries, and also on the HTTP library and will cause those to be installed too.
If you use lots of different Haskell environments (possibly via nix-shell scripts like this that each need a different set of libraries), then you will end up with a unique withPackages wrapper installed on your system for each combination of libraries you ever use. But that's okay because the wrappers themselves are tiny, and nix is able to share and reuse the underlying GHCs and library packages between all of those environments.

Cabal can't find foreign libraries

Recently I was trying to install llvm-general- package.. for about a week. Basically I am getting this error: link. My situation is identical. Windows 10, ghc 7.10.2, cabal I installed llvm 3.5.2 from sources with cmake and everything went fine. In llvm/lib directory I have *.lib files (eg. LLVMAnalysis.lib).
But somehow cabal can't see those libraries and gives this frustrating error:
Configuring llvm-general-
setup.exe: Missing dependencies on foreign libraries:
* Missing C libraries: LLVMLTO, LLVMObjCARCOpts, LLVMLinker, LLVMipo,
LLVMVectorize, LLVMBitWriter, LLVMCppBackendCodeGen, LLVMCppBackendInfo,
LLVMTableGen, LLVMDebugInfo, LLVMOption, LLVMX86Disassembler,
LLVMX86AsmParser, LLVMX86CodeGen, LLVMSelectionDAG, LLVMAsmPrinter,
LLVMX86Desc, LLVMX86Info, LLVMX86AsmPrinter, LLVMX86Utils, LLVMJIT,
LLVMIRReader, LLVMAsmParser, LLVMLineEditor, LLVMMCAnalysis,
LLVMMCDisassembler, LLVMInstrumentation, LLVMInterpreter, LLVMCodeGen,
LLVMScalarOpts, LLVMInstCombine, LLVMTransformUtils, LLVMipa, LLVMAnalysis,
LLVMProfileData, LLVMMCJIT, LLVMTarget, LLVMRuntimeDyld, LLVMObject,
LLVMMCParser, LLVMBitReader, LLVMExecutionEngine, LLVMMC, LLVMCore,
This problem can usually be solved by installing the system packages that
provide these libraries (you may need the "-dev" versions). If the libraries
are already installed but in a non-standard location then you can use the
flags --extra-include-dirs= and --extra-lib-dirs= to specify where they are.
I really want to use this package on my Windows, but nothing seems to work (I tried everything like --extra-lib-dirs and compiled also with MinGW and VS - the same problem).
I can't accept the fact that it won't install. I mean, there must be some way to fix Setup.hs from this cabal package or something. Does anyone have an idea what can be wrong with cabal in this case and how can I try to workaround this? I don't know how exactly cabal works, maybe someone with this knowledge will have an idea? Or maybe there is a way to do this without cabal?
Ok, i've managed to build it and, i think, found the root of the issue.
First, steps to build:
Get the MinGW. My installation of MinGW has gcc 4.8.
Get 32-bit MinGHC.
Compile LLVM 3.5 with MinGW's gcc and install it somewhere.
Copy contents of MinGW installation directory into MinGHC Install
Dir\ghc-7.10.2\mingw, replacing conflict files.
In the command line set your PATH so it has haskell toolset from
MinGHC (i recommend using switch .bat scripts) and llvm-config.exe.
Get the llvm-general package source either using cabal fetch or
downloading via browser from hackage.
Replace cc-options: -std=c++11 line of llvm-general.cabal with
cc-options: -std=gnu++11.
Finally, cabal configure and cabal build should work.
I have been changing my build environment many times, so if this doesn't work for you let me know, i probably forgot something.
Now let's go into details.
What we thought is a bug of cabal is not, actually. The problem is that both stack and MinGHC (and Haskell Platform, i guess) use quite old gcc - 4.6. This gcc has even two defects:
It doesn't support -std=c++11 and LLVM 3.5 can't be built using it.
As a consequence, this gcc can't be used by ghc when compiling
llvm-general, because it can't parse LLVM headers properly.
Even if it could, its linker can't link against LLVM libs compiled by
MinGW using gcc 4.8. This is why cabal was telling you it
couldn't find LLVM libs. I've hacked Setup.hs so that it wouldn't
look for these libs, but pass -lLLVMSomething to linker via -pgml
ghc option. This lead to clear error message:
ld.exe: ignoring libLLVMSupport.a ...
ld.exe: can't find -lLLVMSupport
So, the cabal was actually finding these libs, but was dropping them because they couldn't be linked to.
Ideally, the solution would be to update mingw distribution used by stack/MinGHC. But as a workaround you can just replace old gcc with new one.
Finally, -std=gnu++11 is used because current MinGW release is affected by this bug, which prevents compilation of c++ bits of the package. Whew, that was a long way.

Installing SDL on Windows for Haskell (GHC)

I've been using the gloss library for some simple diagram work. But when it came time for something more interactive, I found I wanted a more powerful library. After doing some research, I decided that I liked the features of the SDL library and wanted to try to install the Haskell bindings for it. I have to this point been unsuccessful.
Part 1:
How do I install and configure the SDL binaries so that they can be used by the Haskell bindings?
Part 2:
Which one of the numerous and ill documented SDL packages on Hackage it the current preferred binding in the community? How do I get that package to install correctly?
Part 3: (Optional)
If SDL is not a good fit for haskell development what is the preferred alternative?
I am going to answer your question for SDL2 (should also work for SDL1 with some modifications).
Install pkg-config for Windows
(How to install pkg config in windows?)
This tool is very important. It is used by various Cabal packages to search for libraries and contains directions for linking and compiling.
Download the SDL development libraries for Windows/MinGW:
If you have installed the 32-bit version of the Haskell platform, extract the folder i686-w64-mingw32
For 64-bit versions extract x86_64-w64-mingw32
You will get following layout:
"Register" the library with pkg-config.
Either copy lib/pkgconfig/sdl2.pc into the folder of your pkg-config.exe or modify/create the PKG_CONFIG_PATH accordingly. Check that you set up everything correctly:
C:\pkg-config --list-all | grep sdl2
sdl2 sdl2 - Simple DirectMedia Layer is a cross-platform multimedia
library designed to provide low level access to audio, keyboard,
mouse, joystick, 3D hardware via OpenGL, and 2D video framebuffer.
Add the bin folder to your PATH environment variable.
Install the sdl2 package via the Cabal installer and tell Cabal where to find your libraries.
cabal install sdl2 --extra-include-dirs=C:\lib\sdl2\include --extra-lib-dirs=C:\lib\sdl2\lib\
To test my installation, I have written a small example:
Caveat emptor:
If Cabal complains about a "missing" library, it might be the case that library was actually found but it is incompatible (e.g. using a 32-bit instead of a 64-bit version) or corrupt. The same is true for header files.
For some reason, Cabal complained about not finding SDL.h, and I had to use the headers in the root include folder of the archive (but maybe I was just drinking too much Kool-aid).
I wasn't able to get it to install on my system. Here's what I tried. Strangely, I was able to get configure find the header files but not the actual binary.
Let's try it. I have installed the new 2014 Haskell Platform.
cabal install sdl
Configuring SDL-0.6.5...
setup.exe: The package has a './configure' script. This requires a Unix
compatibility toolchain such as MinGW+MSYS or Cygwin.
Failed to install SDL-0.6.5
GHC in the Haskell Platform comes with MinGW, so we probably need to install MSYS. The MSYS page says to install minggw get, which says to install
An automated GUI installer assistant called mingw-get-setup.exe is the preferred method for first time installation. This will guide you through the setup of the mingw-get installer proper; you will then use this to perform further package installations, and to manage your installation.
Running the installer with the default options gives us the following screen:
We already have mingw from installing the Haskell platform, so we'll click on only the last item in the list, msys-base, and select "Mark for Installation". Then, in the "Installation" menu in the top left, select "Apply Changes". This asks if it is ok to proceed, and we select "Apply"
This installer didn't put msys-base in the path, we can add it to the path, and try installing sdl again
set PATH=C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\bin\;%PATH%
cabal install sdl
Configuring SDL-0.6.5...
configure: WARNING: unrecognized options: --with-compiler, --with-gcc
checking for sdl-config... no
checking for sdl11-config... no
configure: error: *** SDL not found! Get SDL from
If you already installed it, check it's in the path. If problem remains,
please send a mail to the address that appears in ./configure --version
indicating your platform, the version of configure script and the problem.
Failed to install SDL-0.6.5
We need to download and install libsdl. I went to the libsdl download page and downloaded the Win32 development libraries, SDL-devel-1.2.15-mingw32.tar.gz. I extracted this archive (7-zip can extract both tar archives and gzip compressed files). For convenience, I moved the SDL-1.2.15 directory to c:. We'll add this to the path, as suggested by the previous error, and try again
set PATH=C:\SDL-1.2.15\bin\;%PATH%
cabal install sdl
* Missing (or bad) header file: SDL/SDL.h
* Missing C library: SDL
This problem can usually be solved by installing the system package that
provides this library (you may need the "-dev" version). If the library is
already installed but in a non-standard location then you can use the flags
--extra-include-dirs= and --extra-lib-dirs= to specify where it is.
If the header file does exist, it may contain errors that are caught by the C
compiler at the preprocessing stage. In this case you can re-run configure
with the verbosity flag -v3 to see the error messages.
We can make part of this error go away by adding the suggested --extra-include-dirs flag, but still get the following error
cabal install sdl --extra-include-dirs=c:\SDL-1.2.15\include
* Missing C library: SDL
This problem can usually be solved by installing the system package that
provides this library (you may need the "-dev" version). If the library is
already installed but in a non-standard location then you can use the flags
--extra-include-dirs= and --extra-lib-dirs= to specify where it is.
Adding the --extra-lib-dirs flag with c:\SDL-1.2.15\bin or C:\SDL-1.2.15\lib or c:\SDL-1.2.15 failed to fix this problem.

Haskell profiling -prof

I'm messing around with profiling in GHC after recently starting to learn Haskell. I'm trying to use profiling to see how different implementations of functions vary in performance, for example using list comprehension instead of map. I'm trying to compile with the -prof flag but im getting the following output:
david#david-LinuxMint ~/Desktop/Sandbox/Haskell/a $ ghc --make Filt -prof
Could not find module `Prelude'
Perhaps you haven't installed the profiling libraries for package `base'?
Use -v to see a list of the files searched for
The program compiles fine with the -prof flag omitted. Anybody have any ideas where im going wrong? I've tried to find something on SO/internet but my Google-Fu is failing me? Cheers.
This is for Linux, Debian in particular, but I believe the OP is using Mint which I think might be a Debian variant.
You probably got base from the OS packaging system (Debian: APT), so you'll also want to get the profiling version of base from that same system. On Debian the hackage package "foo" is in the Debian package "libghc-foo-dev"[1]. The profiling version of "libghc-blah-dev" is in the Debian package "libghc-blah-prof".
Now, base is a little special. Those packages exist, but are "virtual"; they are listed in relationships, but are actually installed by (one or more) other real packages. In Debian virtual libghc-base-dev is provided by real package ghc and virtual libghc-base-dev is provided by real package ghc-prof.
So, install ghc-prof (or the Mint equivalent) and you'll be good, or at least move on the the next error.
Eventually, you'll end up downloading and building packages directly from hackage. You'll have to change your cabal settings to build the profiling versions of those libraries.
[1] If another Haskell compiler gets (back) into Debian, the "ghc" in "libghc" will change to a string suitable for that compiler.
