Time period in Excel 2010 - excel

A simple question, but some quick Googling did not prove fruitful.
Basically, I have a column called "uniqueID", which is a unique identifier for all the people in my dataset. Most uniqueIDs have multiple records, because there is one record per year that the person stayed at university. What I'd like to do is create a "time period" variable, where first year, t= 1, second year t=2, third year t=3 etc. for each unique ID.

The following is faster IF YOUR SPREADSHEET IS SORTED by your unique id;
(assumes that above formula is in column B and that data begins on row 2)
and, of course, copied down for all rows as described above.
You will find that in a spreadsheet containing many rows that COUNTIF is very slow since you are looking up through ever-increasing range sizes.


Excel: Count distinct numerical values if string condition matches

I have a list of employee names on one tab and another tab with orders shipped by employees and the month they were shipped going back 12 months. I'd like to calculate the average number of products shipped per employee per month, but I need to know how many months they were here to do that. So what I'd like to do is essentially write a formula that says give me the count of the distinct number of months they've been shipping products.
Sample employee data:
And here's the sample data on the individual shipments:
So in short, I need to know that Joe Smith shipped those 250 products across 3 distinct months to see he averages 83.3 shipments per month. Again, because there are many new people who have come onboard in the last 12 months, I can't just divide them all by 12 and need to know how many months they were shipping items in.
FILTER Shipper and Month based on Shipper column with criteria Employee name. Apply UNIQUE on filtered array to get only unique values (name + month number). Use COUNT to get active months. Divide Products Shipped by it.
Average by Count of Uniques
You can use this array version, which spills all the results at once:
=LET(empl, A2:A4, prods, B2:B4, shipper, B7:B16, months, C7:C16,
ux, MAP(empl, LAMBDA(e, COUNT(UNIQUE(FILTER(months, shipper=e))))), prods/ux)
Here is the output:
It is also possible not using MAP but it is a verbose solution:
=LET(empl, A2:A4, prods, B2:B4, shipper, B7:B16, months, C7:C16,
left, TRANSPOSE(N(shipper=TOROW(empl))), right, N(months=TOROW(UNIQUE(months))),
cnts, N(MMULT(left, right)>0), ux, MMULT(cnts, SEQUENCE(ROWS(cnts),,1,0)), prods/ux)
Replacing TOROW with TRANSPOSE it should work for older Excel versions.
This is how I would have done it, create a Pivot table(Insert->Pivot Table) with Months as column, Employee as row and the values as count of shipments. Once you have the Pivot table, your life becomes easier. Now you do a count of the employee row (COUNT(COL-1:COL-X)) to count the total months a particular employee showed up.You now have count of shipments and a count of months. You can calculate the average. Not sure I can think of anything else easier.

Get sum of cells containing "Vacation" except when related date matches certain day & month

oversimplified i have two columns: Date and Text; I want to check my current amount of vacation days based on the first date in row 2, so i came up with the following formula:
="Available vacation days: "&YEARFRAC(A2;TODAY())*12*(25/12)
I calculate the fraction of the year based on the first date and todays date, multiply it by 12 to get months and multiply it again by the total amount of vacation days in my contract per month. Now i got another formula to collect me all cells in column B containing "Vacation", pretty straight forward:
Now the interesting part - i got the formula who gives me a boolean if a datetime matches the 24th or 31st of december:
I want to count vacation days happening on a 24th or 31st of december as a half-vacation day (0.5), and otherwise fully (as a 1). Then i want to combine my first statement with this result and subtract the used vacation days. I read about VLOOKUP and XLOOKUP but am unsure if this fits this purpose. I want to avoid having an extra column with my boolean returns and rather have this one cell giving me all the information combined.
Without introducing another column, and using DAY and MONTH
It's nearly impossible, and just unnecessarily so...
Please reconsider this, what will happen if you want to add 4th of July as a holiday?
Your formula =AND(OR(DAY(A53)=24;DAY(A53)=31);MONTH(A53)=12) only works for 1 row at a time. So, we can't ever use it with a list, because you will get the whole list as a result every single time. You can't divide them into smaller lists and join them together, there is no such functionality without VBA.
In the future, do not set arbitrary constraints like "no additional columns", you can hide them if you don't like them. And if you don't need them, remove unnecessary rows like non-vacation rows. They are irrelevant, so why not separate the two.
Just to prove my point, here's the solution you wanted:
=COUNTIFS(B2:B9;"Vacation") - (COUNT(IFERROR(FILTER(FILTER(FILTER(A2:A9;B2:B9="Vacation");MONTH(FILTER(A2:A9;B2:B9="Vacation"))=12);DAY(FILTER(FILTER(A2:A9;B2:B9="Vacation");MONTH(FILTER(A2:A9;B2:B9="Vacation"))=12))=31);0))+(COUNT(IFERROR(FILTER(FILTER(FILTER(A2:A9;B2:B9="Vacation");MONTH(FILTER(A2:A9;B2:B9="Vacation"))=12);DAY(FILTER(FILTER(A2:A9;B2:B9="Vacation");MONTH(FILTER(A2:A9;B2:B9="Vacation"))=12))=24);0))))*0,5
It works, but it's a pain to read, use and maintain.
A2:A9 refers to the dates column
B2:B9 refers to the text column
So in the future, the last thing you want to do is set arbitrary constraints. Furthermore, why use functions like MONTH and DAY when we can just read the text? That way you could even create a table of holidays to search for instead. That will be no fun task with this setup. (Oh, and if it's because of the year, just strip it away from the text when you want to know only the month and day.
Best of luck!

Spotfire: count number of occurrences based on other columns data

I'm struggling with calculating new columns as I'm still new to Spotfire.
I am given two Date columns (format: mm/dd/yyyy), one is "Created" and the other is "Closed" as shown below in the left two columns.
The end goal is to have two new columns (shown above in right two columns):
1. Date column with daily interval (format: mm/dd/yyyy)
2. Number of occurrences that where open on that day based on all rows in the "Created" and "Closed" columns
Hopefully this makes sense, please let me know if it does not. I really appreciate the help and look forward to learning - thanks!
It seems like you are trying to add records with a calculation, which is not possible. Spotfire will only work with the data that is there.
You'll need to start with a table that has one record per day.

How to count data from a row and put in a table in Excel?

I have a sheet where I put in the data of the classes and periods which students sign up for. It looks like below:
There are 3 courts in total. Classes from each court goes from Monday till Sunday and there are three periods, morning, noon and evening.
I want to be able to count how many students are there in a particular class because each of our classes have a limit of 30 students. So I need Excel to count this for me put the count number in the following kind of table:
I've tried COUNTIF many times but I'm always unable to figure out the correct criteria for Excel to count.
If I understand your question, you are looking to count instances where the period, day,and the court match.
The function I used was COUNTIFS(), to account for multiple criteria.
My actual formula was this:
Note, that DayRange, PeriodRange and CourtRange have to the the exact same dimensions (i.e. 1 column x 6 rows).

Index Match Match across multiple columns

I have an Index Match Match question that I have not been able to find the answer for in researching. Although the solution may actually might be different than an Index Match Match formula - I'm open to try something more efficient than my current workaround.
I have one worksheet with data from my company on it. We sell a Product (let's call it Coke Zero) and we track the weeks that we put a promotion on and how much profit we make by selling it to the retailer. For example a promotion for Coke Zero starts the first week of Jan and ends 3 weeks later and we make a gross profit of $100 each week the promotion runs. I then have an external database with sales data formatted on a weekly basis to tell me how many units of Coke Zero I sold in each week. My internal data has thousands of lines like this with dozens of products, however the promotions are consolidated on one single row regardless of if it runs for more than one week, making matching up to the external database difficult. I need to create a lookup for what our Gross Profit was for each week of the promotion.
I have attached an example image of the workbook + two data sheets of what I've tried to do, summarised below.
On the Internal Data Sheet I've created additional columns to the right with all of the weeks listed that the promotion is on for, and concatenated them with the Product Code to be able to match week by week to the data in the External data sheet. Then my lookup basically checks every column one after another until it finds one where the concatenate of Week_Product Code concatenate matches.
My current solution technically works but my final formula is really slow and cumbersome given the data can be anywhere from 10K-200K lines when looking at multiple retailers. I was hoping to find a more efficient formula to complete the lookup.
Current solution on the External Data Sheet Column E:
=IF(ISNUMBER(MATCH(D2,'Internal Data'!$E:$E,0)),INDEX('Internal Data'!$D:$D,MATCH(D2,'Internal Data'!$E:$E,0)),
IF(ISNUMBER(MATCH(D2,'Internal Data'!$F:$F,0)),INDEX('Internal Data'!$D:$D,MATCH(D2,'Internal Data'!$F:$F,0)),
IF(ISNUMBER(MATCH(D2,'Internal Data'!$G:$G,0)),INDEX('Internal Data'!$D:$D,MATCH(D2,'Internal Data'!$G:$G,0)),
I got SUMPRODUCT to work using this formula in J2:
And, you don't need those concatenated lookup columns:
Well, that was fun.
