How do I prevent node.js from waiting for keyboard input? - node.js

I was trying to write a node.js script that only takes input from stdin if it's piped (as opposed to wait input from keyboard). Therefore I need to determine whether the stdin piped in is null.
First I tried using the readable event:
var s = process.stdin;
s.on('readable', function () {
console.log('Event "readable" is fired!');
var chunk =;
if (chunk===null) s.pause();
And the result is as expected:
$ node test.js
Event "readable" is fired!
Then I tried to do the same thing using data event, because I like to use flowing mode:
var s = process.stdin;
s.on('data', function (chunk) {
console.log('Event "data" is fired!');
if (chunk===null) s.pause();
but this time it waited for keyboard input before the null check, and stucked there. I was wondering why it does that? Does that mean in order to do a null check, I need to pause it first, and wait readable to be fired, do the null check, and then resume the stream, just to prevent node.js from waiting keyboard input? This seems awkward to me. Is there a way to avoid using readable event?

Use tty.isatty() from the node core library. That function will return false if stdin is a pipe.


Why does the data event only stop the NodeJS run time from exiting?

Take the following code in nodejs-:
console.log("Hello world");
process.stdin.on('connect', function() {
This prints Hello World and then Node exits. But when I replace the connect event with 'data' event, the Node runtime does not exit.
Why is that ? What is so special about the EventEmitter's data event ? Does it open a socket connection ? So in the on() method is there code like the following -:
function on(event, callback) {
if(event === 'data') {
//open socket
//do work
else {
//do non-socket work
Is there a clear answer to why adding a listener to the data event "magically" open a socket.
Node.js event loop has couple phases of processing, in your case it's poll phase. Which process for example incoming data (process.stdin.on('data', cb)) so until there is a callback that can handle this event, a this event can occur, node event loop is not empty and node will not exit.
process.stdin is Readable Stream which has fallowing events:
so there is nothing like connect.
process.stdin.on('readable', function() {
Code above will print Readable and exit because after firing event stream is not in flowing state so it will exit event loop because it's empty, but data event sets stream state to flowing,
so if stream state is set to flowing and if readableState.reading is true it will prevent node to exit.
if you do
process.stdin.on('data', function(data) {
if you write anything in console when this is running it will work like echo.
You can read full explanation how event loop works here
If we assume index.js contains
process.stdin.on('data', console.log)
and you do node index.js, then the process waits for input on stdin.
If you send some data on stdin via e.g. echo woohoo | node index.js then the buffer will be written and the process exits.

NodeJS streams and premature end

Assuming a Readable Stream in NodeJS and a Data (on('data', ...)) event handler tied to it that is relatively slow, is it possible for the End event to fire before the last Data handler(s) has finished, and if so, will it prematurely terminate that handler? Or, will all Data events get dispatched and run?
In my case, I am working with large files and want to commit to a DB every data chunk. I am worried that I may lose the last record or two (or more) if End is fired before the last DB calls in the handler actually complete.
Event 'end' fire after last 'data' event. But it may happend before the last Data handler has finished. It is possible that before one 'data' handler has finished, next is started. It depends of what you have in your code, but it is possible that later call of event 'data' finish before earlier. It may cause errors and problems in your code.
Example how to cause problems (to your own tests):
var fs = require('fs');
var rr = fs.createReadStream('somebigfile.jpg');
var i=0;
rr.on('data', function(chunk) {
var s = i;
console.log('readable:' + s);
}, 50-i*10);
rr.on('end', function() {
It will print in your console when start each 'data' event handler. And after some miliseconds when it finish. Finish may be in different order.
Readable Streams have two modes 'flowing mode' and a 'paused mode'. When you add 'data' event handler, you auto set Readable Streams to flowing mode.
From documentation :
When in flowing mode, data is read from the underlying system and
provided to your program as fast as possible
In this mode events will not wait for your slow actions to finish. For your need is 'paused mode'.
From documentation:
In paused mode, you must explicitly call to get chunks
of data out. Streams start out in paused mode.
In other words: you demand chunk of data, you get it, you work with it, and when you ready you ask for new chunk of data. In this mode you controll when you want to get your data.
How to change to 'paused mode':
It is default mode for this stream. But when you register 'data' event handler it switch to 'flowing mode'. Therefore not use readstream.on('data',...)
Instead use readstream.on('readable', function(){...}) when it fire, then it means that stream is ready to give chunk of data. To get chunk of data use var chunk =;
Example from docs:
var fs = require('fs');
var rr = fs.createReadStream('foo.txt');
rr.on('readable', function() {
rr.on('end', function() {
Please read documentation for more details, because there are more posibilities when stream is auto switched to 'flowing mode'.
Work with slow handlers and flowing mode:
If you want/need work in 'flowing mode', there is also solution. You can pause and resume stream. When you get chunk form readstream('data'), pause stream and when you finish work then resume it.
Example from documentation:
var readable = getReadableStreamSomehow();
readable.on('data', function(chunk) {
console.log('got %d bytes of data', chunk.length);
console.log('there will be no more data for 1 second');
setTimeout(function() {
console.log('now data will start flowing again');
}, 1000);

How do I close a stream that has no more data to send in node.js?

I am using node.js and reading input from a serial port by opening a /dev/tty file, I send a command and read the result of the command and I want to close the stream once I've read and parsed all the data. I know that I'm done reading data by and end of data marker. I'm finding that once I've closed the stream my program does not terminate.
Below is an example of what I am seeing but uses /dev/random to slowly generate data (assuming your system isn't doing much). What I find is that the process will terminate once the device generates data after the stream has been closed.
var util = require('util'),
PassThrough = require('stream').PassThrough,
fs = require('fs');
// If the system is not doing enough to fill the entropy pool
// /dev/random will not return much data. Feed the entropy pool with :
// ssh <host> 'cat /dev/urandom' > /dev/urandom
var readStream = fs.createReadStream('/dev/random');
var pt = new PassThrough();
pt.on('data', function (data) {
readStream.close(); //expect the process to terminate immediately
I am back on this issue and have another sample, this one just uses a pty and is easily reproduced in the node repl. Login on 2 terminals and use the pty of the terminal you're not running node in the below call to createReadStream.
var fs = require('fs');
var rs = fs.createReadStream('/dev/pts/1'); // a pty that is allocated in another terminal by my user
//wait just a second, don't copy and paste everything at once
at this point node will just hang and not exit. This is on 10.28.
Instead of using
try using
But, if you are using the newest version of node, wrap the readstream with the object created from stream module by isaacs, like this :
var Readable = require('stream').Readable;
var myReader = new Readable().wrap(readStream);
and use myReader in place of readStream after that.
Best of luck! Tell me if this works.
You are closing the /dev/random stream, but you still have a listener for the 'data' event on the pass-through, which will keep the app running until the pass-through is closed.
I'm guessing there is some buffered data from the read stream and until that is flushed the pass-through is not closed. But this is just a guess.
To get the desired behaviour you can remove the event listener on the pass-through like this:
pt.on('data', function (data) {
i am actually pipe to a http request.. so for me it's about :
pt.on('close', (chunk) => {

Tailing a named pipe in node.js

I'm using node-tail to read a file in linux and send it down to a socket.
node.js sending data read from a text file
var io = require('');
Tail = require('tail').Tail;
tail = new Tail("/tmp/test.txt");
io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) {
tail.on("line", function(data) {
socket.emit('Message', { test: data });
Receiving side
var socket = io.connect();
socket.on('Message', function (data) {
This works but when I try to modify this part
tail = new Tail("/tmp/test.txt");
to this
tail = new Tail("/tmp/FIFOFILE");
I can't get any data from it.
Is there anyway to read a named pipe in linux? or a package that can read a named pipe?
I can get it to work in a silly way:
// app.js
process.stdin.on('data', function(chunk) {
console.log('D', chunk);
And start like this:
node app.js < /tmp/FIFOFILE
If I create a readable stream for the named pipe, it ends after having read the first piece of data written to the named pipe. Not sure why stdin is special.
The OS will send an EOF when the last process finishes writing to the FIFO. If only one process is writing to the FIFO then you get an EOF when that process finishes writing its stuff. This EOF triggers Node to close the stream.
The trick to avoiding this is given by #JoshuaWalsh in this answer, namely: you open the pipe yourself FOR READING AND WRITING - even though you have no intention of ever writing to it. This means that the OS sees that there is always at least one process writing to the file and so you never get the EOF.
So... just add in something like:
let fifoHandle =, fs.constants.O_RDWR,function(){console.log('FIFO open')});
You don't ever have to do anything with fifoHandle - just make sure it sticks around and doesn't get garbage collected.
In fact... in my case I was using createReadStream, and I found that simply adding the fs.constants.O_RDWR to this was enough (even though I have no intention of ever writing to the fifo.
let fifo = fs.createReadStream(fifoPath,{flags: fs.constants.O_RDWR});
console.log('Got data:'+data.toString());

Better way to make node not exit?

In a node program I'm reading from a file stream with fs.createReadStream. But when I pause the stream the program exits. I thought the program would keep running since the file is still opened, just not being read.
Currently to get it to not exit I'm setting an interval that does nothing.
setInterval(function() {}, 10000000);
When I'm ready to let the program exit, I clear it. But is there a better way?
Example Code where node will exit:
var fs = require('fs');
var rs = fs.createReadStream('file.js');
Node will exit when there is no more queued work. Calling pause on a ReadableStream simply pauses the data event. At that point, there are no more events being emitted and no outstanding work requests, so Node will exit. The setInterval works since it counts as queued work.
Generally this is not a problem since you will probably be doing something after you pause that stream. Once you resume the stream, there will be a bunch of queued I/O and your code will execute before Node exits.
Let me give you an example. Here is a script that exits without printing anything:
var fs = require('fs');
var rs = fs.createReadStream('file.js');
rs.on('data', function (data) {
console.log(data); // never gets executed
The stream is paused, there is no outstanding work, and my callback never runs.
However, this script does actually print output:
var fs = require('fs');
var rs = fs.createReadStream('file.js');
rs.on('data', function (data) {
console.log(data); // prints stuff
rs.resume(); // queues I/O
In conclusion, as long as you are eventually calling resume later, you should be fine.
Short way based on answers below
