How do modern cpus handle crosspage unaligned access? - linux

I'm trying to understand how unaligned memory access (UMA) works on modern processors (namely x86-64 and ARM architectures). I get that I might run into problems with UMA ranging from performance degradation till CPU fault. And I read about posix_memalign and cache lines.
What I cannot find is how the modern systems/hardware handle the situation when my request exceeds page boundaries?
Here is an example:
I malloc() an 8KB chunk of memory.
Let's say that malloc() doesn't have enough memory and sbrk()s 8KB for me.
The kernel gets two memory pages (4KB each) and maps them into my process's virtual address space (let's say that these two pages are not one after another in memory
movq (offset + $0xffc), %rax I request 8 bytes starting at the 4092th byte, meaning that I want 4 bytes from the end of the first page and 4 bytes from the beginning of the second page.
Physical memory:
|... 4b| | |4b ...|-->
I need 8 bytes that are split at the page boundaries.
How do MMU on x86-64 and ARM handle this? Are there any mechanisms in kernel MM to somehow prepare for this kind of request? Is there some kind of protection in malloc? What do processors do? Do they fetch two pages?
I mean to complete such request MMU has to translate one virtual address to two physical addresses. How does it handle such request?
Should I care about such things if I'm a software programmer and why?
I'm reading a lot of links from google, SO, drepper's cpumemory.pdf and gorman's Linux VMM book at the moment. But it's an ocean of information. It would be great if you at least provide me with some pointers or keywords that I could use.

I'm not overly familiar with the guts of the Intel architecture, but the ARM architecture sums this specific detail up in a single bullet point under "Unaligned data access restrictions":
An operation that performs an unaligned access can abort on any memory access that it makes, and can abort on more than one access. This means that an unaligned access that occurs across a page boundary can generate an abort on either side of the boundary.
So other than the potential to generate two page faults from a single operation, it's just another unaligned access. Of course, that still assumes all the caveats of "just another unaligned access" - namely it's only valid on normal (not device) memory, only for certain load/store instructions, has no guarantee of atomicity and may be slow - the microarchitecture will likely synthesise an unaligned access out of multiple aligned accesses1, which means multiple MMU translations, potentially multiple cache misses if it crosses a line boundary, etc.
Looking at it the other way, if an unaligned access doesn't cross a page boundary, all that means is that if the aligned address for the first "sub-access" translates OK, the aligned addresses of any subsequent parts are sure to hit in the TLB. The MMU itself doesn't care - it just translates some addresses that the processor gives it. The kernel doesn't even come into the picture unless the MMU raises a page fault, and even then it's no different from any other page fault.
I've had a quick skim through the Intel manuals and their answer hasn't jumped out at me - however in the "Data Types" chapter they do state:
[...] the processor requires two memory accesses to make an unaligned access; aligned accesses require only one memory access.
so I'd be surprised if wasn't broadly the same (i.e. one translation per aligned access).
Now, this is something most application-level programmers shouldn't have to worry about, provided they behave themselves - outside of assembly language, it's actually quite hard to make unaligned accesses happen. The likely culprits are type-punning pointers and messing with structure packing, both things that 99% of the time one has no reason to go near, and for the other 1% are still almost certainly the wrong thing to do.
[1] The ARM architecture pseudocode actually specifies unaligned accesses as a series of individual byte accesses, but I'd expect implementations actually optimise this into larger aligned accesses where appropriate.

So the architecture doesnt really matter other than x86 has traditionally not directly told you not to where mips and arm traditionally generate a data abort rather than trying to just make it work.
where it doesnt matter is that all processors have a fixed number of pins a fixed size (maximum) data bus a fixed size (max) address bus, "modern processors" tend to have data busses more than 8 bits wide but the units on addresses is still an 8 bit byte, so the opportunity for unaligned exists. Anything larger than one byte in a particular transfer has the opportunity of being unaligned if the architecture allows.
Transfers are typically in some units of bytes and/or bus widths. On an ARM amba/axi bus for example the length field is in units of bus widths, 32 or 64 bits, 4 or 8 bytes. And no it is not going to be in units of 4Kbytes....
(yes this is elementary I assume you understand all of this).
Whether it is 16 bits or 128 bits, the penalty for unaligned comes from the additional bus cycles which these days is an extra bus clock per. So for an ARM 16 bit unaligned transfer (which arm will support on its newer cores without faulting) that means you need to read 128 bits instead of 64, 64 bits to get 16 is not a penalty as 64 is the smallest size for a bus transfer. Each transfer whether it is a single width of the data bus or multiple has multiple clock cycles associated with it, lets say there are 6 clock cycles to do an aligned 16 bit read, then ideally it is 7 cycles to do an unaligned 16 bit. Seems small but it does add up.
caches help alot because the dram side of the cache will be setup to use multiples of the bus width and will always do aligned accesses for cache fetches and evictions. not-cached accesses will follow the same pain except the dram side is not handfuls of clocks but dozens to hundreds of clocks of overhead.
For random access a single 16 bit read that not only spans a bus width boundary but also happens to cross a cache line boundary will not just incur the one additional clock on the processor side but worst case it can incur an addition cache line fetch which is dozens to hundreds of additional clock cycles. if you were walking through an array of things that happen to not be aligned (structures/unions may be an example depending on the compiler and code) that additional cache line fetch would have happened anyway, if the array of things is a little over on one or both ends then you might still incur one or two more cache line fetches that you would have avoided had the array been aligned.
That is really the key to this on reads is before or after an aligned area you might have to incur a transfer for each one for each side you spill into.
Writes are both good and bad. random reads are slower because the transaction has to stall until the answer comes back. For a random write the memory controller has all the information it needs it has the address, data, byte mask, transfer type, etc. So it is fire and forget the processor has done its job and can call the transaction complete from its perspective and move on. Naturally gang too much of these up or do a read on something just written and then the processor stalls due to the completion of a prior write in addition to the current transaction.
An unaligned 16 bit write for example does not only incur the additional read cycle but assuming a 32 or 64 bit wide bus that would be one byte per location so you have to do a read-modify-write on whatever that closest memory is (cache or dram). so depending on how the processor and then memory controller implements it it can be two individual read-modify-write transactions (unlikely since that incurs twice the overhead), or the double width read, modify both parts, and a double width read. incurring two additional clocks over and above the overhead, the overhead is doubled as well. If it had been an aligned bus width write then no read-modify-write is required, you save the read. Now if this read-modify-write is in the cache then that is pretty fast but still noticeable up to a few clocks depending on what is queued up and you have to wait on.
I am also most familiar with ARM. Arm traditionally would punish an unaligned access with an abort, you could turn that off, and you would instead get a rotation of the bus rather than it spilling over which would make for some nice freebie endian swaps. the more modern arm cores will tolerate and implement an unaligned transfer. Understand for example a store multiple of say 4 or more registers against a non-64-bit-aligned address is not considered an unaligned access even though it is a 128 bit write to an address that is neither 64 nor 128 bit aligned. What the processor does in that case is brakes it into 3 writes, an aligned 32 bit write, an aligned 64 bit write and an aligned 32 bit write. the memory controller does not have to deal with the unaligned stuff. That is for legal things like store multiple. the core I am familiar with wont do a write length of more than 2 anyway, an 8 register store multiple, is not a single length of 4 write it is 2 separate length of two writes. But a load multiple of 8 registers, so long it is aligned on a 64 bit address is a single length of 4 transaction. I am pretty sure that since there is no masking on the bus side for a read, everything is in units of bus width, there is no reason to break say a 4 register load multiple on an address that is not 64 bits aligned into 3 transactions, simply do a length of 3 read. When the processor reads a single byte you cant tell that from the bus all you see is a 64 bit read AFAIK. The processor strips the byte lane out. If the processor/bus does care be it arm, x86, mips, etc, then sure you will hopefully see separate transfers.
Does everyone do this? no older processors (not thinking of an arm nor x86) would put more burden on the memory controller. I dont know what modern x86 and mips and such do.
Your malloc example. First off you are not going to see single bus transfers of 4Kbytes, that 4k will be broken up into digestible bits anyway. first off it has to do one to many bus cycles against the memory management unit to find the physical address and other properties anyway (those answers can get cached to make them faster, but sometimes they have to go all the way out to slow dram) so for that example the only transfer that matters is an aligned transfer that splits the 4k boundary, say a 16 bit transfer, for the mmu system to work at all the only way for that to be supported is that has to be turned into two separate 8 bit transfers that happen in those physical address spaces, and yes that literally doubles everything the mmu lookup cycles the cache/dram bus cycles, etc. Other than that boundary there is nothing special about your 8k being split. the bulk of your cycles will be within one of the two 4k pages, so it looks like any other random access, with of course repetitive/sequential accesses gaining the benefit of caching.
The short answer is that no matter what platform you are on either 1) the platform will abort an unaligned transfer, or 2) somewhere in the path there is an additional one or more (dozens/hundreds) as a result of the unaligned access compared to an aligned access.

It doesn't matter whether the physical pages are adjacent or not. Modern CPUs use caches. Data is transferred to/from DRAM a full cache-line at a time. Thus, DRAM will never see a multi-byte read or write that crosses a 64B boundary, let alone a page boundary.
Stores that cross a page boundary are still slow (on modern x86). I assume the hardware handles the page-split case by detecting it at some later pipeline stage, and triggering a re-do that does two TLB checks. IDK if Intel designs insert extra uops into the pipeline to handle it, or what. (i.e. impact on latency, throughput of page-splits, throughput of all memory accesses, throughput of other (e.g. non-memory) uops).
Normally there's no penalty at all for unaligned accesses within a cache-line (since about Nehalem), and a small penalty for cache-line splits that aren't page-splits. An even split is apparently cheaper than others. (e.g. a 16B load that takes 8B from one cache line and 8B from another).
Anyway, DRAM will never see an unaligned access directly. AFAIK, no sane modern design has only write-through caches, so DRAM only sees writes when a cache-line is flushed, at which point the fact that one unaligned access dirtied two cache lines is not available. Caches don't even record which bytes are dirty; they just burst-write the whole 64B to the next level down (or last-level to DRAM) when needed.
There are probably some CPU designs that don't work this way, but Intel and AMD's designs are also this way.
Caveat: loads/stores to uncachable memory regions might produce smaller stores, but probably still only within a single cache-line. (On x86, this prob. applies to MOVNT non-temporal stores that use write-combining store buffers but otherwise bypass the cache).
Uncacheable unaligned stores that cross a page boundary are probably still split into separate stores (because each part needs a separate TLB translation).
Caveat 2: I didn't fact-check this. I'm certain about the whole-cache-line aligned access to DRAM for "normal" loads/stores to "normal" memory regions, though.


What is the benefit and micro-ops of ENQCMD instruction?

ENQCMD and MOVDIR64B are two instructions in Intel DSA.
MOVDIR64B reads 64-bytes from the source memory address and performs a 64-byte direct-store operation to the destination address. The ENQCMD instruction allows software to write commands to enqueue registers, which are special device registers accessed using memory-mapped I/O (MMIO).
My question is - what is the aim of designing those two instructions?
Based on my understanding, setting up the memory-mapped IO area (the register) requires OS support, i.e. the device driver. After setting up the MMIO area, we could access it using write() system call, which is also implemented in the device driver. For general architectures, Linux supports iowrite64() to write 8-byte values at a time. Hence, if we want to write 64 bytes, needs to call iowrite64() 8 times.
With the help of MOVDIR64B, for Intel DSA, a new API is created - __iowrite512() which writes 64 bytes atomically.
I agree that the latter one is at least more efficient than the previous one, but I am confused about the time it requires to transfer data.
Consider the following case: if we are given a device (Intel DSA) that supports MOVDIR64B and ENQCMD, suppose we want to transfer 64 bytes of data from memory to MMIO register. There are two options: iowrite64() 8 times (using a loop); or __iowrite512() once. Will the latter one be 8 times faster than the previous one?
My thoughts is that it is less likely to be 8 times difference, but the latter one will be faster. May I know how faster it would be? Is it documented anywhere? I do not have Intel DSA, so I am not sure how to test it.
Besides, what other benefits do ENQCMD have? Will it be broken up into several micro operations? If yes, then what are the micro operations that does ENQCMD?
iowrite64 uses a UC access to MMIO space, so writes are serialized, not pipelined. That is, only one UC write can be in flight at a time from a single CPU thread, and the CPU doesn't continue execution until the MMIO write is complete.
MOVDIR64B has the potential to be faster than even a single iowrite64, because it uses the WC memory type instead of UC (even if the destination address is UC). After the write is issued by the CPU, it can continue execution. Multiple direct stores can be streamed to the device. That means that multiple direct stores can be in flight at one time from a single CPU thread. MOVDIRI also behaves this way.
As far as I know, the time to actually transfer the data to the destination is the same regardless of the size (between 1 and 64 bytes). Of course that is dependent on the width of the data path within the SoC, which could be different for different implementations.
The main advantage of MOVDIR64B is that the descriptor arrives at the device all at once instead of in pieces. The device doesn't have to worry about receiving a partial descriptor or receiving parts of two descriptors interleaved. In fact, Intel DSA ignores writes smaller than 64 bytes to a portal.
To realize the full benefit of streaming writes, the destination address for each MOVDIR64B from a single CPU thread should be different. Each Intel DSA portal is a 4096-byte page, so there are 64 unique addresses within each portal. Descriptor writes from a single CPU can be striped across the 64 addresses. (It doesn't matter whether writes from multiple CPUs use the same address or different addresses, but normally you would not expect multiple CPUs to be using the same dedicated WQ in DSA.)
ENQCMD allows the device to respond to software whether it accepted the descriptor or not. This allows multiple applications to use the same shared WQ without risk of a descriptor being lost because the shared WQ is full. Applications can submit descriptors without any driver involvement (after setup), and without any lock or communication between the applications.

Why do register renaming, when we can increase the number of registers in the architecture?

In processors, why can't we simply increase the number of registers instead of having a huge reorder buffer and mapping the register for resolving name dependencies?
Lots of reasons.
first, we are often designing micro-architectures to execute programs for an existing architecture. Adding registers would change the architecture. At best, existing binaries would not benefit from the new registers, at worst they won't run at all without some kind of JIT compilation.
there is the problem of encoding. Adding new registers means increasing the number of bit dedicated to encode the registers, probably increasing the instruction size with effects on the cache and elsewhere.
there is the issue of the size of the visible state. Context swapping would have to save all the visible registers. Taking more time. Taking more place (and thus an effect on the cache, thus more time again).
there is the effect that dynamic renaming can be applied at places where static renaming and register allocation is impossible, or at least hard to do; and when they are possible, that takes more instructions thus increasing the cache pressure.
In conclusion there is a sweet spot which is usually considered at 16 or 32 registers for the integer/general purpose case. For floating point and vector registers, there are arguments to consider more registers (ISTR that Fujitsu was at a time using 128 or 256 floating point registers for its own extended SPARC).
Related question on
An additional note, the mill architecture takes another approach to statically scheduled processors and avoid some of the drawbacks, apparently changing the trade-off. But AFAIK, it is not yet know if there will ever be available silicon for it.
Because static scheduling at compile time is hard (software pipelining) and inflexible to variable timings like cache misses. Having the CPU able to find and exploit ILP (Instruction Level Parallelism) in more cases is very useful for hiding latency of cache misses and FP or integer math.
Also, instruction-encoding considerations. For example, Haswell's 168-entry integer register file would need about 8 bits per operand to encode if we had that many architectural registers. vs. 3 or 4 for actual x86 machine code.
Related: great intro to CPU design and how smarter CPUs can find more ILP
Understanding the impact of lfence on a loop with two long dependency chains, for increasing lengths shows how OoO exec can overlap exec of two dependency chains, unless you block it. has some specific examples of how much OoO exec can do to hide cache-miss or other latency
this Q&A about how superscalar execution works.
Register identifier encoding space will be a problem. Indeed, many more registers has been tried. For example, SPARC has register windows, 72 to 640 registers of which 32 are visible at one time.
Instead, from Computer Organization And Design: RISC-V Edition.
Smaller is faster. The desire for speed is the reason that RISC-V has 32 registers rather than many more.
BTW, ROB size has to do with the processor being out-of-order, superscalar, rather than renaming and providing lots of general purpose registers.

How to prevent two processess from fighting for a common cache?

I was asked this question on an exam. We have two CPUs, or two cores in the same CPU, that share a common cache (for example, L3). On each CPU there is an MPI process (or a thread of one common process). How can we assure that these two processes don't interfere, meaning that they don't push each others entries out or use a half of the cache each or something similar. The goal is to improve the speed of memory access here.
The OS is some sort of Unix, if that is important.
Based on your comments, it seems that a "textbook answer" is expected, so I would suggest partitioning the cache between the processes. This way you guarantee that they don't compete over the same cache sets and thrash each other. This is assuming you don't want to actually share anything between the 2 processes, in which case this approach would fail (although a possible fix would be to split the cache space in 3 - one range for each process, and one for shared data).
Since you're probably not expected to redesign the cache and provide HW partitioning scheme (unless the question comes in the scope of computer architecture course), the simplest way to achieve this is simply by inspecting the cache size and associativity, figuring our the number of sets, and aligning the data sets of each process/thread to a different part.
For example, if your shared cache is 2MB big, and has 16 ways and 64B lines, you would have 2k sets. In such case, each process would want to align its physical addresses (assuming the cache is physically mapped) to a different half 1k sets, or a different 0x10000 out of each 0x20000. In other words, P0 would be free to use any physical address with bit 16 equals 0 , and P1 would use the addresses with bit 16 equals 1.
Note, that since that exceeds the size of a basic 4k page (alignment of 0x1000), you would either need to hack your OS to assign your pages to the appropriate physical addresses for each process, or simply use larger pages (2M would be enough).
Also note that by keeping a contiguous 0x10000 per allocation, we still enjoy spatial locality and efficient hardware prefetching (otherwise you could simply pick any other split, even even/odd sets by using bit 6, but that would leave your data fractured.
Last issue is for data sets larger than this 0x10000 quota - to make then align you'd simply have to break them into chunks up to 0x10000, and align each separately. There's also the issue of code/stack/pagemap and other types of OS/system data which you have less control over (actually code can also be aligned, or more likely in this case - shared) - I'm assuming this has negligible impact on thrashing.
Again - this attempts to answer without knowing what system you work with, what you need to achieve, or even what is the context of the course. With more context we can probably focus this to a simpler solution.
How large is a way in the cache?
For example, if you have a cache where each way is 128KiB in size, you partition your memory in such a way that for each address modulo 128KiB, process A uses the 0-64KiB region, and process B uses the lower 64KiB-128KiB region. (This assumes private L1-per-core).
If your physical page size is 4KiB (and your CPU uses physical addresses for caching, not virtual - which does occur on some CPUs), you can make this much nicer. Let's say you're mapping the same amount of memory into virtual address space for each core - 16KiB. Pages 0, 2, 4, 6 go to process A's memory map, and pages 1, 3, 5, 7 go to process B's memory map. As long as you only address memory in that carefully laid out region, the caches should never fight. Of course, you've effectively halved the size of your cache-ways by doing so, but you have multiple ways...
You'll want to utilize a lock in regards to multi-thread programming. It's hard to provide an example due to not knowing your specific situation.
When one process has access, lock all other processes out until the 'accessing' process is finished with the resource.

What will be used for data exchange between threads are executing on one Core with HT?

Hyper-Threading Technology is a form of simultaneous multithreading
technology introduced by Intel.
These resources include the execution engine, caches, and system bus
interface; the sharing of resources allows two logical processors to
work with each other more efficiently, and allows a stalled logical
processor to borrow resources from the other one.
In the Intel CPU with Hyper-Threading, one CPU-Core (with several ALUs) can execute instructions from 2 threads at the same clock. And both 2 threads share: store-buffer, caches L1/L2 and system bus.
But if two thread execute simultaneous on one Core, thread-1 stores atomic value and thread-2 loads this value, what will be used for this exchange: shared store-buffer, shared cache L1 / L2 or as usual cache L3?
What will be happen if both 2 threads from one the same process (the same virtual address space) and if from two different processes (the different virtual address space)?
Sandy Bridge Intel CPU - cache L1:
32 KB - cache size
64 B - cache line size
512 - lines (512 = 32 KB / 64 B)
64 - number sets of ways (64 = 512 lines / 8-way)
6 bits [11:6] - of virtual address (index) defines current set number (this is tag)
4 K - each the same (virtual address / 4 K) compete for the same set (32 KB / 8-way)
low 12 bits - significant for determining the current set number
4 KB - standard page size
low 12 bits - the same in virtual and physical addresses for each address
I think you'll get a round-trip to L1. (Not the same thing as store->load forwarding within a single thread, which is even faster than that.)
Intel's optimization manual says that store and load buffers are statically partitioned between threads, which tells us a lot about how this will work. I haven't tested most of this, so please let me know if my predictions aren't matching up with experiment.
Update: See this Q&A for some experimental testing of throughput and latency.
A store has to retire in the writing thread, and then commit to L1 from the store buffer/queue some time after that. At that point it will be visible to the other thread, and a load to that address from either thread should hit in L1. Before that, the other thread should get an L1 hit with the old data, and the storing thread should get the stored data via store->load forwarding.
Store data enters the store buffer when the store uop executes, but it can't commit to L1 until it's known to be non-speculative, i.e. it retires. But the store buffer also de-couples retirement from the ROB (the ReOrder Buffer in the out-of-order core) vs. commitment to L1, which is great for stores that miss in cache. The out-of-order core can keep working until the store buffer fills up.
Two threads running on the same core with hyperthreading can see StoreLoad re-ordering if they don't use memory fences, because store-forwarding doesn't happen between threads. Jeff Preshing's Memory Reordering Caught in the Act code could be used to test for it in practice, using CPU affinity to run the threads on different logical CPUs of the same physical core.
An atomic read-modify-write operation has to make its store globally visible (commit to L1) as part of its execution, otherwise it wouldn't be atomic. As long as the data doesn't cross a boundary between cache lines, it can just lock that cache line. (AFAIK this is how CPUs do typically implement atomic RMW operations like lock add [mem], 1 or lock cmpxchg [mem], rax.)
Either way, once it's done the data will be hot in the core's L1 cache, where either thread can get a cache hit from loading it.
I suspect that two hyperthreads doing atomic increments to a shared counter (or any other locked operation, like xchg [mem], eax) would achieve about the same throughput as a single thread. This is much higher than for two threads running on separate physical cores, where the cache line has to bounce between the L1 caches of the two cores (via L3).
movNT (Non-Temporal) weakly-ordered stores bypass the cache, and put their data into a line-fill buffer. They also evict the line from L1 if it was hot in cache to start with. They probably have to retire before the data goes into a fill buffer, so a load from the other thread probably won't see it at all until it enters a fill-buffer. Then probably it's the same as an movnt store followed by a load inside a single thread. (i.e. a round-trip to DRAM, a few hundred cycles of latency). Don't use NT stores for a small piece of data you expect another thread to read right away.
L1 hits are possible because of the way Intel CPUs share the L1 cache. Intel uses virtually indexed, physically tagged (VIPT) L1 caches in most (all?) of their designs. (e.g. the Sandybridge family.) But since the index bits (which select a set of 8 tags) are below the page-offset, it behaves exactly like a PIPT cache (think of it as translation of the low 12 bits being a no-op), but with the speed advantage of a VIPT cache: it can fetch the tags from a set in parallel with the TLB lookup to translate the upper bits. See the "L1 also uses speed tricks that wouldn't work if it was larger" paragraph in this answer.
Since L1d cache behaves like PIPT, and the same physical address really means the same memory, it doesn't matter whether it's 2 threads of the same process with the same virtual address for a cache line, or whether it's two separate processes mapping a block of shared memory to different addresses in each process. This is why L1d can be (and is) competitively by both hyperthreads without risk of false-positive cache hits. Unlike the dTLB, which needs to tag its entries with a core ID.
A previous version of this answer had a paragraph here based on the incorrect idea that Skylake had reduced L1 associativity. It's Skylake's L2 that's 4-way, vs. 8-way in Broadwell and earlier. Still, the discussion on a more recent answer might be of interest.
Intel's x86 manual vol3, chapter 11.5.6 documents that Netburst (P4) has an option to not work this way. The default is "Adaptive mode", which lets logical processors within a core share data.
There is a "shared mode":
In shared mode, the L1 data cache is competitively shared between logical processors. This is true even if the
logical processors use identical CR3 registers and paging modes.
In shared mode, linear addresses in the L1 data cache can be aliased, meaning that one linear address in the cache
can point to different physical locations. The mechanism for resolving aliasing can lead to thrashing. For this
reason, IA32_MISC_ENABLE[bit 24] = 0 is the preferred configuration for processors based on the Intel NetBurst
microarchitecture that support Intel Hyper-Threading Technology
It doesn't say anything about this for hyperthreading in Nehalem / SnB uarches, so I assume they didn't include "slow mode" support when they introduced HT support in another uarch, since they knew they'd gotten "fast mode" to work correctly in netburst. I kinda wonder if this mode bit only existed in case they discovered a bug and had to disable it with microcode updates.
The rest of this answer only addresses the normal setting for P4, which I'm pretty sure is also the way Nehalem and SnB-family CPUs work.
It would be possible in theory to build an OOO SMT CPU core that made stores from one thread visible to the other as soon as they retired, but before they leaves the store buffer and commit to L1d (i.e. before they become globally visible). This is not how Intel's designs work, since they statically partition the store queue instead of competitively sharing it.
Even if the threads shared one store-buffer, store forwarding between threads for stores that haven't retired yet couldn't be allowed because they're still speculative at that point. That would tie the two threads together for branch mispredicts and other rollbacks.
Using a shared store queue for multiple hardware threads would take extra logic to always forward to loads from the same thread, but only forward retired stores to loads from the other thread(s). Besides transistor count, this would probably have a significant power cost. You couldn't just omit store-forwarding entirely for non-retired stores, because that would break single-threaded code.
Some POWER CPUs may actually do this; it seems like the most likely explanation for not all threads agreeing on a single global order for stores. Will two atomic writes to different locations in different threads always be seen in the same order by other threads?.
As #BeeOnRope points out, this wouldn't work for an x86 CPU, only for an ISA that doesn't guarantee a Total Store Order, because this this would let the SMT sibling(s) see your store before it becomes globally visible to other cores.
TSO could maybe be preserved by treating data from sibling store-buffers as speculative, or not able to happen before any cache-miss loads (because lines that stay hot in your L1D cache can't contain new stores from other cores). IDK, I haven't thought this through fully. It seems way overcomplicated and probably not able to do useful forwarding while maintaining TSO, even beyond the complications of having a shared store-buffer or probing sibling store-buffers.

How does register size affect processor performance?

I've been flying around the internet today trying to wrap my head around this topic. So here's what I understood so far. So the bigger the register size the bigger the instructions a processor can handle?
The size of the registers, which is sometimes called the word size, indicates the amount of data with which the computer can work at any given time.
Question 1:
How would this be explained in terms of dealing with RAM? Why would a 32-bit processor be less adept or slower at processing information in this case?
Also, the term addressing. So while a 64-bit processor can "address" 2^64 different locations in RAM, a 32-bit processor can only deal with 2^32.
Question 2:
What does addressing mean? And why would the ability to address more locations be more helpful?
Question 3:
How are these 2 points, 1)Number of addressable locations and 2)Instruction size, related?
I hope my questions aren't confusing. It would be nice if references and examples to RAM as well as comparisons between 32 and 64-bits would be given in the explanations.
As chux already stated, there can be a lot of different bus width's in a computer system. That said, I assume you're talking about usual PC architectures here. Now, to your questions:
Performance difference between 32 and 64 bit systems
The hardware usually is able to operate on bigger numbers than a 32 bit system, so it can e.g. sum two 64 bits numbers in one operation, while a 32 bit system would need at least two (plus some operations to combine the results). This means a software that does lots of operations in big numbers will probably be faster on a 64 bit system, but a software that don't need big numbers will not be faster
A 64 bit processor usually fetch bigger blocks of data from memory than a 32 bit one. If the data bus is 64 bits instead of 32, it'll fetch double the bytes than the 32 bit system
This is actually a negative point in 64 bit system: since you have more addressable memory, you also need more memory for pointers, so 64 bit applications will also use a little more memory than the same aplication compiled for a 32 bit system.
Memory addressing
The memory address is a number that uniquely identifies a position in memory, where data is stored. With a 32 bit number, you can adress 2^32 positions, which is roughly 4 GB. This is why 32 bit PC's cannot use more than 4 GB of memory (they actually can, with some restrictions. See PAE). Using 64 bit numbers means the computer can now address 2^64 positions, which means it could, in principle, use up to 16 exbibytes of memory. In practice, other limits prevent a PC from having all that memory.
Addressable locations vs Memory Size
Since lots of instructions should reference a memory position, this means that some of them will have to be bigger, so they have room for memory adresses.
Bigger instructions usually means bigger software code, but this is not a problem in most cases, because the difference isn't that big, and because most of software size usually is composed of data, rather than code.
Disclaimer: Not all I said is valid for every software/architecture. There are a lot of detais that may have more impact in performace and memory usage than the points I wrote here.
The bit width of a processor's registers, it addressing range and the processor internal/external bus width between the processor and RAM are independent.
A 32-bit processor commonly can handle 32-bit addresses, but it may only handle 24 or maybe 64. Many possibilities have occurred.
Addressing would the the maximum range from 0 to N-1 of unique addresses that could be generated. If there is truly N locations of memory is another matter.
The width of the bus between CPU and RAM dramatically affects performance. This width, independent of CPU reg size and RAM size, throttle throughput.
Addressing range and resister size tend to correlate. Units with wider registers usually have wider address range. There is no rule that forces these 2 to be the same.
Suggest reviewing CPU architectures and micro controller and the theoretical Turing Machine
