using malloc in dgels function of lapacke - malloc

i am trying to use dgels function of lapacke:
when i use it with malloc fucntion. it doesnot give correct value.
can anybody tell me please what is the mistake when i use malloc and create a matrix?
/* Calling DGELS using row-major order */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <lapacke.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <malloc.h>
int main ()
double a[3][2] = {{1,0},{1,1},{1,2}};
double **outputArray;
int designs=3;
int i,j,d,i_mal;
lapack_int info,m,n,lda,ldb,nrhs;
double outputArray[3][1] = {{6},{0},{0}};*/
outputArray = (double**) malloc(3* sizeof(double*));
outputArray[i_mal] = (double*) malloc(1* sizeof(double));
for (i=0;i<designs;i++)
printf("put first value");
m = 3;
n = 2;
nrhs = 1;
lda = 2;
ldb = 1;
info = LAPACKE_dgels(LAPACK_ROW_MAJOR,'N',m,n,nrhs,*a,lda,*outputArray,ldb);
printf("%lf ",outputArray[i][j]);
return (info);

The problem may come from outputArray not being contiguous in memory. You may use something like this instead :
outputArray = (double**) malloc(3* sizeof(double*));
outputArray[0]=(double*) malloc(3* sizeof(double));
for (i=0;i<designs;i++){
Don't forget to free the memory !
Edit : Contiguous means that you have to allocate the memory for all values at once. See : some packages, like fftw or lapack require this feature for optimization. As you were calling malloc three times, you created three parts and things went wrong.
If you have a single right hand side, there is no need for a 2D array (double**). outputArray[i] is a double*, that is, the start of the i-th row ( row major). The right line may be outputArray[i]=&outputArray[0][i*nrhs]; if you have many RHS.
By doing this in your code, you are building a 3 rows, one column, that is one RHS. The solution, is of size n=2. It should be outputArray[0][0] , outputArray[1][0]. I hope i am not too wrong, check this on simple cases !


C Function to return a String resulting in corrupted top size

I am trying to write a program that calls upon an [external library (?)] (I'm not sure that I'm using the right terminology here) that I am also writing to clean up a provided string. For example, if my main.c program were to be provided with a string such as:
asdfFAweWFwseFL Wefawf JAWEFfja FAWSEF
it would call upon a function in externalLibrary.c (lets call it externalLibrary_Clean for now) that would take in the string, and return all characters in upper case without spaces:
The crazy part is that I have this working... so long as my string doesn't exceed 26 characters in length. As soon as I add a 27th character, I end up with an error that says
malloc(): corrupted top size.
Here is externalLibrary.c:
#include "externalLibrary.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
char * restrict externalLibrary_Clean(const char* restrict input) {
// first we define the return value as a pointer and initialize
// an integer to count the length of the string
char * returnVal = malloc(sizeof(input));
char * initialReturnVal = returnVal; //point to the start location
// until we hit the end of the string, we use this while loop to
// iterate through it
while (*input != '\0') {
if (isalpha(*input)) { // if we encounter an alphabet character (a-z/A-Z)
// then we convert it to an uppercase value and point our return value at it
*returnVal = toupper(*input);
returnVal++; //we use this to move our return value to the next location in memory
input++; // we move to the next memory location on the provided character pointer
*returnVal = '\0'; //once we have exhausted the input character pointer, we terminate our return value
return initialReturnVal;
int * restrict externalLibrary_getFrequencies(char * ar, int length){
static int freq[26];
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++){
return freq;
the header file for it (externalLibrary.h):
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
char * restrict externalLibrary_Clean(const char* restrict input);
int * restrict externalLibrary_getFrequencies(char * ar, int length);
#ifdef __cplusplus
my main.c file from where all the action is happening:
#include <stdio.h>
#include "externalLibrary.h"
int main() {
char * unfilteredString = "ASDFOIWEGOASDGLKASJGISUAAAA";//if this exceeds 26 characters, the program breaks
char * cleanString = externalLibrary_Clean(unfilteredString);
//int * charDist = externalLibrary_getFrequencies(cleanString, 25); //this works just fine... for now
printf("\nOutput: %s\n", unfilteredString);
printf("\nCleaned Output: %s\n", cleanString);
/*for(int i = 0; i < 26; i++){
if(charDist[i] == 0){
else {
printf("%c: %d \n", (i + 65), charDist[i]);
return 0;
I'm extremely well versed in Java programming and I'm trying to translate my knowledge over to C as I wish to learn how my computer works in more detail (and have finer control over things such as memory).
If I were solving this problem in Java, it would be as simple as creating two class files: one called and one called, where I would have static String Clean(string input) and then call upon it in with String cleanString = externalLibrary.Clean(unfilteredString).
Clearly this isn't how C works, but I want to learn how (and why my code is crashing with corrupted top size)
The bug is this line:
char * returnVal = malloc(sizeof(input));
The reason it is a bug is that it requests an allocation large enough space to store a pointer, meaning 8 bytes in a 64-bit program. What you want to do is to allocate enough space to store the modified string, which you can do with the following line:
char *returnVal = malloc(strlen(input) + 1);
So the other part of your question is why the program doesn't crash when your string is less than 26 characters. The reason is that malloc is allowed to give the caller slightly more than the caller requested.
In your case, the message "malloc(): corrupted top size" suggests that you are using libc malloc, which is the default on Linux. That variant of malloc, in a 64-bit process, would always give you at least 0x18 (24) bytes (minimum chunk size 0x20 - 8 bytes for the size/status). In the specific case that the allocation immediately precedes the "top" allocation, writing past the end of the allocation will clobber the "top" size.
If your string is larger than 23 (0x17) you will start to clobber the size/status of the subsequent allocation because you also need 1 byte to store the trailing NULL. However, any string 23 characters or shorter will not cause a problem.
As to why you didn't get an error with a string with 26 characters, to answer that one would have to see that exact program with the string of 26 characters that does not crash to give a more precise answer. For example, if the program provided a 26-character input that contained 3 blanks, this would would require only 26 + 1 - 3 = 24 bytes in the allocation, which would fit.
If you are not interested in that level of detail, fixing the malloc call to request the proper amount will fix your crash.

CUDD BDDs: building a boolean as disjunction of conjunctions but get runtime error: segmentation fault

Does anyone with experience using CUDD (not be confused with CUDA) for manipulating BDDs know why possibly I keep getting the dreaded "segmentation error (dumped core)". I suspect it could be related to referencing de-referencing which I confess I don't fully understand. Any hints pointers appreciated. I (commented out some things I have been trying):
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "cudd.h"
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
/*char filename[30];*/
DdManager * gbm; /* Global BDD manager. */
gbm = Cudd_Init(0, 0, CUDD_UNIQUE_SLOTS, CUDD_CACHE_SLOTS, 0); /* Initialize a new BDD manager with defaults. */
int const n = 3;
int i, j;
DdNode *var, *tmp, *tmp2, *BDD, *BDD_t;
BDD_t = Cudd_ReadLogicZero(gbm);
/* Outter loop: disjunction of the n terms*/
for (j = 0; j <= n - 1; j++) {
BDD = Cudd_ReadOne(gbm); /*Returns the logic one constant of the manager*/
/* Cudd_Ref(BDD);*/
/* Inner loop: assemble each of the n conjunctions */
for (i = j * (n - 1); i >= (j - 1) * (n - 1); i--) {
var = Cudd_bddIthVar(gbm, i); /*Create a new BDD variable*/
tmp = Cudd_bddAnd(gbm, var, BDD); /*Perform AND boolean operation*/
BDD = tmp;
tmp2 = Cudd_bddOr(gbm, BDD, BDD_t); /*Perform OR boolean operation*/
/*Cudd_RecursiveDeref(gbm, tmp);*/
BDD_t = tmp2;
Cudd_PrintSummary(gbm, BDD_t, 4, 0);
/* Cudd_bddPrintCover(mgr, BDD_t, BDD);*/
/* BDD = Cudd_BddToAdd(gbm, BDD_t);*/
/* printf(gbm,BDD_t, 2, 4);*/
return 0;
While you are correc that Cudd_Ref'find and Cudd_RecursiveDeref'ing is not correct in your code (yet), the current and first problem is actually a different one.
You never check the return values of the CUDD function. Some of them return NULL (0) on error, and your code does not detect such cases. In fact, the call to "Cudd_bddIthVar" returns NULL (0) at least once, and then the subsequent call to the BDD AND function makes the CUDD library access the memory at memory address 0+4, causing the segmentation fault.
There are multiple ways to fix this:
The best way is to always check for NULL return values and then notify the user of the program of the problem. Since this is your main() function, this could be printing an error message and the returning 1
At the very bare minimum, you can add assert(...) statements, so that at least in debug mode, the problem will become obvious. This is not recommended in general, as when compiling not in debug mode, such problems may go unnoticed.
In C++, there is also the possibility to work with exception - but you don't seem to be using C++.
Now why does "Cudd_bddIthVar(gbm, i)" return NULL? Because in the second iteration, variable "i" of the loop has value -1.
Now as far as Ref'fing and Deref'fing is concerned:
You need to call Cudd_Ref(...) to every BDD variable that you want to use until after calling the next Cudd function. Exceptions are constants are variables.
You need to call Cudd_RecursiveDeref(...) on every BDD node that you initially Ref'd that is no longer needed.
This is because every BDD node has a counter telling you how often it is currently in use. Once the counter hits 0, the BDD node may be recycled. Ref'fing while the node is in use makes sure that it does not happen while the node is in use.
You program could be fixed as follows:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "cudd.h"
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
/*char filename[30];*/
DdManager * gbm; /* Global BDD manager. */
gbm = Cudd_Init(0, 0, CUDD_UNIQUE_SLOTS, CUDD_CACHE_SLOTS, 0); /* Initialize a new BDD manager with defaults. */
int const n = 3;
int i, j;
DdNode *var, *tmp, *tmp2, *BDD, *BDD_t;
BDD_t = Cudd_ReadLogicZero(gbm);
/* Outter loop: disjunction of the n terms*/
for (j = 0; j <= n - 1; j++) {
BDD = Cudd_ReadOne(gbm); /*Returns the logic one constant of the manager*/
/* Inner loop: assemble each of the n conjunctions */
for (i = j * (n - 1); i >= (j) * (n - 1); i--) {
var = Cudd_bddIthVar(gbm, i); /*Create a new BDD variable*/
tmp = Cudd_bddAnd(gbm, var, BDD); /*Perform AND boolean operation*/
BDD = tmp;
tmp2 = Cudd_bddOr(gbm, BDD, BDD_t); /*Perform OR boolean operation*/
Cudd_RecursiveDeref(gbm, BDD_t);
Cudd_RecursiveDeref(gbm, BDD);
BDD_t = tmp2;
Cudd_PrintSummary(gbm, BDD_t, 4, 0);
/* Cudd_bddPrintCover(mgr, BDD_t, BDD);*/
/* BDD = Cudd_BddToAdd(gbm, BDD_t);*/
/* printf(gbm,BDD_t, 2, 4);*/
return 0;
For brevity, I used assert(...) statements to check the conditions. Don't use this in production code - this is only to keep the code shorter during learning. Also look up in the CUDD documentation which calls can actually return NULL. Those that cannot do not need such a check. But most calls can return 0.
Note that:
The return value of Cudd_bddIthVar is not Cudd_Ref's - it doesn't need to.
The return value of Cudd_ReadLogicZero(gbm) is Cudd_Ref'd - this is because the variable is overwritten with nodes that have to be Ref'd later, and hence the code needs to have a call to RecursiveDeref(...) in that case. To make Ref's and Deref's symmetric, the node is needlessly Ref'd (which is allowed).
The last assert statement checks if there are any nodes still in use -- if that is the case before calling Cudd_Quit, this tells you that your code doesn't Deref correctly, which should be fixed. If you comment out any RecursiveDeref line and run the code, the assert statement should halt execution then.
I've rewritten your for-loop condition to ensure that no negative variable numbers occur. But your code may not do what it is supposed to now.
Thanks, #DCTLib. I've found that the C++ interface is much more convenient for formulating Boolean expressions. The only problem is how to go back and forth between the C and C++ interfaces, since ultimately I still need C for printing out the minterms (called cutsets in the world I inhabit, Reliability Eng. Let me pose the question in separate entry. It seems you know CUDD quite well. You should be maintaining that repo! It's a great product but sparsely documented or interacted with.

C++11 equivalent of Haskell's "inits"

Just a short question:
Is there any C++11 equivalent of Haskell's inits?
The inits function returns all initial segments of the argument,
shortest first.
I'd like to do sth. like
reverse $ inits [1..10]
C++11 supports std::reverse, but i could not find sth. like std::inits.
The List will be represented in C++ as a std::vector.
I think I got it working purely functional:
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int main(void) {
vector<int> nums = { 1,5,5,9,8,7,6 };
auto inits = accumulate(nums.begin()+1, nums.end(), // Iterate between second and last element
vector< vector<int> >{ vector<int>{nums.front()}}, // Initialize accumulator
[] (vector< vector<int> > &acc, int j) { // Lambda constructing further elements
auto tmp = acc.back();
acc.push_back( tmp );
return 0;
Inits will be a vector of vectors of int's.
Everything without (visible) loops :-)
For a random-access range (since you mention std::vector), a range of successive slices is manageable. This will also work with forward and bidirectional ranges, although that will incur an additional linear cost when computing the distance. With Boost.Range:
#include <boost/range/irange.hpp>
#include <boost/range/adaptor/sliced.hpp>
#include <boost/range/adaptor/transformed.hpp>
namespace R = boost::adaptors;
template<typename Range>
using range_difference_t = typename boost::range_difference<Range>::type;
namespace functors {
template<typename Range>
struct slice {
using difference_type = range_difference_t<Range>;
Range* range;
explicit slice(Range& range)
: range(&range)
boost::sliced_range<Range> operator()(difference_type index) const
return R::slice(*range, static_cast<difference_type>(0), index);
} // functors
template<typename Range>
using inits_type =
const boost::integer_range<range_difference_t<Range>>
// calling inits with rvalues is not supported on purpose
template<typename Range>
inits_type<Range> inits(Range& range)
using diff_t = range_difference_t<Range>;
return R::transform(
// use boost::size instead of distance to restrict
// inits to working efficiently on random-access ranges only
boost::irange(static_cast<diff_t>(0), boost::distance(range) + static_cast<diff_t>(1)),
functors::slice<Range> { range }
Demo here.
This solution benefits greatly from C++14, leaving us with just:
// same includes
template<typename Range>
auto inits(Range& range)
namespace R = boost::adaptors;
using diff_t = typename boost::range_difference<Range>::type;
return R::transform(
boost::irange(static_cast<diff_t>(0), boost::distance(range) + static_cast<diff_t>(1)),
[range = &range](diff_t i) { return R::slice(*range, static_cast<diff_t>(0), i); }
C++14 demo here.
As for a non-slicing solution (i.e. closer in spirit to the Haskell version), this would require writing iterators by hand, with ‘interesting’ lifetime considerations. I would not recommend it.

Loop to keep adding spaces in string?

I have the following code:
sHexPic = string_to_hex(sPic);
sHexPic.insert(sHexPic.begin() + 2,' ');
sHexPic.insert(2," ");
I would like to know how I can put this into a counted loop and add a space after every 2nd character. So far all this does is make this string "35498700" into "35 498700", which in the end I want the final result to be something like "35 49 87 00".
I assume you would have to get the length of the string and the amount of characters in it.
I am trying to achieve this in c++/cli.
Here's how it would be done in C++, using a string :) (I'm using C libraries cuz I'm more familiar with C)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main()
string X;
int i;
int y;
X = 35498700;
y= X.size();
X.insert(i," ");
y=x.size(); //To update size of x
i++; //To skip the inserted space
return 0;
Have fun :)
That would "probably" work. If it didn't then please mention so :)

access array from struct in C

In my data.h file I have:
typedef struct {
double ***grid;
} Solver;
In my .c file I have
static Solver _solver;
which first makes a call to a function to do some allocation on grid such as
_solver.grid = malloc(....);
//then makes a call to
The GS_init function is declared in GS.h as:
void GS_init(double ***grid);
When I try to compile, I get two errors:
the struct "<unnamed>" has no field "grid"
too many arguments in function call
Any ideas what is going wrong here?
This code compiles with 'gcc -Wall -Werror -c':
typedef struct
double ***grid;
} Solver;
extern void GS_init(double ***grid);
#include "data.h"
#include "gs.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
static Solver _solver;
void anonymous(void)
_solver.grid = malloc(32 * sizeof(double));
Derek asked:
Why does this work? Is it because of the extern keyword?
The 'extern' is not material to making it work, though I always use it.
When I have to flesh out GS_init() in, say compute.c, would I write void GS_init(double ***grid){ //loop over grid[i][j][k] setting to zero }
Sort of...yes, the GS_init() code could do that if the data structure is set up properly, which is going to need more information than there is currently visible in the structure.
For the compiler to process:
grid[i][j][k] = 0.0;
the code has to know the valid ranges for each of i, j, and k; assume the number of rows in each dimension are Ni, Nj, Nk. The data 'structure' pointed to by grid must be an array of Ni 'double **' values - which must be allocated. Each of those entries must point to Nj 'double *' values. So, you have to do more allocation than a single malloc(), and you have to do more initialization than just setting everything to zero.
If you want to use a single array of doubles only, you will have to write a different expression to access the data:
grid[(i * Ni + j) * Nj + k] = 0.0;
And under this scenario, grid would be a simple double * and not a triple pointer.
