Create a Wacom-like Linux uinput device for work with touchscreen and pen - linux

This is a fairly broad question, so I will try to keep it as focused as I can.
I currently own a Lenovo laptop with Ubuntu installed and touchscreen functionality and own a pressure-sensitive Bluetooth pen, and been trying to make the two work together as a cheap Cintiq-like tablet.
The pen has, unfortunately, support for only specific apps for iOS phones and tablets.
So after lots of research, I've managed to interface with the pen and create a uinput device for it, so I can register button clicks and pressure changes on the pen and even see them routed to GIMP when configuring the device through the Input Controllers menu.
The code I have so far for that interface is available here.
The trouble starts when trying to test it out with GIMP.
From what I gather, this is because GIMP assumes Wacom devices report their own position, treats touchscreen touches as mouse movements and only allows input from a single device at a time.
My question is, how can I work around this?
More specifically, how can I create a uinput device that would behave as a Wacom tablet and supersede/block the behavior I described?
Or if there's a different solution, such as patching GIMP or writing a plugin for it.
Update (2014-06-07)
The code mentioned above now works.
I have written a blog post on the process of getting this to work:

As you said, Gimp expects you to provide ABS_X and ABS_Y along with ABS_PRESSURE in your driver - which is not strange, because you are using you virtual device as input, so it wouldn't make much sense to pick ABS_X and ABS_Y coordinates from one device and ABS_PRESSURE from another (although they will always be the same in this case). Maybe you can just read the current coordinates of the mouse and copy them as your own device coordinates.
As an example, the project GfxTablet does something similar to what you are trying, they have an Android application for tablets with pen and use uinput to create virtual device that works like pressure-sensitive pen on Linux. I have used it and it worked like a charm in Gimp and mypaint on my laptop, and I had no problem with having a mouse (or the touchpad) active at the same time as the uinput device (I think that Krita added support for generic pressure-sensitive devices recently). You can take a look at the source code of the driver here (surprinsingly simple, to be fair).
Note that this is not a faulty behavior of Gimp, because this is what is expected from a tablet-like device. Take a look at the event codes kernel documentation page, in the last section (Guidelines), it is said that tablets must report ABS_X and ABS_Y. Moreover, they should use BTN_STYLUS and BTN_STYLUS2 to report the tool buttons and some BTN_TOOL_* (e.g. BTN_TOOL_PEN) to report activity (you can find all the available codes in input.h); however, these last does not seem that important, as GfxTablet does not implement them and worked without problem.


Not visible/refreshed objects or part of screen

Do You know the situation when on screen in application you have not fully refreshed view? You need to hover the mouse on the object to make it visible/refreshed? Or You need to open close page/screen to refresh all objects?
I have PC-box with Win10. PC has only one DVI port, so extended the screens with USB to DVI adapter (3x VGA2725) and desktop is extended to 4 monitors. Each monitor is used to show the same software (SCADA) 4 different 'windows'. On the screens with adapters there is problem with view/screen refresh, like a 'artefacts' or part of screen not updated. In that situation the page needs to be closed/opened again. The CPU and disk is not overloaded.
Could You help me if above is more software issue or more hardware issue? Shell I look for bad drivers? What shall I check?
EDIT: sorry, missed the fact that the adaptor is multiplying the signal to all monitors.
Nevertheless, check with only one monitor at a time and different combinations to isolate is my suggestion.
Has the adaptor been tested on one of the other monitors?
If it has been tested on all monitors and the error is only on one
of them, checking that monitor's specs, and the adaptor's specs; to
see if there are any incompatibilities, is probably the best approach.
If no testing on a different monitor has been done, I would definitely
try to isolate the issue by connecting the adaptor to all external
If you encounter the same error on a different monitor, we know it is
most likely the adaptor, or it's drivers.

Interfacing with a custom camera in Linux on the beaglebone

I need some pointers to help me get a camera (OV7670) working on a beaglebone running debian.
Using the camera capes as a guide, I have connected the camera to the GPMC pins on the beagleboard and the I2C pins. However I am a bit stumped to what I need to do in software to get Linux to recognize it as a camera and be able to use it to read a frame from the GPMC.
From the readings I have done, it seems like I need to load a kernel module. I found that there is a OV7670 C driver file in the kernel source. What kind of modifications (if any) would I need to do?
I am also open to any suggested readings and tutorials that would help me.
The status of the C driver for AM335X devices:"/arch/arm/configs/am335x_evm_defconfig: # CONFIG_VIDEO_OV7670 is not set"Looks like you'll need to compile your own kernel with OV7670 enabled, or...
As an alternative, you could write your own simple driver using one of the bones two on-board programmable real-time units (PRUs). You'll need to become familiar with assembly but that shouldn't take anymore than 2-3hrs of dedicated reading and you only need to do it once. The PRUs run on a 200MHz clock so every instruction is 5ns - more than enough time to generate a clock for the OV7670 and OV5642. (I've created a collection of examples on GitHub for the PRU: - currently working on a driver for three OV5642 cameras on one bone for the AUVSI-robonation annual competition)
Another alternative is the LogiBone which is an FPGA cape for the bone. You may need to become familiar with Verilog for this one; nevertheless the developers I talked with said they have an add-on available for OmniVision cameras and are working on implementing various OpenCV software features.
As far as reading, there is nothing better than a well-documented datasheet!
"Verilog for Digital Design" by Frank & Roman

Looking for Example Embedded Linux HID Device Code

I want to set up my embedded application as a HID device, with a separate process controlling the HID interface to allow dynamic connections to a PC. There seems to be many people out there that have done it, but I would like to do is:
a) Understand how to configure my build (Freescale i.MX Linux using ltib) to include the USB APIs and includes in my build (ie g_hid.h).
b) Where can I find an example application which does something like move the mouse about the screen to demonstrate the operation of the HID?
Thanx for your help! is an example of how to operate a mouse HID.

Graphics development on ARM

I am planning to make a small OS and run a Tetris clone on it using an ARM Cortex-M3. Unfortunately, I am not able to buy any development boards as of now, so I will have to use simulators.
I have actually looked into QEMU which has LM3S6965EVB support, which contains an ARM Cortex-M3 processor. But apparently newer revisions of the board are not compatible with the model in QEMU as none of the examples I have downloaded from TI seem to work. Even the OLED display is different.
Another problem is to do graphics development as the OLED display for LM3S6965EVB has a really low resolution. I was able to get it up to 640x480 by editing the QEMU source but as I could not get any examples to work, so I don't know if it works either. Using the debug parameters for SSD0323, all I can see is that it accepts some of the data that is sent to initialize the device, then hangs...
I have considered choosing another board in QEMU but that would mean redoing many things from scratch when I get my hands on a real device, as the other ones are too powerful for something as simple as this.
What should I do? Are there any other simulators out there that can help me accomplish what I am trying to do? I want to develop a small OS and some small games.
Thanks in advance. I have been searching for a solution for days and I am really stuck.
How much you have to redo, in part, has to do with your software/system engineering, you can abstract where needed and only have to re-write the abstraction layer not the entire package. Actually you can do much of your software design/testing on your host system and never cross compile, only later cross compile to a simulator or real hardware.
For example, I assume you would construct the next video screen somewhere in ram then depending on the hardware change some bits in a register and page flip or have to do a copy from this frame buffer to the video/lcd in whatever form it wants. Using thumbulator you could build your screen in ram somewhere (in the simulated memory space) then add to the simulator when the simulation writes to such and such register take these bytes from ram and display them on the host computer (running the simulation) basically simulate some hardware. use sdl or basic X calls or whatever you prefer. I normally take snapshots to .bmp files (very easy to write) then look at them later.
Later, on hardware your abstracted update_screen() function would have hardware specific code to display that screen.
thumbulator only runs thumb instructions not ARM and not Thumb2, thumb being the common denominator between the arm processors (ARMv4T and newer except for cortex-m) and those that support thumb2 extensions (cortex-m). other than startup code the compiling and programming experience is the same across the arm family. the code (other than startup code and of course hardware specific accesses) will run across the arm family as well as the simulator. If you go to a cortex-m then adding an architecture specification to the command line will change the build from thumb only to thumb+thumb2 instructions giving you some performance boost. if you surf around my other projects on github you will find this idea reapeated over and over again, I have many simple cortex-m examples where I use gcc and llvm and build the same .C code with thumb instructions and thumb+thumb2.
Another completely different answer is get a GBA (Nintendo Game Boy Advance). You can get a GBA SP (has a backlit display, makes the whole experience better) for about $30 or so on ebay. You can buy flash cartridges that take sd cards for about the same amount. It has an ARM7TDMI, it runs thumb code much faster than ARM code, giving you that thumb experience in preparation for other/newer cores like the cortex-m. For another $30 you can get a game link cable, chop it up, attach a rs232 level shifter (I can talk you through all of this), and make a gba serial cable. My preferred setup is to have a flash cartridge that I have pre-programmed with a serial bootloader, I download the program over serial into ram then run from ram. This avoids having to yank the flash cartridge and/or sd card every time you re-compile the program. doable, and a cheaper solution but gets tiring fast.
If you have a Nintendo DS for $12 to $15 you can get an sd based flash cartridge that you can likewise use for development. I recommend learning the gba first, which you can do on the NDS if you buy a gba side memory cartridge (need a ds lite not an ndsi nor 3d) supported by the software on the cartridge. (the ez flash 3 in 1 gba size for example is a good one, as well as memory you can flash that one with the nds and carry it over to the gba (this is how I put my serial bootloader on it)). these loaders will let you put your .gba file on the nds cartridge sd card then load it into the gba cartridge and it switches the nds into gba mode and runs as a gba.
there are lots of other solutions, likely has a number of arm based boards that can drive lcds and/or come with lcds. You can go to earthlcd and get one of the serial based lcd panels that make for rapid development, later of course a cheaper solution is desired. Along the same lines you could instead simulate an earthlcd like thing using your host computer have the embedded microcontroller send screen updates over serial to the host and the host displays the graphics. Later replace that screen update with something else.
This latter solution, for about $20 you can get a stm32f4 discovery board, has a cortex-m4, runs up to 168MHz, has a number of serial ports of which at least two have pins not being used by something else you could easily have one port for debug messages and the other for this virtual serial screen. In the stm32f4 directory in my stm32vld repo on github I have a number of getting started examples for using that board (as well as the stm32vld which is a few bucks cheaper but not as powerful as this stm32f4). Likewise your host application can take keystrokes and turn them into user control/game control commands back into the game software on the microcontroller.
There is of course the beagleboard or hawkboard or raspberri pi when it comes out, or open-rd (I dont like the plug computer but do like the open rd) which have video processing and video output direct to a monitor and/or tv using composite or whatever. About $150 to $200 and it just works run with it. You definitely dont need to run linux on these platforms, you can make your own os or whatever you like and run that, very simple.
There are more solutions than you probably have time and/or money to pursue you need to find one that fits within your comfort or happyness zone for how you like to do development and try that path.

Is kernel or userspace responsible for rotating framebuffer to match screen

I'm working on embedded device with screen rotated 90 degrees clockwise: screen controller reports 800x600 screen, while device's screen is 600x800 portrait.
What do you think, whose responsibility it is to compensate for this: should kernel rotate framebuffer to provide 800x600 screen as expected by upper-level software or applications (X server, bootsplash) should adapt and draw to rotated screen?
Every part of stack is free software, so there are no non-technical problems for modification, the question is more about logical soundness.
It makes most sense for the screen driver to do it - the kernel after all is supposed to provide an abstraction of the device for the userspace applications to work with. If the screen is a 600x800 portrait oriented device, then that's what applications should see from the kernel.
yes,I agree, The display driver should update the display accordingly and keep the control
Not sure exactly how standard your embedded device is, if it is running a regular linux kernel, you might check in the kernel configurator (make xconfig, when compiling a new kernel) , one of the options for kernel in the device, video card section, is to enable rotation of the kernel messages display so it scrolls 90 degrees left or right while booting up.
I think it also makes your consoles be rotated correctly after login too.
This was not available in kernels even 6-8 months ago, at least not available in kernel that slackware64 13.37 came with about that time.
Note that the bios messages are still rotated on a PC motherboard,
but that is hard-coded in the bios, which may not apply to the embedded system you are working with.
If this kernel feature is not useful to you for whatever reason, how they did it in the linux kernel might be good example of where and how to go about it. Once you get the exact name of the option from "make xconfig", it should be pretty easy to search where ever they log the kernel traffic for that name and dig up some info about it.
Hmmm. I just recompiled my kernel today, and I may have been wrong about how new this option is. Looks like it was available with some kernel versions before the included-with-Slackware64 versions that I referenced. Sorry!
