Resolve IP next hop with socket programming on Linux - linux

Working with Linux.
Given a specific destination IP address, I need to populate the ARP cache with its next hop MAC address and interface.
Other mechanism in my software project will take this MAC address and push it to an FPGA.
If I open a TCP connection to the address it will be resolved and TCP handshake packets are sent. If I open a UDP socket and 'connect' it to the address it will not be resolved. If I send a single packet over the connected UDP socket it is resolved.
arp(7) documentation explains this: "... Requests are sent only when there is data queued for sending".
I can't call the 'arp' utility directly.
My question: is there a way to convince the system to populate an address by sending ARP in the background without the need for actually sending a packet?
I hope for some ioctl or setsockopt.
I prefer a generic solution that will also work for IPv6 neighbor resolution.


How can I implement an IPv6 translation layer in userspace?

I have a program in userspace with thousands of "nodes". Each of these nodes has a MAC address and can produce and consume messages. I would like to grant each of these nodes an IPv6 address and translate the messages to UDP payloads.
By "translate" I mean that a node can register to send messages to a destination IP address, and then when it produces a message I would like to translate this to a UDP payload to send to that destination with the node's IP address as the source address. And when a UDP packet is received with the node's IP address as the destination address, I would like to translate this to a message that the node can consume.
This is similar to what 6lowpan does (it provides an IPv6 translation layer for 802.15.4 nodes), but I would like to do it in userspace. 6lowpan is implemented in the kernel.
One way I can do this is to open a tun device, which would allow me to send raw IPv6 packets. But this means I would need to duplicate the IPv6 and UDP stacks in my program. For example, my program would be responsible for handling ICMP messages, implementing duplicate address detection, UDP checksums, etc.
Is there an easier way to do this? What I'd like to do is request a globally addressable IPv6 address from the kernel for each node and then use the typical socket method for sending and receiving UDP.
I would like to target linux, but I could use a BSD as well.

Create VPN over TCP connection

I need to create a virtual IP network over TCP connection. The hosting system is Linux, with the TUN/TAP kernel driver, it's quite easy to receive & re-inject IP packets of the virtual network.
The difficult part is to transmit the received IP packets to another host. For some non-technical reasons, I can only transmit the packets over TCP protocol but not UDP. Transmit IP packets over UDP is easy, but with TCP it becomes tricky, here's the reason:
UDP protocol doesn't support retransmission/reordering, just like IP. So, if one UDP packet is sent for every received virtual IP packet, the kernel TCP/IP protocol stack would still see virtual IP packet loss/duplication/reordering(those are required for TCP/IP to work well, if those "features" are missing, the TCP connection speed on the virtual network would suffer). If IP packets are transmitted over TCP all required "features" will be missing, unless they are simulated some how.
It seems I have to fake some kind of packet duplication/loss/reordering on TCP connection, or patch the kernel TCP/IP protocol stack. Both options aren't easy.
Is there any other simpler solution to my problem ? or did I just go into a completely wrong direction ? I'm all ears.
==== UPDATE ====
I'm thinking about using raw IP socket (which could get rid of all the TCP retransmission/reordering stuff on the physical network easily while still using TCP packets) to transmit the received virtual network IP packets. But on the receiving host, how can I only receive the packets I'm interested in and return all other IP packets to the kernel TCP/IP stack ?
First of all, you do not want to make a VPN over TCP because you would end up with tcp-over-tcp eventually. The main issue is that the timers of your inner TCP and outer TCP might differ significantly which negatively impacts your TCP session reliability. You can find a bit longer explanation here.
UDP protocol doesn't support retransmission/reordering, just like IP. So, if one UDP packet is sent for every received virtual IP packet, the kernel TCP/IP protocol stack would still see virtual IP packet loss/duplication/reordering(those are required for TCP/IP to work well, if those "features" are missing, the TCP connection speed on the virtual network would suffer). If IP packets are transmitted over TCP all required "features" will be missing, unless they are simulated some how.
This does not make sense, if your outer layer uses TCP as a transport mechanism, nothing stops your inner layer to still use the full ip/tcp stack, including those features. They can conflict badly like I said, but it's not that this functionality disappears or breaks completely.
It seems like you actually want to use TCP just to have the headers and ignore the actual protocol, this would indeed avoid the issues with tcp over tcp. However, once again this is a very bad idea. Flow processing for firewalls, NAT, DPI, tcp boosters, becomes more and more common, if you fake TCP packets you might up stressing those boxes, possibly detoriating your own connection once again.
So you should ask yourself why you can't use UDP, and if no alternative protocol (header) is okay, like GRE or L2TP.

Linux socket UDP server - exchanging messages between 2 servers on 2 machines

I am working on a small linux socket project. The goal is to have multiple servers (ie. 1,2,3,4,5) that listen for send get and ACK packets from each of their respective clients. I am currently attempting to implement a routing table protocol whereby 2 servers (A, B) exchange their routing tables (vectors containing respective clients, server name, and number of hops). The issue I am having is with binding a socket to B's external address from A and vice-versa. From what I have read you do not bind to anything other than a local address except in certain cases. What I am wondering is how do I simply fire off a UDP packet from one server to another knowing the (static) IP address of each server?
What I am wondering is how do I simply fire off a UDP packet from one
server to another knowing the (static) IP address of each server?
The short answer is, you can't. At least on the Internet proper, only unicast is widely supported, which means that in order to send a UDP packet to another machine, you'll need to know its IP address (somehow).
The longer answer is: The first thing you often need to do is discover the target machines' IP addresses. That might be a matter of having the user manually enter a list of IP addresses, or if the target machines are on the same LAN, you can program a mechanism for auto-discovering them by having your program send out a broadcast or multicast UDP query packet. Make sure any instances of your program running on the same LAN receive that packet and respond to it by sending back a response UDP packet (the responses can be sent by by unicast or multicast or broadcast, your choice), and then your query-originating computer can know from the responses it receives which other IP addresses your program is presently also running on.
Note that a lot of computers and network devices run firewalls that reject incoming UDP packets by default, so if you packets don't seem to be getting through that is a likely reason why.

how to send/inject packet into local network interface (linux)

I am working on a C program on Linux (kernel 2.6.18). I need to send/inject IP packets (e.g., over a socket) in my Linux systems, but make the same Linux "think" that these packets are incoming from another host. I creat a datalink socket and use faked source mac/ip for the packets sent over this socket. The destination mac/ip are set to the ones in my local Linux. However, whether I send these packets in a user-space program or in a kernel module, my local Linux just doesn't think these packets are coming from outside. For example, if I create a datalink socket to send an ICMP request destined to my local Linux, I expect my local Linux to think this ICMP request coming from outside, and would respond with an ICMP reply, but my local Linux does not do so. (However, with the same program I can send a faked ICMP request to another host, and that host does respond an ICMP reply.)
I did some research on this topic online, and it seems all related solution suggest using TAP. But as this VirtualBox article says:
... TAP is no longer necessary on Linux with bridged networking, ...
I am very interested to know how this is possible. Thanks.

howto make locally terminated tcp connections go through prerouting and postrouting?

I am developing an application that filters and mangles packets using netfilter queue's. It's rather complicated and needs to perform well so I would like to automate some rigorous testing. To do this I need to be to be able to route some TCP connections through my system, however, I don't want to have to rely on two other machines to act as client and server. I would prefer to run a local client that sends data and a local server that checks the mangled result.
The problem is that my application needs to intercept packets at the PREROUTING stage and so packets generated by the local client can't just be routed to the loopback interface.
So I need some way to inject packets before the prerouting stage and intercept them back after postrouting. If I could somehow use stream sockets to send and receive the data that would be great!
The most straightforward way I can think of doing this is to use a tun device. The tun device allows you to inject packets from userspace that appear to arrive through the tun interface. You could either write code to create and manipulate the tun interface yourself, or you can make use of an application like OpenVPN that already does this. With OpenVPN it would be easy: no special raw sockets or anything: you just send it IP packets encapsulated in UDP and it will make them arrive through a tun interface.
I've been thinking a bit about this and using the tun devices my client and server test applications should be able to use plain linux sockets. I will explain how this can work by describing the path of a packet sent by the test client.
a) Two tun devices each providing access to a distinct subnetwork
b) routing table was set up to route traffic to the correct tun device
1) the client sends a packet to an address in the tun1 subnetwork
2) the app attached to tun1 (tun1app) will translate the dst address of the packet to an address in tun2 subnetwork and the source address to an address in the tun1 subnetwork different from the address of the tun1 interface
3) tun1app will send the modified packet back out
4) after routing tun2app will receive the packet and translate the destination address to the tun2 interface and the source address to an address in the tun2 network different from the interface address
5) tun2app will send it back out and the server will receive the packet assuming the destination port is the one the server is listening on
Packets from the server will follow the inverse path.
This seems like the core idea of a very useful tool. Does anyone know of a tool that is able to do this?
All connections from-and-to localhost itself do go over PREROUTING and POSTROUTING. Whoever tells something else is mistaken. (You can verify that with ip6tables -t raw -I OUTPUT -j TRACE, and you will see that it passes through OUTPUT-POSTROUTING-PREROUTING-INPUT when, for example, you ping6 ::1 yourself.)
