Input/Output error when copying files to a mount inlinux - linux

I am having a linux mount on my jenkins build server. After a job in jenkins succeeds, a script is being called which copies the files from workspace to different directories in the mount. Each time I mount the copy operation succeeds but after few hours it fails with I/O error: cannot copy. I have to remount the share again to get this thing going.
Any ideas on the fix? I am struggling for 2 weeks now. I do not want to remount again and again.
Command I used: mount -t cifs -o rw,noperm,username=xyz,password=* //remoteserver/path /local/path.

Not sure if this will help you. But, this something that I do for my scripts.
You said that you have a script that copies the files from workspace to the mount. Why don't you add a condition to a script, to check if the mount exists if not remount or something like that.


mount cifs too long due to chown for each file

I need to run an application on a VM , where I can do my set up in a script that will be run as root when the machine is built.
In this script I would like to mount a windows FS, so using CIFS.
So I am writing the following in the fstab:
//win/dir /my/dir cifs noserverino,ro,uid=1002,gid=1002,credentials=/root/.secret 0 0
After this, still in the same script, I try to mount it:
mount /my/dir
THat results in output of 2 lines for each file:
chown: changing ownership of `/my/dir/afile' Read-only file system
Because I have a lot of files, this takes forever...
With the same fstab I have asked an admin to manually mount the same directory :
sudo mount /my/dir
-> this is very quick with NO extra output.
I assume the difference of behavior is due to the fact that the script is run as root.
Any idea how to avoid the issue while keeping the idea of the script run as root ( this is not under my control )

How can I replace my home directory without coorupting my system?

After setting up my Raspberry Pi, I made an image to make reverting to older software states easier. Recently I wanted to do that so I saved the content of my /home/pi folder, formated the sd-card and wrote the image onto it.
So far everything worked fine. Then I tried to simply delete the complete /home/pi folder and replace it with my previously saved folder from the old image. Now it seems like all files are there. But it doesnt boot correctly.
At some point it just stops to boot. I can then use it normally like the terminal, but Desktop is not starting.
So, how can I replace my home directory the right way so I don't make any damage to the system?
I just tried to do this again.
sudo cp -a /home/pi/fileserver/backup /home/backup
(i mounted a network drive in fileserver. Since network is on windows i assume all permissions are already gone here)
cp -a /home/pi/. /home/original
sudo umount /home/pi/fileserver
rm -r /home/pi/
mv /home/backup /home/pi
sudo chmod -R 755 /home/pi (So far everything still works)
sudo reboot
After reboot it doesnt boot correctly anymore. When I wait long enough I see errors of X Server.
That's quite doubtful approach to archiving the data. First of all, as you mentioned, windows will remove the permission bits. Running chmod -R 755 afterwards has very bad consequences because some programs in order to work require very specific access bits on some files (ssh keys for example). Not to mention that making everything executable is bad for security.
Considering your scenario, you may either
a) backup everything into Tar or Zip archives - this way permissions will be intact
b) Make virtual disk file which will be stored on shared windows drive and mounted to /home/pi
How to do scenario A:
cd /home/pi
tar cvpzf backup.tar.gz .
Copy backup.tar.gz to shared drive
to unpack:
cd /home/pi
tar xpvzf backup.tar.gz
One-line backup
Takes small amount of space
Packing/unpacking takes time
How to do scenario B:
1) Create a new file to hold the virtual drive volume:
cd /mnt/YourNetworkDriveMountPoint
fallocate -l 500M HomePi.img
dd if=/dev/zero of=HomePi.img bs=1M count=500
mkfs -t ext3 HomePi.img
2) Mount it to home dir
mount -t auto -o loop HomePi.img /home/pi/
500 means the disk will be 500 megabytes in size
This way your whole pi will be saved as a file on windows shared drive, but all the content will be in ext3 so all permissions are preserved.
I suggest you though to keep the current version image file on Pi device itself and the old versions on shared drive. Just copy files over if you need to switch because otherwise if all images are on shared drive then read/write performance will be 100% dependant on network speed.
You can then easily make copies of this file and swap them instantly by unmounting existing image and mounting new one
Easy swap between backup versions
Completely transparent process
If current image file is on shared drive, performance will be reduced
It will consume considerably more space because all 500 megs will be preallocated.
Pi user must be logged off during image swap for obvious reasons
Now, as for issues with Desktop not displayed, you need to check /var/log/Xorg.0.log for detailed messages. Likely this is caused by messed permissions. I would try to rename/remove your current Xorg settings and cache which are located somewhere in /home/Pi/.config/ (depends on what you're using - XFCE, Gnome, etc.) and let X server recreate them. But again, before doing this please check Xorg.0.log for exact messages - maybe there's another error. If you need any further help please comment to this answer

How to make an incremental backup with rsync from ext4 to xfs network drive?

I'm on Ubuntu 14.04.
I try to make an incremental backup of some files on my Ubuntu HD (ext4) to a Buffalo network HD (XFS).
My script mounts the Buffalo HD with this command :
sudo mount.cifs // /mnt/Sauvegardes -o username=myusername,password=mypassword
After the disk is mounted, I use rsync trying to make an incremental backup with rsync and --link-dest. Each day, when the script is launched, all the folders change according to actual date of the day. Here is an example when the script is launched on 2017-03-09. It should check on 2017-03-08 backup if files already exist :
sudo rsync -arR --link-dest="/mnt/Sauvegardes/racine_2017-03-08" --timeout=30 /home/flooder/Sauvegardes/ /mnt/Sauvegardes/racine_2017-03-09/
The problem : rsync doesn't seem to check on the --link-dest destination. It copies all the files all the day. So the disk will be full quickly and the backup is very very long each day...
Would you have an idea for me?
Should I mount the network drive an other way?
Do I have the right rsync command?
I have mounted my network disk with this line instead. It works well now. If the file already exists in --link-dest, only an hard link is created. Second pass is very very quick!
sudo mount -t cifs // /mnt/Sauvegardes -o username=myusername,password=mypassword,uid=1000,gid=1000
uid and gid are those of my logged user.

Recover Hibernated partition

I accidently formatted my ntfs windows partition with "mkfs.ext4".
I was able to recover it with testdisk but it seems that the windows partition was hibernated,
so whenever i tried to open windows it starts repairing disk errors which was taking too long,
so i manually chkdsk ,to which after some time it started telling -"unreadable sector........
which also took very long so i shut it down.
In kali linux whenever i tried to mount it with "mount /dev/sda3 /mnt -t ntfs -r"
it mounts but many of the folders are empty including windows,program files,Users.
I am new to linux,can you tell me steps to recover my files if possible windows...
Thanks in Advance.
Use sudo ntfsfix /dev/sdXY where XY is the partition name. ex:sda4. use gparted to find partition name. Then mount. It may help.
First check to see it the partition is mounted, it maybe mounted as Read-only. Then issue the mount command with the options.
sudo mount -t ntfs-3g -o remove_hiberfile /dev/yourWindowsPartition /media/yourUser/WindowsPartitionName

List all mounts in Linux

I know mount and df lists all mounts. But I would like to list the mounts which failed to establish on boot, too. How do I get them?
There is no such command, since there is no list of "attempted mounts". You can compare the current mount list (/etc/mtab) to the list of shares registered to be mounted though (/etc/fstab).
Alternatively you could try to grep through the system log files to find failed mount attempts.
You can use mount -a to mount all the mount points defined in the fstab.
If there is some kind of error mounting, you will get some warning. If the mount point is already mounted successfully, the command will do nothing with that mountpoint.
Mount errors should appear in dmesg.
