Azure Mobile Services and TypeScript? - node.js

How to use TypeScript for Mobile Services scripts (with node.js backend)?
Is there a definition file for Mobile Services? (on the server, not on the client!)
And how about the tooling?
Sure, I can open the scripts in Visual Studio 2013 via the Azure node in the Server Explorer, but than they are not part of a Visual Studio solution. How to add a definition file via NuGet in that case?

If you enable source control on your mobile service, you can upload your scripts via git. This would enable a workflow where you write your scripts in TS, run the compiler to output JS, and you commit the generated js files to your repository and push them to the server.
Unfortunately I do not have any advice regarding tooling support.

You can use the TypeScript definition here:


How to use makeappx to create msixbundle files that can be uploaded to the store according to the appxmanifest file?

For some reason(about the digital signature of the desktop bridge app, see here), I can't use visual studio to package my project. Makeappx seems to be able to do this, but those commands are too complex for me. Is there an easier way to achieve this?
Or to put it another way, how can I directly refer to the EXE file (which I can sign) rather than just the project in the application package project?
If Visual Studio is too complicated I recommend you get the free Express edition from Advanced Installer.
In the link include you can find a video that shows how to build an MSIX package (for bundle just change the radio button option from Builds page).
Additional info -
Publishing an MSIX package in the MS store.
Disclaimer: I work on the team building Advanced Installer.

How to build/run Golang and SPA frameworks such as ReactJs/VueJs on the same IDE?

Just like the latest Visual Studio 2017, .NetCore2(backend) and an SPA(frontend) can be build under one command or under one Project. I think Microsoft team managed to implement the building tool for backend and frontend at the same build command.
I am looking for an IDE or a plugin or any way that can do such feat with GoLang(backend) and VueJS(frontend).
All Jetbrains products provide their official Vue.js plugin. I'm using GoLand and this plugin to achieve what you need.
I open up two terminals inside the IDE. Then I start the client and server separately.

Nuget Server backwards compatibility

We are in the process of setting up new infrastructure for our dev team, one of the things that we are doing is setting up an internal nuget server.
We have followed the guide here and everything is working. However some of our dev team still rely on Visual studio 2012 which does not seem to work with this server, I assume that this is because the API has moved on and the client built into 2012 cannot connect to the server.
My question is what is the best way to deal with this, we have a mix of VS2012 and 2015 in use, It occurs to me that we could set up another server using an older version of the nuget server and point it at the same packages directory, however I am not convinced that this is the correct course of action?
If you need to support NuGet v2 clients, such as Visual Studio 2012 then you need to provide a NuGet v2 server. NuGet v2 clients cannot use a NuGet v3 server if it only provides the index.json endpoint.
Options are:
Use an older version of NuGet.Server that supports NuGet v2.
Use a file share instead of a server.
Use some other server instead that provides a NuGet v2 server, such as MyGet, or one that you can host locally such as Team City.
Update to Visual Studio 2015.

How do you include additional files for web publishing

I am attempting to use a build project to publish files from TFS to our web server. I don't have a project file as these are html, text, js files managed outside of Visual Studio. The basis for my attempt was How do you include additional files using VS2010 web deployment packages? and while the status of the build is successful, the files never get published to the server. Has anyone every used Web Publishing to push files maintained in TFS to a server like this. I want to use the standard publishing targets so the builds are easy to maintain ongoing.
I think the tooling in Visual Studio that builds Web Deployment packages requires a Web Application Project.
I suggest creating a Web Application project and adding your html/js files to it, then the default publish targets should be able to build a web deploy package and publish it without problem.

installshield sharepoint deployment

I am new to sharepoint and installshield. My responsiblity is to build and deploy the sharepoint solution as a package using istallsheild. Previously I was using solution package wsp and content database restoration. But now the client wants to deliver the total solution i.e. dlls, ascx files, xml files, servce files(.cs), feature files using installsjield from development server to another (test and/or client) server.
Can any body help me on this: how to do the sharepoint deployment using installshield?
thanks in advance.
I presume you are using SharePoint solutions to package dll's, ascx and xml files for deployment to a sharepoint server. These solutions are built using a tool like WSPBuilder.
If so: Why not use SharePoint Installer? It is an installer wrapper around a .wsp (SharePoint solution) file. It will check for the existence of a sharepoint installation, if the required services are started etc.
For deployment to a test machine: Why would you need the .cs files? If you want to test (debug) code on a test machine, I suggest you use either continuous integration using a tool like CruiseControl.NET, or just install Visual Studio on the test machine (which I presume to be a dev test, not a client test machine) and get the latest version, do a build, then roll out the solution.
And what do you mean with "client" server? is there some windows app that's communicating with sharepoint included in the installer? If so, I suggest separating the SharePoint solution from the actual windows app. They might share DLL's but are not supposed to be in the same installer.
We are using a tool (open source - to automate the Sharepoint components using MSBuild/Features/STSADM etc. Recently they have upgraded this to use WIX so that we can deploy any SharePoint components.
It has got an very good documentation and also we got a good support in fixing and implementing the SharePoint automated deployment in our premise.
