How to grab read-write-lock without releasing it in Lisp? - multithreading

I'm using Clozure CL to write an app. In the app, I need to write several files, so I made a read-write-lock for each file.
Now I'm trying to write a quit function. It checks whether all the file writings are complete and then quit. Basically it works like below:
Grab all the files read-write-locks
Quit CCL
I read the Clozure CL document, but can't find any function like grab-write-lock. I can only find "grab-lock", "with-read-lock" and "with-write-lock". 'grab-lock' won't work on read-write-lock, the other two will release the lock automatically. So how can I grab all the file read-write-locks (not release them) and quit the app?

I'm not all that familiar with Clozure CL's locking mechanisms, but I think that some macroexpansion can illustrate at least one way to do this:
CL-USER> (pprint (macroexpand-1 '(with-write-lock (my-lock)
(#:G351 MY-LOCK))
I can't say whether this (using ccl::with-lock-context/ccl::write-lock-rwlock) is a good way to do this in your own code or not, but it's certainly a way to do it.


I want to run a script from another script, use the same version of perl, and reroute IO to a terminal-like textbox

I am somewhat familiar with various ways of calling a script from another one. I don't really need an overview of each, but I do have a few questions. Before that, though, I should tell you what my goal is.
I am working on a perl/tk program that: a) gathers information and puts it in a hash, and b) fires off other scripts that use the info hash, and some command line args. Each of these other scripts are available on the command line (using another command-line script) and need to stay that way. So I can't just put all that into a module and call it good.I do have the authority to alter the scripts, but, again, they must also be usable on the command line.
The current way of calling the other script is by using 'do', which means I can pass in the hash, and use the same version of perl (I think). But all the STDOUT (and STDERR too, I think) goes to the terminal.
Here's a simple example to demonstrate the output:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use Tk;
my $mw = MainWindow->new;
my $button = $mw->Button(
-text => 'start other thing',
-command => \&start,
my $text = $mw->Text()->pack;
sub start {
my $script_path = '';
if (not my $read = do $script_path) {
warn "couldn't parse $script_path: $#" if $#;
warn "couldn't do $script_path: $!" unless defined $read;
warn "couldn't run $script_path" unless $read;
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
print "Hello World!\n";
How can I redirect the STDOUT and STDIN (for interactive scripts that need input) to the text box using the 'do' method? Is that even possible?
If I can't use the 'do' method, what method can redirect the STDIN and STDOUT, as well as enable passing the hash in and using the same version of perl?
Edit: I posted this same question at Perlmonks, at the link in the first comment. So far, the best response seems to use modules and have the child script just be a wrapper for the module. Other possible solutions are: ICP::Run(3) and ICP in general, Capture::Tiny and associated modules, and Tk::Filehandle. A solution was presented that redirects the output and error streams, but seems to not affect the input stream. It's also a bit kludgy and not recommended.
Edit 2: I'm posting this here because I can't answer my own question yet.
Thanks for your suggestions and advice. I went with a suggestion on Perlmonks. The suggestion was to turn the child scripts into modules, and use wrapper scripts around them for normal use. I would then simply be able to use the modules, and all the code is in one spot. This also ensures that I am not using different perls, I can route the output from the module anywhere I want, and passing that hash in is now very easy.
To have both STDIN & STDOUT of a subprocess redirected, you should read the "Bidirectional Communication with Another Process" section of the perlipc man page:
Using the same version of perl works by finding out the name of your perl interpreter, and calling it explicitly. $^X is probably what you want. It may or may not work on different operating systems.
Passing a hash into a subprocess does not work easily. You can print the contents of the hash into a file, and have the subprocess read & parse it. You might get away without using a file, by using the STDIN channel between the two processes, or you could open a separate pipe() for this purpose. Anyway, printing & parsing the data back cannot be avoided when using subprocesses, because the two processes use two perl interpreters, each having its own memory space, and not being able to see each other's variables.
You might avoid using a subprocess, by using fork() + eval() + require(). In that case, no separate perl interpreter will be involved, the forked interpreter will inherit the whole memory of your program with all variables, open file descriptors, sockets, etc. in it, including the hash to be passed. However, I don't see from where your second perl script could get its hash when started from CLI.

Clojure agents append to excel file

I've been using docjure to write to excel files. Mostly I want to append rows to already existing files, usually one at a time. When I do this without agents/future, I load the file, use add-rows to add the data, and then rewrite the file like this:
(defn append [filename data]
"data is in the same format as create-workbook, i.e. [[\"n\" \"m\"] [1 2] [3 4]]"
(let [workbook (load-workbook filename))
sheet (select-sheet workbook "Sheet1")]
(add-rows! sheet data)
(save-workbook! filename workbook)))
I make a lot of calls to append, so I found this:, which shows you how to use agents to write to a file using future.
First of all, I'm using FileOutputStream instead of FileWriter, which would still work, except whereas in the tutorial's example you just append strings to the end of the file using .write and then close, I need to rewrite the file every time I "append" (I think?) since there's more bytes in a .xlsx workbook than just characters.
I don't really know how to set this up since with the tutorial's logging example, write-out returns the updated instance of the BufferedWriter and I don't know what the equivalent of that would be.
My other option would be to add the data to the vector concurrently (load the file once and keep returning new vectors [[\"n\" \"m\"] [1 2] [3 4]] with the data added) but I'm planning on doing ~10000-100000 of these calls and that seems like a lot to keep track of... although to be fair reading and writing all the data that many times is probably not that great either.
If you have any suggestions on how I can do this, I'd appreciate it. I'd be willing to make calls to the Apache POI itself too, if there's a better way to append with that. Thanks.
--- UDPATE ---
I just rewrote the the logger example with the file as an agent instead of the output stream and it seems to work. I'll let you know if it ends up working with docjure/Apache POI.
(def logfile (agent (File. "blah.txt")))
(defn write-out [file msg]
(with-open [out (BufferedWriter. (FileWriter. file true))]
(.write out msg))
--- UDPATE 2---
I got an analogous version written with docjure, but the unfortunately because opening the file happens within write-out and that happens during each future (I don't see a way around this if I use File as an agent, and I don't see another way to do it besides that) most of them read the empty file and write the row to that since they're all done in parallel and the end result is that most of them overwrite each other.
Ultimately I decided to just add each row vector to an overall data vector and write once. I can do that with just pmap, so its a lot neater. The one downside is if something goes wrong none of the data is written to the file at all, but the upside is that the time it takes to write is reduced since there's only one write call. Also, I would have been loading the large amount of data into memory every time which takes time. Memory usage is the same either way.
If anyone still wants to answer this, I'd still be interested, but the method in my first update does not work (each future reads in an empty file and uses that to append to). I'll post that code incase it helps anyone though--docjure version of the aforementioned tutorial:
(def file (agent (File. "blah.xlsx")))
(defn write-out [file workbook]
(with-open [out (FileOutputStream. file)]
(.write workbook out))
(defn write-workbook [file data]
(let [filename (.getPath #file)
workbook (try (load-workbook filename)
(catch Exception e (create-workbook "Sheet1" [])))
sheet (select-sheet "Sheet1" workbook)]
(add-rows! sheet data)
(send file write-out workbook)))
(defn test [file]
(write-workbook file [["n" "m"]])
(dotimes [i 5]
(future (write-workbook file [[i (inc i)]]))))

Running a main function inside another main function on a .hs file changes the behaviour IO?

I'm currently finishing my first Haskell Project and, on the final step of the work, my I/O function seems to behave strangely after I connected the different haskell files.
I have a main file (f1.hs) which loads some info of a multimedia library and saves it into variables on a new .hs file (f2.hs). I also have a "data processing and user interface" file (f3.hs), which reads those variables and, depending on what the user orders, it sorts them and displays them on screen. This f3.hs file works with menus, commanded by the valus of the keyboard input (getLine).
In order to make the work sequence "automatic", I made a "main" function on the f1.hs file, which creates the f2.hs file and then with the System.Cmd module, I did a system "runhaskell f3.hs". This routes the user from the f1.hs file to the main function of f3.hs.
The strange thing is that, after I did that, all the getLine seem to appear before the last line of the function prompt.
What it should appear would be:
Question One.....
Answer: (cursor's place)
but what I get is:
Question One.....
(cursor's place)
This only happens if I runhaskell f1.hs. If I try to runhaskell f3.hs directly, it works correctly (though I can't do it on the final job, as the f2.hs file needs to be created first). Am I doing something wrong with this sequence?
I'm sorry for the lack of code, but I thought that it wouldn't be any help for the understanding of the problem...
This is typically caused by line buffering, meaning the text does not actually get printed to the console until a newline is printed. The solution is to manually flush the buffer, i.e. something like this:
import System.IO
main = do ...
putStr "Answer: "
hFlush stdout
Alternatively, you can disable buffering by using hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering, though this comes at a slight performance cost, so I recommend doing the flushing manually when you need to print a partial line.

Perl program structure for parsing

I've got question about program architecture.
Say you've got 100 different log files with different formats and you need to parse and put that info into an SQL database.
My view of it is like:
use general config file like:
program1->name1("apache",/var/log/apache.log) (modulename,path to logfile1)
program2->name2("exim",/var/log/exim.log) (modulename,path to logfile2)
use something like a module (1 file per program) type1.module (regexp, logstructure(somevariables), sql(tables and functions))
fork or thread processes (don't know what is better on Linux now) for different programs.
So question is, is my view of this correct? I should use one module per program (web/MTA/iptablat)
or there is some better way? I think some regexps would be the same, like date/time/ip/url. What to do with that? Or what have I missed?
example: mta exim4 mainlog
2011-04-28 13:16:24 1QFOGm-0005nQ-Ig
<=** H=localhost
[]:51127 I=[]:465
CV=no A=plain_server:spam S=763 T="test" from
<> for
everything that is bold is already parsed and will be putted into sqldb.incoming table. now im having structure in perl to hold every parsed variable like $exim->{timstamp} or $exim->{host}->{ip}
my program will do something like tail -f /file and parse it line by line
Flexability: let say i want to add supprot to apache server (just timestamp userip and file downloaded). all i need to know what logfile to parse, what regexp shoud be and what sql structure should be. So im planning to have this like a module. just fork or thread main process with parameters(logfile,filetype). Maybe further i would add some options what not to parse (maybe some log level is low and you just dont see mutch there)
I would do it like this:
Create a config file that is formatted like this: appname:logpath:logformatname
Create a collection of Perl class that inherit from a base parser class.
Write a script which loads the config file and then loops over its contents, passing each iteration to its appropriate handler object.
If you want an example of steps 1 and 2, we have one on our project. See MT::FileMgr and MT::FileMgr::* here.
The log-monitoring tool wots could do a lot of the heavy lifting for you here. It runs as a daemon, watching as many log files as you could want, running any combination of perl regexes over them and executing something when matches are found.
I would be inclined to modify wots itself (which its licence freely allows) to support a database write method - have a look at its existing handle_* methods.
Most of the hard work has already been done for you, and you can tackle the interesting bits.
I think File::Tail is a nice fit.
You can make an array of File::Tail objects and poll them with select like this:
while (1) {
unless ($nfound) {
# timeout - do something else here, if you need to
} else {
foreach (#pending) {
# here you can handle log messages depending on filename
print $_->{"input"}." (".localtime(time).") ".$_->read;
(from perl File::Tail doc)

How to get the name of a file acting as stdin/stdout?

I'm having the following problem. I want to write a program in Fortran90 which I want to be able to call like this:
./program.x < > main.out
Additionally to "main.out" (whose name I can set when calling the program), secondary outputs have to be written and I wanted them to have a similar name to either "" or "main.out" (they are not actually called "main"); however, when I use:
The content of sInputName becomes "Stdin" instead of the name of the file. Is there some way to obtain the name of files that are linked to stdin/stdout when the program is called??
Unfortunately the point of i/o redirection is that you're program doesn't have to know what the input/output files are. On unix based systems you cannot look at the command line arguments as the < > main.out are actually processed by the shell which uses these files to set up standard input and output before your program is invoked.
You have to remember that sometimes the standard input and output will not even be files, as they could be a terminal or a pipe. e.g.
./generate_input | ./program.x | less
So one solution is to redesign your program so that the output file is an explicit argument.
./program.x --out=main.out
That way your program knows the filename. The cost is that your program is now responsible for openning (and maybe creating) the file.
That said, on linux systems you can actually find yout where your standard file handles are pointing from the special /proc filesystem. There will be symbolic links in place for each file descriptor
/proc/<process_id>/fd/0 -> standard_input
/proc/<process_id>/fd/1 -> standard_output
/proc/<process_id>/fd/2 -> standard_error
Sorry, I don't know fortran, but a psudeo code way of checking the output file could be:
out_name = realLink( "/proc/"+getpid()+"/fd/1" )
if( isNormalFile( out_name ) )
Keep in mind what I said earlier, there is no garauntee this will actually be a normal file. It could be a terminal device, a pipe, a network socket, whatever... Also, I do not know what other operating systems this works on other than redhat/centos linux, so it may not be that portable. More a diagnostic tool.
Maybe the intrinsic subroutines get_command and/or get_command_argument can be of help. They were introduced in fortran 2003, and either return the full command line which was used to invoke the program, or the specified argument.
