I have made a Windows Phone 8.0 application with Visual Studio 2012 that listens to a clap from the microphone and it pauses the current playing song. It is working very fine. But I want to open the app and click the button to start listening and when I go to another app the functionality does not work.
What I need is to make my application run in the background like even in home screen when I sound a clap it should pause the song. How can I achieve this ?
Short answer: Not possible to listen to microphone with a background agent
check this link:
Unsupported APIs:
System.Windows.Media A/V Capture
The Bluetooth MIDI connect button had been working on AudioKit 5.0 Beta, but when I installed 5.3.2 the button does not have any action or message. I was also using Xcode13 beta and now use Xcode13 release version. I tried a very simple program with just a button that goes to this line:
#IBOutlet weak var bluetoothButton: BluetoothMIDIButton!
and it still does not work when run. Other programs that use BLE MIDI on the same IPAD work fine, and all permissions (Bluetooth always, peripheral usage) seem to be set correctly. If I connect first with another app, then all the other MIDIsend/receive functions work properly in my app. Is there some new requirement that I am missing?
I have an app that plays text to speech at certain events to let the user know what's going on. Due to the target audience of this app, it is likely that the user is playing music in the background. When I call play on the MediaElement the background audio stops and does not resume. In a similar app for Windows Phone 8.0 I handled this by creating a background audio task project, but that behavior is deprecated in 8.1. I've exhausted Bing, Google and the Windows API reference and can't find a solution. This must be possible because I listened to music for hours on Saturday while receiving voice navigation from Here maps and never had to restart the music.
I'm working on my windows7 pc with Visual Studio 2013. Windows8 sdk is installed.
I do not want to change a lot to port my project to a windows-store based program but I want my program can send notification while my windows8.1 tablet pc is sleeping.
I don't need my app actually running after entering sleep. I just want to setup an alarm-like (with defined alarming time) notification when I push some button in my app, before entering sleep mode.
Alternatively, I want my app keep playing sound in sleep mode (and the app is still running without rendering)
Is there a workaround without changing too much codes?
P.S. My project uses qt.
P.S.2 I can remote debug on my windows8.1 tablet but it is difficult to code on that tablet..
I'm developing a blackberry app using WebWorks that should listen to a bluetooth headset button events , when the play button is pressed for example it should do something
I have been searching for days for a solution using webworks or ndk but I got no clue.
even if there is a workaround that would solve the problem because I'm not concerned about playing any audio, I just want to capture the event.
You don't specify the environment you are developing in. Assuming Native/Cascades you use the NowPlayingConnection.
In MonoTouch, is there a way to automatically connect to debugger when I launch my app on device via device touch (vs. have debugger launch it for me)? I want to debug launch from push notification alert touch with app completely quit.
Currently this is not possible, and it is not planned for the future either.
Feel free to file an enhancement request if you wish though, explaining your use case: http://bugzilla.xamarin.com, we might decide otherwise one day.