Is there a textual version of Conky? - conky

Is there a way to run conky in the terminal? I don't care about the graphics but I would like to have a window in screen that would effectively run as my 'conky' and display conky-like stats/scripts etc.
If this isn't possible, are there alternatives that do what I'm asking?
I found this Conky interface post which uses the out_to_console option. I don't really consider this a solution as I'm looking for something ncurses based.

There is a cli version of conky. On debian wheezy you can install it with:-
sudo apt-get install conky-cli
However, it will remove conky-std if you already have that installed.

Further googling 'conky ncurses' led me full circle back to conky's documentation
There is an out_to_ncurses option.
Based on this post you need to set out_to_console and out_to_x to no to get it to work.
I simply took my working graphical conky and set out_to_console and out_to_x to no and out_to_ncurses to yes and commented out a line where I was setting the background image (not sure if this was necessary) and ran it and she worked like a charm!
N.B.: In the newer versions of conky, these argument take boolean values such as true or false instead of yes of no.


Vim Powerline symbol errors (2B80, 2B83, 28(xx), 2B61 etc)

Recently I decided to delve into Vim after looking for a new text editor after adopting a Linux distro as a secondary operating system. I've installed Powerline as it seems the norm to do and for about 20 minutes I had it fully working (until I closed Vim), though after that (about a week ago) they failed to appear again (pretty sure they were just separators, not actual symbols - although that coming from me is entirely unqualified).
I've followed just about every fix I could find under the Sun, followed the documentation on font patching etc, nothing seems to be working.
I'm sure it's a stupidly easy fix and I'm just a bit too dull to find it, but hopefully I can fix it somehow as it's really, really bugging me.
Have a good Christmas!
PS. I just registered (I could've sworn I already had an account though apparently not), so I'm unable to post images. But I'll do my best to explain it: On the left of the status bar you have the mode, then next to that it the first symbol error (again, it might not even be a symbol error, I'm just going off what I think was my issue online), it's a rectangle (portrait) with 2B80 in it, after that there's the filename, and immediately after is the very same rectangle with the same code in it. But there are other errors as stated in the title such as 2B83 and 2B61, as well as just 28.
I'd imagine they are supposed to be separators as they're after every segment of the status bar, but I have no idea. I'm stumped.
Thanks for any/all help!
Apparently I was following some outdated instructions. This worked fine for me:
Completely remove anything I'd already done with the modification (a
fresh start)
sudo apt-get install python-pip
pip install --user git+git://
Add the following to your .vimrc
python from powerline.vim import setup as powerline_setup
python powerline_setup()
python del powerline_setup
set laststatus=2
call vundle#end() (only applicable if you use Vundle)
You should then download the latest version of the Powerline Symbols OpenType font (use the commands below)
cd ~
Move the downloadef file to one of your font directories (either ~/.local/share/fonts/ or ~/usr/local/share/fonts as ~/.fonts is deprecated and won't be used in future versions).
mv PowerlineSymbols.otf ~/.local/share/fonts
Update your system's font chahe
sudo fc-cache -f -v
Download and move the fontconfig file to ~/.fonts.conf
Create a per-user fontconfig folder if it doesn't already exist
mkdir -p ~/.config/fontconfig/fonts.conf
mv 10-powerline-symbols.conf ~/.config/fontconfig/fonts.conf/
Again, this worked for me, can't guarantee that it will for others but it certainly worked charms for me.

Adjusting font size in CentOS

I just installed CentOS 6.4 on my laptop and have a quick question. I'm extremely new to Linux and have never really worked on an actual Linux system before. I have some vision issues and am finding the default font size pretty difficult to see. Can anyone tell me how I can adjust the text size? I am using a text-based environment with no graphical desktop installed and like I said, I'm using CentOS 6.4
For anyone having this same problem, I thought I'd give a quick update to give y'all a couple different options I've discovered on how to fix this. If you're using a graphical desktop, the answer to this post is definitely a quick and easy fix. If you're working in a solely text-based environment, here's a command my professor gave me today that increases the font as well, however, this may only be for that particular session unless you add it to a configuration file, I haven't tested that though.
setfont sun12x22
Hope that helps anyone having the same issue :-)
You'll find your font options at System -> Preferences -> Fonts menu option
reference link
Suggestions for text based install
install yum install epel-release
install yum -y install terminus*
run command setfont ter-p18b
Here 18 is your font size(according to ur need),but this is not permanent,to make it permanent open /etc/rc.local in vi and write the setfont ter-p22b command in last line and save it.
Lastly give it all permissions by chmod +x /etc/rc.local and reboot,now it is default.
Word of caution:DO NOT MISHANDLE rc.local

How to have vim leverage system clipboard in Mountain Lion

I'm trying to get VIM to access the system clipboard. As I see it, here are my options:
Recompile VIM and specify that access to the clipboard, per this post.
Install a newer version of VIM using homebrew, per this post.
I'd prefer to do the second option. Does anyone know if this will actually solve the problem I'm having? Also, are there other solutions to this copy/paste problem that haven't been listed here?
MY SOLUTION: I ended up installing MacVim and making it the default Vim. I found this post helpful. I ran this command:
brew install macvim --override-system-vim
then modified my .bash_profile and that was it.
You are probably using a version of Vim that was not built with clipboard support. Of course the solution to this "problem" is to use a version of Vim that is built with clipboard support.
What does $ vim --version say?
There are many answers on SO describing your options, either related to Ruby or Python support or to clipboard support. The solution is the same every time: install a proper build. Just pick the process you are most comfortable with.
The absolute simplest solution is to install MacVim and use the bundled mvim script to run MacVim on the command line. It's totally painless and guaranteed to work.
I don't recommend building from the sources as it can be a needlessly frustrating task.
Homebrew and MacPorts are also good options but I don't like all the symlinking that is done in Homebrew's case. YMMV.
You have asked the question more than 17 minutes ago. That's more than enough time to try all your options. Did you actually try something?
You can try using the fakeclip plugin.

Taglist: Exuberant ctags not found in PATH

This morning, I started getting that message when I attempt to open a file in Vim. Vim is my editor of choice for config files, git commit messages and the like, but is not my day to day code editor. I clearly did something to invite this message, but I have no idea what. I did recently uninstall an older version of XCode from /Developer-3.2.6, but that's the only thing that comes to mind that seems even tangentially related.
I'm running OSX Lion. Is Excuberant ctags part of the base install? I know I didn't install it intentionally, but if it's not native, then maybe it came along with something else? Any ideas about how to either get the plugin back or remove references to it so I don't get the warning message?
For Ubuntu and derivatives:
sudo apt-get install exuberant-ctags
With yum:
sudo yum install ctags-etags
FWIW I had the same error message on Ubuntu, I simply installed ctags and everything hunky dory. Thanks :)
That looks a lot like the message the taglist plugin emits when it can't find a ctags program. If you run :scriptnames, do you see plugin/taglist.vim in the list of sourced files? If you do, then you'll probably want to remove that and doc/taglist.txt under the same directory structure.
If you are using Gvim in a Windows system, you should download a ctag Windows program (that is ctag.exe) and put the ctag.exe in the vim74 file dir, then reboot Gvim, and it will find it and use it! I hope this is helpful.
Take a look at this:
Thanks, guys. I ended up reinstalling XCode and it looks like the problem has gone away. I have no idea how I got it into whatever state it was in, but it's back now and everything looks to be back to normal.
I encountered the same issue after upgrading to Mountain Lion. I fixed it by reinstalling the CLI tools from XCode preferences > Downloads. I had the CLI tools installed before upgrading. Not sure what happened, but it works now.
I encountered this issue on a host, but I didn't have permission to install any packages.
But i did find out the gctags was present on that system.
I created a softlink for the gctags binary in a location that was included in my PATH environment variable.
$ln -s /usr/bin/gctags ~/bin/ctags**
You can do the same if you find etags binary in your system, and have no way to install any packages.

What has happened to startx on Cygwin?

I just had my desktop computer replaced. Both my previous computer and this one have Windows XP. In order to work with the many Linux servers we have, I installed Cygwin along with its xterm package. However, I cannot run startx to start the X-window server as I did with my previous computer. I've been looking online to see why startx is missing from my install, but I haven't found anything yet. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
[Does more research] Well, I just installed the xinit package, which I do not recall having to do before. (It may have been a requirement for the xterm package the last time I installed Cygwin.) startx now exists, but I wouldn't say it works. The X-window server it starts creates a window that covers my entire monitor with three terminals within it, unlike the old 25 line x 80 column single terminal window I'm used to. Worse, I can't just spawn child windows like I used to, which was the real power of using Cygwin with X-windows.
OK, after doing more research and getting help from one of my coworkers, I have found a solution to my problem.
What has happened is that, although startx exists, it now starts the X server in fullscreen mode by default instead of multiwindow mode. Looking back, I probably could have copied /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc to ~/.xinitrc and customized it. However, it turns out that there are other startup scripts for the X server which are easier to modify. (See
In this case, I took the script startxwin.bat. I then made a couple of changes to startxwin.bat:
I added a drive letter to the CYGWIN_ROOT because my work environment has my home directory outside of the C drive.
I added a "+tb" option to the xterm call to suppress the menubar at the top of the X-window.
The nifty thing is that by going to Start → Programs → Cygwin-X → Xwin Server, I can open a GUI Cygwin X-window without ever opening the standard Cygwin command line. This was decidedly not the case with my previous installation.
I should add that I made these changes after expanding my selection of packages. Instead of just installing X11 → xterm, I followed the recommendations in step 15 of and installed:
X11 → X-start-menu-icons
X11 → xinit
X11 → xorg-docs
X11 → xorg-server
(This selection picked up X11 → xterm as a required package.) While I see no obvious reason why the directions above wouldn't have worked with just X11 → xterm and X11 → xinit installed, I haven't put that theory to the test, and I have little desire to blow away my current installation and rebuild it to prove my theory.
I hope this helps other people avoid some pain.
Disclaimer: I know this answer does not answer your question directly, but it offers a good alternative.
I use Cygwin + XMing to run remote X applications:
Launch XMing
Start my favorite Cygwin shell (zsh)
export DISPLAY=localhost:0
ssh -X myserver.domain
Run X programs
Works like a charm. The best part is that XMing can neatly integrate X windows into the Windows GUI, i.e. each X app has its own full-right window.
Thanks, this helped me a bit (finding out about installing xinit). That new startx window was really crappy, a friend helped me solve it in another way: by starting with: instead of startx. Then it looked like the "old" one, and worked much better.
When you installed Cygwin, did you install the full package set? The default is to only install a baseline of packages which may not include X.
Run setup.exe again and ensure the X11 packages are installed. I just click on the little double arrows next to "All" until it says "Install". It may be you chose "Default" instead.
It's better to have a full install since I remember having problems with Cygwin dependencies in the past and now, when I run 'Start', 'All Programs', 'CygWin-X', 'XWin Server', it runs fine, opening up one shell, then 'xterm &' opens another shell.
So I really think you need to install the lot. You could try, at a bare minimum, the whole X11 group (not just xinit) but you may as well do the lot, especially given the powerful commands you get.
I always run Cygwin install twice ... the first time, I just install default packages, and the second time, I install EVERYTHING. The download takes forever, but in this way I always have almost everything I could possibly want. (I like how on Cygwin I can install everything and there are no conflicts, unlike some Linux distributions where there are packages that do the same thing in different ways which can't be installed at the same time. But of course Cygwin has an easier job of this than a full OS ... there's no Cygwin sendmail, for example.)
I have to install Cygwin on a new machine tomorrow, so this question freaks me out. I'm going to die if startx isn't working. I hope it turns out that you're just missing a package. I highly recommend installing everything.
