find layout control item of a text box. - layout

I am using devexpress layout control. When I add a text box to the layout a new 'layout control item' will be created and the text of the layout control item will be used as the label of the text box. (see pic)
If I know the name of the layout control item I can find out the control in that. But how I can find the layout control item of a text box?

The LayoutControl.GetItemByControl method returns the layout item contained within the root group which holds the specified control:
LayoutControlItem itemForTextBox = layoutControl1.GetItemByControl(textBox);
if(itemForTextBox != null) {
// do something

You can focus the textbox in designer and press esc. Then the LayoutControlItem is focused. You can name it and get access via name in quellcode.
If you want to get access to layoutcontrolitem without using designer you can try this:
foreach (Component com in textbox.Container.Components)
if (com is LayoutControlItem)
//Do Something


Acumatica Mobile Modify the Location fields to be able to scan a barcode

We are currently using the Acumatica Mobile to process Bin Transfers. We are also looking at the Scandit app to be able to scan the from and to bin location labels in the warehouse. So far with testing We can scan the locations, but only in the search window. We would like to be able to scan/enter the locations on the main screen without going to the search window. It seems the selector forces you to go to the search window. Is there a way around this in Acumatica Mobile.
This is a fairly old question with a relatively new solution. I am using 2020R1 where we now can leverage the built-in scanning capability in the Mobile App.
Your field must be defined in the ASPX as a textedit. Then simply add the field to the mobile app screen (if not already there) and decorate it with special = BarCodeScan as shown in the example below.
add screen ZZ301000 {
add container "ScanContainer" {
add field "MyBarcode"
special = BarCodeScan
add containerAction "Insert" {
icon = "system://Plus"
behavior = Create
add recordAction "Save" {
behavior = Save
add recordAction "Cancel" {
behavior = Cancel
add recordAction "Insert" {
behavior = Create
The result will be similar to the image below:
By clicking on the barcode icon, the built-in barcode reader will open to utilize the camera to scan the barcode.
You can try to set ForceType to "String" for the Location field to replace selector with a text edit. This will allow to type values directly on the form, but you will loose all selector functionality, like searching for records. Another option is to set the PickerType property to Searchable. For more information about the Field tag attributes, please refer to Acumatica Product Documentation

Creating a navigation menu item in Orchard

I have written an Orchard Module and would like an item to appear in a Navigation list when the module is Enabled. Ideally, I would like to be able to remove the item when the Module is disabled.
Where should I hook into to for when the module is enabled and disabled?
How do I programmatically add a menu item to an already existing Navigation?
You can implement the IMenuProvider interface for this. An example implementation might look something like this:
namespace Orchard.Bar {
public class SuperMenuProvider : IMenuProvider {
private readonly IOrchardServices _orchardServices;
public SuperMenuProvider(IOrchardServices orchardServices) {
_orchardServices = orchardServices;
T = NullLocalizer.Instance;
public Localizer T { get; set; }
public void GetMenu(IContent menu, NavigationBuilder builder) {
string position = "10";
builder.Add(T("Foo"), position, item => item.Url("").AddClass("someClass"));
builder.Add(T("Bar"), position + ".1", item => item.Action("Index", "Foo", new { area = "Orchard.Bar" }));
if (_orchardServices.Authorizer.Authorize(Orchard.Security.StandardPermissions.AccessAdminPanel)) {
builder.Add(T("Secure FooBar"), position + ".2", item => item.Action("Index", "Secure", new { area = "Orchard.Bar" }));
This will appear on all menus on the front end. You may want to put in the name of the menu you are targeting if you know for sure that is what it is called (default in Orchard is "Main Menu", people don't generally change it to be honest). This could be a little brittle, so you may want it customizable, either with a site setting or you could create a part that you attach to the menu content type that lets the admin specify whether to show your menu items on the said menu.
An alternative approach would be to hook into the modules enable event using IFeatureEventHandler and using the content manager to create menu items with urls and adding them to a specified Menu. I don't really recommend this approach; you lose control of the menu items (e.g. to update a url), they can be removed from the menu accidentally, you have to know the name of the Menu you are adding them to, you are more limited (cant do permissions checks etc.).
I assume you are talking about showing up on the front end. If you talking about the admin menu then check out pretty much any module for a file generally called AdminMenu.cs, plenty of examples :)
The question doesn't specify what the module does so I guess we're to assume that it creates a content type. In that case you have (at least) two options:
In the Content Type's Content Definition go to Add Parts and add the Menu part. This will allow you to add a content item to a menu from the item's content editor.
From the Navigation menu choose the appropriate Menu and select add a Content Menu Item. Note that the content type must be set as "listable" in Content Definition in order for the items to be listed as a choice.
Disabling the module should remove the item from the navigation in either case.

Hide Controls At Design-Time [duplicate]

I need to handle multiple panels, containing variuous data masks. Each panel shall be visible using a TreeView control.
At this time, I handle the panels visibility manually, by making the selected one visible and bring it on top.
Actually this is not much confortable, especially in the UI designer, since when I add a brand new panel I have to resize every panel and then design it...
A good solution would be using a TabControl, and each panel is contained in a TabPage. But I cannot find any way to hide the TabControl buttons, since I already have a TreeView for selecting items.
Another solution would be an ipotethic "StackPanelControl", where the Panels are arranged using a stack, but I couldn't find it anywhere.
What's the best solution to handle this kind of UI?
You need a wee bit of Win32 API magic. The tab control sends the TCM_ADJUSTRECT message to allow the app to adjust the tab size. Add a new class to your project and paste the code shown below. Compile. Drop the new control from the top of the toolbox onto your form.
You'll get the tabs at design time so you can easily switch between pages. The tabs are hidden at runtime, use the SelectedIndex or SelectedTab property to switch between "views".
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
class StackPanel : TabControl {
protected override void WndProc(ref Message m) {
// Hide tabs by trapping the TCM_ADJUSTRECT message
if (m.Msg == 0x1328 && !DesignMode) m.Result = (IntPtr)1;
else base.WndProc(ref m);
A good solution would be using a TabControl, and each panel is contained in a TabPage.
But I cannot find any way to hide the TabControl buttons, since I already have a
TreeView for selecting items.
For the above,
You need to set the following properties of TabControl.
tabControl.Multiline = true;
tabControl.Appearance = TabAppearance.Buttons;
tabControl.ItemSize = new System.Drawing.Size(0, 1);
tabControl.SizeMode = TabSizeMode.Fixed;
tabControl.TabStop = false;

Bind UIElement to viewModel

I have a simple view containing a richtextbox and a button. I want to enter text into my RTB and on clicking my button have viewmodel print the RTB.
I have my command set up from the views print button and in my viewmodel have a UIElement property.
My question is how do I bind the RTB directly to my UIElement property in viewModel?
I'm fine with hooking individual properties of the RTB up but what about the whole control?
Not certain how you might accomplish that using databinding, how about just setting the reference manually?
MyControl.Loaded += (s, e) => {
((ViewModel)MyControl.DataContext).UiElementProperty = MyControl;
... although I'm not sure why you want to perform a task like that in the VM. How about just handling it in the view? Otherwise you might also encounter "dialogue must be user initiated" type errors.

CEdit selects everything when getting focus

When I move to a CEdit control on my dialog using the tab key or the arrow keys all the text in the control is selected. This behaviour is causing me problems and I would prefer it if the control just put the cursor at the start (or end) of the text and didn't select anything.
Is there a simple way to do this (e.g. a property of the control that I can set)?
Another way of achieving your goal is to prevent the contents from being selected. When navigating over controls in a dialog the dialog manager queries the respective controls about certain properties pertaining to their behavior. By default an edit control responds with a DLGC_HASSETSEL flag (among others) to indicate to the dialog manager that its contents should be auto-selected.
To work around this you would have to subclass the edit control and handle the WM_GETDLGCODE message to alter the flags appropriately. First, derive a class from CEdit:
class CPersistentSelectionEdit : public CEdit {
afx_msg UINT OnGetDlgCode() {
// Return default value, removing the DLGC_HASSETSEL flag
return ( CEdit::OnGetDlgCode() & ~DLGC_HASSETSEL );
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP( CPersistentSelectionEdit, CEdit )
Next subclass the actual control. There are a number of ways to do this. To keep things simple just declare a class member m_Edit1 of type CPersistentSelectionEdit in your dialog class and add an appropriate entry in DoDataExchange:
// Subclass the edit control
DDX_Control( pDX, IDC_EDIT1, m_Edit1 );
At this point you have an edit control that doesn't have its contents auto-selected when navigated to. You can control the selection whichever way you want.
I don't think that such a style exists.
But you can add OnSetfocus handler with the wizard:
void CMyDlg::OnSetfocusEdit1()
CEdit* e = (CEdit*)GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT1);
e->SetSel(0); // <-- hide selection
Please note that there must be a code in your program to highlight the selection. Please find something like this:
CEdit* pEdit = ((CEdit*)GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT1));
pEdit->SetSel(0, -1); // select everything
Simply comment the last two lines, instead of >SetSel(0). Your code is enabling and disabling which is meaningless to me.
