Can't create page from template in subdirectory of site root - dreamweaver

So I've got my template file in templates/template.dwt. It works just fine for all the file that are in the site root (one directory above the templates folder) but whenever I try to create a page from the template and save it in a subdirectory, say 'pooh', it won't update the links. Everything links as if it's in the root (so all the links in non-editable regions are broken).
Can you save a page from a template in a subdirectory of the site root?
God I really hate dreamweaver but no alternative as the site is hundreds of html files ... what a mess.

I discovered that the links in my template file weren't properly set.... if the links in the template file are not accurate, do not expect links in pages created from that template file to work!

I found this out the hard way, after investing hours of creating templates and nested templates, that when I work with a subdirectory and move files to the server, they are all linked incorrectly and they are broken. There is no option to not link them to the root directory so I had to make them all over again. In DW CC 2017, I can't save a template without DW freezing, and DW crashes often working with templates. Dreamweaver is like an abusive boyfriend. A bad crutch. We know to learn other apps now.


Can I change files in the sharepoint \ LAYOUTS \ folder?

I know we shouldn't and I have never done this before, but something came up that I need to do, change a color in a .css file in the \ LAYOUTS \ folder and the context of the current solution does not allow me to change this color in a simple way otherwise not be messing with the color source file.
I believe it will not impact anything, but I am still looking for information about this change.
Can I go on with this?
I would not recommend it.
Of course it is fine to add some application page to _layouts folder to include a reusable page which might be used on any SP site or add some css or images or js which might be included in any SP site or masterpage used globally, but I think it is not ok to modify the OOTB files from _layouts folder, as we may not always be aware of all the places this particular script or css or other is used. So to sum up, it might be done, but as a last resort, but it is ok to include some new file and use it (best by proper SP project or mapped folder in the project).
My understanding is that this location store files (like js, css, images, or application pages) which may be used on any SP site by simply going to /_layouts/ path
For more information please check this link

Is there a way to integrate gitbook and sharepoint cleanly?

I have several books in Gitbook and am bouncing users from the Sharepoint based intranet to documentation in Gitbook. Is there a way to automatically embed the Gitbook content into Sharepoint so it looks like it is integrated within the intranet?
I have successfully integrated Gitbook into Sharepoint. Initially I tried the answer provided above, but that rendered my gitbook inside a window within Sharepoint which looked bad to me.
Here is the way I accomplished it:
Using the Gitbook CLI Toolchain installed on a linux computer, issue the gitbook build command.
Take the output from this command, which is a folder called _book, and upload its contents to your Sharepoint documents folder.
Take care to replicate the folder structure exactly. This is a bit tedious since Sharepoint doesn't allow you to upload folders (at least not my instance).
Rename every .html document in the _book folder to .aspx. This allows Users to visit a page when they click a link rather than downloading the page. If i'm not mistaken, I also had to edit the links to my books pages inside the index.aspx page from .html to .aspx as well.
Here comes the cool part... visit the link provided for the (now) index.aspx. Get the link by clicking the ... button next to the file in Sharepoint., Sharepoint will serve your entire gitbook as a static site.
Hope this helps

Express with PHP-Like Folders

Instead of just using Express for single-page-sites and web applications, I've recently been trying to use express to replace a php Intranet site, where the site has many different pages and some of those pages are just intended to be totally different from others on the same site.
As I develop web pages on Express, there's one aspect (and only one) of php I kind of miss and that is:
With php you could easily group all static-files related to a particular web page into one folder with the server-side-scripting.
For example, sometimes a page I create has static files and views that are not going to be needed by other pages in the entire site, and for pages like this, I like to just put all the images, client-side-javascripts, css, and server-side-scripting into a single folder. Later, if I need to edit this page, I can go right-click on that folder and open all related files (client-side and server-side) in my text-editor at once.
With Express, I have to create a route in one place, put static files in a folder some other place and create views in yet another place. Later when I want to open up all the files related to the page, I have to go to multiple places to get all those files tabbed into my text-editor.
With php, there was no need to create a route. By simply placing an index.php file into a folder the route was created. Then, placing all page-related resources into that same folder was no problem for php.
I am no fan of PHP; I've never liked it as a scripting language. Yet, every once in a while I miss certain aspects of it. This is one of those aspects.
Has anyone published an app.js file where, during first launch, it recursively scans the application's folders auto creating routes based on the fact that a folder contains an index.js file in it? Also, such a script would also have to make all other files in these folders static, except for server-side-resource files like views and server-side scripts.
I'm not even sure this is a good idea, but I'm curious if anyone has attempted to build something on top of express that acts similar to what I'm describing.

How to create Sharepoint ONET file

I was trying to find any tool that I can use to create ONET file from the existing SharePoint site. Unfortunately wasn't able to find. Does anybody know anything about that? There should be something besides of manual way to do that... Any MS solutions, third party tools?
As John Saunders is alluding, the simplest approach would be to let SharePoint create it for you. It's not exactly sitting in the site though; you can't just open the site in SharePoint Designer & grab it - but there is a way to get it:
Save the site as a Site Template (with or without content, doesn't matter - but without will be faster/smaller)
Download the STP/WSP from the Site Template (SP2007)/Solutions (SP2010/13) Gallery to your desktop
Change the file extension to .CAB
Use an archive tool (i.e. 7-zip) to unpack the CAB file
Within the unpacked CAB you will see a folder whose name will be the original name of your Site Template + "WebTemplate"
Within that folder will be a sub-folder whose name is just the original name of your Site Template
Within that folder is the ONet.xml file

Creating a link to a downloadable file in Orchard CMS

I've spent several hours trying to figure this out; hopefully, it's an easy solution and the difficulty is simply because I'm brand new to Orchard CMS and no where near an expert web developer...
I've created a Products Download page and need to insert hyperlinks to files that exist on the file system.
the path to the file (on disk) is : c:\Orchard CMS\Downloads\ProductOne\
in the page editor, I insert a hyperlink reference with the following URL: /Downloads/ProductOne/
When I hover over the hyperlink, it looks correct: http://localhost:12345/Downloads/ProductOne/
However, when I click the link, I receive the following exception:
HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly.
Any help would be extremely appreciated!
If you don't want to play with source code and web.config files you should use Orchard Media feature. It allows you to upload files into Orchard filesystem and manage those. Links to files uploaded this way look like[Media folder path]/
If you are not an experienced developer, I'd strongly advise you to take this approach. The only drawback is that you'd have to reupload those files into Orchard. But this is not as bad as it looks - you can zip them and upload as a single file (Orchard will take care of unpacking the archive if you check the checkbox below upload field).
You need a web.config file that allows the files to be served. You can use one from one of the content directories that can be found in modules or themes.
