NodeJS - Not being able to access the route I want - node.js

I'm having some troubles getting to a route I got. The route works on http://localhost:3000/me and shows info but on http://localhost:3000/!#/me it doenst show anything. The purpose of said route is to show the logged persons' profile.
On my server routes I got:
The function is as follows: = function(req, res) {
The console states it expected a object and got an array, I can understand that since I'm getting a json, but how can I send the own user back to the front-end so it shows his/her profile?
Edit: I managed to solve my problem, since I use passportjs I can get the user id from the session. Since I already had a route for a user by id, I simply had to redirect to said route. Like this: req.redirect('users/'+ req.session.passport.user);. Since I already had a /users/:userId route working it completely solved my issue.
Edit2: Apparently there are several ways to get the user id. Try to console.log the request and you will see what I mean :)

/me and /!#/me are not the same route . The later won't match get('
the hash fragment #/me will not send to the server, you cannot capture that by server side routers(without force the page refresh by client code). But you can manage that by client-code.


JSON Web Token (JWT) is too long to pass through client URL? Node.js and Express authentication

I am trying to use JWT to authenticate a user's email address. I cannot use OAuth because a user will be signing up with their work email and will need to verify using that.
I have added a field to my User model called isVerified. I have used mailgun to send an email to the user when they go to sign up that includes a link to a verification page in the form of http://{client_url}/verification/{userToken} where the userToken is a generated token using JSON web token.... the token is created using only the user's id so there is not a lot of information in the payload.
When the user clicks on this link, they are getting a 404 Not Found error. When I manually shorten the userToken in the url, then it properly connects to the correct React Component...
How do I solve this issue?
UPDATE: I just got rid of all the periods from the JWT token and it is loading like that.... so it seems to not be an issue with the length but with the periods... My react router Route path is "/verification/:userToken" ... how do I get it to not be affected by the periods?
Since this does not trigger your component to be rendered
and this does
I would suspect that it somehow worked because you got rid of the dots.
Make sure the "." in the token prevent the url from matching your "verification/token" route ? I mean react is assuming that
is not a valid route.
Try calling for example "verification/test.test.test" and see if it renders your component.

Unable to access ExpressJS route via href link

I'm not sure if this is a security feature or if I'm missing something obvious. I need to access one of my ExpressJS routes directly via a standard link on the page.
If I type the URL in to my browser location bar, I get the desired result. However, if I put that exact URL in a standard link on one of the pages on the site, the route never gets hit.
EDIT: Even if I pull this out of the router and add directly to app.js I get the same results. I'm simply trying to use Passport's Facebook authentication. The first route looks like this:
router.get('/login/facebook', function(req, res, next) {
passport.authenticate('facebook')(req, res, next);
I realize the req function wrapper is not needed, I was using it for debugging so I could see when the route gets called.
If I set a breakpoint there, it works fine if I just type the "/api/login/facebook" URL into my browser, but if I put the exact URL in a link on the page, the route never gets hit.
It turns out this was caused by Angular's routing mechanism intercepting the links. I found the solution here:
How to get Angular UI Router to respect "non-routed" URLs

How to create a new route when a user submits a form?

I am still new to Node and Express, and I've tried Googling this but perhaps I just need to know what to Google.
A big part of my app involves letting users create their own profile, which comes from a simple form submission. How would I go about taking what they've submitted in a form and putting that on a live page of my site?
Is there a middleware that I should be using for that? Is there a term I should Google? I just need to know how to get started and then I can figure the rest out from there. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
Nicest way to do this is to set up a route with parameter. That way if user goes to /user/Jake he will see his profile. Like this:
Check it out here:!/project/nimble-beetle
app.get("/user/:username", function (request, response) {
response.send('thank you for registering, ' + request.params.username);
All you need to do is grab the username, fetch user's data and display his profile.
you are probably looking for the body-parser Middleware:
This one is decoding content of your request, it can decode Form data and JSON, depending how you send the data in your request, and gives you a JSON object.

Prevent users from accessing subdomain in Express

I am very new to web development and Node.js / Express. I have an Express server. In my client I send a GET request for some data in the DB. The GET request is handled by
app.get( '/pathname', controller.getsomedata );
The problem is, the user can now type in the URL in the browser and get directed to that pathname. If they add in a certain queries, they are able to retrieve data from the DB (this is supposed to happen), but I would prefer if GET requests to /pathname only occur from within the client code, not when the user enters it in the browser.
Is there a better way to do my GET request? Or is there a way to restrict users from accessing /pathname.
I apologize for the newbie question, but I don't know how to word it well enough to do a google search for the solution. Thank you!
It's impossible to do that. If your client-side code is able to access something, malicious user can do that as well.
You can mitigate the issue by using custom HTTP header or something like that, but it's better to validate all data on the server-side.
Allow whole client request as DB query may cause security issues. So be sure to validate query parameters and use them as DB query conditions.
If you want to query DB freely from HTTP query parameter, you should prepend authentication/authorization to the route.
app.get( '/pathname', function(req, res, next) {
if (confirmThisRequestIsFromMe(req)) {
} else {
}, controller.getsomedata );

mediator.user is lost after route is changed manually

I am building a single-page-application with a passport local authentication.
The user is authenticated and returned within "/login"
After the userobject is returned I save it in Chaplin.mediator.user (like seen in the facebook-example). As long as I don't change the URL manually everything works fine, but when I change the URL and hit enter, the application gets loaded again however with a different route --> no user in the front end.
What I am doing right now is everytime I change the route manually I send a request to the server and ask for the user in req.user. After receiving the user the application continues its workflow. It works but I don't think this is how it's meant to be. If you don't wait for the response you end up having no user object although you are logged in.
How can I solve this problem?
EDIT: I ended up saving the user in a seperate cookie.
This is how I save the user:
$.cookie.json = true;
$.cookie 'user', user.toJSON()
And this is how I extract the user after the page was loaded:
userCookie = $.cookie 'user'
if userCookie?
mediator.user = new Model JSON.parse userCookie
You need the jquery-cookie plugin to make it work. Don't forget to delete the cookie if the user logs out. And of course I am still open to other ideas.
You should store the user (aka the session) locally. When the Backbone application loads, you should then route the user to the correct place if they in fact are already logged in.
