Coupling and how to reduce it - coupling

In which of the following lines of code coupling occurs?
What is the kind of coupling? What is the problem induced by this coupling? How can the code be refactored to reduce coupling?

One way to approach this is to look at everything that the function/method depends upon.
It explicitly depends on its arguments - a form of control coupling, in this case.
However if we tried to compile this method in isolation, we can see all the other objects that it depends upon:
Log, and some specific methods of Log (note that we always seem to call both of these methods)
LOG_VERBOSITY_LEVEL, which is repeated 4 times in this method
A specific Collector class.
mem and 4 attributes (size, startAddress, etc) - probably a form of content coupling
I think you could argue that there are several cases of common coupling (shared global variables) there, though it's not terribly clear from the limited context. And the variables may be scoped within an object or package, not truly 'global'.
Then consider:
What would happen if we wanted to change one of these items. For example, if we wanted to use a different Collector implementation, or a different logger; or the structure of mem changed?
How would we test this method?
Note that we can't properly assess the impact of this coupling without understanding the wider code; if these objects are encapsulated within a single small class, for example, then the impact is less than if these objects are scattered throughout the entire code. Similarly, trying to refactor this code is a bit tricky in isolation, since we can only guess what we might be affecting elsewhere in our hypothetical code, and which objects we are free to refactor (some may be from 3rd party libraries, for example).


Where to put *serialization* in SOLID programming

I have business objects, that I would like to (de)serialize from and into a .yaml file.
Because I want the .yaml to be human readable, I need a certain degree of control over the serialize and deserialize methods.
Where should the serialization logic go?
A) If I teach every object, how to de/serialize itself, but that probably violates the single-responsibility-principle.
B) If I put it inside a common serialization module, that might violate the open-closed-principle, since more business objects will be added in the future. Also, changes to objects need now be performed in two places.
What is the SOLID approach to solve this conundrum for tiny-scale applications?
Usually in this kind of situation, you'll want the business objects to handle their own serialization. This doesn't necessarily violate the single responsibility principle, which asserts that each object should have one job and one boss. It just means that the one job includes serializability. The user owns the business object, and wants to be able to serialize it, so the requirement for serializability comes from the same place as those other requirements -- the user.
There are a couple danger areas, though. Firstly, do you really need to insist that the business object is serializable, or can you leave it up to the user to decide whether they are serializable or not? If you are imposing a serializability requirement, then there's a good chance that your are violating the SRP that way, because as you evolve the serialization system, you will be imposing your own requirements on the objects.
Second, you probably want to think long and hard about the interface the these objects use to serialize themselves. Does it have to be yaml? Why? Does it have to be to a file? Try not to impose requirements that are subject to change, because they depend on particular implementation decisions that you're making in the rest of the system. That ends up being a violation of SRP as well, because they those objects have to evolve according to requirements from 2 different sources. It's better if the objects themselves initiate their own serialization, and can choose the implementation to the greatest extent possible.

Managing complex state in FP

I want to write a simulation of a multi-entity system. I believe such systems motivated creation of Simula and OOP where each object would maintain its own state and the runtime would manage the the entire system (e.g. stop threads, serialize data).
On the other hand, I would like to have ability to rewind, change the simulation parameters and compare the results. Thus, immutability sounds great (at least up to almost certain garbage collection issues caused by keeping track of possibly redundant data).
However I don't know how to model this. Does this mean that I must put every interacting entity into a single, huge structure where each object update would require locating it first?
I'm worried that such approach would affect performance badly because of GC overhead and constant structure traversals as opposed to keeping one fixed address of entity in memory.
To clarify, this question asks if there is any other design option available other than creating a single structure that contains all possibly interacting entities as a root. Intuitively, such a structure would imply logarithmic single update penalty unless updates are "clustered" somehow to amortize.
Is there a known system where interactions could be modelled differently? For example, like in cold/hot data storage optimization?
After some research, there seems to be a connection with N-body simulation where systems can be clustered but I'm not familiar with it yet. Even so, would that also mean I need to have a single structure of clusters?
While I agree with the people commenting that this is a vague question, I'll still try to address some of the issues put forth.
It's true that there's some performance overhead from immutability, because when you use mutable state, you can update some values in-place, whereas with immutable state, some copying has to take place.
It is, however, a common misconception that this is causes problems with big 'object' graphs. It doesn't have to.
Consider a Haskell data structure:
data BigDataStructure = BigDataStructure {
bigChild1 :: AnotherBigDataStructure
, bigChild2 :: YetAnotherBigDataStructure
-- more elements go here...
, bigChildN :: Whatever }
deriving (Show, Eq)
Imagine that each of these child elements are big and complex themselves. If you want to change, say, bigChild2, you could write something like:
updatedValue = myValue { bigChild2 = updatedChild }
When you do that, some data copying takes place, but it's often less that most people think. This expression does create a new BigDataStructure record, but it doesn't 'deep copy' any of its values. It just reuses bigChild1, updatedChild, bigChildN, and all the other values, because they're immutable.
In theory (but we'll get back to that in a minute), the flatter your data structures are, the more data sharing should be enabled. If, on the other hand, you have some deeply nested data structures, and you need to update the leafs, you'll need to create a copy of the immediate parents of those leafs, plus the parents of those parents, and their parents as well, all the way to the root. That might be expensive.
That's the theory, though, but we've known for decades that it's impractical to try predict how software will perform. Instead, try to measure it.
While the OP suggest that significant data is involved, it doesn't state how much, and neither does it state the hardware specs of the system that's going to run the simulation. So, as Eric Lippert explains so well, the person who can best answer questions about performance is you.
P.S. It's my experience that when I start to encounter performance problems, I need to get creative with how I design my system. Efficient data structures can address many performance issues. This is just as much the case in OOP as it is in FP.

How to use external value object library in Domain Layer

I would like to have one or more libraries of reusable classes that are basically value objects, such as Address, PhoneNumber, EmailAdress, containing mostly properties and a few supporting methods. How can my Domain layer use these without breaking the rule that the Domain Layer should not contain external references, and without defining them as interfaces/abstract classes in the Domain Layer?
... without breaking the rule that the Domain Layer should not contain external references
I think your definition of 'external references' requires some reevaluation. It is hard to imagine a domain layer that does not reference anything. In C# and Java you will reference at least basic numeric types, dates and strings. I also don't see any harm in referencing external libraries like Noda/Joda time. On the other hand, you of course would not want to reference any heavy technical libraries like persistence, communication, UI etc.
So I would say that you can build your own reusable library referenced from domain but it requires a very careful consideration, and is often not worth the coupling that it will create. I would use a following criteria for every type:
Should be context-independent. EmailAddress for example is relatively independent of the context it is used from. Address on the other hand may have a different meaning depending on a Bounded context.
Should be stable (does not change often).
Should not hide any out-of-process communication (db, network etc)
Should not have any dependencies of its own (other than standard Java/C#)
I think that what you're referring to is a shared kernel.
Shared Kernel – This is where two teams share some subset of the
domain model. This shouldn’t be changed without the other team being
While this looks great at first, since we are drilled not to repeat ourselves, be aware of the pitfalls:
The concepts should have the same meaning in every context. Some of these concepts hold subtle nuances depending on the context. Ask your domain expert.
Changes are more expensive; it might be cheaper to duplicate these few classes so that you can change them on your own than to have to consult multiple teams when something changes.
Stability cuts both ways. If you pull an entity out into each domain, then any changes have to be executed across multiple projects. If you don't, then changes have to be coordinated across multiple domains. The logistics of the former are easier than the latter, but the work involved in the latter can be greater. Either way, you have to test the changes on each platform.
And unless the entity is mature with a relatively well-defined semantics, my experience is that almost everything changes. So stability is nice, but might be a bit of a red herring.
That being said, I like (and +1) #Dmitry.

How to go about creating an Aggregate

Well this time the question I have in mind is what should be the necessary level of abstraction required to construct an Aggregate.
Order is composed on OrderWorkflowHistory, Comments
Do I go with
Order <>- OrderWorkflowHistory <>- WorkflowActivity
Order <>- CommentHistory <>- Comment
Order <>- WorkflowActivity
Order <>- Comment
Where OrderWorkflowHistory is just an object which will encapsulate all the workflow activities that took place. It maintains a list. Order simply delegates the job of maintaining th list of activities to this object.
CommentHistory is similarly a wrapper around (list) comments appended by users.
When it comes to database, ultimately the Order gets written to ORDER table and the list of workflow activities gets written to WORKFLOW_ACTIVITY table. The OrderWorkflowHistory has no importance when it comes to persistence.
From DDD perspective which would be most optimal. Please share your experiences !!
As you describe it, the containers (OrderWorkflowHistory, CommentHistory) don't seem to encapsulate much behaviour. On that basis I'd vote to omit them and manage the lists directly in Order.
One caveat. You may find increasing amounts of behaviour required of the list (e.g. sophisticated searches). If that occurs it may make sense to introduce one/both containers to encapulate that logic and stop Order becoming bloated.
I'd likely start with the simple solution (no containers) and only introduce them if justified as above. As long as external clients make all calls through Order's interface you can refactor Order internally without impacting the clients.
This is a good question, how to model and enrich your domain. But sooo hard to answer since it vary so much for different domain.
My experince has been that when I started with DDD I ended up with a lots of repositories and a few Value Objects. I reread some books and looked into several DDD code examples with an open mind (there are so many different ways you can implement DDD. Not all of them suits your current project scenario).
I started to try to have in mind that "more value objects, more value objects, more value objects". Why?
Well Value objects brings less tight dependencies, and more behaviour.
In your example above with one to many (1-n) relationship I have solved 1-n rel. in different ways depending on my use cases uses the domain.
(1)Sometimes I create a wrapper class (like your OrderWorkflowHistory) that is a value object. The whole list of child objects is set when object is created. This scenario is good when you have a set of child objects that must be set during one request. For example a Qeustion Weights on a Questionaire form. Then all questions should get their question weight through a method Questionaire.ApplyTuning(QuestionaireTuning) where QuestionaireTuning is like your OrderWorkflowHistory, a wrapper around a List. This add a lot to the domain:
a) The Questionaire will never get in a invalid state. Once we apply tuning we do it against all questions in questionaire.
b) The QuestionaireTuning can provide good access/search methods to retrieve a weight for a specific question or to calculate average weight score... etc.
(2)Another approach has been to have the 1-n wrapper class not being a Value object. This approach suits more if you want to add a child object now and then. The parent cannot be in a invalid state because of x numbers of child objects. This typical wrapper class has Add(Child...) method and several search/contains/exists/check methods.
(3)The third approach is just having the IList exposed as a readonly collection. You can add some search functionality with Extension methods (new in .Net 3.0) but I think it's a design smell. Better to incapsulate the provided list access methods through a list-wrapper class.
Look at for some example of approach one.
I believe the entire discussion with modeling Value objects, entities and who is responsible for what behaviour is the most centric in DDD. Please share your thoughts around this topic...

Should methods have the same preconditions as the methods they call?

I've recently had a few scenarios where small changes to code have resulted in changing preconditions across multiple classes and I was wondering if design by contract is supposed to be that way or not.
public Goal getNextGoal() {
return goalStack.pop();
If goalStack.pop() has a precondition that the stack isn't empty, then does getNextGoal() need to explicitly have the same precondition? It seems like inheriting the preconditions would make things brittle, and changing to a queue or other structure would change the preconditions to getNextGoal(), it's callers, and it's callers' callers. But it seems like not inheriting the preconditions would hide the contracts and the callers, and the callers' callers, wouldn't know about the preconditions.
So brittle code where all callers know and inherit the preconditions and postconditions of the code they call, or mysterious code where callers never know what the deeper preconditions and postconditions are?
It depends on what your calling method does exactly. The important thing with preconditions is that the caller is responsible for fulfilling the preconditions.
So if callers of your GetNextGoal method should be responsible for providing a non-empty stack, then you should indeed also set preconditions on your GetNextGoal method. Clarity of preconditions is one of the huge advantages of Code Contracts, so I'd suggest you put them in all places where callers have to fulfill the preconditions.
If your code seems brittle however, it might be a sign that you need to refactor some code.
It seems like inheriting the
preconditions would make things
brittle, and changing to a queue or
other structure would change the
preconditions to getNextGoal(), it's
callers, and it's callers' callers.
If you expose the queue to the callers and change it later ( to another structure, like you said ), it's callers would also have to change. This is usually a sign of brittle code.
If you would expose an interface instead of a specific queue implementation, your preconditions could also use the interface and you wouldn't have to change the preconditions every time your implementation changes. Thus resulting in less brittle code.
Exceptions are one solution but perhaps not feasible for your situation.
Documenting what happens if there are no goals is normal.E.G. This is what malloc() does in C
I can't tell if you are using Java or C++ or something else as each language might have slightly more natural ways for that specific language.
