How to change the spreadsheet order in Sharepoint - sharepoint

I have a survey in Sharepoint 2010. Now i added a new question . Then I went to survey settings to make sure that this question is order 1 . However when i export the survey to excel spreadsheet , this question is the in the last column ?
in the survey itself , the new question appears the first , order 1(BTW there is no branching ) .
However when i export it to spreadsheet it it the last . How can make this question to be the first in the spreadsheet either ?

The Export to Excel function simply takes the SharePoint list data without any views applied. So that means it takes the columns in the order they were created.
You could delete the columns and recreate them with the first column being created first, then the second and so on. But if there is a lot of data you want to keep in those columns you could keep it and simply create another list then find a way to copy the items over to the new list.

I believe the "export to spreadsheet" function in SharePoint surveys use the "Overview" (view) by default.
Go into SharePoint Designer and select your survey list
Under the "View" section (on the right) select "Overview". It should be the
Double-click overview to open / edit it
Look for the "Viewfields" section. Under it all your survey fields will be
listed with the first listed column to be exported (Excel A1) followed by
the rest (note that your column names many be truncated)
Cut the columns you want to move and paste them where you want them
Click save before exiting
When you perform your next export, the columns should be in the order you desire


Hidden Column in Sharepoint 2013 shows up in excel download

I have a SharePoint 2013 list where I hide a column "Incremental Number" on the list view but when I download the list it shows up in the excel download. I checked the modified view setting and the hidden column is checked off. How can I NOT show it in excel download? This Column-"Incremental Number" is used to create another column which is an ID column.
The “Export to Excel” function is used to export all items in the current view. It means, the columns and items in the exported table are determined by the current list view. So make sure you have selected the correct view before exporting the list.

Reconciliation between Sharepoint List and monthly excel file uploaded to Sharepoint

I am quite new to power apps and trying to determine the best course of action for my below scenario. I want to identify which users submitted to List A and which haven't based on each new monthly file.
I have a List(List A) on Sharepoint I created where users go in and input information, I want to come up with a list of users who have submitted to this list.
I want to reconcile with this monthly file excel that is dropped into a sharepoint link by another user with updated information. So essentially it would be doing a Vlookup into List A to determine who has submitted a record. .
So what I have done:
Created List B manually (from the excel file dropped)
using Power automate/Flow do a vlookup from List B to A whenever a record is created in A.
I created a column in List B that is not within the standard excel file (Column name Submitted, answers would be either Yes/No based on the vlookup) , Vlookup is something like if A.ProjectID = B.ProjectID then B.Submitted = Yes otherwise No.
What are my options to get around the fact this file is uploaded monthly? I dont want to recreate List B each month and have to setup the "Submitted" Column each time. I want this to work in an automated fashion.
Some Questions/Ideas:
Is there a way I can overwrite List B and keep the "Submitted" column each month automatically? It is dropped into a new folder each month on SP. ie "Aug 2021" , "Sept 2021", etc.
Can I do the recon in the sharepoint excel file itself automatically each month? Ie When the excel file is created run a macro to create the new column and do a vlookup?
Can a 3rd List be created as some master tracker page to hold all project status'?
Any ideas or suggestions are welcome. Looking for the best way on how to do this. Thanks
I think you should approach this from PowerAutomate.
I'd start off by creating a flow with a SharePoint trigger to catch when the Excel file is uploaded.
You should then get the content from the Excel with Excel Online / List Rows in a Table
Use 'Apply to Each' to loop over each user in the table. Inside the loop do the lookup.
Write back the result to the Excel with Excel Online / Update a Row action.
I'd recommend you create a separate thread for the project master list problem and elaborate your goals thereto.

Excel HYPERLINK with INDEX MATCH reference isn’t valid

I have set up a set of forms on excel that can append or update information to an access database.
Due to their being multiple forms, I want to create a spreadsheet, which acts as a hyperlink centre to the form the user needs.
Their are only to ‘branches’ of forms the users can use:
Add new data forms
Update Existing data forms
Each of these branches has say, 5 forms (so 10 in total)
The spreadsheet I’ve set up has two tabs
Tab 1 - user end sheet (‘user’)
Tab 2 - list and hyperlinks (‘info’)
On the user end sheet there is a list to select which branch of forms the user wants the link to (Cell D11)
From there a secondary dependant drop down list shows the forms available from that branch (Cell D16)
Finally, there is a cell which I’d like to display the hyperlink to the form they have selected.
I’ve searched around a lot, however I can’t find the fix.
The formula in full is:
The hyperlink formulas:
The result simply returns #N/A
I’ve tried:
And knocking all of the if statements out, leaving only the hyperlink function there.
The hyperlinks work fine in the info tab.
Any help would be massively appreciated, thanks in advance.
Issue was that the hyperlinks id set up already had a ‘friendly name’, changed to raw link and then was able to replace index match simply with Vlookups.

Dynamic listing of drop-down list in Smartsheet using python API

I want to populate the drop-down list in a smartsheet from data in a column of another smartsheet. Is it possible? Do I need cross sheet referencing for it ? How do I access the drop-down list?
First read the source sheet, remove blanks, duplicate, and wrong data. then to edit a drop down list column you'll have to edit the options :
Note : The company I am working for is selling an automation to automaticly perform such requirements : .

Filling rows of a repeating table on opening the form

In my Infopath form I use a repeating table. On opening this form on sharepoint I would like to have some rows of the repeating table filled out using information from an other list. I use content types.
What i am working on is a Timesheet system where the user can register how many hours a week he worked on different projects.
I would like that by creation of a timesheet some predefined projects will be already inserted, meaning that the repeating table will have for example 5 rows already with 5 favourite or most used projects selected based on a separate PetProject list.
When I looked at the workflow in the list where the timesheet is being created I couldn’t find the column projectname in the dropdown so I cant give it a value. When I went to look in the Form settings of TimeSheets I saw that projectname cant be selected/edited, its in plain black whereas the other columns are blue and clickable. I thought its probably because the value of projectname is merged from the different rows in the repeating table.
Is there any way I can work around this problem and assign a value to projectname by creation of the timesheet?
Thank you so much!
I think that you will need to write some code to query the data that you are after and add the data to new rows in the repeating table.
There is a loading event that you can hook into to then query a secondary data source and then
add the row to the repeating table.
Will this run with in infopath as a thick client or will it run as a browser based form using infopath form service?
