Sending sockets to client side, Error: Converting circular structure to JSON - node.js

I'm working in node JS and I'm trying to send an array, with my clients, from the server to every client with a normal emit, but it keeps giving me this error:
data = JSON.stringify(ev);
TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON
Shortly, this is what I do.
var clients = new Array();
io.sockets.on('connection', function(socket) {
socket.on('loginUser', function(data){
io.sockets.emit("getUsers", clients);
I've seen a couple of other people having this problem, but all those answers didn't work out for me.

Looking at the bigger problem, you can't just send an array of sockets to the client side. Sockets are objects which only make sense in their current context/process. If you want to control the sockets from client side, I just instead add some sort of RPC functionality.


How to use particular room data on crossdomain server using

I'm using socket io to communicate the cross domain server and also passing the particular data, but i want to use the data on particular room on crossdomain
Here is my code
server side
io.emit('sendData', data);
Cross domain serverside
var socket = io('https://localhost:3000/', { transports: ['websocket'] });
socket.on('sendData', function (data) {
How to solve this? Someone please help to solve this issue
That's not possible to use particular room data on a cross-domain server using
you only emit the data globally using io.emit(), only solution for compare your emit data with a cross-domain data

Uncaught TypeError: is not a function

I want to emit some data to a room in
According to the docs,
In one place ( it is said,'some room').emit('some event');
And in another place ( it is said,'some room').emit('some event', "description");
I tried both of these but got the error,
uncaught TypeError: is not a function
uncaught TypeError: is not a function
All other functions i used worked except for this
I included
<script src="/"></script>
in the head tag of the html file.
In the client side js file, i incuded
const socket = io.connect("http://localhost:3000/");
Also, I used socket.emit and it works the way it is supposed to.
Please tell me what is wrong with this..
If this Uncaught TypeError is happening on your client side, that's because and are only server-side functions, and cannot be used on the client side. In the Client API part of the Socket.IO docs, it doesn't specify and as valid API functions. Here is the client API docs.
And here is a snippet that you can use to emit to Socket.IO rooms:
//Your code...
io.on("connection", socket => {
//Don't forget to do this!
socket.join("some room");
socket.on("some event", data => {
//Do if you want to emit to all clients
//except sender"some room").emit("some event", data);
//Do if you want to emit to all clients
//including sender"some room").emit("some event", data);
//Remember to include file!
const socket = io.connect("http://localhost:3000");
socket.on("some event", data => { /* Whatever you want to do */ });
//To emit "some event"
//This will also emit to all clients in the room because of the way the server
//is set up
socket.emit("some event", "description");
If you need an explanation...
So what this does is, basically, since you can't emit to rooms on the client side (you can only emit to server), the client emits to the server, and the server emits the event to the room you want to emit to.
Hope this solves your problem :)
Step1: In the client-side js file, changes instead of io.connect("http://localhost:3000/") use given below line,
let io = require('').listen(server.listener);
Step2: You need to create a connection in (Both Client & serverSide) For the Testing purpose you can use check connection Establish or not Both End use can use tester Chrome Extension.(
step3: when a socket connection is Established in Both ends then you emit and listen to data Easily.
One thing when you listen to the data then sends Acknowledgement using Callback Function. I have Received data Successfully.
socket.on('sendMessage',async (chatdata,ack)=>{
yours, emitting a message is correct no need to change this one. But make sure and please check it again your socket connection is Establish successfully or not. another Shortcut way you can debug a code line by line you can easily resolve this problem.
I Hope using this approach you can resolve the Error, and it is help For a Future.

I can't get my head around websockets (via and node.js)

I'm new to websockets/ I'm trying to write a card game app, but pretty much all the example tutorials I've found are creating chat applications. So I'm struggling to get my head around the concepts and how they can be applied to my card game.
Keeping it simple, the card game will involve two players. The game involves moving cards around the table. Each player has to see the other player's moves as they happen (hence the need for constant connections). But the opponents cards are concealed to the other.
So two people browse to the same table then click to sit (and play, when both seats are taken). Using
io.on("connection", function(sock){
//socket events in here
am I creating the one socket ('io', or 'sock'?) that both clients and the server share, or is that two separate sockets (server/clientA and sever/clientB)? I ask, because I'm struggling to understand what's happening when a message is emitted and/or broadcast. If a client emits a message, is that message sent to both the server and the other client, or just the server? And then, further does it also send the message to itself as well?? It seems as though that's the logic... or what is the purpose of the 'broadcast' method?
From a functional perspective, I need the server to send different messages to each player. So it's not like a chatroom where the server sends the chat to everyone. But if it's one socket that the three of us share (clients and server), how do I manage who sees what? I've read about namespaces, but I'm struggling to work out how that could be used. And if it's two separate sockets, then I can more easily imagine sending different data to the separate clients. But how is that implemented - is that two 'io' objects, or two 'sock' objects?
Finally, I've got no idea if this is the sort of long-winded question that is accepted here, so if it's not, can someone direct me to a forum that discussions can occur? Cheers!
(in case it matters I'm also using Expressjs as the server).
Edit to add:
Part of my confusion is regarding the difference between 'io' and 'sock'. This code eg from the page is a good example of methods being applied to either of them:
io.on('connection', function(socket){
socket.emit('request', /* */); // emit an event to the socket
io.emit('broadcast', /* */); // emit an event to all connected sockets
socket.on('reply', function(){ /* */ }); // listen to the event
WebSocket server side listens for incoming socket connections from clients.
Each client upon connection opens its own socket between him and server. The server is the one that keeps track of all clients.
So once client emits the message server is listening for, the server can do with that message whatever. The message itself can contain information about who is the recipient of that message.
The server can pass the message to everyone or broadcast it to specific user or users based on information your client has sent you or some other logic.
For a card game:
The server listens for incoming connections. Once two clients are connected both of them should emit game ID in which they want to participate. The server can join their sockets in one game(Room) and all of the communication between those two clients can continue in that room. Each time one of the clients passes data to the server, that data should contain info about the recipient.
Here is one simple example that could maybe get you going:
Client side
// set-up a connection between the client and the server
var socket = io.connect();
// get some game identifier
var game = "thebestgameever";
socket.on('connect', function() {
// Let server know which game you want to play
socket.emit('game', game);
function makeAMove(move)
socket.emit('madeAMove', {move:move, game:game});
socket.on('move', function(data) {
console.log('Player made a move', data);
Server side
io = socketio.listen(server);
//listen for new connections from clients
io.sockets.on('connection', function(socket) {
// if client joined game get his socket assigned to the game
socket.on('game', function(game) {
socket.on('madeAMove', function(data){
let game =;
let move = data.move;'move', move);

get contents of the request object in

I am new to and I try to tell apart every client that connects to my node server.
I want to send data to just one client, not broadcast the same data to all of them. So, I have to find a unique piece of each client.
If I got it, I have to do something like
io.on('connection', function (socket) {
var origin = socket.request;
console.log("hey, so , new ws connection is > "+origin);
but I get [object, Object].
What are the contents of this object, so I can get something unique like an id. Also what other data this object contains that may come handy in the future?
I saw the But, everytime I refresh, the id changes. I want something to be stable, otherwise if the client refreshes for some reason, will no longer be related with the first id. Any tips?
every connect have is unique, if you use socket-io adapter you can use socket handshake info. on Browser for geting try
$(function () {
setTimeout(function () {
if console.log you will see in future
You'd use the property to get hold of the unique identifier for the socket (client socket).
As for other data this object contains, there are plenty that are useful, but the usefulness is dependant on the application. Have a look at the following link for available properties/methods on the socket object.
Some very useful methods are emit, join, leave, to, in and properties include id and rooms.

Connecting to 1.x manually using websockets, capacity testing

I am working with a nodejs express server which uses to communicate an iOS client, and am having a little trouble trying to test how many clients can connect and exchange data at any one time.
My goal is to be able to run a script which connects to with thousands of different sessions, as well as send and receive data to understand our system's scale. Currently we are using a single dyno on Heroku but will likely be considering other options on AWS soon.
I have found code which should do what I am trying to do for earlier versions of, such as this, but have had issues since it seems v1.x has a very different handshake protocol. I tried out using the package, but trying to connect multiple times only simulates use of one session, I need to simulate many in independent users.
I have been picking apart the code, but have only gotten so far as creating a connection - I am stuck on the sending data part. If anyone has any knowledge or could point to some written resources on how data is sent between a client and a server, it would help me out a lot.
Here's what I have so far:
var needle = require('needle'),
WebSocket = require('ws'),
BASE_URL = 'url-to-socket-host:5002';
var connectionNo = 0;
needle.get('http://' + BASE_URL + '/', function (err, resp) {
// parse the sid
var resp = JSON.parse(resp.body.toString().substring(5, resp.body.toString().length));
// use the sid to connect using websockets
var url = 'ws://' + BASE_URL + '/' + resp.sid;
console.log(connectionNo + ' with sid: ' + resp.sid);
var socket = new WebSocket(url, void(0), {
agent: false
socket.on('open', function () {
console.log('Websocket connected: ' + connectionNo);
// I don't understand how to send data to the server here,
// from looking at the source code it should use some kind
// of binary encoding, any ideas?
socket.on('message', function (msg) {
I will continue deconstructing the code but if anyone has any clues or recourses that may help, let me know. Thanks.
I ended up setting for using the npm package which has the ability to connect to a new session on every connection. I found an example benchmark in this issue.
There is not so much need for me to manually connect to using pure websockets and HTTP, but thanks to Yannik for pointing out the parser in use. The spec of the inner workings of v1.x can be found here.
The problem my reside in the fact that you are not using in your client code. You have imported ('ws') which is another module whose docs are here:
You probably want to ws.send('something');. When you receive a message in ws, it also comes with an object with a property indicating whether it is binary data or not. If it is, you will need to concatenate the chunks incrementally. There is a canonical way to do this which you can find via google. But it looks a little like this:
var message;
socketConnection.on('data', function(chunk){ message += chunk});
