javax.servlet.UnavailableException: Can't find application bundle in Webshpere - websphere-7

I have an application deployed on WEBSPHERE, which is up and running.
After that I have applied a patch for this application(patch will replaces web.xml, jar's, class etc.. files under deployment directory which is <IBM_INST>/profiles/<APPDERVER>/installedApps ) and I can see that application is started after patch apply.
But when I launch the url I'm getting below error msg:
Error 404: javax.servlet.UnavailableException: Can't find application bundle. You can either define WOROOT, LOCALROOT and WOAINSTALLROOT as Java system properties (e.g. in your application server's launch script as command line arguments) or in the application Deployment Descriptor file (web.xml).
I have verified the web.xml. It looks fine.
NOTE:- If I redeploy using the *.war file from it works fine.

You can't (or at least, not supposed) to "patch" WebSphere applications by directly modifying files under installedApps. You must do it in one of the following ways:
Interactively, through the WAS administration UI.
Through scripting, via the AdminApp.update command (or via the AdminApplication helper script, provided with WAS 7.0 onwards)


How to run exe under command line by the web service deployed on IIS 8?

I have deployed a web service on IIS 8, the web service need to run some .exe utility tools by using command line console. It works perfectly on localhost, but it does not work when I use web browser to access it remotely. the exe did not get call at all. I did some research on internet, someone mentioned it is IIS user permission problem which I created a new account with full control permission, someone mentioned that is because application pool has different permission with the web service(which I checked it is not the case).Someone said it might because the exe file is 32 bit application so I enabled the 32 bit application run in application pool. However, none of above fixed my problem. I was wondering if I missed anything?Thanks for any help.
some updates, I have also changed the handler mapping on IIS to enable the Execute exe(under edit feature permission). The exe file I need to call is from a third party company. Now I can run system method like "dir .", "ping xx.xx.xx.xx" with now problem, but not this exe file.

Tomcat not deploying new version of files at all - linux / eclipse

I am having issue with the way tomcat deploys my files to the server.
I have installed Tomcat 7 to /opt/tomcat7.
In my eclipse i have specified this path as my tomcat server.
my workspace directory is /home/maciej/workspace/<projects here>
now if I edit a class file and i add simply log statement"blabla"); and then deploy 'NEW' version of the file via - run on server, i do not see this 'blabla' in my output. It seems like although i have modified the class file, it was not properly deployed into tomcat. Tomcat is reading god knows what but certainly not the file it should read.
EDIT: I have recofnigured my tomcat in eclipse and now:
Server Path = /opt/tomcat7
Deploy Path = /opt/tomcat7/webapps <- used to be .metadata/blablabla default
eclipse tomcat location
When I open 'Open Lunch Configuration' under arguments/working directory the default option is ticket with greyed out path /home/maciej/Desktop
Should this also be changed?
Isn't tomcat working directory /opt/tomcat7/work ?
Any suggestions / ideas? As this issue is slightly getting on my nerves as i can not develop the app.
The Server Path is the same as the Tomcat installation directory in the modal you see in Window > Preferences > Server > Runtime Environments after hitting Edit. That should be set to /opt/tomcat7 or wherever the root of your Tomcat installation lives.
The Deploy Path is relative to the Server Path. It should be webapps, unless you already have stuff there and you want a separate directory. You will not be able to edit this until you shut down Tomcat and remove all webapps underneath it through the Servers view.
Try unchecking Modules auto reload by default if you trust the JDK hot-swapping, which you should if you're using JDK 1.7 or 1.8 and just want to see a log statement inserted.
The working directory you mentioned is just the root directory that Tomcat uses to spit out thread dumps on crashes and the like. It has nothing to do with the Tomcat "work" directory.
Open server view: Window->Show view->Other->Servers. The select correct server, right click, select "Clean" and then restart tomcat. It should help.
If you change something in the project then Eclipse will build automatically and "deploy" the files to the location you have specified. By default, Eclipe's work stops there and the rest is up to tomcat.
Tomcat, like any Java web server, detects changes in JSPs and recompiles them. Nevertheless, changes in classes have no effect because of the way Java class loading works. For the new version of a class to be used by tomcat you need to:
Not have loaded the class before. For example, you start tomcat but then see an error before doing any request. If you change the class then that change will be used because the class was not yet loaded.
Reload the application. This means that all classes are discarded and everything starts fresh.
The easiest way to reload an application, by default, is to make a change to web.xml. If you look into tomcat's configuration conf/context.xml you can see that WEB-INF/web.xml is monitored. Any change will trigger a reload of the context. So you can either make an artificial change in the file or add a resource like WEB-INF/ and generate a different with any build.
In any case, reloading a complex application takes time. That is why there are plugins like JRebel. But before you go down that path (which adds another moving piece to your setup) you can also try to use Eclipe's support for hot code replacement. You start tomcat in debug, connect to it with Eclipse, and then change some class. Eclipse will try to recompile the class and upload the new definition to tomcat. If it fails it will tell you. As a general rule it will fail when you change the structure of the program and succeed when you just change method's implementations.

How to setup IIS Express from a script the way Visual Studio does it?

When we configure a web application to run in IIS Express there are certain things VS does, like:
Creating the application host configuration file in the IISExpress subfolder of the user documents folder.
Creating a dedicated site section for each web application in the solution, including ours.
Maybe more things are done, which I am unaware of.
I would like to replicate the same process from a script, so that running the web application from the script would be equivalent to running it from VS. Including for the very first time.
Right now I start IISExpress with the /port and /path flags, because this is how I used to run Cassini. However, Cassini supported an additional flag - /vpath. They removed it from IISExpress, meaning I have to use another set of flags - /config, /site, /siteid. But I suspect it must be done in conjunction with the Appcmd.exe utility.
This second approach is still something I haven't managed to master. So, my question is this - suppose I am given the port, path and vpath of a web application (i.e. no need to read them from the web application's csproj file, like VS does). What command sets up the right application host configuration file and how do I run IISExpress to take advantage of it?

Setting Up Kudu On IIS

A couple of days ago, Microsoft released the engine they're using to do git deployments to Azure. I've had a task on my TODO list for a while to get that kind of functionality set up on my DEV IIS server, so I'm interested in trying out Kudu for that purpose.
The "Getting Started" document shows how to run the web front-end, but everything in there uses "http://localhost:PORTNUMBER" type URL's for git repositories, site URL's, etc.
I realize this is probably getting too far ahead of them, but I'm wondering if anyone has pointers for how to set it up using real domains on "regular" IIS instead of all of the localhost bits?
This is an old question, so I'm giving an updated answer with more current info since I just worked through setting up Kudu on an internal deployment server. The currently selected answer only deals with if you are directly running Kudu from within a development environment.
If you are deploying to a "production" type environment and don't want to install Visual Studio on the target server, there is a good guide on the project website on github.
On the target server, you will need to install:
MSBuild ( ) - comes with Visual Studio
NodeJS ( )
Git ( )
Back on your development machine, clone the git repo and build using the "build.cmd" file, following instructions in the above link.
In running build.cmd I got several test failures which blocked the build from producing artifacts. These were all related to Mercurial, which we don't use. Installing a Mercurial client didn't make them magically go away, so I disabled the tests rather than sink a bunch of time into debugging my environment.
Your build output will indicate the failures. I disabled by commenting out the [Fact] attribute.
These are the tests I disabled:
tests/Kudu.Core.Test/HgRepositoryFacts.cs (all tests)
Once you have a successful build that has created all the items in the artifacts you can move to deploying the Kudu website and web service code. The below instructions are for setting up a distinct web application instance, rather than dumping everything in c:\inetpub\wwwroot, which is how the instructions read.
Copy "artifacts\Release\KuduWeb" to the target area on the server where your website will run from. I run my kudu install with a separate host header, but you could as easily use a separate port or run as the root website. This directory will be the root for your web application.
Create an empty "App_Data" folder immediately under the KuduWeb folder.
Copy "artifacts\Release\SiteExtensions\Kudu" to the same level as the folder in step 1 and rename to "Kudu.Services.Web". This location is set as a relative path in the KuduWeb web.config file - setting serviceSitePath.
Open IIS Admin and create a website pointing to the "KuduWeb" folder from step 1.
Configure the app pool from step 4 to run as "LocalSystem". This is required to manage IIS Sites.
Create a new folder "apps" at the same level as KuduWeb. This is where deployments will be sent. Note: this location is controlled in the KuduWeb web.config file - setting "sitesPath"
Change filesystem permissions to grant "Users" full access to the "apps" folder created in the above step.
On starting my Kudu website, I got the following error.
Parser Error Message: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Web.Mvc, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
For some reason it didn't copy the appropriate MVC version into the deployment artifacts.
If you hit this error, the MVC 5 file can be obtained via NuGet. I found that my source code was built against 5.1.0, so this is the appropriate link:
In order to extract the dll, I set up a new dummy project and used NuGet to pull down the dll via the package manager console.
Install-Package Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc -Version 5.1.0
Once you get the binary, copy it from package directory ( .\packages\Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc.5.1.0\lib\net45\System.Web.Mvc.dll ) to the website bin directory on the target machine.
At this point you are up and running. Use the web interface to create your application. It will create a subfolder under the "apps" directory with a tree that should be self explanatory. It will also have created two new websites for your application:
In a production situation, you should create an additional website running on appropriate port/host header that points to: .\apps\\site\wwwroot
Now you can add a git remote for your deployment. Go to your source location in a git console (ex: Git Bash) and add the remote as identified by Kudu. Note: you may need to change localhost in the url to be the appropriate server name.
git remote add deploy http://:52711/your-app-name.git
Push your code to the new "deploy" remote and see what happens. You should see all the normal push messages, plus the build output.
git push deploy master
My initial push failed to build and deploy due to "node" not being recognized. It was in the path, so a server reset convinced the path environment variable to be refreshed. You may find additional errors to work through. For instance, I had an issue with MSBuild being imported and causing a hiccup.
error MSB4019: The imported project "C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\Visual Studio\v11.0\WebApplications\Microsoft.WebApplication.targets" was not found.
YMMV, but these are all solvable problems now. Good continuous deploying!
The project automatically sets up two websites on IIS for each application you add using the web front end. Kudu doesn't automatically map the bindings for them but it's relatively easy to open IIS and find the two sites named "kudu_appname" and "kudu_appname_service". The service website is the one that you point GIT too and the other one is the site itself. Just add public bindings to them by right-clicking and "edit bindings". You can then add public hostnames to them.
This is the easy part. The hard part that I'm still working on is getting authentication working so any random Joe isn't able to push to my kudu repository!

Getting the full local path of a file in a site node in a webrole within a startup cmd file?

It's been several hours lost now, i just don't get it.
Situation :
- Migrating an app to Azure
- IMPORTANT : This is a webrole with several websites, all websites are compiled in a folder "azure.builds" so my sites bindings are like
and so on
I have a cmd script that works great on my dev machine, which set permission on IIS to execute on an exe file (it has to be called by an html form).
Here is my local code startup.cmd which works against my local IIS :
%windir%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd set config /section:system.webServer/handlers /+"[name='MY_GCI', path='.exe',verb='',modules='CgiModule', scriptProcessor='c:\websites\myproject\azure.builds\\cgi-bin\mymodule.exe',resourceType='Either']"
On my html form the file is called via action "" and guess what it works.
But in my migration to Azure it doesn't, i'm unable to set permission to this particular file. The problem is i can't figure the full complete path to the EXE files as the example above show.
I tried this (%ROLEROOT%) :
%windir%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd set config /section:system.webServer/handlers /+"[name='MY_GCI', path='.exe',verb='',modules='CgiModule', scriptProcessor='%ROLEROOT%\\\cgi-bin\mymodule.exe',resourceType='Either']"
Does not work.
I studied several example involving similar CGI setup (such running PHP) but the difficulty is that the EXE module have to be exposed on wich is not even the main root webiste on my azure webrole, so this is not exactly the same.
Sorry if it is not very clear to understand, let say in short : how to find the full local path of a particular file in a particular site node in a webrole within a startup cmd file ?
It appears you have this value outside of Azure:
Now you want the equivalent within Azure. The key for doing this is to use the ROLEROOT environment variable.
It appears you have considered ROLEROOT already, but perhaps there is a little bit off in mapping into your directory structure. I suggest you RDP into the Azure instance and get oriented (look at e:\approot for starters, but you are not guaranteed to always be there, thus the need for using ROLEROOT). RDP:
If your real problem has to do with "...the difficulty is that the EXE module have to be exposed on wich is not even the main root webiste on my azure webrole, so this is not exactly the same." then I am not sure I can help as I am unsure of issue you are describing. But one idea: RDP in (as mentioned above) and try to execute the CGI script by hand in Azure and see how that goes. If that doesn't work, you may have a path or permission problem. If it does work, you still may have a problem related to permissions (since the RDP account will have more power than your default IIS user).
A couple of other things to try: Ensure your Azure Web Role is running with elevated permissions by using the following setting in ServiceDefinition.csdef:
<WebRole name="WebHost">
<Runtime executionContext="elevated"/>
And also consider running your startup task elevated, also via ServiceDefinition.csdef:
<Task commandLine="startup.cmd" executionContext="elevated" />
And, finally, some StartUp Task debugging tips:
