Does AWS EB instance automatically restart when crashed? - node.js

I have a NodeJS instance running with Amazon Elastic Beanstalk. I would like to know if the instance will automatically restart if nodejs crash the server ?
Do I have to use foreverjs ?
Thank you

TLDR - Use foreverjs.
So there are two types of restarts. One is where the code throws an exception and stops node. The OS is still running. In this case, from the OS perspective, node decided to exit. None of it's business. This is where foreverjs plays a role - it'll watch node and restart it if it ever stops due to an exception/error etc.
The second type of restart is a machine reboot. This is something that you might want to do if there is a kernel panic etc. AWS will not automatically reboot; it won't do anything that your desktop would do. You're going to have to reboot it (but really - try and debug it before having it serve production traffic again). I've run a fair number of servers and this isn't a common issue. The best way to deal with this is to have redundancy and have other servers step in if one fails in such a stark manner.


Does an opened SSH connection to a GCLoud VM prevent it from freezing/crashing?

I have a f1-micro gcloud vm instance running Ubuntu 20.04.
It has 0,2 vcpus and 600mb memory.
I write freezing/crashing which stands for just not responding to anything anymore.
From my monitoring i can see that the cpu is at its peak at 40% usage (usually steady under 1%), while the memory is always arround 60% (both stats with my (nodejs) server running).
When i open a ssh connection to my instance and run my (nodejs) server in background everything works fine as long as i keep the ssh connection alive. As soon as i close the connection it takes a few more minutes until the instance freezes/crashes. Without closing the ssh connection i can keep it running for hours without any problem.
I dont get any crash or freeze information from gcloud itself. The instance has a green checkmark and is kind of still running. I just cant open a new ssh connection and also the only way to do something again with this instance is by restarting it.
I have cloud logging active and there are also no messages in there.
So with this knowledge my question is if gcloud somehow boosts ssh connected vms to keep them alive?
Cause i dont know what else could cause this behaviour.
My (nodejs) server uses arround 120mb, another service uses 80mb and the gcp monitoring agent uses 30mb. The linux free command on the instance shows memory available between 60mb and 100mb.
In addition to John Hanley and Mike, You can edit your Machine Type based on you needs.
In the Google Cloud Console, Go to VM Instance under Compute Engine.
Select Instance name to open its Overview page.
Make sure to Stop the Instance before editing Instance.
Select Machine Type that match your application needs.
For more info and guides you may refer on link below:
Edit Instance
Machine Family Categories
Since there were no answers that explained the strange behaviour i encountered.
I also haven't figured it out but at least my servers wont crash/freeze anymore.
I somehow fixxed it by running my node.js application in an actual background job using forever instead of running it like node main.js &.

How are most Node applications started?

I know to start my Node app I type in the Win shell, node app.js.
But this is obviously not how a webhost would maintain a Node webserver (ie what happens if there is a power outage, a Node exception, etc).
I see things like Forever and running Node as a Windows service, but I feel like the creator of Node must have had a different idea? Something like Apache is installed as a Windows Service so that it runs even if the server reboots - what is the correct method of doing this for Node? I don't like the idea of introducing another piece of software just to keep the server going.
The problem is that many systems do not do that. For instance MongoDB doesn't even run like that on windows.
The best solution I have found is this
Also you have to consider even on Linux you need to run something like upstart to keep node programs running when you close the console.

What are possible solution or script that can be used for server crash detection and trigger procedures?

I'm developing on the same server where I host some webpages, in this case with Ajenti, nginx and node.js installed on a Ubuntu Server, and I noticed that when I crash the server in a test, I need to log in to ajenti or ssh and restart the webpages.
This made me wonder if nginx or Ubuntu can detect such a crash like a 502 Bad Gateway Error and if there is also a command or tool to restart the webpages?
With this I could probably script it all up and get the webpages restarted, automatically, every time I do something to crash the server.
One solution might be to use something like monit which can (among many other things) check for (and optionally restart) crashed processes.

NodeJs not staying live in aws

I have deployed a Bitnami AMI of NodeJS on an AWS micro instance. After starting my node app, everything works fine.
After some time without any activity, the app which is attached to port :3000, seems to shut down. When this happens on refreshing the page my browser gives the message:
Network Error (tcp_error)
A communication error occurred: "Connection refused"
The Web Server may be down, too busy, or experiencing other problems preventing it from responding to requests. You may wish to try again at a later time.
The AWS console shows the instance is still running and the Bitnami build still responds with the standard message on port 80.
Forever ( is also a useful tool for this kind of thing, and it gives you a little more control than nohup or screen.
As we discussed in comments, the problem was binding the node process to SSH session.
You can use nohup or screen to launch the node process in an instance not bound to session.
I suggest using screen because the function of returning to launched instance is essential for maintenance/updating.
Related: How to run process as background and never die
Related: Command-Line Interface tool to run node as a service
Besides configuring an EC2-instance you can also use the PaaS-solution of AWS, namely Elastic Beanstalk. They have also support for Node.js and it's super easy to deploy your apps using this service.

Deploying updates to production node.js code

This may be a basic question, but how do I go about effeciently deploying updates to currently running node.js code?
I'm coming from a PHP, JavaScript (client-side) background, where I can just overwrite files when they need updating and the changes are instantly available on the produciton site.
But in node.js I have to overwrite the existing files, then shut-down and the re-launch the application. Should I be worried by potential downtime in this? To me it seems like a more risky approach than the PHP (scripting) way. Unless I have a server cluster, where I can take down one server at a time for updates.
What kind of strategies are available for this?
In my case it's pretty much:
svn up; monit restart node
This Node server is acting as a comet server with long polling clients, so clients just reconnect like they normally would. The first thing the Node server does is grab the current state info from the database, so everything is running smoothly in no time.
I don't think this is really any riskier than doing an svn up to update a bunch of PHP files. If anything it's a little bit safer. When you're updating a big php project, there's a chance (if it's a high traffic site it's basically a 100% chance) that you could be getting requests over the web server while you're still updating. This means that you would be running updated and out-of-date code in the same request. At least with the Node approach, you can update everything and restart the Node server and know that all your code is up to date.
I wouldn't worry too much about downtime, you should be able to keep this so short that chances are no one will notice (kill the process and re-launch it in a bash script or something if you want to keep it to a fraction of a second).
Of more concern however is that many Node applications keep a lot of state information in memory which you're going to lose when you restart it. For example if you were running a chat application it might not remember who users were talking to or what channels/rooms they were in. Dealing with this is more of a design issue though, and very application specific.
If your node.js application 'can't skip a beat' meaning it is under continuous bombardment of incoming requests, you just simply cant afford that downtime of a quick restart (even with nodemon). I think in some cases you simply want a seamless restart of your node.js apps.
To do this I use naught:
Zero downtime deployment for your Node.js server using builtin cluster API
Some of the cloud hosting providers Node.js (like NodeJitsu or Windows Azure) keep both versions of your site on disk on separate directories and just redirect the traffic from one version to the new version once the new version has been fully deployed.
This is usually a built-in feature of Platform as a Service (PaaS) providers. However, if you are managing your servers you'll need to build something to allow for traffic to go from one version to the next once the new one has been fully deployed.
An advantage of this approach is that then rollbacks are easy since the previous version remains on the site intact.
