Rewrite request_uri for symfony2 routing - .htaccess

I need to rewrite all address on my website to something like this :
The problem is that when I modify my .htaccess to automatically add a prefix in all path, symfony (2) don't handle it and all routes end up to a 404 ...
How can I edit my .htaccess to modify the REQUEST_URI ?
This don't work :
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
# Rewrite all other queries to the front controller.
RewriteRule .? %{ENV:BASE}/app.php/toto [L]

We found a workaround (so the question is still valid).
But for industrialisation, we create a file
containing all main bundle route declaration, and we removed the routing.yml from build.
So we just have to copy the sources for each domain, and edit the routing.yml file to remove ou change the prefix on the needed bundles.
This way we can continue to share the database.
But I'm still curious to how to do it with a .htaccess file.


Why my rewrite rule in htaccess is working in some case only?

I try to rewrite some of my URLs with a .htaccess file but it didn't work as expected.
This is the rewrite rule in my .htaccess file :
RewriteRule ^(index|administration)/([A-Za-z0-9-]+)(\.php)?$ index.php?c=$1&t=$2 [QSA]
When I go on, I get a 404 error code.
So I try to change my rewrite rule to
RewriteRule ^index.php$ index.php?c=index&t=main [QSA]
Then I go to and the webpage displays perfectly with all the datas in $_GET (c = index and t = main).
So I don't know why my first rule is not working. Let me see if you have any idea.
Is it possible that my server wants to enter the index folder, then the main folder for my first rule without taking care of my .htaccess ( ?
You need to ensure that MultiViews (part of mod_negotiation) is disabled for this to work correctly. So, add the following at top of your .htaccess file:
Options -MultiViews
If MultiViews is enabled (it's disabled by default, but some hosts do sometimes enable this in the server config) then when you request /index/main where /index.php already exists as a physical file then mod_negotiation will make an internal request for index.php before mod_rewrite is able to process the request. (If index.html also exists, then this might be found first.)
(MultiViews essentially enables extensionless URLs by mocking up type maps and searching for files in the directory - with the same basename - that would return a response with an appropriate mime-type.)
If this happens then your mod-rewrite directive is essentially ignored (the pattern does not match, since it would need to check for index.php) and index.php is called without the URL parameters that your mod_rewrite directive would otherwise append.
it perfectly works by disabling the MultiViews Option in my .htaccess
This would ordinarily imply its your script (ie. index.php) that is triggering the 404 (perhaps due to missing URL parameters?), rather than Apache itself?
However, if you were seeing an Apache generated 404 then it would suggest either:
You also have an index.html file, which is found before index.php. .html files do not ordinarily accept path-info (ie. /main) so would trigger a 404.
OR, AcceptPathInfo Off is explicitly set elsewhere in the config, which would trigger a 404 when the request is internally rewritten to /index.php/main (by mod_negotiation).

How do I remove a folder from a URL?

First of all, this question has been asked a few times on stack, however, none of the answers seem to work for me.
I have a website which has a "pages" folder in the root, I want to store all of my website pages in there.
Here's my structure
I want to make it so the link displays:
Removing the "/pages/" part of the URL, when I try all of the answers suggested previously, I get a 404 error.
Here is the htaccess I'm using
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^pages(/.*|)$ $1 [L,NC]
and i also tried:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^pages/(.*)$ /$1 [L,R=301]
This htaccess is in the root. I can't seem to get it working, can anyone offer any suggestions? Thank you!
Your second attempt looks fine, though it can be imporoved a bit:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^/?pages/(.*)$ /$1 [R=301]
That rule should work inside the http servers host configuration or in some dynamic configuration file (".htaccess" style file) if the http server's rewriting module is loaded. You definitely should prefer the first option, but if you really need to use a dynamic configuration file then take care that the interpretation of such files is configured at all and that the file is placed in your hosts's DOCUMENT_ROOT folder and is readable for the http server process.
If that does not work then you need to start debugging. In this case you will start by monitoring your http server's error log file while making test requests. If no hint appears in there you need to enable rewrite logging which allows you to learn what exactly is going on inside the rewriting engine. See the official dpcumentation for the apache rewriting module for that. As typcial for OpenSource software it is of excellent quality and comes with great examples.

Rewrite rules for localhost AND live environment

I want to add rewriterules that works in local environment (localhost) and on my liveserver.
I don't want to change rules when I test my project locally and upload it to the liveserver.
Adding Rules
Here an example
change to
So I used a rewritemod generator and pasted this into it:
The rewriterule I got, looks like this: (of course my .htacces starts with RewriteEngine On)
RewriteRule ^([^/]*)$ /?page=$1 [L]
When I try to get to (http:)
//localhost/myproject/development/index.php?page=login it sends me to the root directory of my local development envirment. But the URL in the adressline doesn't change.
Of course I tried some other Rules by pasting the whole URL into the generator just to test if the rewrite thing works.
Also here the URL doesn't change to short-url but the server cant find stylesheets and javascripts anymore. I got redirected to the index.php
Possible solutions?
Maybe it has something todo with that "RewriteBase"?
Do i have to set a basepath?
My .htacces is located here:
Later I also want to change paths that look like this:
Also here a I'm looking for a solution that works on both environments.
Since the htaccess is located inside a sub-directory, use RewriteBase:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /myproject/development/
Once that is done, you use the base element in your php/html files. This will resolve the addresses for the scripts/stylesheets in your pages.
<base href="/myproject/development/" />
Now, the rewrites in htaccess would be:
RewriteRule ^((?!index\.php)[^/]+)/?$ index.php?page=$1 [L]

How to change the project name in CakePhp 3.x

I have this project called 'site01'.
It is published as: ''. The pages are like this ''.
I'm able to route the url to '', but can I change the url to '' through the routes configuration?
Initially I think that you have to use .htaccess way, because the issue is related to the outside of the CakePHP folder.
You can create a new file named .htaccess in the upper folder and write the instruction witch redirect /site01/ to /s/.
sample code for rewrite url:
Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^site01.*$ /s/ [R=301,L]

Url Mod-Rewrite Get new Page with ID

i need some help from the experts.
I have some rewrite rules:
post.php go to
RewriteRule ^post/([A-Za-z0-9-]+)/?$ post.php?id=$1 [NC,L]
It Works!
But, How can i add a new rewrite rule to the NEW Page Users.php after post/ID/
And get the ID in Users.php (Users.php?id=3)
Like this
If you want /post/3/users/ to go to /Users.php?id=3, you have to put that rule before your existing rule. Your existing rule matches /post/3/' which is a prefix of what this additional rule matches, so that rule will never fire if it is after.
# catch the longer URL first
RewriteRule ^post/([A-Za-z0-9-]+)/users/?$ Users.php?id=$1 [NC,L]
# No /users/ on it; rewrite to post.php
RewriteRule ^post/([A-Za-z0-9-]+)/?$ post.php?id=$1 [NC,L]
Another thing: you tagged your post with .htaccess. Does that mean your rewrites are in a .htaccess? If so, you should use RewriteBase because your rewrites are relative. Why it's working is probably that you are allowing a 1:1 correspondence between paths and URLs on your webserver.
In a per-directory context like .htaccess, mod_rewrite is working with path names, not URLs. But if you do a relative rewrite, the path is turned into a URL and fed back into the Apache's request handling chain to be processed over again. How the path is turned into a URL is that the contents of RewriteBase are added to the front. If you don't have RewriteBase then a silly thing happens: the path to your directory (that was removed for the RewriteRule is just tacked back on!).
Example: suppose your DocumentRoot is /var/www. Suppose the browser asks for the URL /foo. This gets translated to the path /var/www/foo If inside the .htaccess for /var/www/ you rewrite foo to bar (and RewriteBase is not set), then mod_rewrite will generate the URL /var/www/bar: it just takes the /var/www/ directory that was stripped off and puts it back on. Now that can be made to work: just make /var/www/ a valid URL going to that directory. For instance with
Alias /var/www /var/www # map /var/www URL to /var/www directory
But that is hacky. The right way is to have RewriteBase / in the .htaccess. So when foo is rewritten to bar, it just gets a / in front and becomes the url /bar. This is fed back to the server and will resolve back to the document root again "naturally".
I used hacks like that before I understood the rewriting. I even used / as a DocumentRoot! That made everything work out since then most URLs are paths: you don't have to think of URLs a an abstraction separate from your filesystem paths. But it's a dangerous, silly thing.
