Can Azure generate a certificate at the cloud side? - iis

During the development, we didn't get the domain binding for our application, so we just use the Azure URL, something like this:
Because we would like our website use HTTPS protocol, we need to use a certificate, just follow the MSDN, we generated the self-signed pfx file using IIS Manager. Before we publish our application to cloud, we upload the pfx file to cloud by the portal page.
So my question is, is above the only way for this situation? Which I means, I need to upload the certificate to cloud manually first, then publish the application? Is there a way I don't need to to this, something like I even not rely on IIS Manager, the cloud can generate a certificate?

Simple answer to your question is No, Azure can't create a certificate for you. But you could do the same.
To elaborate further, let me explain you what's happening behind the scenes. So you have uploaded the PFX certificate in the portal and in your application configuration screen you have specified the thuumbprint of that certificate. When Azure Fabric Controller spins of the VM, it checks for this certificate thumbprint and based on that it fetches the certificate you uploaded previously and installs that certificate. Furthermore it makes changes to the IIS settings does the SSL magic. Now if you want (not sure why) but you could do the same. If we take just development environment, what you could do is write a startup task which would first create a certificate using makecert utility. Then you would write some IIS scripts which will do the SSL magic for IIS.
Yet another thing you could do is automate the deployment of your code using Azure PowerShell Cmdlets. As a part of deployment automation, 1st thing you would do is upload the SSL certificate using Add-AzureCertificate and then create a deployment of your service using New-AzureDeployment.


SSL for redirected domain to Azure app service

Hello I have created one app for Azure app service test.
Let us say
I thought this is big to recall so I own my domain. Say
I purchased one SSL from Azure portal and bind with
So working.
Now my client want to use this app with some custom domain.
I did redirection to
Now his domain is
Let us say
So how should I proceed with this as they need SSL to secure like
He is asking me to raise CSR. I am using app service from Azure portal. Their is no VM.
Sorry for typo.
You don't need access to the server to be able to generate a CSR. You can use any computer including your own workstation. See the link below for detailed instructions to create and complete a Certificate Signing Request.
Once you complete the request, export the certificate from the computer you used to generate the CSR as .pfx format, upload and bind it to you Azure Web App.

Setting up SSL for Azure WebApp

I'm trying to set up SSL for my Azure WebApp via Network Solution's SSL Service. The doubt I'm facing is, Azure asks for a SSL Certification in (.pfx) format (pic given below) and I do not have any sort of certificate with me right now.
However, Network Solution console allows me to attach SSL to my existing Domain. Pic given below:
My question is, do I go ahead with the Network Solutions based SSL Attachment solution or upload the *.pfx file Azure is asking for in the Management Console? I'm very confused. Thank you for taking the time!
Follow Brij's link to generate a valid pfx file, then
For a WebApp, go to the Azure Portal, browse to your WebApp >> Settings > > Custom domains and SSL >> Upload Certificate and complete the process to use your certificate. Set the domain to use the certificate you uploaded.

Installing SSL for third party web service communication from Azure

Apologies for what is probably a question about a simple task but I'm brand new to Azure and a little worried I get this wrong. Actually, I have a new client and don't even have the access yet to their Azure yet have a proper look. The question is:
My new client has an existing MVC application running on IIS within Azure. This application must communicate with a third party SOAP (.asmx) web service that requires parts of the SOAP message to be signed using an SSL digital certificate.
So, I need to install the certificate on Azure. My problem is that the articles I have found deal with securing the website using the certificate and Https - which I don't want.
Can someone please point me to a good article (or show here if simple enough) that shows how to install it for the purpose of communicating with this third party service?
Any help is really appreciated here so that I can hit the ground running.
The approach for installing any certificate is the same. So you would use the same approach as you would for installing SSL certificate. So the steps would be:
Upload the certificate first in the cloud services certificate section. Note down the certificate thumbprint.
In Visual Studio, open up your role's properties and go to "Certificates" tab and specify that certificate thumbprint along with the certificate store location where you want this certificate to be installed.

How to renew SSL certificate on an Azure Cloud Service?

I have a cloud service SAAS application that is running on Azure using https which SSL certificate is expiring soon. I've recently obtained a new SSL certificate that I need to apply to before the expiration date.
Looking up on the web, all I found are articles about how to setup SSL certificate for Azure Cloud Service (i.e. and non regarding the renewal process. At this point, I'm thinking it's the same process.
In order to avoid unnecessary issue, I'm looking for confirmation from someone else that might have already done this before and perhaps some pointers on other things that I need to be aware of.
1)You upload the certificate to the Service Certificates section on the Windows Azure Portal - just as you did originally.
2) You modify the Service Configuration file to provide the thumbprint of the new certificate instead of the old one. This causes the certificate to be deployed to each instance.
3) You do an in-place upgrade or (use a VIP Swap) which causes IIS to start using the new certificate.
First you upload the new certificate using the Management Portal - go to Certificates tab of your cloud service.
Then if you believe in in-place reconfiguration (which I don't recommend for this scenario) you can go to Configure tab, scroll down to Certificates, change the thumbprint (you can get it from the Certificates tab) and click Save. Just don't forget to update your .cscfg files so that you have the changes preserved when you redeploy.
If you don't believe in in-place reconfiguration you'll have to change your .cscfg files and deploy your service into staging with the updated .cscfg and then do VIP swap and delete the previous deployment. This is what I recommend for this scenario because should anything go wrong with in-place reconfiguration you can experience service downtime.

ID1024 The configuration property value is not valid error in Azure WebSite

I am trying to consume the certificate uploaded in azure website(not webrole) in my web app using following config
<!-- Service Configuration -->
<certificateReference findValue="2696C50B72CB368AEB11DE3B23CD226252A1BFD" storeLocation="CurrentUser" storeName="My" x509FindType="FindByThumbprint"/>
<certificateValidation certificateValidationMode="None"/>
Code works fine on local system. But I am recieving error when deployed to azure website.
ID1024 The configuration property value is not valid
ID1025 Cannot find a unique certificate that matches the criteria
I then tried to browse all the certificates in my azure website(using code). But the certificate list does not contain my uploaded certificate.
Certificate is uploaded and can be seen in azure portal.
Custom domain is mapped and the uploaded certficiate is used against the domain.
But somehow my web app is unable to find the certificate. I tried all possible combination of StoreName and StoreLocation but in vain.
I think there may be some confusion on what the certificates you upload via the Configure tab for Websites are used for. Currently the certificates loaded there are ONLY used for SSL.
When looking at the little help icon next to the certificates section on the configure tab the tooltip states the following:
"This section lets you manage SSL certificates that you can bind to your custom domain names. Binding an SSL certificate to your custom domain name will allow your end users to access your site over HTTPS."
Windows Azure Web Sites exist at a process level, meaning that they can be started up on one machine but move around as the processes go up and down. If you aren't familiar with this I'd suggest reading up on how the hosting model works for Web Sites. Here is an article that covers it: Windows Azure Web Sites - A New Hosting Model for Windows Azure (full disclosure: I wrote the article).
Loading the certificate here I do not believe adds the certificate to any of the stores on the machines your web site runs on. Windows Azure would need to ensure that the cert is always on the machine the site is deployed to and since this is only at a process level and can change frequently (unless you are using standard) it doesn't make sense. The SSL certs are handled differently and as far as I know aren't really deployed to each machine.
As far as I know in order for you to load a certificate and use it you'll either need to look at a web role where loaded certs from the portal ARE placed into the store on the VM or look to see if you can load the certificate manually in code and ship the cert as content on your site (which seems a little less secure to me). I could just be overlooking an option though.
