Haskell does not evaluate block - haskell

I am writing simple sitemap.xml crawler. The code is below. My question is why the code in the end of main does not print anything. I suspect it's because haskell's lazyness but don't know how to deal with it here:
import Network.HTTP.Conduit
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import Text.XML.Light
import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO)
import Control.Monad
import Data.String.Utils
import Control.Exception
download :: Manager -> Request -> IO (Either HttpException L.ByteString)
download manager req = do
try $
fmap responseBody (httpLbs req manager)
downloadUrl :: Manager -> String -> IO (Either HttpException L.ByteString)
downloadUrl manager url = do
request <- parseUrl url
download manager request
getPages :: Manager -> [String] -> IO [Either HttpException L.ByteString]
getPages manager urls =
sequence $ map (downloadUrl manager) urls
main = withManager $ \ manager -> do
-- I know simpleHttp is bad here
mapSource <- liftIO $ simpleHttp "http://example.com/sitemap.xml"
let elements = (parseXMLDoc mapSource) >>= Just . findElements (mapElement "loc")
Just urls = liftM (map $ (replace "/#!" "?_escaped_fragment_=") . strContent) elements
mapElement name = QName name (Just "http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9") Nothing
return $
getPages manager urls >>= \ pages -> do
print "evaluate me!"
sequence $ map print pages

You're running into the same problem I describe here, at least as far as having incorrect code that typechecks when it should actually give a type error: Why is the type of "Main.main", "IO ()" and not "IO a"?. This is why you should always give main the type signature main :: IO () explicitly.
To fix the problem, you will want to replace return with lift (see http://hackage.haskell.org/package/transformers/docs/Control-Monad-Trans-Class.html#v:lift) and replace sequence $ map ... with mapM_. mapM_ f is equivalent to sequence_ . map f.

Substitute your last return with runResourceT (http://hackage.haskell.org/package/resourcet-1.1.1/docs/Control-Monad-Trans-Resource.html#v:runResourceT). As it's type suggests, it would turn ResourceT into IO action.


I/O Monad and ByteString to Char conversion?

I'm testing some HTTP requests in haskell and have the below methods:
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LAZ
import Language.Haskell.TH.Ppr
import System.IO
import Data.Word (Word8)
request :: IO LAZ.ByteString
request = do
response <- simpleHttp "https://www.url.com"
return (response)
exampleFunctionOne:: IO LAZ.ByteString -> IO LAZ.ByteString
exampleFunctionOne bytes = do
html <- bytes
let bytesToChars = bytesToString $ LAZ.unpack html
let x = exampleFunctionTwo bytesToChars
exampleFunctionTwo :: [Char] -> [Char]
exampleFunctionTwo chars = --Do stuff...
main = do
exampleFunctionOe $ request
My questions are:
Is there a more straight forward way to convert the ByteString to [Char]? Currently I've having to convert to perform (ByteString -> Word8) and then (Word8 -> Char)
Am I correct in saying the 'return ()' statement in my request function is simply re-applying the monad context (in this case IO) to the value I've extracted (response <- simpleHttp)? Or does it have an additional purpose?
To answer your first question, note that there's a different "unpack" in Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 with the signature you want:
unpack :: ByteString -> String
It's not unusual for people to import both modules:
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as C
and mix and match functions from each.
To answer your second question, yes that's more or less it. For example:
redund = do x <- getLine
y <- return x
z <- return y
u <- return z
return u
is all equivalent to redund = getLine with a bunch of re-wrapping and extracting of pure values into an out of an IO monad.

Handling exceptions (ExceptT) in chain of actions

I am trying to use an exception to skip parts of the code here. Instead of getting caught by catcheE and resuming normal behavior all following actions in the mapM_ chain get skipped.
I looked at this question and it appears that catchE ~ main and checkMaybe ~ intercept.
I also checked the implementation of mapM_to be sure it does what i want it to, but i don't understand how the Left value can escape dlAsset to affect the behavior of mapM_.
I refactored this from a version where i simply used an empty string as an exception marker for the failed lookup. In that version checkMaybe just returned a Right value immediately and it worked (matching on "" to 'catch')
import Data.HashMap.Strict as HM hiding (map)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BSC8
import qualified JSONParser as P -- my module
retrieveAssets :: (Text -> Text) -> ExceptT Text IO ()
retrieveAssets withName = withManager $ (lift ((HM.keys . P.assets)
<$> P.raw) ) >>= mapM_ f
f = \x -> dlAsset x "0.1246" (withName x)
dlAsset :: Text -> Text -> Text -> ReaderT Manager (ExceptT Text IO) ()
dlAsset name size dest = do
req <- lift $ (P.assetLookup name size <$> P.raw) >>= checkMaybe
name >>= parseUrl . unpack -- lookup of a url
res <- httpLbs req
lift $ (liftIO $ BS.writeFile (unpack dest) $ responseBody res)
`catchE` (\_ -> return ()) -- always a Right value?
checkMaybe name a = case a of
Nothing -> ExceptT $ fmap Left $ do
BSC8.appendFile "./resources/images/missingFiles.txt" $
BSC8.pack $ (unpack name) ++ "\n"
putStrLn $ "lookup of " ++ (unpack name) ++ " failed"
return name
Just x -> lift $ pure x
(had to reformat to become somewhat readable here)
edit: i'd like to understand what actually happens here, that would probably help me more than knowing which part of the code is wrong.
The problem is that your call to catchE only covered the very last line of dlAsset. It needs to be moved to the left of the do-notation indentation level to cover all of the do notation.

Converting IO [FilePath] to String or Bytestream

I'm working on this project to get feet wet with Haskell and struggling with finding simple examples.
In this instance, I would like to have a web request handler for Snap, which returns a list of files in a directory.
I believe I'm trying to get the return of getDirectoryContents into a Bytestring which Snap wants.
I am most confused about what to do with the return value I get at the line filenames <- getDirectoryContents "data" below:
import Control.Applicative
import Snap.Core
import Snap.Util.FileServe
import Snap.Http.Server
import System.Directory (getDirectoryContents)
main :: IO ()
main = quickHttpServe site
site :: Snap ()
site =
ifTop (writeBS "hello world") <|>
route [ ("foo", writeBS "bar")
, ("echo/:echoparam", echoHandler)
, ("view_root_json_files", listRootFilesHandler)
] <|>
dir "static" (serveDirectory ".")
echoHandler :: Snap ()
echoHandler = do
param <- getParam "echoparam"
maybe (writeBS "must specify echo/param in URL")
writeBS param
listRootFilesHandler :: Snap ()
listRootFilesHandler = do
-- read all filenames in /data folders
filenames <- getDirectoryContents "data"
writeText filenames
Since you want to use writeText, you need to convert [FilePath] to Text. Luckily, Text is an instance of Monoid, and a list is a instance of Foldable, so we can simply use foldMap pack filenames to get a single text:
-- import Data.Foldable (foldMap)
-- import Data.Text (pack, Text)
toText :: [FilePath] -> Text
toText = foldMap pack
Note that you'll need to use liftIO to actually use a IO a in Snap b, since Snap is an instance of MonadIO:
listRootFilesHandler :: Snap ()
listRootFilesHandler = do
filenames <- liftIO $ getDirectoryContents "data"
writeText $ toText filenames
If you want to add a newline (or <br/>) after each FilePath, add flip snoc '\n':
toText = foldMap (flip snoc '\n' . pack)
-- toText = foldMap (flip append (pack "<br/>") . pack)
You can't "convert" an IO action to a string. Of course not, it's a completely different thing, conceptually. What you can do is extract / "focus" a value in a monad, such as IO. That's what the val <- action syntax in a do block is used for, you have that quite correct.
The only problem with your current implementation is that you have an IO-monad action, but want to execute it in the Snap monad. Well, actually Snap is deep down the IO monad, with a whole lot of extra stuff attached via monad transformers. But you can always use Snap as if it were IO. That's true for a whole bunch of monads (all that are created by stacking transformers on IO), so there's a dedicated class for "monads that can do IO".
listRootFilesHandler = do
-- read all filenames in /data folders
filenames <- liftIO $ getDirectoryContents "data"
The other, rather easier thing is flattening a [FilePath] list to a single string. I suppose you know how to do that.

simple rss downloader in haskell

Yesterday i tried to write a simple rss downloader in Haskell wtih hte help of the Network.HTTP and Feed libraries. I want to download the link from the rss item and name the downloaded file after the title of the item.
Here is my short code:
import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative
import Network.HTTP
import Text.Feed.Import
import Text.Feed.Query
import Text.Feed.Types
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Network.URI (parseURI, uriToString)
getTitleAndUrl :: Item -> (Maybe String, Maybe String)
getTitleAndUrl item = (getItemTitle item, getItemLink item)
downloadUri :: (String,String) -> IO ()
downloadUri (title,link) = do
file <- get link
B.writeFile title file
get url = let uri = case parseURI url of
Nothing -> error $ "invalid uri" ++ url
Just u -> u in
simpleHTTP (defaultGETRequest_ uri) >>= getResponseBody
getTuples :: IO (Maybe [(Maybe String, Maybe String)])
getTuples = fmap (map getTitleAndUrl) <$> fmap (feedItems) <$> parseFeedString <$> (simpleHTTP (getRequest "http://index.hu/24ora/rss/") >>= getResponseBody)
I reached a state where i got a list which contains tuples, which contains name and the corresponding link. And i have a downloadUri function which properly downloads the given link to a file which has the name of the rss item title.
I already tried to modify downloadUri to work on (Maybe String,Maybe String) with fmap- ing on get and writeFile but failed with it horribly.
How can i apply my downloadUri function to the result of the getTuples function. I want to implement the following main function
main :: IO ()
main = some magic incantation donwloadUri more incantation getTuples
The character encoding of the result of getItemTitle broken, it puts code points in the places of the accented characters. The feed is utf8 encoded, and i thought that all haskell string manipulation functions are defaulted to utf8. How can i fix this?
Thanks for you help, i implemented successfully my main and helper functions. Here comes the code:
downloadUri :: (Maybe String,Maybe String) -> IO ()
downloadUri (Just title,Just link) = do
item <- get link
B.writeFile title item
get url = let uri = case parseURI url of
Nothing -> error $ "invalid uri" ++ url
Just u -> u in
simpleHTTP (defaultGETRequest_ uri) >>= getResponseBody
downloadUri _ = print "Somewhere something went Nothing"
getTuples :: IO (Maybe [(Maybe String, Maybe String)])
getTuples = fmap (map getTitleAndUrl) <$> fmap (feedItems) <$> parseFeedString <$> decodeString <$> (simpleHTTP (getRequest "http://index.hu/24ora/rss/") >>= getResponseBody)
downloadAllItems :: Maybe [(Maybe String, Maybe String)] -> IO ()
downloadAllItems (Just feedlist) = mapM_ downloadUri $ feedlist
downloadAllItems _ = error "feed does not get parsed"
main = getTuples >>= downloadAllItems
The character encoding issue has been partially solved, i put decodeString before the feed parsing, so the files get named properly. But if i want to print it out, the issue still happens. Minimal working example:
main = getTuples
It sounds like it's the Maybes that are giving you trouble. There are many ways to deal with Maybe values, and some useful library functions like fromMaybe and fromJust. However, the simplest way is to do pattern matching on the Maybe value. We can tweak your downloadUri function to work with the Maybe values. Here's an example:
downloadUri :: (Maybe String, Maybe String) -> IO ()
downloadUri (Just title, Just link) = do
file <- get link
B.writeFile title file
get url = let uri = case parseURI url of
Nothing -> error $ "invalid uri" ++ url
Just u -> u in
simpleHTTP (defaultGETRequest_ uri) >>= getResponseBody
downloadUri _ = error "One of my parameters was Nothing".
Or maybe you can let the title default to blank, in which case you could insert this just before the last line in the previous example:
downloadUri (Nothing, Just link) = downloadUri (Just "", Just link)
Now the only Maybe you need to work with is the outer one, applied to the array of tuples. Again, we can pattern match. It might be clearest to write a helper function like this:
downloadAllItems (Just ts) = ??? -- hint: try a `mapM`
downloadAllItems Nothing = ??? -- don't do anything, or report an error, or...
As for your encoding issue, my guesses are:
You're reading the information from a file that isn't UTF-8 encoded, or your system doesn't realise that it's UTF-8 encoded.
You are reading the information correctly, but it gets messed up when you output it.
In order to help you with this problem, I need to see a full code example, which shows how you're reading the information and how you output it.
Your main could be something like the shown below. There may be some more concise way to compose these two operations though:
main :: IO ()
main = getTuples >>= process
process (Just lst) = foldl (\s v -> do {t <- s; download v}) (return ()) lst
process Nothing = return ()
download (Just t, Just l) = downloadUri (t,l)
download _ = return ()

How to create a Database Monad Stack in Happstack?

I want to create a Happstack application with lots of access to a database. I think that a Monad Stack with IO at the bottom and a Database Write-like monad on top (with log writer in the middle) will work to have a clear functions in each access, example:
itemsRequest :: ServerConfig -> ServerPart Response
itemsRequest cf = dir "items" $ do
methodM [GET,HEAD]
liftIO $ noticeM (scLogger cf) "sended job list"
items <- runDBMonad (scDBConnString cf) $ getItemLists
case items of
(Right xs) -> ok $ toResponse $ show xs
(Left err) -> internalServerError $ toResponse $ show err
getItemList :: MyDBMonad (Error [Item])
getItemList = do
-- etc...
But I have little knowledge of Monad and Monad Transformers (I see this question as an exercise to learn about it), and I have no idea how to begin the creation of Database Monad, how to lift the IO from happstack to the Database Stack,...etc.
Here is some minimal working code compiled from snippets above for confused newbies like me.
You put stuff into AppConfig type and grab it with ask inside your response makers.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where
import Happstack.Server
import Control.Monad.Reader
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C
myApp :: AppMonad Response
myApp = do
-- access app config. look mom, no lift!
test <- ask
-- try some happstack funs. no lift either.
rq <- askRq
bs <- lookBS "lol"
-- test IO please ignore
liftIO . print $ test
liftIO . print $ rq
liftIO . print $ bs
-- bye
ok $ toResponse ("Oh, hi!" :: C.ByteString)
-- Put your stuff here.
data AppConfig = AppConfig { appSpam :: C.ByteString
, appEggs :: [C.ByteString] } deriving (Eq, Show)
config = AppConfig "THIS. IS. SPAAAAAM!!1" []
type AppMonad = ReaderT AppConfig (ServerPartT IO)
main = simpleHTTP (nullConf {port=8001}) $ runReaderT myApp config {appEggs=["red", "gold", "green"]}
You likely want to use 'ReaderT':
type MyMonad a = ReaderT DbHandle ServerPart a
The Reader monad transformer makes a single value accessible using the ask function - in this case, the value we want everyone to get at is the database connection.
Here, DbHandle is some connection to your database.
Because 'ReaderT' is already an instance of all of the happstack-server type-classes all normal happstack-server functions will work in this monad.
You probably also want some sort of helper to open and close the database connection:
runMyMonad :: String -> MyMonad a -> ServerPart a
runMyMonad connectionString m = do
db <- liftIO $ connect_to_your_db connectionString
result <- runReaderT m db
liftIO $ close_your_db_connection db
(It might be better to use a function like 'bracket' here, but I don't know that there is such an operation for the ServerPart monad)
I don't know how you want to do logging - how do you plan to interact with your log-file? Something like:
type MyMonad a = ReaderT (DbHandle, LogHandle) ServerPart a
and then:
askDb :: MyMonad DbHandle
askDb = fst <$> ask
askLogger :: MyMonad LogHandle
askLogger = snd <$> ask
might be enough. You could then build on those primitives to make higher-level functions. You would also need to change runMyMonad to be passed in a LogHandle, whatever that is.
Once you get more than two things you want access to it pays to have a proper record type instead of a tuple.
