Xlsx or csv retrieve in Matlab - excel

I have points data in .xlsx and I want to read and store them in p array in Matlab. These points are only 3D co-ordinates of x,y,z such that having understood three columns and not prdfined rows. How I can retrieve them from .xlsx or .csv if I need fast retrieval as I tried to retrieve .xlsx and its response time is slow and returns an empty array. Possibly store them in transposed form and transpose it back.
My Code: .Xls read
A = xlsread('data.xlsx')
A =
My Code: .CSV read
M = csvread('data.csv')
Error using dlmread (line 139)
Mismatch between file and format string.
Trouble reading number from file (row 2u, field 1u) ==> ;\n
Error in csvread (line 48)
m=dlmread(filename, ',', r, c);
Points Set 1:
-191.2442 187.7193 1.0000;
-155.2995 152.6316 2.0000;
-182.0276 104.6784 3.0000;
-148.8479 84.7953 4.0000;
Points Set 2:
-142.3963 83.6257 5.0000;
-102.7650 133.9181 6.0000;
-56.6820 164.3275 7.0000;
-30.8756 124.5614 8.0000;
-23.5023 118.7135 7.0000;
-9.6774 110.5263 6.0000;
26.2673 90.6433 5.0000;
-42.8571 -6.4327 4.0000;
10.5991 7.6023 3.0000;
Points Set 3:
-73.2719 84.7953 9.0000;
-137.7880 15.7895 10.0000;
-92.6267 -30.9942 9.0000;
-42.8571 19.2982 8.0000;
41.0138 -15.7895 4.0000;
71.4286 -41.5205 6.0000;
90.7834 -14.6199 5.0000;

See if this slightly twisted one using importdata works for you -
C1 = importdata(file1) %%// file1 is your CSV filename
t1 = regexp(C1,'\s','Split')
t2 = horzcat(t1{:})
t2 = strrep(t2,';','')
M = cellfun(#str2num,reshape(t2(~strcmp(t2,'')),3,[])')
Edit 1: This case assumes you have a CSV file that has all the Point Sets clustered together but one by one (without spaces between the Point Sets and their data and also between the end of a Point Set and the declaration of the arrival of the next Point Set).
So, the input CSV file would look like this for the given data in the question -
Points Set 1:
-191.2442 187.7193 1.0000;
-155.2995 152.6316 2.0000;
-182.0276 104.6784 3.0000;
-148.8479 84.7953 4.0000;
Points Set 2:
-142.3963 83.6257 5.0000;
-102.7650 133.9181 6.0000;
-56.6820 164.3275 7.0000;
-30.8756 124.5614 8.0000;
-23.5023 118.7135 7.0000;
-9.6774 110.5263 6.0000;
26.2673 90.6433 5.0000;
-42.8571 -6.4327 4.0000;
10.5991 7.6023 3.0000;
Points Set 3:
-73.2719 84.7953 9.0000;
-137.7880 15.7895 10.0000;
-92.6267 -30.9942 9.0000;
-42.8571 19.2982 8.0000;
41.0138 -15.7895 4.0000;
71.4286 -41.5205 6.0000;
90.7834 -14.6199 5.0000;
Please note that the result from the codes would be a struct of arrays.
C1 = importdata(file1) %%// file1 is your CSV filename
ind1 = cellfun(#isempty,strfind(C1,'Points'))
start_ind = find(~ind1)+1
s1 = find(~ind1)-1;
stop_ind = [s1(2:end) ; numel(ind1)]
for k = 1:numel(start_ind)
data1 = C1(start_ind(k):stop_ind(k))
t1 = regexp(data1,'\s','Split')
t2 = strrep(horzcat(t1{:}),';','')
t2 = t2(~strcmp(t2,''))
array(k).data = cellfun(#str2num,reshape(t2,3,[])'); %%//'

You are using the row separator ;\n (semicolon + new line). I don't know any function understand this format. Using texstscan is probably the best option:


How to save data in excel file MATLAB?

I want to save pitch,yaw and roll data in excel file for all frames. Eg: if i have 200 frames then i want to save 200 frames information in excel file. I have tried but my code only stores one frame data.exceldata
mov=VideoReader('7_a.avi'); %Read video file and create an object
for k=1:c
a = read(mov, k);
disp(['Detecting Face in ']);
faceDetector = vision.CascadeObjectDetector(); % detect face in an image
bbox = step(faceDetector, img); %create boundary box around face
test_init_shape = InitShape(bbox,refShape); %initialize facial points in variable
test_init_shape = reshape(test_init_shape,49,2);
if size(img,3) == 3
test_input_image = im2double(rgb2gray(img));
test_input_image = im2double((img));
test_points = Fitting(test_input_image,test_init_shape,RegMat,MaxIter);
imshow(test_image);hold on;
% % Compute 3D Head Pose
[pitch,yaw,roll] = ComputePose(PDM_49,test_shape(:));
header = {'Pitch', 'yaw ','roll'};
new_data = num2cell([pitch(:), yaw(:), roll(:)]);
output = [header; new_data];
title([num2str(i),' : Pitch = ',num2str(pitch),' ; Yaw = ',num2str(yaw),' ; Roll = ',num2str(roll)]);
set(gcf,'units','normalized','outerposition',[0 0 1 1]);
close all;
As #excaza stated, you will need to move the xlswrite command out of your loop or specify the cells you are writing. Please see the xlswrite Doc for more information. The correct syntax would be :
The following is the example they provide:
filename = 'testdata.xlsx';
A = {'Time','Temperature'; 12,98; 13,99; 14,97};
sheet = 2;
xlRange = 'E1';
You will just need to provide xlswrite the address to start writing data.

History of previously opened m-files in MATLAB

Is anyway to find history of previously opened m-files in MATLAB R2014b from 2 or 3 months ago? (a list of name of files and paths)
Matlab R2014b stores its recent files in:
It's a .xml file so it's easy to load and parse with xmlread. I'm not very familiar with xml parsing syntax, but here is how to get information about files (to be adapted to your needs of course):
function [recentFiles] = GetRecentFiles()
% Opens editor's state file
filepart = sprintf('MathWorks\\MATLAB\\R%s\\%s', version('-release'), 'MATLAB_Editor_State.xml');
filename = fullfile(getenv('APPDATA'), filepart);
document = xmlread(filename);
% Get information about 'File' nodes
recentFiles = struct([]);
fileNodes = document.getElementsByTagName('File');
for fni = 1:(fileNodes.getLength())
attributes = fileNodes.item(fni-1).getAttributes(); % Careful, zero based indexing !
for ai = 1:(attributes.getLength())
% Get node attribute
name = char(attributes.item(ai-1).getName()); % Zero based + need marshaling COM 'string' type
value = char(attributes.item(ai-1).getValue()); % Zero based + need marshaling COM 'string' type
% Save in structure
name(1) = upper(name(1)); % Just because I prefer capital letter for field names ...
recentFiles(fni).(name) = value;
This returns a structure like this:
recentFiles =
1x43 struct array with fields:
NB: I've tried to type in matlab command window matlab.desktop.editor.*, but seems there's nothing regarding recent files (anyway there are a lot of interesting things to manipulate the editor from the command line)
Last answer waIs really helpful. I've just modified it to read and open the recent tab files. This works on Matlab R2013a:
function [recentFiles] = recover_tabs()
% Opens editor's state file
filepart = sprintf('MathWorks\\MATLAB\\R%s\\%s', version('-release'), 'MATLAB_Editor_State.xml');
filename = fullfile(getenv('APPDATA'), filepart);
document = xmlread(filename);
% Get information about 'File' nodes
recentFiles = struct([]);
fileNodes = document.getElementsByTagName('File');
for fni = 1:(fileNodes.getLength())
attributes = fileNodes.item(fni-1).getAttributes(); % Careful, zero based indexing !
for ai = 1:(attributes.getLength())
% Get node attribute
name = char(attributes.item(ai-1).getName()); % Zero based + need marshaling COM 'string' type
value = char(attributes.item(ai-1).getValue()); % Zero based + need marshaling COM 'string' type
% Save in structure
name(1) = upper(name(1)); % Just because I prefer capital letter for field names ...
recentFiles(fni).(name) = value;
% loop to access files in the tab history
for j=1:length(recentFiles)
arquivo = [recentFiles(j).AbsPath '\' recentFiles(j).Name];
% if exists, then open
if exist(arquivo, 'file') == 2
Base in the answer by CitizenInsane, but for any Matlab version.
To find the .xml file in any Matlab version, use prefdir:
>> prefdir
ans = '/Users/user/Library/Application Support/MathWorks/MATLAB/R2018a'
MATLAB_Editor_State.xml will be stored there. Therefore the fuction would be:
function [recentFiles] = GetRecentFiles()
% Opens editor's state file
filepart = sprintf([ prefdir '/MATLAB_Editor_State.xml']);
filename = fullfile(getenv('APPDATA'), filepart);
document = xmlread(filename);
% Get information about 'File' nodes
recentFiles = struct([]);
fileNodes = document.getElementsByTagName('File');
for fni = 1:(fileNodes.getLength())
attributes = fileNodes.item(fni-1).getAttributes(); % Careful, zero based indexing !
for ai = 1:(attributes.getLength())
% Get node attribute
name = char(attributes.item(ai-1).getName()); % Zero based + need marshaling COM 'string' type
value = char(attributes.item(ai-1).getValue()); % Zero based + need marshaling COM 'string' type
% Save in structure
name(1) = upper(name(1)); % Just because I prefer capital letter for field names ...
recentFiles(fni).(name) = value;
In R2018b you can increase the Most recently used file list in Preferences > Editor/Debugger. I like the methods above, but they do not work if you're working across machines (e.g., using Github). I coded a solution that uses the modified file date from the machine, instead of relying on MATLAB itself.

Read function coefficients from file

Say I have the following file:
I would like to have gnuplot plot 3 polynomials of the form ax^2 + bx +c, using the file values as coefficients. Performing this directly, I would do:
plot x**2+2*x+3, 4*x**2+5*x+6, 7*x**2+8*x+9
But I would like to do this programatically, for an arbitrary number of lines in the input file.
I think I might be close with code inspired by this answer:
n= "`awk 'END {print NR}' < test.dat`"
while i<n{
plot 'test.dat' every ::i::i using f($1,$2,$3,x)
But this fails with undefined variable: x
I've had the same problem for ages and finally I managed to find a solution.
It requires a creative use of the stats function to assign the values from the file to the variables and a couple of do for [...] loops to store some commands in a temp file
filename = "InputFileName.dat"
stats filename nooutput
nlines = STATS_records-1
set print "temp.gnuplot"
do for [i=0:nlines] {\
print sprintf("stats filename every ::%i::%i using (a%i=$1,b%i=$2,c%i=$3,0):(0) nooutput",i,i,i,i,i)}
set print
load "temp.gnuplot"
set print "temp.gnuplot"
do for [i=1:nlines] {print sprintf("replot a%i*x**2 + b%i*x + c%i",i,i,i)}
plot a0*x**2 + b0*x +c0
load "temp.gnuplot"
set print
Change the filename variable as you need. You can remove the temp file once you are finished with a system call like this ! rm temp.gnuplot.
I know is not particularly elegant and I especially don't like the use of a temp file, if somebody knows how to execute a string variable I'd be happy to know. But hey, it works (even under Windows)!
Edit: forgot to credit thse for the input.
It's an old thread but thanks to the previous answer, I can propose an upgraded version using strings instead of a temp file. That one, there is no need to bother deleting the useless temp file afterwards.
filename = "InputFileName.dat"
stats filename nooutput
nlines = STATS_records-1
paramstr(N) = sprintf("stats filename every ::%i::%i using (a%i=$1,b%i=$2,c%i=$3,0):(0) nooutput",N,N,N,N,N)
do for [i=0:nlines] {
plotstr = "p "
do for [i=0:nlines] {
plotstr = plotstr . sprintf("a%i*x**2 + b%i*x + c%i%s",i,i,i,(i == nlines) ? "" : ", ")
Maybe that some set xrange and set yrange tuning will be necessary to look at what you are interested in though.
This question is similar to Plotting a function directly from a text file, however, with more parameters and in several lines.
At the time of OP's question there were no arrays in gnuplot, but you can simply store your values in a string and address them via some functions using word() and real(), check help word and help real).
There is no need for awk (as in the link), no temporary files (solution of #Joseph D'Arimathea) and no extra loops or eval() (solution of #afagot).
Data: SO26680694.dat
Script: (works with gnuplot 4.6.0, March 2012)
### extract multiple parameters from a datafile
FILE = "SO26680694.dat"
set datafile separator ','
myParams = ''
stats FILE u (myParams = myParams.sprintf(' %g %g %g', $1, $2, $3),0) nooutput
myParam(s,i) = real(word(myParams,(s-1)*3+i))
a(s) = myParam(s,1)
b(s) = myParam(s,2)
c(s) = myParam(s,3)
f(x,a,b,c) = a*x**2 + b*x + c
plot for [i=1:3] f(x,a(i),b(i),c(i)) title sprintf("%gx^2 + %gx + %g",a(i),b(i),c(i))
### end of script

Insert rows into Excel with MATLAB

The data in my Excel files is supposed to be contentious (index in the first column). But some data is missing in the file. For example, # 5, and 6 are missing between $ 4 and 7. My purpose are (1) identify the file with missing data and (2) if data is missing insert rows to make it continuous. Can anyone tell me how to add in rows in the existing data? Using xlswrite I can only add in rows at the end of the file or replace some rows.
I have another set of file in which the index is not so direct. The first 3 columns are described below (as shown in the Excel file):
Column 1:Year: 2003 (read as number in matlab)
Column 2:Date: 1-Sep (read as text in matlab)
Column 3:Time: 1:00 (1:00 read as number 0.04167 and 2:00 read as 0.0833, not sure how it works)
Then the way to tell if it is continuous will be quite complicate since there will be different years, months, and days. Could you give some hint on this?
Basically you need to read the entire data, preferably in raw(cell) format, add the missing rows(with respect to the indices) and write back.
Based on your question, this code might work -
% NOTE: We are assuming that the indexing starts with 1
% Read data from input excel file with missing indices
[num,txt,raw] = xlsread('input.xls');
% Error-checking
if (size(num,1)-num(end,1)~=0)
disp('At least one index is missing!');
% Expand data such that all indices are covered.
data1(:,1) = 1:num(end,1);
for k = 1:num(end,1)
data1(k,:)= raw(k1,:);
k1 = k1+1;
% Write data
In view of your new requirements, additional code is added next.
Please note few things about this code -
The code adds data for every year and not from a specific month, date and time to another specific month, date and time. If you wish to achieve that, please edit the associated
function - 'create_comp_sheet'.
It saves an intermediate file named - 'proper_base_data.xls', which maybe deleted at the end of the code.
INPUT_FILENAME = 'input.xls'; % Excel file that has some missing year,date and time info
OUTPUT_FILENAME = 'output.xls'; % Excel file that has data from the input file along with all the missing year,date and time info
%% Base data
proper_base_data = create_comp_sheet(start_year,end_year);
[num,txt,raw] = xlsread('proper_base_data.xls');
for row_ID = 1:size(num,1)
base_data(row_ID) = {strcat(num2str(cell2mat(raw(row_ID,1))),'-', cell2mat(raw(row_ID,2)),'-',num2str(round(24*cell2mat(raw(row_ID,3)))))};
%% Input data
[num,txt,raw] = xlsread(INPUT_FILENAME);
for row_ID = 1:size(num,1)
input_data(row_ID) = {strcat(num2str(cell2mat(raw(row_ID,1))),'-', cell2mat(raw(row_ID,2)),'-',num2str(round(24*cell2mat(raw(row_ID,3)))))};
%% Setup final data
final_data = num2cell(NaN(size(proper_base_data,1),size(raw,2)));
final_data(:,1:3) = proper_base_data;
for k1=1:size(input_data,1)
for k2=1:size(base_data,1)
if strcmp(cell2mat(base_data(k2)),cell2mat(input_data(k1)))
final_data(k2,4:end) = raw(k1,4:end);
%% Write final data to excel
Associated function -
function data1 = create_comp_sheet(start_year,end_year)
months_string = {'Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec'};
date_count = [31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31];
num_hours = 24;
for year_ID = start_year:end_year
for month_ID = 1:numel(months_string)
days_per_month = date_count(month_ID);
if rem(year_ID,4)==0 && month_ID ==2
days_per_month = days_per_month+1;
for date_ID = 1:days_per_month
year = repmat({num2str(year_ID)},[num_hours 1]);
date = repmat({strcat(num2str(date_ID),'-',char(months_string(month_ID)))},[num_hours 1]);
for k = 1:num_hours
time(k) = {strcat(num2str(k),':00')};
data1 = [data1 ; [year date time]];
Hope this saves all your troubles!

Writing data to excel files, MATLAB

I am using MatlabR2011a on my Windows 7 machine.
I have a folder of 635 text files. Each file contains multiple rows and 2 columns. I am trying to loop through the folder and read each file and write these values to excel. So far this is what I have:
close all; clc;
dirname = uigetdir;
Files = dir(fullfile(dirname,'*.txt'))
for k = 1:635
j =1
filename = fullfile(dirname,Files(k).name);
fid = fopen(filename);
x = fgetl(fid)
while ischar(x)
x = fgetl(fid)
a2 = strtrim(x);
a3 = textscan(a2,'%s');
a4 = a3{1}{1};
a5= a3{1}{2};
pos3 = strcat('A',num2str(j));
j = j+1;
It keeps giving me the following error after finishing reading the first file.
Error using ==> strtrim Input should be a string or a cell array of strings.
A sample input file looks like this:
15076 4636259
15707 4636299
15714 1781552
15721 4204950
15730 2174919
16209 4636510
16413 4758572
16470 4445808
17519 311397
17667 2116489
17739 1729694
18024 3210756
18627 3714194
18695 4192858
19141 632766
19318 1923574
19438 1255216
19493 4635020
19771 4770250
How can I fix this? Would appreciate help with this!
In the while loop, cut the line
...and paste it before the end statement right after j=j+1.
The error occurs because you get a line before the while statement, then you use the while statement to test validity of the string (all fine so far), but then immediately get the subsequent line before you perform your string operation. The call to fgetl at the start of the while block could return an EOF, causing subsequent string manipulation functions to fail.
Also... The code would be more robust if you set your for loop like so
for k=1:numel(Files)
Since all your data are numeric this should work. Give it a try.
dirname = uigetdir;
Files = dir(fullfile(dirname,'*.txt'))
j =0;
for k = 1:numel(Files)
filename = fullfile(dirname,Files(k).name);
x = dlmread(filename,'\t'); %# I assume tab-delimiter
j = j + size(x, 1);
xlswrite( 'sample_output', x, 'Sheet1',sprintf('A%d',j) )
