mutex destroyed while busy - multithreading

There is a singleton object of EventHandler class to receive events from the mainthread. It registers the input to a vector and creates a thread that runs a lambda function that waits for some time before deleting the input from the vector to prevent repeated execution of the event for this input for some time.
But I'm getting mutex destroyed while busy error. I'm not sure where it happened and how it happened. I am not even sure what it meant either because it shouldn't be de-constructed ever as a singleton object. Some help would be appreciated.
class EventHandler{
std::mutex simpleLock;
std::vector<UInt32> stuff;
void RegisterBlock(UInt32 input){
std::thread removalCallBack([&](UInt32 input){
auto it = Find(stuff, input);
if (it != stuff.end())
}, input)
virtual EventResult ReceiveEvent(UInt32 input){
if (Find(stuff, input) != stuff.end()){

What is happening is that a thread is created
std::thread removalCallBack([&](UInt32 input){
And then since removalCallBack is a local variable to the function RegisterBlock, when the function exits, the destructor for removalCallBack gets called which invokes std::terminate()
Documentation for thread destructor
~thread(); (since C++11)
Destroys the thread object. If *this still has an associated running thread (i.e. joinable() == true), std::terminate() is called.
but depending on timing, simpleLock is still owned by the thread (is busy) when the thread exits which according to the spec leads to undefined behavior, in your case the destroyed while busy error.
To avoid this error, you should either allow the thread to exist after the function exits (e.g. not make it a local variable) or block until the thread exits before the function exits using thread::join
Dealing with cleaning up after threads can be tricky especially if they are essentially used as different programs occupying the same address space, and in those cases many times a manager thread just like you thought of is created whose only job is to reclaim thread related resources. Your situation is a little easier because of the simplicity of the work done in the thread created by removalCallBack, but there still is cleanup to do.
If the thread object is going to be created by new, then although system resources used by the system thread the C++ thread object represents will get cleaned up, but the memory the object uses will remain allocated until delete is called.
Also, consider if the program exits while there are threads running, then the threads will be terminated, but if there is a mutex locked when that happens, once again there will be undefined behavior.
What is usually done to guarantee that a thread is no longer running is to join with it, but though this doesn't say, the pthread_join man page states
Once a thread has been detached, it can't be joined with pthread_join(3) or be made joinable again.


Calling the instance to the thread inside that same thread

I have a cmd application in java which is written to work in peer-to-peer mode in different servers. Once a server starts, all other instances must stop. So I have written a piece of code that runs in a low priority thread and monitors an AtomicBoolean value autoClose, and whenever autoClose is set to true, thread will close application. (P.S.: I don't want to manually add close because the application has 2 main high priority threads and many temporary normal priority threads).
Here is the code:
* Watches autoClose boolean value and closes the connector once it is true
* <p>
* This is a very low priority thread which continuously monitors autoClose
protected void watchAndClose() {
Thread watchAutoClose = new Thread(() -> {
while (true) {
if (autoClose.get()) {
// wait till closing is successful
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ignored) {
// I want instance of thread watchAutoClose so I can call this
// watchAutoClose.interrupt();
if (!component.getStatus()) setAutoClose(false);
SonarLint says I can't leave InterruptedException part empty. I have to either throw it again or call thatThread.interrupt().
So how can I do this? I want an instance of thread watchAutoClose inside that thread so I can call watchAutoClose.interrupt(). I tried Thread.currentThread() but I fear with that many threads, the currently executing thread wouldn't be this thread. (i.e, there is a possibility of JVM can choose to switch to another thread by the time it is inside the catch clause and calls Thread.currentThread() so at that time current thread would be the other one and I would interrupt that other thread... correct me if I am too worrying or my concept is totally wrong.)
Or should I ignore the warning altogether and leave catch block?
First of all, it’s not clear why you think that waiting for a second was necessary at all. By the time, the close() method returns, the close() method has been completed. On the other hand, if close() truly triggers some asynchronous action, there is no guaranty that waiting one second will be sufficient for its completion.
Further, addressing your literal question, Thread.currentThread() always return the calling thread’s instance. It’s impossible for a thread to execute that method without being in the running state. When a task switch happens, the thread can’t read the reference at all, until it gets CPU time again. Besides that, since the specification says that this method returns the Thread instance representing the caller, the environment has to ensure this property, regardless of how it implements it. It works even when multiple threads call this method truly at the same time, on different CPU cores.
So, regardless of how questionable the approach of waiting a second is, handling interruption like
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ignored) {
is a valid approach.
But you may also replace this code with
The parkNanos method will return silently on interruption, leaving the calling thread in the interrupted state. So it has the same effect as catching the InterruptedException and restoring the interrupted state, but is simpler and potentially more efficient as no exception needs to be constructed, thrown, and caught.
Another point is that you are creating a polling loop on the atomic variable consuming CPU cycles when the variable is false, which is discouraged, even when you give the thread a low priority.

How to close thread winapi

what is the rigth way to close Thread in Winapi, threads don't use common resources.
I am creating threads with CreateThread , but I don't know how to close it correctly in ,because someone suggest to use TerminateThread , others ExitThread , but what is the correct way to close it .
Also where should I call closing function in WM_CLOSE or WM_DESTROY ?
Thx in advance .
The "nicest" way to close a thread in Windows is by "telling" the thread to shutdown via some thread-safe signaling mechanism, then simply letting it reach its demise its own, potentially waiting for it to do so via one of the WaitForXXXX functions if completion detection is needed (which is frequently the case). Something like:
Main thread:
// some global event all threads can reach
ghStopEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
// create the child thread
hThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, ThreadProc, NULL, 0, NULL);
// ... continue other work.
// tell thread to stop
// now wait for thread to signal termination
WaitForSingleObject(hThread, INFINITE);
// important. close handles when no longer needed
Child thread:
// do threaded work
while (WaitForSingleObject(ghStopEvent, 1) == WAIT_TIMEOUT)
// do thread busy work
return 0;
Obviously things can get a lot more complicated once you start putting it in practice. If by "common" resources you mean something like the ghStopEvent in the prior example, it becomes considerably more difficult. Terminating a child thread via TerminateThread is strongly discouraged because there is no logical cleanup performed at all. The warnings specified in the `TerminateThread documentation are self-explanatory, and should be heeded. With great power comes....
Finally, even the called thread invoking ExitThread is not required explicitly by you, and though you can do so, I strongly advise against it in C++ programs. It is called for you once the thread procedure logically returns from the ThreadProc. I prefer the model above simply because it is dead-easy to implement and supports full RAII of C++ object cleanup, which neither ExitThread nor TerminateThread provide. For example, the ExitThread documentation : C++ code, the thread is exited before any destructors can be called
or any other automatic cleanup can be performed. Therefore, in C++
code, you should return from your thread function.
Anyway, start simple. Get a handle on things with super-simple examples, then work your way up from there. There are a ton of multi-threaded examples on the web, Learn from the good ones and challenge yourself to identify the bad ones.
Best of luck.
So you need to figure out what sort of behaviour you need to have.
Following is a simple description of the methods taken from documentation:
"TerminateThread is a dangerous function that should only be used in the most extreme cases. You should call TerminateThread only if you know exactly what the target thread is doing, and you control all of the code that the target thread could possibly be running at the time of the termination. For example, TerminateThread can result in the following problems:
If the target thread owns a critical section, the critical section will not be released.
If the target thread is allocating memory from the heap, the heap lock will not be released.
If the target thread is executing certain kernel32 calls when it is terminated, the kernel32 state for the thread's process could be inconsistent.
If the target thread is manipulating the global state of a shared DLL, the state of the DLL could be destroyed, affecting other users of the DLL."
So if you need your thread to terminate at any cost, call this method.
About ExitThread, this is more graceful. By calling ExitThread, you're telling to windows you're done with that calling thread, so the rest of the code isn't going to get called. It's a bit like calling exit(0).
"ExitThread is the preferred method of exiting a thread. When this function is called (either explicitly or by returning from a thread procedure), the current thread's stack is deallocated, all pending I/O initiated by the thread is canceled, and the thread terminates. If the thread is the last thread in the process when this function is called, the thread's process is also terminated."

Is there any meaning to call pthread_detach(th) after calling pthread_join(th,NULL) ?

I found a piece of strange code in a open source software
for (i=0; i<store->scan_threads; i++) {
pthread_join(thread_ids[i], NULL);
Is there any meaning to call pthread_detach ?
That stanza is silly and unsafe.
Design-wise, the detach is unnecessary — the join completion already means that the thread is completely finished. There's nothing to detach. (The code in question simply spawns threads with default joinability.)
Implementation-wise, the detach is unsafe. A thread ID may be recycled as soon as the thread is finished — oops, didn't mean to detach that other thread! Worse, the ID is not guaranteed to be meaningful at all after the call to join returns — SEGV?
In this code (considering that this code is from main thread.... )
pthread_join(thread_ids[i], NULL);
this will wait the main thread to return thread with thread id "thread_ids[i]", and if main thread is doing some more work then
will release the resource used by the thread (with thread id "thread_ids[i]).

System::Threading::Mutex, called from unsynchronized block of code. Unexpected deadlock

In an attempt to rid my GUI of race conditions and deadlocks I have the following function which I call from the c'tor and whenever I need the service which shares my named mutex to provide its input:
void EnvCapt::FireServiceAndOrHold() {
try {
Thread::Sleep(100); //Time enough for the service to complete.
if (!mutTimerSyncEx->WaitOne(3 * int_ms)) {//int_ms = the polling period
//Must've been doubly locked or worse.
} catch (Exception ^ ex) {
//Released unheld mutex. Retake control.
This works relatively well but I am calling this before letting the service now I am ready to accept input so it never attempts to wait for me to release the mutex for it. Before I attempt to re-order things I would like to know what is going wrong with the above function. The error I get is:
Object synchronization method was called from an unsynchronized block of code.
Because calling release on a mutex that hasn't been WaitOne'd will throw I catch that, knowing I am free to take ownership of it and continue. But I am wrong. It hangs forever on the WaitOne() statement. I know what the other process is doing all this time because it is trapped in my second debugger window. It is not touching the mutex.
I've attempted the reordering I first suggested, this seemed good but now I find that the mutex is only sort of Global, despite having a Global\name.
It is shared because when my GUI c'tor's it firstInstance is false, hence I attempt to take control of it.
It is not shared because when the GUI calls WaitOne() on it the GUI blocks indefinitely. Whereas the service dances straight through its call to WaitOne() without a care in the world.
I just had an idea what might be going wrong for you there:
Hint: you cannot release a mutex on behalf of the other process! The other process will have to release the mutex if it holds it:
Process 1: Process 2:
============ =============
WaitOne (locks the mutex)
// do work WaitOne (awaits the mutex)
// do more work
// done
ReleaseMutex ------> WaitOne returns from the wait _with
the mutex locked_

When myThread.Start(...) is called, do we have the assurance that the thread is started?

When myThread.Start(...) is called, do we have the assurance that the thread is started? The MSDN documentation isn't really specific about that. It says that the status of is changed to Running.
I am asking because I've seen a couple of times the following code. It creates a thread, starts it and then loop until the status become Running. Is that necessary to loop?
Thread t = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(data));
while (t.ThreadState != System.Threading.ThreadState.Running &&
t.ThreadState != System.Threading.ThreadState.WaitSleepJoin)
If you're set on not allowing your loop to continue until the thread has "started", then it will depend on what exactly you mean by "started". Does that mean that the thread has been created by the OS and signaled to run, but not necessarily that it's done anything yet? Does that mean that it's executed one or more operations?
While it's likely fine, your loop isn't bulletproof, since it's theoretically possible that the entire thread executes between the time you call Start and when you check the ThreadState; it's also not a good idea to check the property directly twice.
If you want to stick with checking the state, something like this would/could be more reliable:
ThreadState state = t.ThreadState;
while(state != ThreadState.Runnung && state != ThreadState.WaitSleepJoin)
state = t.ThreadState;
However, this is still subject to the possibility of the thread starting, running, then stopping before you even get the chance to check. Yes, you could expand the scope of the if statement to include other states, but I would recommend using a WaitHandle to signal when the thread "starts".
ManualResetEvent signal;
void foo()
Thread t = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(ThreadMethod));
signal = new ManualResetEvent();
/* code to execute after the thread has "started" */
void ThreadMethod(object foo)
/* do your work */
You still have the possiblity of the thread ending before you check, but you're guaranteed to have that WaitHandle set once the thread starts. The call to WaitOne will block indefinitely until Set has been called on the WaitHandle.
Guess it depends on what you are doing after the loop. If whatever comes after it critically dependant on the thread running then checking is not a bad idea. Personnally I'd use a ManualResetEvent or something similiar that was set by the Thread rather than checking the ThreadStatus
No. Thread.Start causes a "thread to be scheduled for execution". It will start, but it may take a (short) period of time before the code within your delegate actually runs. In fact, the code above doesn't do what (I suspect) the author intended, either. Setting the thread's threadstate to ThreadState.Running (which does happen in Thread.Start) just makes sure it's scheduled to run -- but the ThreadState can be "Running" before the delegate is actually executing.
As John Bergess suggested, using a ManualResetEvent to notify the main thread that the thread is running is a much better option than sleeping and checking the thread's state.
