SharePoint 2013 "sorry, something went wrong" error - sharepoint

Every time I try to edit the homepage of a sub site, I get this error:
Sorry, something went wrong
An unexpected error has occurred.
Web Parts Maintenance Page: If you have permission, you can use this page to temporarily close Web Parts or remove personal settings. For more information, contact your site administrator.
Troubleshoot issues with Microsoft SharePoint Foundation.
Correlation ID: e600839c-9ba3-8086-3aaa-67ad6e8baef0
Date and Time: 4/1/2014 8:21:33 AM
I'm fairly new to SharePoint. If anyone could shed some light on this, it will be greatly appreciated.

This is a pretty generic error in SharePoint that can be caused by any number of things. You can take a look a the Web Parts Maintenance Page by adding "?content=1" to the URL of your page. If you recently added a web part to the page or some other customization, this will allow you to turn it off.
More than likely though, you will have to do some digging. Whenever you ih that page and get an error, you get a correlation id like in your example above. You can dig deep into the logs by finding them (typically in C:\program files\common files\microsoft shared\web server extensions\15\logs). Look for the most recent file and do a search it in and see if you can find that correlation id. If you can't find it you might try the previous log. When you find matching entries for the correlation id, you should get some idea to the component that is failing and causing your issues.

As odd as this sounds it worked to fix this for us.....
I had imported calendars from sharepoint 2003 to sharepoint 2013.
We had a reoccurring calendar appointment that would trigger in sharepoint 2013. The "Sorry, Something went wrong" Web Parts Maintenance Page: If you have permission you can use this page blah blah blah.... error would trigger for us on only the reoccurring appointments that were imported from SP 2003.
We deleted the reoccurring appointment in the SP2013 calendar and restored it from the settings - site contents - recyclebin (user who deletes must do the restore) and for some odd reason all the appointments were now opening and all content was still there.
Maybe this will help someone


Error when opening the Popularity Trends on a page in Sharepoint Online

Below is the error i get when opening the popularity trends on a wiki page in SharePoint Online, the same page works fine in SP 2010, and after migration thru Sharegate this error i am getting,
Is there any way to resolve or any feature to activate the same?
Sorry, something went wrong
An unexpected error has occurred.
Technical Details
Troubleshoot issues with Microsoft SharePoint Foundation.
Correlation ID: 8847f09d-c004-3000-012f-b702edef115c
I got the resolution for the same,
1. As popularity trends wasn't there in SP 2010, after migration though there is an option on the page (Default.aspx) it will not work
2. Also user has limited permission on the the page default.aspx and we cannot extend permission on this page as it coming from the root web.

Trying to Publish a Workflow From SharePoint Designer 2010 to SharePoint 2010

Let me start off by saying that I am not a SharePoint guru, nor an administrator for this site. I have enough rights to build my site. I have taken on the task of creating a site at work to make things better since it has gone through several people's hands and I take it as a challenge that I can do it.
So I have a workflow I created in SPD 2010 to send an email out based on an kickoff action in List A that references email addresses in List B since I am sending this email to people outside the organization. I have even tried to make a simple workflow to send an email to my name in the To: field and TEST in the Subject and Body. No Luck.
The issue lies in the fact that when I try to publish the workflow to the site, after checking for any errors (none I might add), I get back a "Workflow Error" that says "Errors were found when compiling the workflow. The workflow files were saved but cannot be run" and if I hit the Advanced button it says "Unexpected error on server associating the workflow."
I am looking to this forum to determine if this error is related in some way to an incorrect setting in the SharePoint Server that I don't know about, if it has anything to do with a lack of permissions from the overall SharePoint Server administrator to upload workflows or something else that I know nothing about.
I have asked the SharePoint administrator and he won't be able to get back to me until next week as he is at a conference, but I would like to try the workflow out and see if it works or I need to go back and work on it more.
If the consensus is I need more rights and I will have to wait until next week, is there a way to run the workflow in SPD or can I download my site as a sandbox and just play with it there?
Any and all help is gratefully appreciated.
For others who have this issue, it was a rights issue. The company did not install SPD as an admin, hence I could not create work flows.

SSRS DataSource Windows Authentication fails

I have a project which uses SharePoint lists as data sources to create the reports. I'm using Visual Studio 2013 for this.
I have this real annoying issue at this moment, ie. when I want to edit a dataset I created a while ago and I press 'Query Designer...' in the dataset properties to see all fields from my list I get an error which says that I am unauthorized.
My DataSource is configured to link to the SharePoint Site Url with Windows Credentials. I have also tried this out for multiple datasets on multiple reports but the error is everywhere.
Because of this I'm also not able to run my reports. They just say "An error occurred during local report processing.".
I have been working on this project since March and this is the first time this has occurred so I have no idea what might have gone wrong nor how to solve it.
Does anyone know what might cause this error and how to solve it please?
If you have any questions or remarks about my question/problem, please, don't hesitate to leave a comment.
Kind regards
I have just tried deploying a report that I finished last week and for the first time I got a prompt that asked for my credentials. I haven't even put my credentials anywhere in the project for past authorisation so I have no idea why the project would suddenly need it now...
I have just tried changing the DataSource credentials to my own login for the SharePoint Site. If I run the report I get the same error as before but when I go to Query Designer for one of the datasets I get following error:
I just restored a back-up I made a couple of weeks ago. I can now run my reports but I still get the Unauthorized error when I try to open a dataset's query designer and the prompt for my credentials when I try to deploy a report.
So, the solution has been found!
Apparently something has gone wrong with my PC and I had to reconfigure my user accounts.
To do this go to Control Panel -> User Accounts
Then click on 'Manage User Accounts'. Go to the 'Advanced' tab and click on 'Manage Passwords'
Next, go to 'Windows Credentials' and change the credentials for your site or recreate them.

sharepoint showing error after uploading a new webpart

I am new to Sharepoint and was playing with the webparts. I downloaded a zip file called LyteBoxForSharePoint and uploaded the webpart using add a web part function. Now I am getting errors. The good thing is, that it's only my dept page. The bad thing is I have no clue what happened. All other pages beside the dept landing page is working. So, I am guessing it's only the landing page that has the issue. Is there a way to find out what code was added or to revert to old code. The error I get is the following, and it keeps on changing every time I refresh the page.
An unexpected error has occurred.
Troubleshoot issues with Microsoft SharePoint Foundation.
Correlation ID: e8eca359-70f9-42d0-b41e-834fbe0fc910
Date and Time: 2/23/2012 2:47:39 PM
Could be anything, most common error in SharePoint is authentication errors where a web part is trying to reach content the logged in user cannot reach
You should check the logs, they are available in the directory C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\LOGS
Open the last modified log file and search for your Correlation ID, e8eca359-70f9-42d0-b41e-834fbe0fc910
When you find the errors there you will now and also be able to post something that we can use to help you.
Then there is always the webpart maintenance page: /_layouts/spcontnt.aspx?url=
first browse the page which is giving webpart error and copy the new correlation id and go to the log folder under 14 hive and open the latest log file and find the correlation id. it should give you the error details if logging is not disabled.
also you can go to the webpart manger on the page to revert the page to the previous state by adding contents=1 as query string and in this page you will get list of webparts with checkbox against each. select the faulty one and revert to previous version if any or delete it.
you can also use SPD2010 to remove the webpart with error. alternating powershell can be also used.
One way to check if the webpart is installed is to type ?contents=1 after your url. There is also stsadm -o preupgradecheck and unfortunitely stsadm has another command to list all webparts but I cannot think of it at this time

Sharepoint Designer 2010 won't display lists of libraries

Not quite sure what I've done to screw up SPD2010 (was working), but it displayed
Sharepoint Designer cannot display the item
What you can try:
Click refresh ... blah
Most likely causes
The file has been deleted from the site
The site is encountering problems
I can't see anything related in event viewer. I think is web service related as I think the queries are made via a WS?
In my case it wasn’t a solution. So, I made a backup of the site collection before to try anything. After a lot of time and different problems I figured out that some lists were causing the missreading. I tried one more time to get the lists in SharePoint Designer 2010 just to cause some entries in the log. After that I opened the log file and looked for something like: “Failed to determine the setup path of the list schema for feature {GUID}, list template XXX.”. With the GUID I looked for a match here.
With the feature name I used this blog:
With the feature re-installed I went to SPD and it worked like a charm.
I hope it helps someone else.
It appears this was caused by a "phantom" list definition. I experienced a number of other problems (some in SP some in SPD), all generating variations of this error;
The problem list definition was deployed and undeployed from VS2010, so I have no idea why it was still around! The Sharepoint UI wont allow you to remove it (errors as above), so the trick is to use the stsadm powershell command with forcedeletelist as detailed here
Hope this helps someone else !
