Sails.js - Get async data from an EJS file - node.js

Are there a good way to get async data from an EJS file?
Sails.js only have async methods to get data from a database.
I have a collection of Pages with their associated content Values. In some cases I want to get a specific Value from another Page (e.g.: in a related page module, a navigation module...). And I need to do that server side, to keep the front-end part SEO friendly.
The easier way should be to retrieve all the Pages and Values inside the controller, and then expose a function to my EJS to get the specific data I need. But I really don't want to retrieve each time all the data from a collection.
I'm working on a CMS so I would avoid creating a new controller/view for each specific cases that I will have.
It seems there is no good way to do that, so I reworked my controller to make it a bit more intelligent. It solve my problem for now.

Assuming I understand you correctly....
data is sent to the view by passing an object into the view funciton
return res.view({data: "important data"});
I'm guessing that you want to call a method for some specific data mid-render. Because having all the data ready on the res.view() call is too slow. As far as I know this is not possible. That would almost certainly be "blocking" code.
Best option I could recommend is to grab specific data using ajax on the client after page load. One of the best features of using sails :)


Flutter Search Delegate Architecture (code structure best practices)

I am relative new to flutter. I was wondering the proper approach in order to implement an AppBar search by using the Search Delegate in Flutter. I read various articles on how to do that. However, with dummy data (used in examples) and just no real world scenarios (code structure) there is no hustle.
My use case consists of
AppBar (home widget - where the search button exists)
One tab (other widget - having a service call to DB at init)
Another tab (other widget -having a service call to DB at init)
My issue is that I want the search to take place at the results lets say of the first tab. So somehow, I have to pass the values return from the service up to my Home widget and then to search Delegate .
I do not know which is the proper way to do that.
InheritedModel/ InheritedWidget ?
passing via the constructors from one widget to another (then I will have tight widget connections and I do not want that)
Some other way using services ?
if any other solution ?
I want the solution to be scalable (as much as possible), in order to make adjustments at near future or add new functionality.
Thanks in advance for your time.
I tried the InheritedModel/ InheritedWidget. For some reason, when I tried to access the data from the build method in Delegate I was receiving null object for inherited object. Probably, I was doing something wrong...I will keep trying...
Adding an image in order to clarify the problem with my app structure...
Do you already know this tutorial?
I think, it is exactly what you need. My App uses Data from the Cloud Firestore and the search function is implemented like the search function in this tutorial. It works very well.

ServiceStack Razor - How to Return Validation Errors to a Form?

I'm trying to figure out if it is possible to use ServiceStack Razor for old-fashioned server-side form validation.
By way of example: a GET to a url returns a razor template with a form. When the user POSTs the form, request DTO is validated and if there were errors, the user is shown the same form, with original values re-populated as and fields in error marked somehow. If, on the other hand the request DTO is valid, the service will redirect the user to another page.
Is that scenario possible?
If so, how would one go about implementing it? I presume I'll have to write certain filters or features for this to work, however I'm wondering what strategy will require minimum amount of coding.
(I understand javascript validation is possible, however my question is specifically whether it is possible to round-trip the form with server-side validation).
Take a look at ss-validation.js, it can be used to apply validation errors to your form based on ServiceStack's ResponseStatus.
So we write all our validation code server side using FluentValidation, then on round trip ss-validation reads ResponseStatus and applies markup.
Out of the box is assumes Bootstrap style validation, but it's fairly easy to modify to suit your needs, e.g. we amended to display inline icon tool tips instead of inline/block messages, and provide an error summary.
After a lot of spelunking of the ServiceStack codebase, it seems it is theoretically possible to achieve the desired scenario.
The code already contains ModelMetadata and ModelMetadataProviders classes, and some of the HTML helpers are ported from System.Web.Mvc.
Sadly, the classes are not fully wired, so I guess it will require solid amount of work to get everything working correctly as one would expect.

Generic gridview for Liferay portal

Hope you are doing fine.
This is my scenario.
I have multiple (20+) Liferay portlets that use grids/tables to display data.
Each portlet retrieves data based on a different criteria.
However, the grid is the same with some common functionalities such as filtering, pagination, data export etc.
Currently, each time we have to make a change in the grid style, I have to make the change in each of the 20+ portlets.
This is really inefficient and results in a lot of time wasted.
Hence, I was wondering whether it is possible to create a generic 'portlet' or 'composite' so that it can display data from multiple portlets?
To elaborate, the generic portlet/composite will contain the grid, filtering, pagination, export etc. features.
This generic portlet/composite will receive data from the various portlets and simply display it.
Hence, if I need to make any change in the grid style, making the change in only one place will suffice.
Has any one experienced such a scenario before?
Do you have any solution?
Thanks in advance for any help.
If you need only retrieve data by different criteria, have functionality like export data,print,pagination etc, you don't need 20+ different portlets you may use one portlet and have 20+ it instances, each would be configured like enable.export, enable.print, data.criteria and so on. Inside portlet your logic would build grid and data what you need.
If you really need Generic Portlet you may try to have all your 20+portlets in one .war. You'd simply include jsp's that are common within some portlets, extend controllers etc.
Even more... If you need to send data between portlets you may create javascript controllers that will send events each other, through Ajax get data and fill in your jsps(in that case you may use some templates). Please ask if something is unclear.
The best solution would be to use one portlet for retrieving all data, and generalise the data retrieving with one interface and different implementations - not with different port lets.
You can though try to use Liferay's Interportlet Communication facility to provide data from source portlets to target portlet -
But it has it's own caveats - you'd either have to submit data in browser using AJAX or JS events, or have to use JSR-286 (Portlets 2.0) events that work on server-side, but require one to trigger an action in order to make events occur (i.e. open portlet with action URL and not render URL). More on it here -

What's the best way to prevent multiple submission in XPages?

What's is the best way to prevent multiple submission when I'm using XPages?
For "classic web" solution is below.
How to Block Multiple Submissions of the Same Document from the Web
Using jQuery, the solution is below.
But I don't know the way in Xapges. How to prevent it in XPages or Dojo?
It is best not to apply such client-side techniques, because combined with an unreliable internet connection the user may find that the submission fails but be unable to retry.
A much more robust solution is to deduplicate on the server side, which can be done in a variety of ways; these are some that come to mind:
Define the semantics of your form contents so that it doesn't matter if you receive two requests (e.g. if it is updating a record, then a second update just changes nothing).
If you have seen the exact same submission before (compare all the relevant fields), ignore it.
Generate a serial number when you send the form to the client. Don't accept submissions that have a serial number you've seen before — or do something useful; for example, if it is a blog posting or comment form, then a second submission should be treated as an edit to the post created by the first submission.
You can prevent a submit by using XSP.addQuerySubmitListener and return false. This is not the easiest function to get working. So I suggest you take a look at the function in the book 'Xpages Portable Command Guide' or try my project multiple file uploader on OpenNTF. Download the project source code here.

Client id of elements changes in sharepoint page? Why? When?

Client id of every element from the sharepoint page changes sometimes.
Can anybody please tell me why and on which instance it changes???
jQuery is fantastic! It makes client-side development faster and
countless plug-ins are available for just about every need. Using
jQuery with Asp.NET Web-Forms gets aggravating when dealing with
nested server controls. ClientID’s get appended when using ASP.NET
Master Pages. Objects in JavaScript tend to look like this:
The difficulty of the issue above is that, in order to get the element txtName, It’s necessary to know the full “path”. It’s quite
aggravating to refer to get the object using the method below:
This becomes a big problem when developing server controls or web parts that may be used in a typical ASP.NET application or SharePoint.
You cannot hard-code the path above if you don’t know the full path of
the control.
Fortunately, there are a few ways to get around this. There are three, in particular, I will mention. The first is the jQuery
equivalent to the standard JavaScript method:
This can be done in jQuery by using:
The second jQuery method does not require server tags. This method searches through all tags and looks for an element ending with the
specified text. The jQuery code for this method is shown below:
There are, of course, drawbacks to both methods above. The first is fast, but requires server tags. It’s fast, but it just looks messy.
Also, it will not work with external script files. The second
alternative is clean, but it can be slow. As I said earlier, there are
several other alternatives, but these two are the ones I find myself
using the most.
The third registering Javascript in C# code behind.
Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(GetType(), "saveScript",
String.Format("function EnableSave( isDisabled )"+
"{{ var saveButton = document.getElementById(\"{0}\");"+
"saveButton.disabled=isDisabled;}}", btnSave.ClientID), true);
Do not forget to call this script after controls have been loaded, I mean after Controls.Add(); in CreateChildControls method while
developing webparts.
Look at the page source and get the value of the title property - works every time.
"document.getElementById('" + base.ClientID + "_" + lbnFilter.ClientID + "').style.display='block';");
