Could I craft ethernet frame with wrong FCS/CRC? - linux

I want to do some testing by sending layer 2 packages with wrong FCS/CRCs.
I've searched scapy/mz/nemesis, but it seems none of them could play with it.
Is it possible to do this on a regular linux NIC? Or if the FCS/CRC is automatically appended by hardware that we cannot do anything with it?
I have some specific machine to detect all incoming packets before dropping them, so I want to test if it does work like that.

No you cannot, as far as my experience with most NICs go. You can, however, disable automatic checksum calculation at the rx side, manipulate it at the buffer desccriptor layer and give it to stack.
Googled it for you. These guys say intresting things. Take a look.

Yes you can. I've found another discussion on this here: How do you send an Ethernet frame with a corrupt FCS?
There is a link going to a working example ( I've tried that and it's working (on igb and e1000 Eth cards).


c - using nl80211 without libnl or libnl-genl?

I'm hoping to just use the header in the kernel, linux/nl80211.h to get the channel my network device is on. I'm on a very restricted system where building has to happen with a minimum number of extra packages. It feels strange that SIOCGIWFREQ would be so easy to get, but I'd need a library to just get a frequency via nl80211.
Are there any examples of how to use the nl80211 interface directly in Linux? I'm just hoping to get NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_FREQ
After a lot of struggling, I found out! It's actually easier to use netlink without libnl, as long as you're not doing anything complicated.
I wrote up an example here that prints all your wireless devices, what networks and channels they're connected to:

Is it possible to communicate with vending machines (that uses MDB) using UART directly without using hardware adapter?

I'm building a linux-based cashless device and trying to achieve communication with VMC in vending machines over UART directly without needing additional hardware adapter to convert between 8-bit and 9-bit frame data.
I'm only using the cashless device, no intention to connect any other peripheral to the VMC.
I read questions asked about this before, some of them stressed on the need to an adapter, others suggested possible hacks to achieve the 9-bit to 8-bit conversion, but still can't find a confirmed working and stable solution.
My question is, Is it possible (and reliable) to achieve this using a pure software solution? and how?
The 9th bit is a control bit. It will show if the data is to be interpreted as an address or as data. If you are communicating with one device and sending only data you want to strip the 9th bit out and only look at data frames. Check and see if it's always zero:
If controlBit = 0:
print("This is an address: " + byte)
Many people have reported that your connection will not be stable without special hardware due to timing problems.
Instead of reinventing the wheel you can use opensource code as a starting point.
This way you don't have to make the same mistakes over and over again.

Decoding Bluetooth signal and packets using GnuRadio

I am currently working on a project which aim to detect Bluetooth and decode Bluetooth packets (I use a Hack RF One to make the detection). I have made a Gnuradio Flowgraph in order to demodulate Bluetooth signal and I am trying to decode visualy the packets by searching a Bluetooth frame on a binary file.
Unfortunately, I didn't succeed to recover a clear view of the Bluetooth signal. To be precise, I am pretty sure that I detect Bluetooth on my sinks but when sending this to a Clock Recovery + Binary Slicer blocks, I am unable to recover interresting data in the binary file (especially the MAC adress of the sending device, which is part of the a Bluetooth packet). Moreover, I would like to know what type of network layer (physical, transport, baseband...) is intercepted in this type of process. In my case, I aim to intercept baseband layer packets.
Additionaly, I am interrested in knowing how to use the gr-bluetooth because I can't find a lot of documentation concerning this block. I think this can be interresting for the development of my project.
Could you please, give me your view, opinion about this problem ? I am stucked at this stage without knowing the exact origin of my issue. (Here is my flowgraph GnuRadio_Flowgraph and a screenshot of one of my Bluetooth detection Detected signal at 2.402GHz).
Thank you very much,
You probably need an ubertooth instead
I read that the bluetooth frequency skipping is spread wider than the HackRF can read, so at-best, you're going to miss 75% of frames if you only have one hackrf connected.

SensorTag 2 CC2650 advertising indefinately firmware

I want to use a SensorTag 2 so that it is sitting there broadcasting it's data (and, critically connectable over bluetooth) from when it's turned on to when\if I ever turn it off. Out of the box, the tag is set to only advertise over Bluetooth for a few mins which means that when the connection eventually fails or when the device connected to the tag boots etc etc you can't connect again without physically visiting the tag and resetting it.
I see there is firmware that the myWeatherCenter people have created that lets the tag work as a weather station by basically setting it to advertise indefinitely... frustratingly though their firmware is only the sensortag version 1 :-(
I've researched on and off for months and months now and nothing coming back.. suggesting either nobody else wants this, there is a really simple solution everyone one else knows about or ...? I can't even see anyone else asking this question really... which is worrying.
Does anyone have a firmware file that sets this setting for the sensortag 2 or know how to modify the firmware to set this setting?
It is definitely possible to change the SensorTag 2/CC2650 platform so that its behavior suits your use case. I - for example - currently use a custom firmware doing pre-processing of sensor readings on the SensorTag and sending data directly in the advertisement message indefinitely (of course you have to tweak intervals and payload to get a decent battery life).
I assume you have CCS and the sources (SensorTagApp and SensorTagStack) at hand?
I recommend flashing the current SensorTagStack first, if not done yet (though I'm not yet on 2.2 myself).
In the SensorTagApp project under Application you find SensorTag.c. In there you should change:
This is the usual advise and might already do the trick.
In my firmware I also changed (in SensorTag.c, in the SensorTag_init function):
uint16_t advertOffTime = 0;
uint16_t advertOffTime = 1;
Please try these changes and get back to me. If that wasn't enough I will do a more thorough comparison of the stock firmware and my custom firmware. I also recommend the more specific ti Bluetooth low energy forum.
You could find the workflow for a complete solution and the firmware for continuous advertising which I created recently, at Sensortag CC2650STK Custom Firmware Modification&Download Workflow (Continuous Advertising) using Code Composer Studio, Debugger DevPack and Flash Programmer 2 software

Building custom small sized TCPDUMP executable in order 100 to 300KB

I need to build a small size tcpdump for the embedded project that I am working on. Since the memory size of my embedded device is limited, I need to strip all the unwanted functionality in the TCPDUMP while building it. My target is make the tcpdump executable size less that 300KB. After using "strip tcpdump option" and disabling package options in the configure, I have reached 750KB. To achieve this, I want to remove all the protocol decoding capability of tcpdump. I want the tcpdump to have no more that hex dump capability. I have a below initial list of unwanted protocols that has to be removed.
I started to remove these from and removing the function calls manually in the source code. But then I realized this approach is not scalable.
Is there a better way to do this ? Someway by using configure options?
I am new to this. So please explain.
Is there a better way to do this ? Someway by using configure options?
No, there are no such configure options. You'll have to do it the non-scalable way.
"I want to remove all the protocol decoding capability of tcpdump. I
want the tcpdump to have no more that hex dump capability. [...] Is
there a better way to do this ?"
I think there is, but with a very different approach.
If all you want from tcpdump is:
the capability of specifying an interface,
put this interface on promiscuous mode or not, or monitor mode if it's a Wi-Fi interface,
apply a capture filter,
and then spit the output in a file or as hex to stdout,'d be better write your own from scratch, using libpcap (which is what tcpdump uses BTW).
This should be no more than 100-400 lines of C code depending on the options you want to have, you'll have a very, very small executable, and no more dependencies than tcpdump which require libpcap anyway. All the complexity is in the dissection, once you remove all that, what you have is basically... a pcap loop.
It's not that hard, and looks to me as far less work than your approach - and also more interesting work.
There's a tutorial to start with (30-60 minutes read): the end of this tutorial, you'll already have the core of your program.
And you can find loads of info (and ask questions) in the related SO tags:
...and have about 70 well-written man pages documenting the full pcap API (you'll end up using maybe 10-20 of these).
