Change orientation of chart and legend using excel VBA - excel

For some reason if there is less than four rows of data and you try and scatter chart it the cluster (column A) is shown on the legend, but if more than 4 rows of data exist then the other columns (A, B, C) are on the legend (Y axis).
Can you please show me using VBA how do I re orientate this graph to look like graph (2)?
I need to reorient the legend series to be on the horizontal category axis using VBA(since the macro recorder doesn't show how to do this.
(reorient legend entries - left, and category labels - right)
GRAPH 3 The scatterchart dialog ends up looking like this, which is what I want to do in VBA
GRAPH 4 Final Graph looks like this, This is what I want to achieve in VBA
Lastly this is what the macro recorder creates, but when I try and run it, its missing, the range and Plotby parameters and fails
ActiveChart.ChartType = xlXYScatter

Your columns and rows are reversed. When you have the chart selected go und "Design" contextual tab and click "Switch Row/Column". Does that fix it? If yes you can use:
ActiveChart.PlotBy = xlRows or ActiveChart.PlotBy = xlColumns
to do it programatically.


Hide/add legend to graph with conditions

I have 2 columns of data for my chart, but the second one is optional (with an IF formula).
I want the legend to only show the relevant series.
Because the legend is visible even if there is no data for the second column, I wrote this in the cell for the series name:
Now the legend has no label and only the (yellow dashed) line appears:
How can I hide both the label and the line in this legend if the series has no data?
You can use VBA to realize this.
in Excel 2013 onward model
you can use Chart.FullSeriesCollection to select your series and toggle its Isfiltered properties
ChartObjects("xxxx").Chart.FullSeriesCollection(2).IsFiltered = True
ChartObjects("xxxx").Chart.FullSeriesCollection(2).IsFiltered = False
End if
If you are using old excel, like excel 2007, excel 2010.. you should only use Chart.legend.legendEntries(2).Delete to get rid of the legend. if you wanna toggle it back, you should use chart.hasLegend = false, Chart.hasLegend = true to make it back

excel macros - line chart loses year axis values and chart title

I am recording a macro using Excel 2013 to create a line chart.
I have one column with years and an adjacent column with population values. The column headings are "Year" and "Population" respectively.
The line chart looks good.
When I run the macro, the chart title (Population) is striped out. Additionally the year values (x axis) are replaced with a number series, 1 . . . onwards
How do I have the macro retain the year values and the chart title (Population)?
This is my recorded Macro
ActiveWindow.WindowState = xlMaximized
ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddChart2(227, xlLineMarkers).Select
ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=Range("compilation!$A$1:$B$29")
This is an example of what I want the final graph to look like when I run the macro.
Add the following line to your last line of your macro
ActiveChart.FullSeriesCollection(1).XValues = "=compilation!$A$2:$A$29"
That should get you your year back along the bottom.
ActiveChart.SetElement (msoElementChartTitleAboveChart)
Selection.Caption = "=compilation!R1C2"
That will set your Title for you. However you still need your Primary Horizontal Title so why dont we throw in this tid bit of random code:
ActiveChart.SetElement (msoElementPrimaryCategoryAxisTitleAdjacentToAxis)
Selection.Caption = "=compilation!R1C1"
now the only outstanding issue is if you are generating 1 or 2 lines in your graph.
To get rid of the second line (technically the first since its really series 1) we have two choices.
Choice 1 is to select it with the code and delete it. I am going to opt for choice 2 though. Choice 2 is to never add it in the first place!
So to start with eliminate your first line of your Macro. When the graph is initially created, it will be created as a blank slate as there is no preselected data. So what we need to do is change 1 lettre in the line of your macro where you define the Source. (4th line of your posted code) and we are going to change the starting cell reference from $A$1 to $B$1. If the graph only has one column of data to work with for points then there can only be one series. So that line will look like the following in the end:
ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=Range("compilation!$B$1:$B$29")

How to create a text based Y axis on excel chart

I wish to customized the Y-axis to text instead on value.
Is there any way I can do it without any plugin?
Here will be my data:
1 Lower Limit Upper Limit # Data
2 30S 40S A1234 30A
3 30S 40S A2345 30S
4 30S 40S A1256 30S
I wish my Y axis will be 30S, 30A, 40A, 40S intead of 10,20,30,40
and my X axis will be A1234,A2345,A1256
Is there any possible that I can change the X axis value?
I started with your data, and I added a small lookup table. I inserted a column "Value" (blue text) in your data range that has the Y value corresponding to the label in your "Data" column. You can use a lookup formula for this, for example, the formula in D2 is:
I made a column chart (don't know what type of chart you want, but this technique is widely applicable) using the yellow shaded range in the first data range (top left chart). I selected and copied the green shaded range in the second data range, selected the chart, and used Paste Special to add the data to the chart, using the settings shown in the dialog overlying the top right chart.
This has added another set of columns (bottom left chart), not so useful. I right-clicked the added series, picked Change Series Chart Type from the pop-up menu, and changed just this series to an XY scatter type (bottom right chart).
The XY scatter series is on the secondary axis, also not too useful. I formatted the XY series, and changed the axis to Primary (top left chart below). The 0.5 values in column G make the points line up with the vertical axis of the chart.
I added data labels to the XY series, shown in orange to distinguish them from the black axis labels (top right chart below). I formatted the labels so they appear to the left of the points, and so they used the Value from Cells option, based on the labels in I2:I5 (middle left chart below). If you don't have Excel 2013, you don't have this option, but you could
Manually type the desired text into the labels.
Link each label to the desired cell: select the labels (one click), select the desired label (second click), type = in the formula bar, select the cell, press Enter, repeat for all labels.
Use a third-party add-in like Rob Bovey's free Chart Labeler from
I hid the default axis labels. You can select None for axis labels, and then resize the plot area to make room for the custom labels created above. But I used a custom number format for the axis, which consisted of several space characters enclosed in double quotes. See middle right chart below.
Finally I rescaled the vertical axis so its min and max were 0 and 40 and the major spacing was 10, I formatted the XY series to use no markers, and I changed the label font color back to Automatic (bottom chart).

VBA Pie Chart Legend - How to set legend text?

A similar question was asked (Set Legend Text Pie Chart) but the solution doesn't work for me, maybe I'm missing something. I'm fairly new to working with VBA/Excel/Access and reports and I'm on a limited deadline so I am hoping somebody can enlighten me.
What I am doing is populating a range of cells with values pulled from an access database and then programatically generating pie charts based on these cell values. The pie charts are fairly simple and contain 2 pieces of data. I am generating 1-4 of them based on the users' selections. So for example, the user can choose A, B, C And/Or D and each letter corresponds to 2 cell columns that contain # of Correct & # of Incorrect for each chart
The reports are being generated inside of a loop (1 to 4) corresponding to A/B/C/D
The Code I'm using to create the charts looks like this:
ActiveChart.ChartType = xlPie
ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=Sheets("Sheet1").Range(Cells(20,shift(shiftIndex)), Cells(21, shift(shiftIndex))
ActiveChart.HasLegend = True
Which is saying to use the range B20:B21, C20:C21, etc for the Correct/Incorrect values. The problem is that the legend is showing "1" & "2" as labels and I want it to show "Correct" & "Incorrect"
In the other question, the person suggested using the syntax:
ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=Sheets("Sheet1").Range("b6:c6," & "b" & x & ":c" & x)
Where b6 would contain "Correct" and c6 would contain "Incorrect" in my case for my labels but when I use this:
ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=Sheets("Sheet 1").Range("a26:a27, a20:a21")
Where a26 contains "Correct", a27 contains "Incorrect" and a20 & a21 contain my correct and incorrect values - it tries to use all 4 values in my pie chart. Am I missing something here? Separating the parameters by a comma should indicate the first range as my legend and the second as my data source?
you can directly control this using the XValues property of the Series object...
Assuming you have only one series in the chart try:
a further tip would be to do this:
Dim chMyChart as Chart
Dim chMySeries as Series
Set chMyChart = Activesheet.Activechart
Set chMySeries = chMyChart.Seriescollection(1)
and then use chMyChart in place of Active chart and chMySeries in place of ActiveChart etc.
This is more efficient, but it also activates vba's Intellisense that shows you a list of all of the properties available for these objects after you enter the ".".
For me anyway, this doesn't seem to be exposed on objects like Active??? or indexed objects like chMyChart.SeriesCollection(1)

Excel VBA Chart Generation

I'm fairly new to VBA and I'm trying to implement a certain type of graph based off of the following example data:
I've attempted using the macro recorder but I haven't had any luck getting it to work as required.
I'd like to have a ScatterPlot with lines and Markers with the X-Values of the chart equal to the dates presented, the left Y axis be a range from 0 to 4 (with the steps inbetween equal to 1) and I'd also like to have a second y-axis where the max is the max number presented in the data (so in this case 45). Also, is there any way to name the series other than 'Series1', 'Series2' etc.?
In the end I'll cut down the number of series (probably a max of six).
Anyways any help would be greatly appreciated!
Edit: Here is the code provided by the macro recorder:
ActiveChart.ChartType = xlXYScatterLines
ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=Range("TimelineGenerator!$C$1:$W$11")
ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue).MaximumScale = 4
ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue).MinimumScale = 0
ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue).MajorUnit = 1
But when I execute this to generate my graph via vba, it has the dates as series instead of the xValues of the chart.
