Find all PHP files in the current folder that contain a string - linux

How could I show names of all PHP files in the current folder that contain the string "" in a Linux system?
I have tried grep "" .

You need to search recursive or using* instead of ., depending of whether you want to search only file right inside that directory or also in deeper levels. So:
grep -r "Form\.new" .
grep "Form\.new" *

Assuming that your PHP files have a .php extension, the following will do the trick:
grep "Form\.new" *.php
Like #LaughDonor mentioned, it's good practise to escape the dot; otherwise, dot is interpreted as “any character” by grep. "" also matches "Form_new", "Form-new", "Form:new", "FormAnew", etc.


How do I exclude a character in Linux

Write a wildcard to match all files (does not matter the files are in which directory, just ask for the wildcard) named in the following rule: starts with a string “image”, immediately followed by a one-digit number (in the range of 0-9), then a non-digit char plus anything else, and ends with either “.jpg” or “.png”. For example, image7.jpg and image0abc.png should be matched by your wildcard while image2.txt or image11.png should not.
My folder contained these files imag2gh.jpeg image11.png image1agb.jpg image1.png image2gh.jpg image2.txt image5.png image70.jpg image7bn.jpg Screenshot .png
If my command work it should only display image1agb.jpg image1.png image2gh.jpg image5.png image70.jpg image7bn.jpg
This is the command I used (ls -ad image[0-9][^0-9]*{.jpg,.png}) but I'm only getting this image1agb.jpg image2gh.jpg image7bn.jpg so I'm missing (image1.png image5.png)Kali Terminal and what I did
ls -ad image[0-9][!0-9]*{.jpg,.png}
Character ranges like [0-9] are usually seen in RegEx statements and such. They won't work as shell globs (wildcards) like that.
Possible solution
Pipe output of command ls -a1
to standard input of the grep command (which does support RegEx).
Use a RegEx statement to make grep filter filenames.
ls -a1|grep "image"'[[:digit:]]\+[[:alpha:]]*\.\(png\|jpg\)'

Removing changing pattern from filenames in directory in Linux

I have a directory containing files following the following naming convention:
All I want to do is to rename these files so that the _#### number pattern is removed, resulting in:
but only up to a certain number. E.g.: I may have 10000 files but might only want to remove the pattern in the first 3000. Would this be possible using something like bash?
If you don't have prename or rename -
(assuming the names are consistent)
for f in Label_[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]_[A-Z][A-Z].gz
do mv "$f" "${f//_[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]/}"
To just do a certain range -
for n in {0000..2999}
do for f in Label_${n}_??.gz
do mv $f ${f//_$n/}
You're sure there are not collisions?
If you can name the pattern you want to change/remove in a regex you can use the command prename:
prename 's/_[0-3][[:digit:]]{3}_/_/g' Label_*.gz
This regex would only remove numbers 0000-3999.
Using the flag -n does a "dry-run" and shows what it would do.
Edit: Thanks #KamilCuk to remind me about two renames. I made it clear and changed the name to prename.

Find command with quotation marks results in "no such file"

In my directory there are the files:
file1.txt fix.log fixRRRRRR.log fixXXXX.log output.txt
In order to understand the find command, I tried a lot of stuff among other things I wanted to use 2 wildcards. Target was to find files that start with an f and have an extension starting with an l.
$ find . f*.l*
I read in a forum answer to use quotation marks with find find . "f*.l*" with the result: `
It results in find: ‘f*.l*’: No such file or directory
What am I doing wrong, where is my error in reasoning?
Thanks for an answer.
find doesn't work like that. In general find's call form looks like:
find [entry1] [entry2] ... [expressions ...]
Where an entry is a starting point where find starts the search for files.
In your case, you haven't actually supplied any expressions.
In the first command (without quotes), the shell expands the wildcards to a list of matching files (in the current directory), then passes the list to find as arguments. So find . f*.l* is essentially equivalent to find . fix.log fixRRRRRR.log fixXXXX.log. As a result, find treats all of those arguments as directories/files to search (not patterns to search for), and lists all files under ., (everything) then all files under fix.log (it's not a directory, so that's just the file itself), then all files under fixRRRRRR.log and finally all files under fixXXXX.log.
In the second one (with quotes) it searches for all files beneath the current directory (.) and tries the same for the file literally called "f*.l*".
Actually you are likely seeking for the "-name" expression, which may be used like this:
find . -name "f*.l*"

Like a vlookup but in bash to match filenames in a directory against a ref file and return full description

I am aware there isn't a special bash function to do this and we will have to build this with available tools -- e.g. sed, awk, grep, etc.
We dump files into a directory and while their filename looks random, they can be mapped to their full description. For example:
In filemapping.dat, we have:
abcxyz, customer_records_abcxyz
efgwaz, routernodes_logs_efgwaz
mnostu, products_campaign
We need to go through each of them in the directory recursively and rename the file with its full description. Final outcome:
I found something similar here but not sure how to work it out at directory level dealing with only one file as the lookup/referece file. Please help. Thanks!
I would try something like this:
sed 's/,/.csv/;s/$/.csv/' filemapping.dat | xargs -n2 mv
Either cd to tmp beforehand, or modify the sed command to include the path name.
The sed commands simply replace the comma and the line end with the string ".csv".

What is file globbing?

I was just wondering what is file globbing? I have never heard of it before and I couldn't find a definition when I tried looking for it online.
Globbing is the * and ? and some other pattern matchers you may be familiar with.
Globbing interprets the standard wild card characters * and ?, character lists in square brackets, and certain other special characters (such as ^ for negating the sense of a match).
When the shell sees a glob, it will perform pathname expansion and replace the glob with matching filenames when it invokes the program.
For an example of the * operator, say you want to copy all files with a .jpg extension in the current directory to somewhere else:
cp *.jpg /some/other/location
Here *.jpg is a glob pattern that matches all files ending in .jpg in the current directory. It's equivalent to (and much easier than) listing the current directory and typing in each file you want manually:
$ ls
cat.jpg dog.jpg drawing.png recipes.txt zebra.jpg
$ cp cat.jpg dog.jpg zebra.jpg /some/other/location
Note that it may look similar, but it is not the same as Regular Expressions.
You can find more detailed information here and here
