Screens Delete Themselves - linux

So I'm attempting to make a start file which launches several screens each with their respective script. Looks a bit like:
cd /home/foo/
screen -dmS foo bash -c '/'
echo Started Foo
while true
java -Xmx1024M -XX:MaxPermSize=256M -server -jar foo.jar -o true
sleep 5
Now if I do screen -ls right after I run it, the screen shows up. However if I check a second later, the screens gone. Am I doing something wrong or is this the typical behavior?

I had to add sh to the start of the command because I didn't make it executable.


Startup script to run detachted screen, switch user, and run multiple bash commands

I want to create a small startup script that does multiple things in a row in a screen.
The script starts a named, detached screen (screen -S discordbot -d -m works)
The user inside the script is changed (Neither screen -S discordbot -X "su discordbot", screen -S discordbot -X su discordbot, nor screen -S discordbot -d -m bash -c "su discordbot;" seems to work, or at least subsqeuent commands are not executed).
A cd folder change is exectuded.
A java jar or other script is started.
As I run multiple bots, the script needs to be able to do this in slight variation multiple times in a row. Any pointers on how this could be done?
The screen session that you start up will exit as soon as the process that you started exits.
This works, for instance:
$ screen -S discordbot -d -m bash
$ screen -ls
There is a screen on:
2948.discordbot (Detached)
1 Socket in <...>
As does this:
$ screen -S discordbot -d -m bin/
Where bin/ looks like this:
echo "Sleeping..."
sleep 10
/bin/echo -n "Hit enter to finish this script: "
The last two lines to prevent the screen from exiting prematurely. The other various things you want to do within that startup script should also work, assuming that you do this as root so that the su will work without prompting.

How to check in If-Statement if a screen is already running

I want to write a bash script where I check If my Screen (I gave this screen the name a3_altis) is already running or not, just like this:
if (screen a3_altis is running)
sleep 5
I'm new in Bash, so I don't really know how to check If a screen is running.
screen may provide a more robust mechanism, but it should suffice to just use grep:
if screen -ls | grep -q a3_altis; then
sleep 5

Stop script | Spigot | Reatach to a detached screen

I am trying to make a minecraft server for a while and I have a little problem with a stop script. My startup script ( i want to mention in , just in case of something ) looks like this:
screen -S server java -Xms2G -Xmx2G -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -jar spigot.jar
And my stop script:
screen -r server stop
Now , the problem is that this script is just accessing the screen without executing that command. I don't want to access the screen then type the "stop" command to stop the server (I mean I don't want to do that myself ) . I want a script which can reattach to my detached screen and execute that command for me. Can you find a solution, please? Oh yeah , and I know it's not important but I want to mention that I am using Spigot 1.12.2
Maybe you can run the command server stop in another script:
screen -r ./
server stop

Script runs fully when ran manually but misses commands when ran from another script

I have 2 scripts that I'm testing to automate starting services on my server however they behave weirdly.
The first script is
screen -dmS Test_Screen
sleep 1
sudo sh
echo "finished"
Which runs perfectly however the script it runs does not and is as follows
screen -S Test_Screen -X stuff "cd /home/Test"
sleep 1
screen -S Test_Screen -X eval "stuff \015"
sleep 1
echo "Complete"
The second script will run perfect if I run it from command line and will CD into the directory within the screen. However, if it runs from the first script it Will Not CD into the correct directory within the screen, but it will still print "Complete".
I'm Using CENTOS 6.7 and the latest version of GNU screen
Any Ideas?
This seems to be a problem with session nesting.
In your first script you create a session named Test_Screen.
In your second script the -S parameter tells screen to create a session of the same name. This might cause screen to exit and not cd into the correct directory.
You could move the cd command in front of the sudo sh and remove those screen calls from the second script leaving only
stuff \015
echo "Complete"
Using the correct screenflags should also work.
screen -dr Test_Screen -X stuff "cd /home/Test"
sleep 1
screen -dr Test_Screen -X eval "stuff \015"
sleep 1
echo "Complete"
For a more modern alternative to screen, have a look at tmux.
Ok so this turned out really weird. After posting i tried a couple of things on a centos 6.7 hyper V test environment and got the exact same issue. However, later in the day we ended up changing service provider and upgrading to centos 7 in the process. I am not sure why but since the update the script now runs perfectly and i was able to actually merge the two scripts into one in order to make it more efficient. If anyone knows why the update fixed it feel free to let me know.

Server Startup Script Problems

I am trying to set up a Minecraft server. However, the basic startup scripts provided do not fit my needs. I want a script that will:
Start a new screen running the jarfile and (pretty much) only the jarfile (so i can ^C it if needed without killing other things like screen or my gzip commands)
Gzip any logs that weren't gzipped automatically by the jarfile (for if/when i ^C'ed the server, or if it crashed)
Run a command with sudo to set the process in the first argument to a high priority (/usr/bin/oom-priority)
Run a http-server on the resource-pack directory in a different screen and send ^C to it when the server closes
I have these three commands. I run startserver to start the server.
set -m
cd /home/minecraftuser/server/
screen -dm -S http-server http-server ./resource-pack
screen -dm -S my-mc-server startserver_command
(sleep 1; startserver_after) &
screen -S my-mc-server
set -m
cd /home/minecraftuser/server/
java -Xmx768M -Xms768M -jar ./craftbukkit.jar $# &
env MC_PID=$! > /dev/null
(sleep 0.5; sudo /usr/bin/oom-priority $MC_PID) &
fg 1
read -n 1 -p 'Press any key to continue...'
and startserver_after:
cd /home/minecraftuser/server/
wait $MC_PID
find /home/minecraftuser/server/logs -type f -name "*.log" -print | while read file; do gzip $file &
screen -S http-server -p 0 -X stuff \^c\\r
Edit: When I run startserver, I get a command prompt then a bunch of gzip errors of files already existing (I am expecting these errors, but when I run startserver I'm supposed to get the java program). Somehow I am in a screen because when I do ^A d, I am brought to a new prompt.
Once I am out of the screen, screen -ls returns two instances of my-mc-server. One is a blank command prompt, the other is the server running successfully.
Edit 2: I changed startserver_command to remove the asterisk from env MC_PID=$! & (not needed there) and added it to (sleep 1; startserver_after) (makes it faster), redirected env line to /dev/null (removes entire environment listing at beginning of output). Still didn't fix the entire problem.
Instead of starting each screen session from the scripts, you can just use a custom .screenrc to specify some startup windows (and to run commands/scripts):
screen -t http-server 0 'startserver'
screen -t my-mc-server 1 'startserver_command'
screen -t gzip-logs 2 'startserver_after'
Then simply start screen (specifying the config file to use, if it's not the default ~/.screenrc)
screen -dm -c mc-server.screenrc
