Cannot find merchant name & OAuthClient ID - android-pay

I'm new in using Google Wallet. I have created Google Wallet account because I want to integrate it to my website. I'm registered as a merchant and I have already downloaded PHP quick sample.
In that sample I need to change config.php. Information which are needed:
- Merchant ID
- Merchant Name
- Client ID
- OAuthClient ID
I was unable to find merchant name and OAuthClient ID. I know how this is probably stupid question but trust me I spent more than three hours searching for those information.
It seems how registration and configuring PHP Quick Sample is more difficult than the whole process of integration.
Every kind of help is welcome.
Thanks in advance

For getting merchant ID and Name first you have to register with google for business here is the link to register after that google will provide you the first two log-in credential, that is ' - Merchant ID
- Merchant Name'
Second two credentials
' - Client ID
- OAuthClient ID'
can be generated from google cloud console here is the link


How we can get onboard id on basis of stripe account ID?

I want to integrate another link from stripe on our backend dashboard for onboarding/linking existing "Standard" accounts.
I just want to create a dynamic onboarding account link like'client_id'&state='onboard_id'&response_type=code&scope=read_write&stripe_user[country]=US via API
Can anyone please help me to find out the way like how we can get above link in response of API?
I have already tried to check with below link
If by "account ID" you mean the client_id query parameter, then it can be found in your Stripe dashboard at the bottom of the Connect settings page. I don't think this can be retrieved with the API, but this ID won't change so you can grab it from the dashboard and store it on your end to reuse it later.

Netsuite API authenticate validation

I have sample mobile app with username and password authentication,need to valid my sample app username & password exists in netsuite based website. Please provide API info and steps to access netsuite based user info to valid my app login, currently we are using nodeJS API in app. I mean if signup/existing customer from my app would exists or not in netsuite based website
Any help appreciated !
If you are trying to log in as a customer or employee you need to ensure the records have login access, and credentials set, in NetSuite.
Not completely sure from your post if you are trying to log them in, or just access your NetSuite instance and see if they exist in the NetSuite instance, though.
Can you provide more information, and clearly state what you have tried? Code samples are a very nice thing to include, along with the errors you are receiving.

Is that possible to pay someone using their registered Email ID on STRIPE

i m building a online selling store like ebay and I want to pay sellers by using their registered STRIPE email ID ( (like paypal do so) without connecting him/her in my stripe platform .
Remember I want pay seller using his stripe Email Id not stripe account Id which looks like acct_123dsfg****
if you know how to do that please let me Know :) Thanks
Using stripe gateway you can pay your seller's by following 2 methods only:
1) Seller can configure their stripe account from store dashboard (by adding their publishable key and secret key) and site admin transfer the appropriate amount into seller account.
2) Using stripe connect ( ).
I think currently stripe do not provide any such functionality that you can pay your seller's using their stripe email id only.

Google Wallet - where's the merchant admin site

Looking into Google Wallet for Digital Goods.
Signed up for a sandbox account.
Using Google's sample online demo, I can make purchases.
But where's the place where merchants can view all the orders.
I found a link at - but it doesn't
include the orders there.
Specifically I was wondering how with W4DG - one goes about
making refunds etc.
In the Wallet for digital good API documentation, see the "Managing orders" section:

Anyone know how to get the merchant key for google wallet?

Anyone know how to get the merchant key for goole wallet?
Support indicates I should have an integration menu in settings but the menu is not showing up
AFAIK, merchant key is only relevant to "legacy" Google Checkout - re: your account must be for Google Wallet for Web sites (products/services sold at your web site).
The merchant key referenced in the support link you have, is used (only for) that specific API.
The Google Wallet integration settings page is at .
For some reason, this page is not accessible from anywhere within the Google Wallet merchant interface.
