Comment / uncomment multiple fixed lines in vim - vim

In my code I have multiple scattered lines which help me to debug my program and show me what is going on during execution. Is there an easy and fast way to comment and uncomment (toggle) these fixed lines in vim? I thought about marking these lines with a special sign (e.g. //) like this in python:
print "Debug!" # //
and everytime a sepcific shortcut is pressed all lines which end with a "# 'some optional descriptive text' //" are commented or uncommented, respectively.
I've looked at NERD Commenter, but from what I read the lines to be commented / uncommented have to be selected each time?

First, find a pattern that selects the right lines. If you have :set hls, it will help spot the matches. I think something like /#.*\/\/$ is what you want.
Next, comment out the selected lines with
:g/<pattern>/s/^/# /
if # will comment out the line, and un-comment them with
:g/<pattern>/s/^# //
Now, you want a single command to toggle. You can either use a variable to keep track of the toggle state, or you can try to figure out the current state by examining the lines that match. Using a variable seems simpler.
The variable could be global, local to the buffer, or local to the script. I like using script-local variables in order to avoid cluttering the namespace. In this case, using a script-local variable might mean that vim will get confused when you switch buffers, so let's use a buffer-local variable, say b:commentToggle.
The first time the function is called, it notices that the variable is not set, so use search() to look for a line that starts with # (There is a space there!) and ends with the pattern we already have. The n flag means not to move the cursor, and w means to wrap around the end of the file (like searching with 'wrapscan' set). The search() function returns the line number (1-based!) if the pattern is found, 0 if not. See :help search().
This seems to work in a small test:
fun! CommentToggle()
if !exists('b:commentToggle')
let b:commentToggle = !search('^# .*#.*\/\/$', 'nw')
if b:commentToggle == 1
g/#.*\/\/$/s/^/# /
g/#.*\/\/$/s/^# //e
let b:commentToggle = !b:commentToggle
nnoremap <F4> :call CommentToggle()<CR>
If you want to put # in front of the first non-blank, then use ^\s*# in the search() command; s/\ze\S/# / or s/\S/\1# / in the first :g line; and s/^\s*\zs# // in the second :g line. See :help /\zs, :help /\ze, and :help sub-replace-special.


In vim toggle case of all characters in a text file with a single command

In Vim I need to convert all lowercase to uppercase and all uppercase to lowercase with a single command. So if my text file looks like this..
Hello World
.. it needs to be toggled to look like this..
I know :%s/[a-z]/\U&/g will change all lowercase to uppercase and that :%s/[A-Z]/\L&/g will change all uppercase to lowercase. But how would I write that to do both at the same time?
In addition I know if my cursor is at the top of the file VG~ will toggle case everything but that's not the answer I need. Thank you.
<Esc> — return to Normal mode; just in case we're in Insert mode or Command line
1G — jump to the 1st line
V — start Visual mode
G — jump to the last line extending selection
~ — toggle case in the selection
g~<motion> — change case during motion; the motion is G (jump to last line)
Looks like you already know everything you need. ggVG~ marks all your code and toggles the case. If you want a single command you can either use:
:nnoremap <keybinding> ggVG~
or use this function, which does the same, but keeps your current position in the file:
function ToggleCase()
exec "normal! mqHmw"
exec "normal! ggVG~"
exec "normal! 'wzt`q"
command ToggleCase silent call ToggleCase()
the first and last exec mark your position in the file and restore them, after the case toggling. See: :h marks
type :ToggleCase to use the function. Of cause you can bind this to a keybinding as well.
:nnoremap <keybinding> :ToggleCase<cr>
Since you mentioned using a single command and you mentioned some :%s/.../ substitutions, I'll offer this one:
:%normal! g~~
This will run the g~~ command to switch case of a single line, for each line of the buffer.
One more way to accomplish this, if you're ok adopting a plug-in, is to use the kana/vim-textobj-entire plug-in for a text object for the entire buffer.
As the plug-in file says:
Though these are trivial operations (e.g. ggVG), text object versions are more handy, because you do not have to be conscious of the cursor position (e.g. vae).
With this plug-in installed and enabled, you can switch case of the whole buffer with:

vim script exec pastes unformated text

In all honesty the title is bad. Consider the following 5 lines:
function Example()
let ## = "-_-"
execute "normal! ]P"
call cursor(line('.'), col('.')-1)
When this function is called, I expect to get -_- as output and the cursor should be moved to the left, meaning that it is at the third character, so if I press a key, like I for example I will get -_i-
What happens in reality is quite different (and to some degree interesting)
The output the first time this is called is - _- and after that it's _--
I assume that "cursor" shifts the position of the word under the cursor.
Basically: Why is it happening? How can I get the desired effect ?
Very important edit:
Apperantly the problem isn't in the plugins. When I go for:
call Example()
It works flawlessly. Thing is it is supposed to be triggered by a key. I have currently bound it like so:
inoremap ' <C-O>: call Example()<CR>
So now I am thinking that something in the mapping is broken...
I cannot reproduce your strange behavior. I get ----_-_-_-_- on repeated invocations, as expected. I again suspect there are plugins at work. Try with vim -N -u NONE. As this is a paste, there's little that could influence this function, though. You could try to workaround via :noautocmd call Example(), but I'd rather try to find the root cause of this disconcerting strangeness.
The "-_-" is not a full line, so the ]P (paste with adapted indent) has no effect here. You could just as well have used P.
To move the cursor one left, rather use :normal! h. The subtraction from col('.') again only works for single-byte ASCII characters.

Using Vim, isn't there a more efficient way to format LaTeX paragraphs according to this best practice?

The best practice mentioned in the title is the one suggested by Uri:
When writing paragraphs, start each
sentence at the beginning of a line,
and if it spills over, each subsequent
line is tabbed.
I use gVim with Vim-LaTeX, which comes with an indent/tex.vim file, to edit LaTeX files. The way I currently implement the practice mentioned above is as follows:
I :set textwidth=79 to automatically break lines before they become too long.
I manually hit Enter after I finish inserting each sentence.
If I'm done with revising and editing a sentence, I manually shift any spillovers using >>, prefixing it with a count if necessary.
Occasionally, that last step will make one or more spillovers go over the maximum line width. In this case, I
gqq the faulty line.
J my way through to the end of the sentence.
repeat steps 1 and 2 as necessary.
As you can imagine, this can become tedious. Isn't there a more efficient way to achieve the same result? Ultimately, I want to be able to write the sentences without worrying about their format, and then use gqap, or gqip, to automatically produce the result that I currently produce manually.
To do that, I suspect that I will need to write a formatexpr of my own, but I'm not sure how to proceed. I have found a number of plugins, Latex Text Formatter and Text (Especially LaTeX) Formatter, and a tip, but none of them seem to suit my needs, and I'm not sure how to modify them to do so.
I may well be oversimplifying the problem, but does this mapping do what you want?
nnoremap \z (j>>gq)
So pressing \z in normal mode will do the following: From the cursor position, jump to the start of the sentence. Then go to the next line and indent it. Then reformat from this line to the end of the sentence. Reformatting sentence-wise is the way to go, rather than reformatting each line individually, as your method seems to do.
Of course you can use an insert-mode mapping if you prefer, or even try redefining the behaviour of the Enter key to do this automatically (although I don't know if this will have unintended consequences...).
One way to do this is not by actually breaking the lines in the file but instead doing the following:
set wrap linebreak
let &showbreak='===> '
The wrap option makes long lines wrap instead of extending off the screen and linebreak makes the line breaks happen only at characters specified in the breakat option.
You can set showbreak to anything that is pleasing to your eye. My favorite when I'm using vim where unicode characters work right is:
let &showbreak="\u21aa "
This puts a ↪ symbol at the beginning of each wrapped line.
I also like to turn on line numbers (set number) to give another indicator of what the actual lines in the file are.
To make navigating the file easier you might want to use
noremap j gj
noremap k gk
noremap gj j
noremap gk k
This makes k and j move up and down by displayed lines not file lines. To affect the cursor keys as well replace k with <Up> and j with <Down>.
One option that takes different tack than tabbing subsequent lines would be to set the w flag in formatoptions. When you do that it changes the way Vim identifies new paragraphs, and lines ending in a space are understood to continue on a new line as part of same paragraph. See :h fo-table.
If you set the w flag and enter your text so that continued sentence lines are the only ones ending in a space (and abandon completely practice of entering tabs at beginning of any text lines) then I think you should be able to use gqap to format text paragraphs as you want. To get visual cues to logical structure you can then set listchars to display the eol (i.e., <cr>) character and set different highlightings for <space><cr> and for <non-space><cr> so that sentence/paragraph ends are easily spotted.
Another benefit of this method is that you can just type your text naturally and let line breaks be entered automatically by textwidth setting. (Just make sure that LaTeX formatting lines don't break automatically in textwidth area; you want them to have non-space char as last char in line.)
That tip also caught my eye. Here's how I solved the problem (a diff of the changed lines in tex.vim):
*** tex.vim.old 2011-08-16 08:26:56.845046457 +0200
--- tex.vim 2011-08-16 08:59:14.736306930 +0200
*** 90,95 ****
--- 90,96 ----
" LH modification : \begin does not always start a line
if line =~ '\\begin{\(.*\)}' && line !~ 'verbatim'
\ && line !~ 'document'
+ \ || line =~ '^\s*[A-Z].*[a-zA-Z0-9,]\s*$\C'
let ind = ind + &sw
*** 105,110 ****
--- 106,112 ----
" Subtract a 'shiftwidth' when an environment ends
if cline =~ '^\s*\\end' && cline !~ 'verbatim'
\&& cline !~ 'document'
+ \|| line =~ '\.\s*$'
if g:tex_indent_items == 1
" Remove another sw for item-environments
Basically it indents new lines when the previous line starts with a capital letter and ends with a letter, digit, or comma, and "unindents" new lines with the previous line ends with a period.
There is definitely room for improvement (better criteria) but for me it works all right so far.
I find the suggestion from #kev (and the people commented) at this post to be the most satisfying.
There, it is explained that by setting
:set fo+=n
followed by either
:let &flp='^\s*\\(item\|end\|begin)*\s*'
:let &l:flp='^\s*\\\(item\|end\|begin\)\s*'
lets you type gggqG to reformat the entire file.
I use the vim-textobj-usr plugin to define a "LaTeXPar" text-object. Then I can use gwal to format.
There is already a vim-textobj-latex plugin, but the biggest text-object it defines is "environment". This is not what I (and OP) want.
A "LaTeXPar" is delimited by
an empty line
a line begin with \[, \], \begin, \end, }
a line end with {
this is adapted to my writing habit: I always have an empty line after \section, always use \[ \] on a single line, and so on. You can easily write one for yourself.
Here is the relative part in my ~/.vim/ftplugin/tex.vim.
call textobj#user#plugin('latexpar', {
\ 'par': {
\ 'select-a-function': 'LaTeXPar',
\ 'select-a': 'al',
\ },
\ })
function! LaTeXPar()
let pattern='\v^$|^\s*(\\\[|\\\]|\\begin|\\end|\})|\{$'
if search(pattern,"bW")
normal! j
normal! gg
let head_pos = getpos('.')
if search(pattern,"W")
normal! k
normal! G
let tail_pos = getpos('.')
" echo head_pos[2]
" echo tail_pos[2]
return ["V", head_pos, tail_pos]

How to diff two lines in an open file in vim?

I occasionally see very long lines in my code that I need to check if they are the same. Is there a way in vim to select two lines and diff them to show any differences between the two?
For example, given the two lines in vim:
AVeryLongReturnType* MyLongClassName:hasAnEvenLongerFunction(That *is, Overloaded *with, Multiple *different, Parameter *lists);
AVeryLongReturnType* MyLongClassName:hasAnEvenLongerFunction(That *is, Overloaded *with, Multiple *different, Parameter *1ists);
I would like vim to tell me that the two lines are in fact different because each spells "lists" differently. Is this possible, and if so, how do I do it?
A quick and dirty solution is to just select both lines and sort them while removing duplicates:
select lines
":sort u"
if only one line remains, both were equal
if both remain, there most be some difference
An undo recovers everything again.
An alternative to #sehe's approach would not require the use of temp files:
funct! DiffTwoTexts(text1, text2)
put =a:text1
normal ggdd
put =a:text2
normal ggdd
funct! DiffTwoLines(line1, line2)
let text1 = getline(a:line1)
let text2 = getline(a:line2)
call DiffTwoTexts(text1, text2)
comma! DiffWithNext call DiffTwoLines('.', line('.') + 1)
This will still be pretty hard to read, since it keeps everything on a single line, so I came up with this modification:
funct! EvalTextPreprocessor(expr, text)
let text = a:text
return eval(a:expr)
comma! -nargs=1 DiffWithNextPre call DiffTwoTexts(
\ EvalTextPreprocessor(<q-args>, getline('.')),
\ EvalTextPreprocessor(<q-args>, getline(line('.') + 1)))
This new command takes a vimscript expression as its argument, wherein the variable text refers to whichever line is being preprocessed. So you can call, e.g.
DiffWithNextPre split(text, '[(,)]\zs')
For your sample data, this gives the two buffers
AVeryLongReturnType* MyLongClassName:hasAnEvenLongerFunction(
That *is,
Overloaded *with,
Multiple *different,
Parameter *lists)
AVeryLongReturnType* MyLongClassName:hasAnEvenLongerFunction(
That *is,
Overloaded *with,
Multiple *different,
Parameter *1ists)
Only the lines that start with Parameter are highlighted.
You can even build up from there, creating a command
comma! DiffTwoCFunctionSigs DiffWithNextPre split(text, '[(,)]\s*\zs')
Notice that I modified the regexp a bit so that it will keep trailing spaces at the end of lines. You could get it to ignore them entirely by moving the \s* to after the \zs. See :help /\zs if you're unfamiliar with what that vim-specific RE atom does.
A nicety would be to make the command take a range (see :help command-range), which you could use by diffing the first line of the range with the last line. So then you just visual-select from the first line to the second and call the command.
I used linediff.vim.
This plugin provides a simple command, ":Linediff", which is used to diff two separate blocks of text.
That is not a feature, however it is easily scripted, e.g. in your vimrc:
function! DiffLineWithNext()
let f1=tempname()
let f2=tempname()
exec ".write " . f1
exec ".+1write " . f2
exec "tabedit " . f1
exec "vert diffsplit " . f2
This will open the current and next lines in vertical split in another tab.
Note that this code is a sample
it doesn't check whether next line exists (there are any following lines)
it doesn't cleanup the tempfiles created
a nice improvement would be to take a range, or use the '' mark to select the other line
You can leave off the 'vert' in order to have a horizontal split
Map it to something fancy so you don't have to :call it manually:
:nnoremap <F10> :call DiffLineWithNext()^M
you could also just create a new empty window buffer and copy line, then make command:
:windo diffthis
this should open a new window showing the differences of those 2 lines

How to delete line(s) below current line in vim?

Is there a command to delete a line (or several lines) that is immediately below current line?
Currently I'm doing it as:
jdd and then . to repeat as needed.
Is there a command that would combine all these?
UPDATE: The reason I would like to have such command is that I don't like to move away from current position, yet be able to delete lines below.
The delete ex command will work nicely.
This will delete all the lines from current +1 till the end ($)
To delete the next 2 lines the follow range would work, +1,+2 or shorthand +,+2
As #ib mentioned the :delete or :d command will move the cursor to the start of the line next to the deleted text. (Even with nostartofline set). To overcome this we can issue the `` normal mode command. `` will jump back to the exact position before the last jump, in this case the :d command. Our command is now
Or as one ex command
:+,+2d|norm! ``
To make this easier we wrap this all up in a command:
command! -count=1 -register D :+,+<count>d <reg><bar>norm! ``
Now to delete the next following 3 lines:
This command can also take a {reg} like :delete and :yank do. So deleting the next 4 lines into register a would be:
:4D a
For more information
:h :d
:h :command
:h :command-register
:h :command-count
:h ``
dG should work.
This means delete all rows until end of file from current cursor.
This will delete ALL lines below the current one:
Unfortunately that will move the cursor to the beginning of current line after the deletion is made.
well, to do it simply you could use the xxdd command. Most of the time I know (at least have an idea) the size of the script I am editing. So, the command as below is usually more than enough :
999dd to remove 999lines starting at the cursor position.
99999dd for very long script ;)
The other solutions are informative, but I feel it'd be simpler to use a macro for this:
qq (begins recording)
jddk (go down, delete the line, and go back up - i.e. the thing you want to do)
q (end recording)
Now you can do #q to perform this action, maintaining the cursor at the current position. You could also do something like 5#q to delete 5 lines below the cursor.
And finally, if you're repeating the action more than once, you could just type ## after the first time you run #q (this repeats the last used macro - in this case q)
This is a job for marks!
Try maj20dd`a
ma sets the file-specific mark 'a', j20dd does the deletion you want (20 lines in this case), and `a restores you to the mark's position (line and column).
Obviously this pattern can be extended to do anything you want before returning to the mark. If you use mA (or any other capital letter) the mark will actually be unique across files, so you can even edit elsewhere before returning. If you have a very frequent usage you could make it a macro as suggested above.
You could enter the number of lines to delete: j 20 dd k.
Just for the fun of it, you can define a little function that does
exactly what you described: deletes the next n lines below the
current line and restores the initial cursor position.
function! DeleteNextLines(n, reg)
let l = line('.')
let m = min([a:n, line('$')-l])
if m > 0
let c = col('.')
exe '+,+'.m 'd' a:reg
call cursor(l, c)
Also, you can define a command that accepts the number of lines
to delete (one, if omitted) and the register name to use as an
optional argument (just like the :delete command).
:command! -range=1 -register -bar D call DeleteNextLines(<count>, <q-reg>)
Additionally, you can define a mapping for triggering the above
:D command, if it is necessary.
