How can i perform a build on ec2? - linux

I have a fresh ec2 instance and im trying to install appscale tools and then appscale itself. When i go to do the build, i get an error says lsb_release: command not found.
Its my understanding that this command is pretty standard in linux. So is there a way to get ec2 to run it?


How do I install a Linux build runner for bitbucket using rust?

I have a CI server in an AWS cloud which hosts out BitBucket.
The runners are on a separate EC2 instance.
The code we are using is Rust.
I installed the runners on a windows EC2 and everything is fine.
I follow the instructions to install the runners on a Linux machine (Ubuntu) and the runners cannot find Cargo.
When I connect to the machine I can run it manually from any directory so it should be viewable by the build runner.
Has anyone come across this issue? I read that I might need to specific the bitness of the system when I install Rust but that did not seem to help :-(
I have added the location of Cargo to /etc/environment and to the PATH variable in case the runner could not see it but that has not helped.

EB CLI "eb create" ERROR: InvalidParameterValueError - Platform ARN is invalid

I'm trying to create an Elastic Beanstalk node.js environment via the EB CLI. I've ran eb init in my code repo, and this doesn't give me any issues.
Next, when I run eb create to create the environment, I receive the error ERROR: InvalidParameterValueError - Platform ARN is invalid: Not an IAM ARN: 64bit Amazon Linux 2018.03 v4.15.2 running Node.js.
I've searched for this error, it seems like I need to update the platform version, but I can't figure out how to do that.
I also downgraded my node version from v12.18.4 to v12.18.3 because the EB docs didn't say that v12.18.4 was supported.
You can just run:
eb platform select
to select new default platform. Nevertheless, your platform seems fine as it is current one as listed here. Thus there maybe something else causing this error. But still maybe worth changing or re-selecting the platform version.
I ran into a very similar issue with a Python project containing a Dockerfile.
Inside the project I ran eb create --database (version EB CLI 3.19.3).
It prompted me to pick an environment name and DNS CNAME prefix, which was fine.
It then asked to Select a load balancer type.
I picked the default, which is 2 (application).
As soon as I hit enter, I got the following error:
ERROR: InvalidParameterValueError - Platform ARN is invalid: Not an IAM ARN: 64bit Amazon Linux 2 v3.2.4 running Docker.
Following Marcin's hint I ran eb platform select.
It prompted me about Docker:
It appears you are using Docker. Is this correct?
(Y/n): y
It then prompted me to select a platform:
Select a platform branch.
1) Docker running on 64bit Amazon Linux 2
2) Multi-container Docker running on 64bit Amazon Linux
3) Docker running on 64bit Amazon Linux
(default is 1): 1
This solved the problem.
Even though this is (seemingly) the same setup that was picked by default, eb create --database worked without the error afterwards, and even eb status show
Platform: arn:aws:elasticbeanstalk:eu-west-2::platform/Docker running on 64bit Amazon Linux 2/3.2.4
eb platform select - overrides the default platform. In cases, where you want to create an environment that uses a different platform than default one, we can simply provide -p or --provide then the platform.
I was able to successfully do it by running the following command using nodev16 platform
eb create --platform "Node.js 16 running on 64bit Amazon Linux 2"
I ended up creating the environment in the EB console instead of the CLI. The environment was created successfully from here.

Is there a way to execute appium testcase on AWS linux instance?

I want to execute my set of Test suite on AWS Linux instance using appium .
Things needed are a AVD , appium server .
I am unable to do so please help me out.
You can run docker container with openJDK, Android SDK, Appium and emulator on Linux AWS instance. The thing is, to run your tests smoothly linux machine should support KVM - in this case you able to create x86 emulator. Without it you are limited to use super slow ARM emulators - bad idea.
As an option, you may look into genymotion-on-demand in AWS. Should suit you need.

shinyproxy basic basics (+ some general web knowledge)

The problem
While searching for ways to deploy shiny apps I stumbled across ShinyProxy. From what I understand it's an alternative for ShinyServer. However, I lack some (very basic) knowledge to follow the guide provided.
The questions
Can ShinyProxy be installed just on any bought/rented server? Do I need to preinstall some other software?
Where do I type in the commands provided in the ShinyProxy guide?
Does Docker need to be installed on the server or is it a tool to deploy to the server and is thus installed locally?
The ShinyProxy guide misses a point about installing ShinyProxy. Why? Is it not installed (or is installation so obvious)?
I couldn't actually find instructions on how to run a shiny app with ShinyProxy.
The authors of ShinyProxy can probably provide a much better answer, but here is my understanding:
Your server needs to support Java 8 and Docker (or you can install Java 8 and Docker on your server).
Assuming you logon to your server via SSH, the commands will be typed in the SSH terminal.
Yes Docker needs to be installed on the server
It appears that ShinyProxy does not need to be installed. You just need to download it (the shinyproxy-0.5.0.jar file) to a location on the server, and then run java -jar shinyproxy-0.5.0.jar (in your SSH terminal)
To run a Shiny app, you need to package it as an R package first, then build a Docker image for the R package. The app is then actually running inside a Docker container. You also need a configuration file to tell ShinyProxy where to look for your Docker image. Example is here

Linux Autotest: AttributeError

I just started trying Autotest for Linux kernel. I installed Ubuntu 16.04 into VirtualBox. And then downloaded autotest and the linux developer package.
When I run the included tests I get errors similar to "AttributeError: xxx object has no attribute yyy". There is a lot of them! I expected it to work straight out of the box.
The only step that I skipped was setting up the host side. I am wondering if it is the source of my errors. The docs say to run the host side once to set everything up. But I don't want to connect to the cloud etc ... Can I just run everything on the client side? Is there a way to set it up to run client only?
Any packages that I am missing?
