AngularJS change multiple partials per request - node.js

I am new in node.js and Angular and I am creating a web application.
At the moment I have the following design of my application - the screen is separeted by three columns - the left one is my menu and both middle and right columns are used to display the content. Sometimes when I click some of the elements in the menu I want to change only the middle column, if I click another menu element I want to change the partial in the right column and in other cases I want to change both middle and right columns per click in the menu.
I can't use ng:view because it doesn't allow me to use multiple ng:view elements. So I am wondering what is the best decision here. At the moment I am using ng:hide but it is not a good desicion. In the end I will have maybe 20 variables in my application which values I should update after every request.

Angular 1.x has a pretty limited router. Use better alternative UI-Router which allows you to have multiple views.


Alfresco community 4.2.c pagination

In our old project we're using Alfresco 4.2.c community version.
There's a task page there, were you can use predefined filters to manage data you want to see.
I was able to add some extra filters there, anyway another problem stands in my way.
There's a paginator there, probably from YUI, which works by two parameters, maxCount and skipCount.
Right now it's configured to show max 400 records on one page.
I'm trying to add an option to display all records at once. Is anyone familiar enough with that system to even tell if it's possible? YUI framework is very hard to manage.
It seems like on every page or filter change it redirects you to ahref='#', a then a method reads the filter id and gives some extra parameters to the request. I can't find a way to maybe bind another button to reload the page in the same manner and just add another line to the request, which would make the paginator show all the records at one page.

How to duplicate html divs but each with different data?

Ok. Basically I want to have a div template (e.g. for displaying different people & information - name, picture, information, styling etc.). So is there a way where I can duplicate one template div multiple times to show different data? Would I use JavaScript or a server side script like php pulling from a sql database.
This would also make it easier to exit layer on.

Yesod Editable Table

I need to make a table with an editable column. Each row is a separate record. I want to be able to display hundreds of records, perform edits to them and then submit them back to the server for updating. I am not sure this is really supported by the forms infrastructure.
Is there a way to make a repeatable form such that I would get a list of results back? This seems to be the closest solution I can envision without writing my own in javascript. Any ideas on this would be welcome.
Don't reinvent the wheel. Just use one of the full featured js grids like jqgrid or extjs if you want the full pack of UI components.
I use jqgrid with yesod, edit rows both in grid and in outside panel and submit the changes back.
I think the problem with your approach is that you found your hammer (yesod forms library) and now looking for a nail.
You don't have to use every bit of yesod just because its there.

How to perform Drag & Drop between 2 webparts on same page in SP2010

I've 2 webparts on same page i want to perform drag & drop action in between these 2 webparts.
on Left side webpart i have Tree control having nodes & my use case is user can select a node from tree (from left side webpart) & will be able to drag -Drop that node on right webpart & there after i can perform my custom processing by using data associated with that node.
I'm not sure that this is possible. The native drag and drop will only allow you to move the entire webpart. I have read of some examples using javascript to handle dragging a file onto a web part, so it might be possible to accomplish what you are trying to achieve via javascript.
On the client side this is really two different chunks of css/javascript/html on a web page. Step back and factor out the SharePoint bits and imagine what you can do with drag and drop with just client side browser techniques. I'm no expert on this but you will find lots of examples of people doing things like this. The javascript of drop target should be able to see what you are sending to it and either handle it directly on the client or be able to raise events in the WebPart that force the PostBack to happen.
There's no standard solution to do this. Here's a custom solution that was created for SharePoint 2007, but it also works in SharePoint 2010: Extending ASP.NET Webparts: Cross-browser Drag and Drop functionality using JQuery

locate forms into view directory folder lotus notes

I created a form to display a specific report instead of a view. iwant the form to locate into the directory folder in which views located. for eg I have a view at 1. Reports\a. Quarterly Reports, I want the reports be to located at 1. Reports\b. No of Request per Country(this is the form). So that when I view the reports they are only in one location. Is this possible?
Ken has good points about the design of the solution. If you need more direct assistance, then I can offer the following solution.
As you're now using a variety of design elements. You need to unify it using a frameset and an outline. Framesets in Notes are the generally the same as their web counterpart. The great thing with Notes is that you can easily add this to your current design.
I would recommend the following order of tasks.
Create the outline. Instructions here
Create the frameset and connect the outline to it. Instructions here.
Set the database launch properties so the frameset loads up when people open the database. Instructions here.
Even though the links point to Lotus Notes version 6, the functionality is still applicable in version 7 and 8. The only other point I would make is that when you click on an outline element it needs to know where the target location to display the data. You define this on the frames in the framesets. Just look at the menu option "Frames" and select "Frame properties" or "Frameset properties" respectively.
You can use a Notes Outline to manage this. Set one up for your database, if you haven't already, and use it as your left-hand navigation in your frameset. If you aren't sure what I'm talking about, try creating a new database based on the Document Library template and take a look at the design. It'll have a frameset, and on the left frame it'll have a Notes Outline.
Once you have your database setup like that, you can control what the user sees in that outline by creating hierarchical outline entries. You can link views, pages, and forms to your outline entries and that way you can have your 1. Reports\a. Quarterly Reports view showing next to your 1. Reports\b.No of Request Per Country form (report).
Even better, you can use different names. Since an Outline manages its order, you don't need to name your entries 1., 2., etc to get them to show in a certain order. You can name them whatever you like and rearrange them in the Outline design screen.
