Looking up multiple values in a list - excel

I'm trying to select multiple values based on a search key. In it's most basic form there is no problem with this. I followed this example and everything went well:
The problem with this however is that in my case I have multiple CSV files (external) where some values in my A$ column look like this:
=- sometext // results into #NAME? error
Excel interprets these as a formulas where it is actually only supposed to be a string. Sure I could change it to text and save it again but I would like to avoid any manipulation in these CSV files.
I tried to extend the second IF statement (if you read it from left to right) with:
IF(AND($A$1:$A$7 <> "#NAME?", $A$1:$A$7=$A$10,ROW($A$1:$A$7)))
IF(AND(NOT(ISERROR($A$1:$A$7)), $A$1:$A$7=$A$10,ROW($A$1:$A$7)))
Both didn't work. (Sorry if I messed up some syntax and formula names, I'm using a different language version)
Here a small image of what's happening right now and how it should look:
On the right site you can see a list of values right next to Test1 which are missing on the left site due to the #NAME? error.

I would suggest opening the csv's files as text files. Selecting Comma as your delimiter and then select Text as your Column data format. This way, Excel will treat all your data as text and will not try to read =- sometext as a formula.
To do so, you would need to change your .csv files extension to .txt or anything else (even no file format).

Instead of "Opening" the CSV file, you can "Import" it. This will open the Text Import Wizard which will allow you to specify particular columns as Text. This is located in different areas in different versions of Excel. In Excel 2007, it is on the Data Tab / Get External Data / From Text. The example below demonstrates bringing in long numbers, but it should work just as well with your formula "lookalikes"


AnyLogic: False number format when exporting data to excel

I collect various data in time plots. If I copy the timeplot data and then paste it into Excel, the number format is often wrong. For example, I often get a date like Aug 94 instead of the actual number from the TimePlot. Unfortunately, I can't easily format this date into a number either, since the formatted number does not match the actual number from the timeplot. If I format the date in the same format as the number above and below, then I get the number 34547. However, this number does not correspond to the actual number of the TimePlot. Anyone know how I can prevent this problem?
You can only solve this on the Excel side, AnyLogic provides the raw data for you. Excel then interprets stuff. You can test it by pasting the chart raw data into a txt or csv file.
So either fix your Excel settings or paste into a csv, then into an xlsx.
Or better still: Do not manually paste at all. Instead, write your model results into the AnyLogic database and export to Excel from there: this takes away a lot of the pain for you. Check the example models to learn how to do that.
This is not AnyLogic question, rather an Excel & computer formatting problem. One way of resolving this is changing computer's date and time settings.
Another way is to save your output at txt file in AnyLogic. Replace all . with ,. Then open empty Excel, select Text format for the columns. Copy-paste from the txt file.
In Excel there are a few options
when you paste use paste as text only option
But this does not always work as Excel will still try to format the stuff for you
Use the Paste Special option and then choose text
Also possible this will not work, based on your Excel settings.
Paste using the text import wizard
(This works for me without fail)
On step 2 choose tab delimited
On step 3 choose Column format as text for every column (you need to select them in the little diagram below)
You will then see the data exactly as it came from AnyLogic. See the example below where I purposefully imported some text which has something that Excel will think is a date. You will now be able to see what in your data made Excel thing your data needed to be formatted the way it is and then you can fix it. (post a new question if you struggle with this conversion)
But as noted by other answers first prize is to write all the important data to external files. But I know that even I sometimes want to export data from a chart and review it in Excel. Option 3 works for me everytime

office 365 excel csv hyperlink not displaying correctly when imported to excel [duplicate]

Can Excel interpret the URLs in my CSV as hyperlinks? If so, how?
You can actually do this and have Excel show a clickable link. Use this format in the CSV file:
So the CSV would look like:
However, I'm trying to get some links with commas in them to work properly and it doesn't look like there's a way to escape them and still have Excel make the link clickable.
Does anyone know how?
With embedding the hyperlink function you need to watch the quotes. Below is an example of a CSV file created that lists an error and a link to view the documentation on the method that failed. (Bit esoteric but that's what I am working on)
"Details","Failing Method (click to view)"
"Method failed","=HYPERLINK(""http://some_url_with_documentation"",""Method_name"")"
I read all of these answers and some others but it still took a while to work it out in Excel 2014.
The result in the csv should look like this
Note: If you are trying to set this from MSSQL server then
'"=HYPERLINK(""http://www.' + baseurl + '.com"",""' + baseurl + '"")"' AS url
you can URL Encode your commas inside the URL so the URL is not split across multiple cells.
Just replace commas with %2c
Yes, but it's not possible to link them automatically. CSV files are just text files - whatever opens and reads them is responsible for allowing you to click the link.
As to how Excel seems to handle CSV files - everything between commas is interpreted as if it already had been typed into the cell. Therefore, the CSV file containing ="http://google.com",=A1 will display as http://google.com,http://google.com in Excel. It's important to note, however, that hyperlinks in Excel are metadata, and not the result of anything in the actual cell (ie, a hyperlinked cell to Google still contains http://google.com not <a>http://google.com</a> or anything of that sort.)
Since that's the case, and all metadata is lost when converting to a CSV, it's impossible to tell Excel you wish for something to be hyperlinked merely by changing the cell value. Normally, Excel interprets your input when you hit 'Enter' and links URLs then, but since CSV data is not being entered, but rather already exists, this does not happen.
Your best bet is to write some sort of addon or macro to run when you open up a CSV which parses every cell and hyperlinks them if they match a URL format.
Use this format:
=HYPERLINK(""http://stackoverflow.com"";""I love stackoverflow!"")
P.S. The same format works in LibreOffice Calc as well.
"=HYPERLINK(\"\" " + "http://www.mywebsite.com"+ "\"\")"
use this format before writing to CSV.
As described above, "=HYPERLINK(""http://www.google.com"", ""Google"")" is what worked for me.
However, In Excel Version 2204 Click to Run, I couldn't have leading white space.
For example;
FirstName, "=HYPERLINK(""http://www.google.com"", ""Google"")" fails
FirstName,"=HYPERLINK(""http://www.google.com"", ""Google"")" success
The issue here for me was that because a .CSV by it's nature is Comma separated, any commas in the text file are interpreted as separators. It worked for me by using tab characters as separators, saving it as a .TXT file so that when opened in EXCEL you choose the TAB character rather than ','.
In the text file …
## ensure that the file is TAB separated
Item 1 A file Name data.txt
Item 2 Col 2 =HYPERLINK("http:\www.ilexuk.com","ILEX")
"ILEX" then is shown in the cell and "http:\www.ilexuk.com" is the hyperlink for the cell.

Csv writer escape semicolon python [duplicate]

I am using Excel for Mac 2016 on macOS Sierra software. Although I have been successfully copying and pasting CSV files into excel for some time now, recently, they have begun to behave in an odd way. When I paste the data, the content of each row seems to split over many columns. Where as before one cell would have been able to contain many words, it seems now as though each cell is only able to contain one word, so it splits the content of what would normally be in one cell, over many cells, making some rows of data spread out over up to 100 columns!
I have tried Data tab>> From text>> which takes me through a Text Wizard. There I choose Delimited>> Choose Delimiters: Untick the 'Space' box ('Tab' box is still ticked)>> Column data as 'General'>> Finish. Following this process appears to import the data into its correct columns. It works. BUT, a lot of work to get there!
Question: Is there any way to change the default settings of Delimiters, so that the 'Space' delimiter does not automatically divide the data?
I found an answer! It has to do with the "Text to Columns" function:
The way fix this behavior is:
Select a non-empty cell
Do Data -> Text to Columns
Make sure to choose Delimited
Click Next >
Enable the Tab delimiter, disable all the others
Clear Treat consecutive delimiters as one
Click Cancel
Now try pasting your data again
I did the opposite regarding "consecutive delimiters"!
I put a tick in the box next to "Treat consecutive delimiters as one", and THEN it worked.
Choose delimiter directly in CSV file to open in Excel
For Excel to be able to read a CSV file with a field separator used in a given CSV file, you can specify the separator directly in that file. For this, open your file in any text editor, say Notepad, and type the below string before any other data:
To separate values with comma: sep=,
To separate values with semicolon: sep=;
To separate values with a pipe: sep=|
In a similar fashion, you can use any other character for the delimiter - just type the character after the equality sign.
For example, to correctly open a semicolon delimited CSV in Excel, we explicitly indicate that the field separator is a semicolon:

Excel pasting data issue

Hi all i have been conducting research using JNNS creating neural networks.
I have collected my results inside a result file and wish to create graphs with them to clearly present my findings in a report.
My issue is when pasting the result file contents (expected outputs and then actual outputs) into excel the whole set of results goes into the A1 column instead of spreading across multiple rows
Does anyone know how i would go about fixing this issue?
Example to aid question:
1.1 Expected result / actual result
0, 0, 1, 0
0.02501, 0.00013, 0.99952, 0
and pasting this into excel does this:
instead of this:
I am guessing your data is in a CSV format, do you have notepad++?
if you do open it there and click on the show all characters, i wanna know what do you have at the end of your lines CR or LF...
Thanks to OmarQA for the help, i needed to paste my data into a text file, replace all spaces with commas using the replace tool, then import data from text on excel and use comma as data separation and it solved the issue!
It might be that excel's not recognizing the proper delimiter when you're pasting you data. On Excel, select the cell with the entire text (in your picture, cell A1) and go to the Data tab. Look for a button called "Convert text to columns" or something like that. It will open a new window asking you for parameters (delimiters, if comma is a decimal separator, etc) and it gives you a preview of how your data is going to look like with that setting. Just mess around a little bit and you should get your data good to go. Looking at your picture, it might be possible that you didn't select "tab" as a delimiter.

pentaho report excel output - leading '0' gets truncated

I have a format issue with my pentaho report excel/csv output.
My report output contains zip code column, which has leading zeroes if the zip code length is less than 5. the leading zeroes get truncated when i open the report output in excel file. I used 'textfield' for the zipcode column, i even tried concatenating zeroes in my xaction sql. everything works fine if i open the output in a text editor, but when we open it in excel file the zero got trimmed.
can we prevent this trimming issue or can we use other data fields in design instead of text field.
Change the extension of your csv to .txt so you get Excel's dialogue boxes for importing text files; there you can select the comma as your column delimiter. On the third screen (after you hit "next" twice), there is an option to choose the formatting of each column. Select you zip code column, change it from "General" to "Text" format, and your leading zeroes will be retained.
use text formatting in the Home-->Number-->Special
Cannt paste imapge--> i guess not enough points
Hope it helps
I don't know whether it is proper or not but enclose field in Double quotes or single which ever you prefer..
quotes will not display in excel file format but it will display in textpad or notepad..
So it you don't have any problem in adding this extra thing then it will solve your problem.
What is the original data format in your DB? Is it an INT?
In your sql statement, try something like this (adjust for the relevant sql dialect, if necessary):
lpad(cast(zip as CHAR(5)),5,'0') zip
where zip is your field name.
Then use text-field as you are already doing.
