I want to achieve dependency between puppet classes, so that the classes (their content) get executed in a deterministic way. Reading the documentation I came up with the following two ways:
class Level1 {
package { "A":
ensure => "installed"
class Level2 {
include Level3
package { "B":
ensure => "installed"
class Level3 {
package { "C":
ensure => "installed"
according to the documentation
-> (ordering arrow) Causes the resource on the left to be applied before the resource on the right. Written with a hyphen and a
greater-than sign.
I expect the following to happen:
Level2 is called before Level1
package B or C get installed (order can be random because it was not specified)
package A gets installed.
class Level1 {
require Level2
package { "A":
ensure => "installed"
class Level2 {
require Level3
package { "B":
ensure => "installed"
class Level3 {
package { "C":
ensure => "installed"
According to the documentation
cause every resource in the required classes to be applied
before any of the resources in the requiring class.
I expect the following to happen:
Level3 is called by Level2
package C gets installed
Level2 is called by Level1
package B gets installed
package A gets installed
alternative ORDERING
class Level1 {
package { "A":
ensure => "installed"
class Level2 {
package { "B":
ensure => "installed"
class Level3 {
package { "C":
ensure => "installed"
level 1 is needed by level 2
level 2 is needed by level 3
package C gets installed
package B gets installed
package A gets installed
Are my assumptions and conclusions correct?
I've been messing with these kind of dependencies for a while now and they don't seem to behave how I imagine them to behave. Maybe I'm missing something when it comes to the usage of require and -> when used with classes. Any feedback is appreciated!!
staging seems to be a good mechanism for fixing the dependency between two classes (see here), since you have to manually define the stage dependencies between each class pair. How would you use staging with three or four class levels?
Consider this more realistic case, where classes a used as wrappers to install multiple packages at the same time.
Every node is loading some pre-defined role:
node 'some-host' {
include role::processing_machine
the role is defined as follows:
class role::processing_machine {
include role::ubuntu_desktop_standard_software
include xorg::lts_12_04_quantal
include software::standard_packages
# define order in which classes should be executed
Class["role::ubuntu_desktop_standard_software"] -> Class["xorg::lts_12_04_quantal"] -> Class["software::standard_packages"] -> Class["role::processing_machine"]
and here's the role::ubuntu_desktop_standard_software definition:
class role::ubuntu_desktop_standard_software {
include role
include profile::ubuntu_desktop
include role::server::no_apache
# define order in which classes should be executed.
Class["role"] -> Class["profile::ubuntu_desktop"] -> Class["role::server::no_apache"] -> Class["role::ubuntu_desktop_standard_software"]
As you can see, I'm trying to chain multiple classes so that they get executed in a particular order (Class["a"] -> Class["b"]). Previously I've only used include in my classes but puppet would execute the include commands in arbitrary order, so that some commands (which have to run first!) wouldn't run first.
Despite these chaining efforts it still seems like puppet is executing the classes random fashion. What am I doing wrong? Is there a cleaner / better way of defining nodes so that I can be sure they are deployed in a particular, predefined way?
Here is an example :
class L {
package { "C" :
ensure => installed,
require => Package["A", "B",],
package { "B" :
ensure => installed,
require => Package["A"],
package { "A" :
ensure => installed,
I'm learning puppet (v6), and trying to understand how to set class parameters when a specific node needs an additional parameter, but uses the same class. Maybe a little fuzzy on the terminology, but here's what I'm working on:
MyNode1 needs sshd configured to use a banner and timeout, so using ghoneycutt-ssh, I include the ssh class with parameters:
# Configures SSH
class MyModule::MySSH {
# Using ssh module
class { '::ssh':
sshd_client_alive_count_max => 0,
sshd_client_alive_interval => 900,
sshd_config_banner => '/etc/MyBanner.txt',
Now I have a second node MyNode2, which requires MySSH above, and also needs to disable forwarding. I started with something like this, where I define only the additional parameter in its own class:
class MyModule::MySSH_Node2 {
class { '::ssh':
sshd_allow_tcp_forwarding => 'no',
Then define MyNode2 to include both in my site definition, hoping that puppet merges my ::ssh definitions:
node MyNode1 {
include MyModule::MySSH
node MyNode2 {
include MyModule::MySSH
include MyModule::MySSH_Node2
I understand that the above example doesn't work due to error Duplicate declaration: Class[Ssh]. I also tried overriding the class with a new parameter:
class MyModule::MySSH_Node2 {
Class[ssh] {
sshd_allow_tcp_forwarding => 'no',
But it seems this is not allowed either: Error: Resource Override can only operate on resources, got: Class[ssh]-Type
I'm not sure what the best way to add parameters is. I know I can create a manifest that includes all the parameters needed for this node and apply that instead, but then I end up with duplicate code everywhere.
Is there a reasonable way in modern puppet to assign and merge class parameters like this in puppet?
I am trying to build a module that uses the usual install->config->service pattern but with a twist. After the service starts there is more configuration done via an admin API. Unfortunately the vendor product also then requires some of the results of that API invocation to be edited into some config XML files which requires a service restart. So I have install->config->service->admin->service which is of course a dependency loop. Is there a clean way to do this? I've resorted to having to exec{'/sbin/service ... restart'} in the admin class. Not clean at all:
anchor { 'pingfederate::begin': } ->
class { '::pingfederate::install': } ->
class { '::pingfederate::config': } ~>
class { '::pingfederate::service': } ->
class { '::pingfederate::admin': } ->
anchor { 'pingfederate::end': }
and then exec {'/sbin/service pingfederate restart':}
See https://github.com/n2ygk/puppet-pingfederate
I need to execute something as the very last thing of a puppet apply run. I tried to do that by defining a stage 'last', but the syntax restrictions on declaring a class in resource mode are a problem.
Is there a good way to use stages like this? Or is there some other way to make sure some class is executed last?
for example, this gives me an error for a duplicate declaration(sometimes, and I'm not sure why at this point):
class xyz::firstrun {
exec { 'exec_firstrun':
onlyif => '/usr/bin/test -e /tmp/firstrun.sh',
command => '/tmp/firstrun.sh',
path => ['/usr/bin/','/usr/sbin'],
creates => '/tmp/firstrun.done',
class { 'xyz::firstrun':
stage => last,
Sometimes, the firstrun class runs without error, but in the main stage.
I'm not a big fan of run stages, but they are the the right tool for this job. It's a bit unclear exactly what gives you the duplicate declaration error you describe, but if, for example, your class definition and class declaration both appear in the same file, then that might be a problem.
Here's how a solution using run stages might look:
class site::stages {
stage { 'last':
# Stage['main'] does not itself need to be declared
require => Stage['main'],
class xyz::firstrun {
exec { 'exec_firstrun':
onlyif => '/usr/bin/test -e /tmp/firstrun.sh',
command => '/tmp/firstrun.sh',
path => ['/usr/bin/','/usr/sbin'],
creates => '/tmp/firstrun.done',
node 'foobar.my.com' {
include 'site::stages'
include 'something::else'
# Must use a resource-like declaration to assign a class to a stage
class { 'xyz::firstrun':
stage => 'last'
Note that although include-like class declarations are generally to be preferred, you must use a resource-like declaration to assign a class to a non-default stage. You must therefore also be careful to avoid declaring such classes more than once.
You can use puppet relationship and ordering to do this.
(1) If you want to execute the entire class at the end, you can include your class in init.pp and user ordering arrow (->) to execute it after all other classes.
file: /etc/puppet/modules/tomcat/init.pp
class tomcat {
include ::archive
include ::stdlib
class { '::tomcat::tomcatapiconf': }->
class { '::tomcat::serverconfig': }
(2) If you want a specific resource in a class to execute at the end, you can use the same arrow (->) within the class or use before or require in the resource
file { '/etc/profile.d/settomcatparam.sh':
ensure => file,
before => File_line['/etc/profile.d/settomcatparam.sh'],
file_line { '/etc/profile.d/settomcatparam.sh':
path => '/etc/profile.d/settomcatparam.sh',
ine => 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usrdata/apps/sysapps/apr/lib:/usrdata/apps/sysapps/apr-util/lib:/usrdata/apps/sysapps/tomcat-native/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH',
exec { 'configure apr-util':
cwd => "/tmp/apr-util-${tomcat::aprutilversion}/",
command => "bash -c './configure --prefix=/usrdata/apps/sysapps/apr-util --with-apr=/usrdata/apps/sysapps/apr'",
} ->
exec { 'make apr-util':
cwd => "/tmp/apr-util-${tomcat::aprutilversion}/",
command => 'make',
You can also use combination of before, require and ->. Just make sure you don't create a dependency cycle.
I have a couple hosts which have Docker containers on them, so I've defined a class called apps::docker which installs Docker on the hosts:
class apps::docker {
include apps::docker::repository, apps::docker::install,
Class["Apps::Docker::Repository"] ->
Class["Apps::Docker::Install"] ->
Package["Docker"] ~> Service["Docker"]
class apps::docker::repository {
apt::source { 'docker':
location => "http://get.docker.io/ubuntu",
key => "A88D21E9",
release => "docker",
repos => "main",
include_src => false
class apps::docker::install {
package { 'docker':
name => "lxc-docker",
ensure => present
class apps::docker::service {
service { 'docker':
provider => 'upstart',
enable => true,
ensure => running,
hasrestart => true,
hasstatus => true
Pretty simple stuff, actually.
The problem is that when I try to define a class which depends on this class, the execution happens out of order and commands fail. For example, my class profiles::shiningstar::containers depends on apps::docker as defined in profiles::shiningstar:
class profiles::shiningstar {
include apps::docker
include profiles::shiningstar::containers
Class["Apps::Docker"] -> Class["Profiles::Shiningstar::Containers"]
Unfortunately, this doesn't work as seen below:
Error: /Stage[main]/Profiles::Shiningstar::Containers::Puppetmaster::Pull/Docker::Image[rfkrocktk/puppetmaster:1.0.5]/Exec[docker pull rfkrocktk/puppetmaster:1.0.5]: Could not evaluate: Could not find command 'docker'
... (similar errors)
Notice: /Stage[main]/Apps::Docker::Repository/Apt::Source[docker]/Apt::Key[Add key: A88D21E9 from Apt::Source docker]/Apt_key[Add key: A88D21E9 from Apt::Source docker]/ensure: created
It's executing things completely out of order. What's wrong with my configuration and how can I specify that ALL of the dependencies of apps::docker must be satisfied before profiles::shiningstar::containers?
You probably want to contain the inner classes instead of just including them.
class apps::docker {
contain apps::docker::repository
contain apps::docker::install
contain apps::docker::service
Note that it makes sense (in your case at least) to make the ::install class as a whole notify all of the ::service class. The makes you more flexible in refactoring the respective implementation of those classes.
Edited after first comment - don't try to put chaining arrows between contain statements.
You should use an anchor, that will ensure that all dependencies are built
class apps::docker {
include apps::docker::repository, apps::docker::install,
Class["Apps::Docker::Repository"] ->
Class["Apps::Docker::Install"] ->
Class["Apps::Docker::Service"] ->
Package["Docker"] ~> Service["Docker"]
I want to override parameters of base nodes. What I want to get is a pattern like this:
# File manifests/nodes.pp
node myDefault {
class { 'my::common::puppet_setup':
service => 'enable',
pushable => 'disable',
# Do lots of default things ...
node 'myFirstNode' inherits myDefault {
# Do something ...
node 'mySecondNode' inherits myDefault {
class { 'my::common::puppet_setup::params':
service => 'disable',
pushable => 'enable',
I understood the the puppet documentation, i could do this by writing my module like this:
# File modules/my/manifests/common/puppet_setup.pp
class my::common::puppet_setup (
$pushable = $my::common::puppet_setup::params::pushable,
$service = $my::common::puppet_setup::params::service,
) inherits my::common::puppet_setup::params {
# package that configures puppet node
# input value validation
validate_re($pushable, ['^enable$', '^disable$', '^ignore$', ])
validate_re($service, ['^enable$', '^disable$', '^ignore$', '^cron$', ])
# setup puppet, start or disable agent, put ssh keys for push ...
class my::common::puppet_setup::params {
$pushable = 'enable'
$service = 'enable'
$puppetserver = 'puppet.my.site.de'
case $::osfamily {
'Debian': {
default: {
fail("not implemented yet for {::operatingsystem}")
The Documentations on puppet website says:
When a derived class is declared, its base class is automatically declared first (if it wasn’t already declared elsewhere).
But i get this error (some indentation added):
mySecondNode# puppet agent --test --environment dev_my
Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server:
Error 400 on SERVER: Duplicate declaration:
Class[My::Common::Puppet_setup::Params] is already declared;
cannot redeclare at /.../puppet/manifests/nodes.pp:16 on node mySecondNode
Warning: Not using cache on failed catalog
Error: Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run
I'm reading on this for a week and i guess my understanding ist totally wrong somewhere, although i used the puppetlabs ntp modules as an example.
what am i missing?
You should check Inheritance section from http://docs.puppetlabs.com/puppet/latest/reference/lang_node_definitions.html
Puppet treats node definitions like classes. It does not mash the two together and then compile the mix; instead, it compiles the base class, then compiles the derived class, which gets a parent scope and special permission to modify resource attributes from the base class.
One of the good solutions is to use roles and profiles, there's a great blog post about it:
You can use virtual resources :